الأربعاء، 26 سبتمبر 2018
Explicación del hadiz # 10 del libro “Los cuarenta Hadices” - Español - Muhammad Isa Garcia
Explicación del hadiz # 10 del libro “Los cuarenta Hadices” - Español - Muhammad Isa Garcia: El Sheij Isa García explica el Hadiz # 10 del libro “Los cuarenta Hadices” cuyo texto es:
“Por cierto que Allah, el altísimo, es bondadoso, y no admite sino lo bueno, y por cierto que Allah ha ordenado a los creyentes lo mismo que ordenó a los mensajeros”. Dice el Altísimo: “Oh Mensajeros, comed de lo bueno y obrar el bien...” Y dice también: “Oh vosotros que creéis, comed de las cosas buenas con que os hemos proveído.” Luego mencionó al hombre que durante su largo trayecto, despeinado y polvoriento, levantando sus manos hacia el cielo dice implorando: “¡Señor! ¡Señor!” Pero su comida es ilícita, su bebida es ilícita, su vestimenta es ilícita, y se ha alimentado con lo ilícito, ¿cómo pretende que se le responda?”.
“Por cierto que Allah, el altísimo, es bondadoso, y no admite sino lo bueno, y por cierto que Allah ha ordenado a los creyentes lo mismo que ordenó a los mensajeros”. Dice el Altísimo: “Oh Mensajeros, comed de lo bueno y obrar el bien...” Y dice también: “Oh vosotros que creéis, comed de las cosas buenas con que os hemos proveído.” Luego mencionó al hombre que durante su largo trayecto, despeinado y polvoriento, levantando sus manos hacia el cielo dice implorando: “¡Señor! ¡Señor!” Pero su comida es ilícita, su bebida es ilícita, su vestimenta es ilícita, y se ha alimentado con lo ilícito, ¿cómo pretende que se le responda?”.
Dua For Removing Evil Eye | About Islam
Dua For Removing Evil Eye | About Islam: This dua will remove the evil eye and the negative affects it brings with it. It is recited throughout and has English translation.
سيد الاستغفار
د. عائض بن عبدالله القرني
إن العبد بين نعمة وذنب ولهذا جاء في الحديث: "وأبوء بنعمتك عليّ وأبوء بذنبي"
فالنعمة من الله والذنب من العبد منجاته في التوحيد والاستغفار.
فالنعمة من الله والذنب من العبد منجاته في التوحيد والاستغفار.
ذكر عظيم
د. عائض بن عبدالله القرني
اللهم من قال هذا الذكر ونشره فاغفر ذنبه واشرح صدره ويسّر أمره:
"لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له, له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير".
"لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له, له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير".
Is there forgiveness for every sin? - Q&A - Mohammad Hoblos
Is there forgiveness for every sin? - Q&A - Mohammad Hoblos: If you have committed sins in your life that is between you and Allah and between you and a person. Does Allah forgive each and every sins you have committed?...
То, что делают шииты в День ‘Ашура – это нововведение и заблуждение - Русский - Мухаммад Салих аль-Мунаджид
То, что делают шииты в День ‘Ашура – это нововведение и заблуждение - Русский - Мухаммад Салих аль-Мунаджид: Ответ на вопрос: Я живу в Дубаи. Здесь у нас много шиитов. Они постоянно говорят, что то, что они делают 9-го и 10-го числа месяца Мухаррам, ни о чем, кроме как об их любви к Хусейну, не свидетельствует. Говорят, что это как слова Йа’куба: “«Как я горюю по Йусуфу!» И побелели глаза его от скорби, и стал он полным сдерживаемого гнева. [Сыновья же] сказали: «Клянёмся Аллахом, [если не] прекратишь [так] вспоминать Йусуфа, то ты либо тяжело заболеешь, либо погубишь себя». [Йа’куб] сказал: «Поистине, я жалуюсь о своём горе и печали Аллаху и знаю от Аллаха то, чего вы не знаете” (Св. Коран, 12: 84 – 86). Прошу дать по возможности ответ, допускается ли нанесение побоев себе по груди или нет?
Eeman Boosters to Nourish your Soul - IOU Blog
Eeman Boosters to Nourish your Soul - IOU Blog: Distress, anxiety, joys, fear, worries and happiness: different facets that make up this mesmerizing sojourn called “life”. There are moments where you relish the joys and happiness with every breath you take. And then, there are moments when the human soul, weak in its creation but as mighty as it thinks of itself, tries to shred realities and instead, buries itself into worldly deceptions. In this article, let us undertake a journey that would help us free our hearts from worries, let us perform tiny little acts that could weigh heavy on our scale of good deeds, helping us have an eeman high, in sha Allah.
Everyone has a past.
Dr. Bilal Philips مع Ishika Jahan.
Everyone has a past. Everyone commits sins. The best of sinners are those who repent. Give people a chance.
The Prophet ﷺ said, "ALL of Aadam's descendants frequently commit errors/sins and the best of frequent sinners are those who frequently repent." (Sahih at-Tirmithi) #Repent
"الحمد لله"
د. عائض بن عبدالله القرني
فكر في كل نعمة لله عليك من إسلام وسلامة وعافية وصحة وعقل وجوارح ورزق وذرية وسكن وأمن وكرر "الحمد لله"
Can any Christian answer me?
Udontno Iroyo
Can any Christian answer me?
Question: If Jesus is God and mary is his mom then why are you afraid to say that Mary is the mother of God?
Question: If Jesus is God and mary is his mom then why are you afraid to say that Mary is the mother of God?
Christian should read their Bible & seek clarification from Quran
Udontno Iroyo
Christian should read their Bible & seek clarification from Quran because The quran was sent for them... more than 1/3rd of quran is for the Christian & Bani Israel
( 22 things you must do with your wife )
Revert Muslims مع Mariyam Malik و٣٤ آخرين.
( 22 things you must do with your wife )
( 22 things you must do with your wife )
1. Call her with sweet nicknames(the prophet use to call Aisha "Aish").
2.Play with her, any halal game at all (the prophet use to race with Aisha) and Allah loves it when a husband plays with his wife.
3. Treat her kindly and offer her everything that will soften her heart towards you (its a warning from the prophet on his last sermon at arafat)
4.Buy her gifts sometimes even if is toffee (they love to be treated like a baby)
5. Never have intercourse with her without a "messenger" eg. kisses and always make sure she is satisfied (Recommended by the prophet)
6. Help her in domestic activities eg. Cooking, washing, tiding up the room, etc, anytime you are available (it's sunnah)
7. Honor her parents and buy them presents sometimes.
8. Appreciate the good things she has been doing for you and be thanking her for that always. Allah says; He who does not thank people does not thank me.
9. Let her know how much she means to you, how much you Love her and how lucky you are to have her.
10. Be carrying her to bed sometimes like a baby.
11. Before criticising her, praise her first.
12. Make yourself attractive to her always by smelling good (both mouth and body, its sunnah).
13. Chat with her sometimes when you are together.
14. Phone to tell her, "I miss U" ,"I love U" when you are at work.
15. Be doing things together with her, e.g. Cooking, eating, bathing janabah, reading quran, etc
16. Dont Reveal her fault in the presents of others.
17. Teach her about the deen what she dont know and encourage her on matters of the deen.
18. Avoid hitting, beating or harming her (it's not Islam)
19. Encourage her to be wearing Hijab (its compulsory), praying the five times salat at its fixed times and be fasting in the month of ramadan.
20. Thank Allah for the Hauwa of your Life.
21. Always remember her in your duaa (prayers).
22. Be the path she will pass to JANNAH.
Yah Allah give all muslim men the understanding and patience they will need to take good care of their wives.
Share with your male contacts..., and the women too so they'll also appreciate their husbands.
Share with your male contacts..., and the women too so they'll also appreciate their husbands.
May Allah accept all our prayers.
Equilibrio e integridad en la vida del musulmán - Español - Muhammad Isa Garcia
Equilibrio e integridad en la vida del musulmán - Español - Muhammad Isa Garcia: Estudio sobre el concepto islámico del carácter íntegro y equilibrado que debe tener el musulmán, y nuestras responsabilidades hacia la nación musulmana y hacia el país donde vivimos como herramienta para erradicar el pensamiento extremista y la violencia.
زوجي يهينني ولا ينفق علي، فهل تجب علي طاعته؟ - خالد عبد المنعم الرفاعي - طريق الإسلام
زوجي يهينني ولا ينفق علي، فهل تجب علي طاعته؟ - خالد عبد المنعم الرفاعي - طريق الإسلام: سيدة متزوجة تشكو زوجها الخائن العاطل، الذي قصَّر في حقِّها وخانها وآذاها كثيراً، وبعد أن أبعدته من بيتها تسأل: هل من الواجب عليها طاعته؟
Hadith - Book of Model Behavior of the Prophet (Kitab Al-Sunnah) - Sunan Abi Dawud - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
Hadith - Book of Model Behavior of the Prophet (Kitab Al-Sunnah) - Sunan Abi Dawud - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم): Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) in English and Arabic
A BALANCED DIET - PRESCRIBED IN THE QURAN - ISLAMIC PREACHER: www.islamicpreacher.org has been launched with a noble intention to aware the people across the World about the teachings of Islam.
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