الاثنين، 5 سبتمبر 2022

Islamic Content & Goals of EIECC - YouTube

Islamic Content & Goals of EIECC - YouTube

La Coesione Sociale nell’Islam (parte 1 di 3): Legami di Fede - La religione dell'Islam

La Coesione Sociale nell’Islam (parte 1 di 3): Legami di Fede - La religione dell'Islam: Stabilire le basi per una coesione nella società. Questo sito web è per persone di fedi diverse che cercano di capire l'Islam e i musulmani.   Esso contiene un sacco di brevi articoli, ma informativi sui diversi aspetti dell'Islam.   I nuovi articoli vengono aggiunti ogni settimana.   Inoltre, è dotato di Live Help tramite chat.

イスラームにおける社会的連帯(上):信仰の絆 - イスラームという宗教

イスラームにおける社会的連帯(上):信仰の絆 - イスラームという宗教: 社会に連帯の基礎を築くこととは。 このサイトは、様々な信仰を持つ人々がイスラームとムスリムへの理解を深めることの出来るためのものです。 イスラームにおける多様な側面についての簡潔な記事が多く掲載されています。 新しい記事は毎週掲載されます。 また、チャット形式によるライブ・ヘルプも含まれています。

The Sunnah the Better - YouTube

The Sunnah the Better - YouTube: Sheikh Wasim Kempson was born and raised in London U.K he accepted Islam in 1994, three years later he went on to study at Madinah University. He studied the...

伊斯兰的社会凝聚力(1/3): 信仰纽带 - 文章

伊斯兰的社会凝聚力(1/3): 信仰纽带 - 文章: 社会凝聚力的基础。 本站的宗旨是帮助人们了解伊斯兰和穆斯林.  它包含伊斯兰方方面面的信息资料.  每周将会添加新文章. 同时设有在线聊天服务。

هه‌موو بابه‌ته‌كان - IslamHouse.com

هه‌موو بابه‌ته‌كان - IslamHouse.com: IslamHouse.com

Kevin Hart Becomes Puppet for Gambling Industry while Khabib Nurmagomedov Says No! - YouTube

Kevin Hart Becomes Puppet for Gambling Industry while Khabib Nurmagomedov Says No! - YouTube

Coesão Social no Islã (parte 1 de 3): Vínculos de Fé - A religião do Islã

Coesão Social no Islã (parte 1 de 3): Vínculos de Fé - A religião do Islã: Estabelecimento da base para coesão dentro da sociedade. Este site é para pessoas de várias crenças que buscam entender o Islã e os muçulmanos.  Contém muitos artigos breves mas informativos sobre aspectos diferentes do Islã.  Novos artigos são acrescentados toda semana.  Também apresenta um chat de Ajuda Online.

Внутриобщественные отношения в Исламе: узы религии (часть 1 из 3) - Религия Ислам

Внутриобщественные отношения в Исламе: узы религии (часть 1 из 3) - Религия Ислам: Основа для связей в обществе. Этот сайт предназначен как для начинающих мусульман, так и для представителей других религий. Здесь Вы найдете много кратких, но в тоже время очень познавательных статей о различных аспектах Ислама. Сайт обновляется еженедельно. Также мы предоставляем возможность получения консультаций в режиме реального времени.

Sozialer Zusammenhalt im Islam (teil 1 von 3): Verbindung des Glaubens - Die Religion des Islam

Sozialer Zusammenhalt im Islam (teil 1 von 3): Verbindung des Glaubens - Die Religion des Islam: Die Grundlage für Zusammenhalt in der Gesellschaft legen.   Diese Web site ist für Menschen unterschiedlichen Glaubens, die den Islam und die Muslime verstehen möchten. Sie enthält zahlreiche kurze informative Artikel über verschiedene Aspekte des Islam.  Jede Woche kommen neue Artikel hinzu.

God Allah - Does It Mean God?

God Allah - Does It Mean God?

ترجمات معاني القرآن – مجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف qurancomplex.gov.sa/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/new.png

ترجمات معاني القرآن – مجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف

Guia para o novo muçulmano - Português

Guia para o novo muçulmano - Português

THE 70K FOLLOWERS WHO WILL ENTER JANNAH WITH SHINING FACES | Matters of the Heart | Sh Salim Al Amry - YouTube

THE 70K FOLLOWERS WHO WILL ENTER JANNAH WITH SHINING FACES | Matters of the Heart | Sh Salim Al Amry - YouTube: Matters of the Heart episode 90 - by Sheikh Salim al Amry (UAE)Free & available for all but this is a course you must register as an Amanah. www.Alfitrah.co...

𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬


𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬
Throughout the Old Testament, more than three thousand (3000) PERSONAL SINGULAR PRONOUNS (I, ME, HE, HIM, HIS) are used for God, each of which testifies that God is A SINGLE PERSON not more!
None of these SINGULAR personal pronouns could be used for three distinct persons. Three persons can not refer to themselves as "I" or "Me" or "He" or "Him" etc in the rules of language.
In the book of Isaiah: "....besides ME there is no God..." (Isaiah 45:5)
So, God is a SINGLE PERSON and besides him there is no other God!
Deuteronomy 32:39 says:
"See now that I, I am He, And there is no god besides Me; It is I who put to death and give life"
Here again For is a SINGLE PERSON (ME) and there is none besides HIM!
Isaiah 43:10 says:
"Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me."
So, God is ever a SINGLE PERSON!
Isaiah 44:8 says:
".... Is there any God besides Me, Or is there any other Rock? I know of none.'"
Here, God Himself says He knows of NO any other God besides Him, a SINGLE PERSON GOD! Or could you dare claim to know some other two persons (Jesus and holy ghost) each fully God besides the SINGLE PERSON GOD?!
These singular personal pronouns, describing God as a single divine Person occur constantly, repeatedly, and uniformly across the pages of the Bible.
They ought to convince a Bible reader that God is a single Person, not two Persons, not Three or more Persons.
قد تكون صورة ‏‏شخص واحد‏ و‏تحتوي على النص '‏‎"Jesus is not the God of Israel... He is not Yahweh." Prof. James D G. "Jimmy" Dunn, leading New Testament scholar & foremost Christological author for the last 40 years.‎‏'‏‏
أنت و٨ أشخاص آخرين
٧ مشاركات

Muhammad - Prophet of Islam

Muhammad - Prophet of Islam

La cohésion sociale en islam (partie 1 de 3) : Les liens de la foi - La religion de l'Islam

La cohésion sociale en islam (partie 1 de 3) : Les liens de la foi - La religion de l'Islam: Établir les bases de la cohésion au sein d’une société. Ce site s'adresse à des gens de confessions diverses qui cherchent à comprendre l'islam et les musulmans.  Il contient plusieurs courts articles d'information traitant de divers aspects de l'islam.  De nouveaux articles sont ajoutés chaque semaine. De plus, il offre un service d'aide en direct par l'intermédiaire du clavardage.

La cohesión social en el Islam (parte 1 de 3): Lazos de fe - La religión del Islam

La cohesión social en el Islam (parte 1 de 3): Lazos de fe - La religión del Islam: Estableciendo las bases para la cohesión dentro de la sociedad. Esta página web es para personas de diversas religiones que buscan entender el Islam y a los musulmanes.  Contiene numerosos artículos informativos, y resúmenes sobre diferentes aspectos del Islam.  Cada semana, se publican nuevos artículos.

Societal Cohesion in Islam (part 1 of 3): Bonds of Faith - The Religion of Islam

Societal Cohesion in Islam (part 1 of 3): Bonds of Faith - The Religion of Islam: SOCIETAL COHESION IN ISLAM (PART 1 OF 3): BONDS OF FAITH

مقامك الحقيقي عند الله، ( الحقيقة التي يجهلها الكثير ) د. محمد سعود الرشيدي - YouTube

مقامك الحقيقي عند الله، ( الحقيقة التي يجهلها الكثير ) د. محمد سعود الرشيدي - YouTube: ◄ إشترك الان : https://goo.gl/Feq6Ei لا تنسى تفعيل جرس الاشعارات ليصلك كل جديد .◄ قناتنا الرسمية : https://www.youtube.com/knowislam77◄ قناتنا الثانية : http...

How Does a Muslim Get Married? | About Islam

How Does a Muslim Get Married? | About Islam: In order for a marriage to be successful, it needs to start with a sound choice. So you need to set your priorities straight and start off with looking for...

Jurisprudence of Islamic Endowment - The Religion of Islam

Jurisprudence of Islamic Endowment - The Religion of Islam: JURISPRUDENCE OF ISLAMIC ENDOWMENT

Forgive Me, Allah - Nasheed From Omar Esa | About Islam

Forgive Me, Allah - Nasheed From Omar Esa | About Islam: Forgive me Allah is a beautiful nasheed without music from Omar Esa who will touch those who are seeking forgiveness from Allah.

Ahmed Deedat demolishes Christianity in only 8 minutes - YouTube

Ahmed Deedat demolishes Christianity in only 8 minutes - YouTube: Whatsapp Calls:+1 347 806 0025+1 361 489 1503 Land Line: +2 0100 5469 323+2 02 38555 134

Sheikh Yusuf Estes Recite ON TV 2022 - YouTube

Sheikh Yusuf Estes Recite ON TV 2022 - YouTube: Please donate towards Da'wah in New Zealand: https://www.gofundme.com/dawahnewzealand

Al-Malik الملك - The King - YouTube

Al-Malik الملك - The King - YouTube: Please donate towards Da'wah in New Zealand: https://www.gofundme.com/dawahnewzealand

Enciclopedia del Sagrado Corán

Enciclopedia del Sagrado Corán

Jesus was a Perfect Servant of God

 Jesus was a Perfect Servant of God

‏‎Quran The Final Testament‎‏ مع ‏‎Anwar Botha‎‏.‏3 سبتمبر، 2012‏، الساعة ‏09:00 م‏ ·

Jesus was a Perfect Servant of God
[Based on Authentic Facts]

It will be quickly obvious that they often referred to him as a servant of God, but never Son of God.

Peter, for example, said:

“The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus” (Acts 3:13).

Peter further said: “God raised up his servant” (Acts 3:26), where the title servant refers to Jesus.

圣训: 男女信士将一直接受有关他自己、子女和财产的考验,直到与真主相见,他没有任何罪行。 - 圣训翻译百科全书

圣训: 男女信士将一直接受有关他自己、子女和财产的考验,直到与真主相见,他没有任何罪行。 - 圣训翻译百科全书

Report: 'Christianity is Literally Dying'; Islam to Become Biggest Faith | CBN News

Report: 'Christianity is Literally Dying'; Islam to Become Biggest Faith | CBN News

Enciklopedia e Kuranit Fisnik

Enciklopedia e Kuranit Fisnik

LIVE - Huda Streaming on youtube - YouTube

LIVE - Huda Streaming on youtube - YouTube: Voice of Islam Trust (VOI), a non-profit and voluntary charitable Organisation in New Zealand, formed in the year 2004. VOI delivers the message of Islam bas...

نصيحة اليوم | لا تذل نفسك | الشيخ عثمان الخميس - YouTube

نصيحة اليوم | لا تذل نفسك | الشيخ عثمان الخميس - YouTube

Sifatu Salaati Nabi - Soomaali - Muxamed Cabdi Umal

Sifatu Salaati Nabi - Soomaali - Muxamed Cabdi Umal: duruus taxane ah oo ku saabsan sharaxa kitaabka SIFATU AS- SALAATI AN-NABIYI- scw. oo uu qoray sheesh albaani, kitaabka waxa uu si fiican u sharaxayaa sidii uu nabigu tukan jiray salaada

Dhibaatada ka dhalan karta salaada jimcaha iyo ta casar oo laga tago - Soomaali

Dhibaatada ka dhalan karta salaada jimcaha iyo ta casar oo laga tago - Soomaali