الجمعة، 4 مارس 2022
30 Hilarious Pictures That Prove Cats Are The Biggest Jerks To Dogs
30 Hilarious Pictures That Prove Cats Are The Biggest Jerks To Dogs: If you are raising both cats and dogs, you must see some scenes that prove cats are the biggest jerks to dogs. They are smaller in size but prefer acting like the boss of the gang. While some cats and dogs get along so well, it’s quite normal to see...
Biblical fabricators claims that birth of a daughter is double polluted and its a loss
Women who have given birth to a boy are ritually unclean for 40 days. If the baby is a girl, the mother is unclean for 80 days. (Leviticus 12:1-5)
This monstrous saying shows that giving birth to a girl is twice as polluting as is giving birth to a boy.
Correction: In Islam, the birth of a daughter is equal to a birth of a son; the Holy Quran corrects the perception in the Bible that the birth of a daughter is more polluted or evil than the birth of a son. God reiterates for us what evil men used to do:
“When news is brought to one of them, of (the birth of) a female (child), his face darkens, and he is filled with inward grief!”
“With shame does he hide himself from his people, because of the bad news he has had! Shall he retain it on (sufferance and) contempt, or bury it in the dust? Ah! what an evil (choice) they decide on?” (Quran 16:58-59)
Hence, female children are not shameful or dirtier than male children are, in fact, both births are equal:
“To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills (and plans). He bestows (children) male or female according to His Will (and Plan),” (Quran 42:49)
Hence, a birth of a girl or a boy is equal blessings from God.
Birth of a Daughter is a loss
Many Catholics consider the birth of a daughter to be a great loss. In the Catholic Bible, Apocrypha, Book of Ecclesiasticus, it says, “The Birth of a Daughter is a loss” (Ecclesiastics 22:3).
Correction: God clarifies within the Quran, in His guidance to all of humanity that boys and girls are born equal and that those who assume that having a daughter is a shameful loss are wrong:
“When news is brought to one of them, of (the birth of) a female (child), his face darkens, and he is filled with inward grief!”
“With shame does he hide himself from his people, because of the bad news he has had! Shall he retain it on (sufferance and) contempt, or bury it in the dust? Ah! what an evil (choice) they decide on?” (Quran 16:58-59)
Hence, female children are not less than male children are, in fact, both births are equal:
“To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills (and plans). He bestows (children) male or female according to His Will (and Plan),” (Quran 42:49)
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