الأربعاء، 20 نوفمبر 2019
Wronging others has heavy consequences:
Mohsin Hasan Mumtaz
Wronging others has heavy consequences:
Sufyaan Ath-Thawri said: ❝If you meet Allah with 70 sins between you and Him, it is less severe than to meet Him with a sin between you and the other slaves.❞
Sufyaan Ath-Thawri said: ❝If you meet Allah with 70 sins between you and Him, it is less severe than to meet Him with a sin between you and the other slaves.❞
IslamHouse.com » বাংলা » প্রথম পাতা
IslamHouse.com » বাংলা » প্রথম পাতা: IslamHouse.com » বাংলা » প্রথম পাতা
হে আমার মেয়ে - বাংলা - আলী আত তানতাবী
হে আমার মেয়ে - বাংলা - আলী আত তানতাবী: বাবার নিকট সন্তানই সবচেয়ে দামি, যা বলার অপেক্ষা রাখে না। অতএব, স্নেহময় বাবা যখন সন্তানকে উপদেশ দেয়, চূড়ান্ত সত্য কথাই বলে পরিপূর্ণ নিষ্ঠার সাথে, যা তার জ্ঞান ও অভিজ্ঞতা নিংড়ানো। এমন এক স্নেহময় পিতা মিসরের আলী আত-তানতাওয়ী। তিনি নিজের ছেলে-মেয়ের উদ্দেশ্যে দু’টি উপদেশ প্রদান করেন: ‘হে আমার মেয়ে’ ও ‘হে আমার ছেলে’ নামক দু’টি প্রবন্ধে, যেন তারা শয়তানি ফাঁদে প্রতারিত না হয়, নিজের করণীয় ও সফলতা সম্পর্কে সজাগ থাকে এবং অপরের জন্য হয় আলোকবর্তিকা। এখানে ‘হে আমার মেয়ে’ প্রবন্ধটি অনুবাদ করে পেশ করা হয়েছে।
"Reasons Why You Should Not Celebrate Maulud Nabi :
1 Mina Samir
"Reasons Why You Should Not Celebrate Maulud Nabi :
( The birthday of prophet muhammmad ( pbuh )
♦️Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alaiwasallaam) said, "Stick to my sunnah and the sunnah of my rightly guided Caliphs, beware of Newly invented matters, for every new matter is Bid'ah and every Bid'ah is misleading. ABU DAWOOD (Book ,40,
Hadith ,4590)
Hadith ,4590)
♦️Every Religious Innovation Is A Misguidance And Every Misguidance Goes To Hell-fire. ~(Sahih Muslim)
♦️1. Maulud is not in Islamic Shariah, it was later introduced by Shia Fatimid in Egypt.
♦️2. Historians differed about the date of birth of Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Some said it's in Ramadan, some in Shabaan and Some said its in Rabi ul awal.
♦️2. Historians differed about the date of birth of Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Some said it's in Ramadan, some in Shabaan and Some said its in Rabi ul awal.
♦️3. How can a Muslim rejoice and have party when on 12th Rabi al Awal our prophet died?
♦️4. Birthday celebration have pagan roots. Celebrating birthdays is not allowed at all.
♦️5. This celebration is neither from Sunnah nor Quran. Anything that is not part of these two can not be part of Islam.
♦️- Allah says in Surah al Maidah, Ayah 3. "This day I have perfected your religion for you." When Islam is perfect and complete then who gave the authority to these Shia and Sufi people to introduce new things in Islam?
♦️- Celebarating maulud is imitation of Christians and Jews. Jews celebarate birthday of Uzair, Christians celebarate birthday of prophet Eesa( pbuh )
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was heard as saying: You would tread the same path as was trodden by those before you inch by inch and step by step so much so that if they had entered into the hole of the lizard, you would follow them in this also. We said: Allah's Messenger, do you mean Jews and Christians (by your words)" those before you"? He said: Who else (than those two religious groups)? SAHIH MUSLIM( Book 34, Hadith 6448)
♦- Prophet. (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Whoever imitates a people becomes one of them. abi dawud (Book 33, Hadith 4020)
♦️- Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Be different from Mushrikeen. (Sahih Muslim)"
♦️-. Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said "Do not exaggerate in praising me. SAHIH BUKHARI(Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 654"
♦️-. Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said "Do not exaggerate in praising me. SAHIH BUKHARI(Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 654"
My dear sisters and brothers in Islam :
There is nothing in the Qur’aan to say that we should celebrate the Mawlid or birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Prophet himself (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not do this or command anyone to do it, either during his lifetime or after his death. Indeed, he told them not to exaggerate about him as the Christians had exaggerated about Jesus (upon whom be peace). He said: “Do not exaggerate about me as the Christians exaggerated about the son of Maryam. I am only a slave, so say, ‘The slave of Allaah and His Messenger.’” (Reported by al-Bukhaari). What has been reported is that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) made the day of his birth a day of worship, which is different to celebration. He was asked about fasting on Mondays, and he said: “That is the day on which I was born and the day on which I was entrusted with the Mission or when I was first given Revelation.” (Reported by Muslim, al-Nisaa’i and Abu Dawood).
we know that the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) were the people who loved the Prophet most. Was it reported that Abu Bakr, who was the closest of people to him and the one who loved him the most, celebrated the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? Was it reported that ‘Umar, who ruled for twelve years, or ‘Uthmaan, did this? Was it reported that ‘Ali, his relative and foster son, did this? Was it reported that any of the Sahaabah did this? No, by Allaah! Is it because they were not aware of its importance, or did they not truly love the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? No one would say such a thing except one who has gone astray and is leading others astray.
Did any of the imaams – Abu Haneefah, Maalik, al-Shaafi’i, Ahmad, al-Hasan al-Basri, Ibn Seereen – do this or command others to do it or say that it was good? By Allaah, no! It was not even mentioned during the first and best three centuries. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in a saheeh hadeeth: “The best of mankind are my generation (or my century), then those who come after them, then those who come after them. Then there will come a people who will not care if their testimony comes before their oath or vice versa (i.e., they will not take such matter seriously).” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, Muslim and al-Tirmidhi). The celebration of the Prophet’s birthday appeared many centuries later, when many of the features of true religion had vanished and bid’ah had become widespread.
and we only have two festivals ,which are Eed Al-Fitr and Eed Al Adh-haa and there is no other festival apart from these two festivals
verily Allaah knows best.
We ask Allaah to protect us from bid’ah and to bless us by helping us to follow the right path.
May peace, mercy and blessings of Almighty Allah ﷻbe upon His final Messenger Muhammed ( SAW )
May peace, mercy and blessings of Almighty Allah ﷻbe upon His final Messenger Muhammed ( SAW )
Allahumma Aameen
Why some people accept and some unaccept the celebration of the prophet (PBUH )? What is your opinion?#comment below
Why some people accept and some unaccept the celebration of the prophet (PBUH )? What is your opinion?#comment below
May Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) keep guiding us all always to the straight path and purify our Imaan, mend our bad characters and make us stick to the Qur'an and Sunnah. Aameen.
Allah Subhanahu WaTa’ala says
'And remind for indeed Reminder benefits the believers' (Qur'aan 51:55).
#Kindly do forward/share to all Muslims & Allah Will reward you
In shaa'a Allah.
Sharing of Knowledge is Sadaqatul-Jaariyah.
In shaa'a Allah.
Sharing of Knowledge is Sadaqatul-Jaariyah.
Teacher of Famous Shia scholar Kamal Haydari believes in tahreef of the Quran
Teacher of Famous Shia scholar Kamal Haydari believes in tahreef of the Quran
In a nutshell:
They asked him about the authenticity of some Khutbah’s and narrations of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ عنه). FINALLY they asked: “The Hadith Thaqalayn (I leaving you behind Kitaballah and Itrati…) WHAT is meant with THAQL AL AKBAR (the HEAVIER of the two things) is it the QUR’AN or the Ahl AL-BAYT?
Answer: The narrations are not authentic. As for your question what is the THAQL AL AKBAR (heavier of the TWO things) then it is the TRUE Qur’an, which is with the Ahl Al-Bayt (as) and in the breasts (i.e. they memorized it) of SOME believers, for the Aimmah (as) sacrificed themselves for the sake of the THAQL AL AKBAR, thus the current Qur’an, the one which is in the hands of the people, is NOT the THAQL AL AKBAR (the heavier thing, as stated in the Hadith), for it is made of narratives from the real, protected quran which is with the Aimmah (as). Wallahu a’lam.
Comment: You see! they don’t believe in the Qur’an!
Whenever you prove it to them, the shia jump up and say:
Go to Iran and Iraq, we have the same mushaf as you!
Go to Iran and Iraq, we have the same mushaf as you!
Shia don’t understand that THIS IS THE CRUX of the matter!
THIS is their belief!
INDEED they have the SAME Mushaf like we have,
YET they believe it is only a “narrative”, a “corrupted” Qur’an, or like one of their scholars said: “MOHTARAM” (respected) BUT, it is not the REAL Qur’an!
And now guess who is one of the major students of this Ayatush-shaytaan Tabrizi? #KamalAlHaydari
رسول اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم پر درود و سلام بھیجنے کی مشروعیت کا بیان - شیخ صالح بن فوزان الفوزان - Tawheed e Khaalis
رسول اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم پر درود و سلام بھیجنے کی مشروعیت کا بیان - شیخ صالح بن فوزان الفوزان - Tawheed e Khaalis: Ruling regarding sending Durood and Salaam upon Rasoolullaah (SalAllaho alayhi wa sallam) – Shaykh Saaleh bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan رسول اکرم صلی اللہ …
Quran Visualization – A new way to understand Quran
Quran Visualization – A new way to understand Quran: Search Videos 1. AL- FATIHA Full | Mishary Rashid Al Afasy 2. AL-BAQARAH 168-169 | Raad Muhammad Al Kurdi185 | Raad Muhammad Al Kurdi255 | Mishary Rashid Al Afasy 3. ALI ‘IMRAN 113-115 Raad Muhammad Al Kurdi184-186 | Idris Abkar 17-18 | Raad Muhammad Al Kurdi78-79 | Raad Muhammad Al Kurdi 4. AN-NISA 85-86 |…
Prophet Jesus can be God based as he claimed to have God in Mark 12:29 same as prophets Moses in Deuteronomy 6:4
The father God said In Isaiah 45:5 there is no God beside me. in this God is telling us that there is no another God, he has no God too but Jesus has God and that God is our God.
Here is the explanation for that
Word of God Existed in the beginning Yes but not Jesus.
Nehemiah 9:6! God alone created the skies and the heavens, You made the earth and the seas and everything in between them, You preserve them all and all those in heaven worship you.
So Everything you see and don't see were created by God alone.
And no one is beside him and no one is equal or like him. (Isaiah 46:8-9).
And no one is beside him and no one is equal or like him. (Isaiah 46:8-9).
He was abosuletely Alone Isaiah 44:24
But firstly let us know that this John 1:1-14
It is not God or Jesus speaking
If the case is to say Jesus is God then there must be two God in Christianity or Jesus is false God since God cannot have another God and Jesus claimed so.
It is the authors opinion. And Jesus denied that don't accept any other teacher beside him.Mathew 23:8.
Matthew 23:8 you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.
John 7:16 Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me.
Christianity have many teachers today
In his analogy he was concentrating only on Jesu's birth.
The author was trying to tell us that Jesus is a word of God as everything else and everyone of us.
Jesus PBUH was born by direct order from God to Mary
Isaiah 49:5- it is God who formed me in the womb to be his servant to bring Israel again to him .
Isaiah has told us that Jesus was formed/created in the womb of Mary by the word of God.
Word of God became flesh.
And dwelt within us.yes !! Word of God, not God.that is why there is "OF"in between. The phone of Mark. The phone is not Mark.
And dwelt within us.yes !! Word of God, not God.that is why there is "OF"in between. The phone of Mark. The phone is not Mark.
Same word that existed in the beginning
Genesis give us more details about that
Genesis chapter 1 and 2.
The same word that created Jesus it existed in the beggining
The same word that created Jesus it existed in the beggining
From there you will see that God's word instantly became mountains/Heavens/Earth/Trees/Animals, also the Bible is the word of God according to Christians but according to Muslims not all of it. Etc
These all are the result of word of God.
Let us be!!! And it becomes
Let us be!!! And it becomes
So the word of God didn't just become flesh Jesus
The word of God became solid/Liquid/Gas and everything we see around us is the word of God.
Mountain is a word of God
Sea/ocean is a word of God
Jesus is a word of God
Isaac is a word of God
John is a word of God
If u see the mountain with wisdom you have realised what is meant the word of God (you have seen greatness of God) or powers of God
But let u know from today that your father didn't create you but God made him the reason to born.
The Creator is God alone.
We all were created by one God.
Malach 2:10, Do we not all have one Father? Did not one God create us? Why do we profane the covenant of our ancestors by being unfaithful to one another?
Isaiah 42:5
This is what God the LORD says-- the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it:
If you realise that you were created by God alone, then find out
how does God creates.
how does God creates.
God create by his word only.
Psalms 33:6 By his word the heavens were made by his breath all stars were formed
Psalms 33:6 By his word the heavens were made by his breath all stars were formed
Psalms 33:6. By merely speaking and it happens
Psalm 33:9
Psalm 33:9
New International Version
For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.
For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.
New Living Translation
For when he spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command. God don't need spanners or any tools.
For when he spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command. God don't need spanners or any tools.
To Him when he intend a thing he just say.
"BE"And it becomes
"BE"And it becomes
Quran 36:82
His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, "Be," and it is.
His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, "Be," and it is.
Christians may ask why Jesus alone is called as word of God?
OK when Bible frequently call Abraham alone as a friend of God(James 2:23). Does that mean all others are enemies of God.?? Also us we are the word of God as created all of us.
Those are just but titles what pleases God
So me and and you are also the word of God.
It becomes more visible to Jesus
Because there was no Father intervention but direct command
That is why he is generally called as word of God
Spirit of God.
Remember we all have spirits .it is God who give spirits to all those who walk on earth. Isaiah :42:5.
Because there was no Father intervention but direct command
That is why he is generally called as word of God
Spirit of God.
Remember we all have spirits .it is God who give spirits to all those who walk on earth. Isaiah :42:5.
And when you die the body goes to the ground the spirits go back to God where it came from
Ecclesiastes 12:7
Ecclesiastes 12:7
God is God of all the spirits of all flesh including Jesus .Numbers 27:16.
Jesus had a spirit of God same as YOU and ME.
Breath of God including YOU and ME.
Isaiah 2:22 leave a man whose breath is in his nostrils
Breath of God including YOU and ME.
Isaiah 2:22 leave a man whose breath is in his nostrils
But am telling u here today
God can create whatever he wills and whatever way he wills
God sometimes show to us his greatness by doing some unimaginable things so that we must realise his greatness beyond our thinking boundaries.
God created Adam . no parent was involved. Adam didn't take a breastfed. No one nursed him to grow. God created Eve by using a man only.
Zechariah and Elizabethan gave birth to John out of time at old age. So why are u people confused when it came to Jesus
Think of Adam,Eve,Isaac and John, Miraculously They were born.
Same applies to Jesus.
So God completed the creation in all ways.
Adam Has no parents
Eve without a mother Jesus without a father
Eve without a mother Jesus without a father
Melchezdek has no beginning, no end of time, no parents, no genealogy high priest Hebrew 7:3
Christians always force Jesus to be God, Son of God when others also are more than Jesus in terms of how God created him Jesus.
Jesus had a beginning, Melchezdek has no beginning
Jesus has a mother, Melchezdek has no parents
Jesus has geneology, Melchezdek has no genealogy
Jesus died according to Christians and then will definitely die when he comes back (Zechariah 1:5) since he claimed to be a prophet of God and people called him a prophet (Matthew 13:57, Luke 24:19, Matthew 21:11. Melchezdek has no end time!
Yet Christians do not believe in Melchezdek as God or as son of God.
God can even cause the stones to birth human beings. John the Baptist said so in Mathew 3:8-9
So if the stones can give birth.Imagine that
God can even lift someone up to heaven direct . He lifted Enoch,Elijah and Jesus and extended their lifespan beyond our thinking capacity.
And In Qur'an 79
God says: Are you difficult to create or the heavens? He lifted it without pillars
Are you difficult to create or the earth or the mountains?
Are you difficult to create or the earth or the mountains?
But Allah blessed us over other creations but we are weak creation.
Qur'an 36
Doesn't man see that we created him from nutfah(mixed semen discharge) yet he stand forth bringing parable against us forgetting his own creation.
Doesn't man see that we created him from nutfah(mixed semen discharge) yet he stand forth bringing parable against us forgetting his own creation.
And why can't you people take a moment and think how God is going to resurrect us again on the day of resurrection
Imagine some died 5000 years ago.
Some were eaten by crocodiles.
Decomposed and no traces u can trace them.
Some were eaten by crocodiles.
Decomposed and no traces u can trace them.
But God strongly promised that he is going to resurrect everyone with just a single blast.
Ezekiel 37'5-6!
Ezekiel 37'5-6!
All these dead decomposed I am going to put back their skins and bones and flesh and a spirit and they shall be alive again and they shall know that am Yahweh.
Qur'an 17;
Allah said.
Do they say that they not going to resurrect. Tell them be stones or anything that u think its difficult surely am going to resurrect you back to life.
Allah said.
Do they say that they not going to resurrect. Tell them be stones or anything that u think its difficult surely am going to resurrect you back to life.
Prophet Abraham PBUH in Qur'an 2
Was told to slaughter 4 birds of different colours and mixed up their portions.
And Allah told him call them back and they all came back to life instantly as they were.
In front of Abraham eyes. God is great!
Was told to slaughter 4 birds of different colours and mixed up their portions.
And Allah told him call them back and they all came back to life instantly as they were.
In front of Abraham eyes. God is great!
Moses turned a stick into a snake by Allah's permission.
Jesus ressurected the dead by Allah's permission, we must realise God's greatness.
Jesus ressurected the dead by Allah's permission, we must realise God's greatness.
Exalted is He above what you ascribe him to.
No vision can grasp him but he grasps all visions.
No vision can grasp him but he grasps all visions.
To him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and Earth and even those who are near to him are not weary to worship him.
Last but not least.
Is the servant greater than his master.
Mathew 23:8
Contemporary English Version
But none of you should be called a teacher. You have only one teacher, and all of you are like brothers and sisters
Mathew 23:8
Contemporary English Version
But none of you should be called a teacher. You have only one teacher, and all of you are like brothers and sisters
Jesus warned this to all his followers👆👆👆
Now Christians have many teachers thats why they are led astray.
Now Christians have many teachers thats why they are led astray.
Instead of taking in jesus own teaching, they have other teachers
Including unkown teacher of john 1:1 and Paul, You are confused because john is not allowed to be a teacher
Even paul.
Including unkown teacher of john 1:1 and Paul, You are confused because john is not allowed to be a teacher
Even paul.
But yet paul was calling himself a teacher
2 Timothy 1:11 And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher
Jesus said none of you should be called a teacher. Paul emerged to call himself a teacher.
Paul even called himself a father....again breaking Jesus law
Matthew 23:9
And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.
Here paul is a father
1 Corinthians 4:15 Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.
Paul became Christians Father as we speak, Christians Father is Paul right now.
Qur'an 3:78 And there is a party among them who twist their tongues while reciting the Book to make you think that it is part of the Book when in fact it is not.They say: 'It is from Allah', when in fact it is not from Allah. They falsely fix a lie upon Allah, and do so wittingly.
This could mean that they either distort the meaning of the Scriptures or twist the words of the text in order to misinterpret it. Its real meaning, however, seems to be that when, during their reading of the Scriptures, they encounter any word or sentence which goes against their interests, and the beliefs and notions which they cherish, they distort the meaning of it by deliberately twisting their tongues. Instances of such tongue-twisting are not altogether wanting among those who, despite their belief in the Qur'an, share some of these people's characteristics.
Jeremiah 8:8 “‘How can you say, “We are wise because we have the word of the LORD,” when your teachers have twisted it by writing lies?
1 John 4:5 They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them.
The truth has come (arrived) and falsehood has vanished, indeed falsehood is a vanish (thing)
💓Glory be to ALLAH💓
Scandalous and Corrupt Beliefs of Twelver Shia Majoos : Sex with ANIMALS are allowed in the deen of Shism
Scandalous and Corrupt Beliefs of Twelver Shia Majoos : Sex with ANIMALS are allowed in the deen of Shism
Shia Fatwa: Bestiality common in pre-Islamic period but today its DISLIKED (Makrooh)
(Who still wants Unity with Shia?)
الاسم : علي اكبر مندني
الموضوع : نكاح الحيوانات
السؤال :
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مولانا السستاني اطال الله بعمرك وقدس الله سرك وجعلك ذخرا للامه الاسلاميه
مولانا انا عندي سؤال محرج كثيرا واهوايه يجيني تأنيب الضمير .. مولانا انا غير متزوج واعيش بالصحراء يعني راعي غنم والمعزب موفر كل شيء اريده من موبايل وكمبيوتر .. لكن انا فيني شهوه جدا كبيره
ولا يوجد مواليه لكي اتزوجها متعه . وللاسف طرا في بالي فكره شيطانيه وانا هوايه متحسف . انا جامعت الخرفان والصخول وعجل صغير . وانا خايف جدا لان احد الخراف بطنها كبير وخايف انها حامل .. هل يجوز نكاح الحيوانات مولانا ؟؟ لأني سمعت من ناس حلال . وشكرا
(Who still wants Unity with Shia?)
الاسم : علي اكبر مندني
الموضوع : نكاح الحيوانات
السؤال :
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مولانا السستاني اطال الله بعمرك وقدس الله سرك وجعلك ذخرا للامه الاسلاميه
مولانا انا عندي سؤال محرج كثيرا واهوايه يجيني تأنيب الضمير .. مولانا انا غير متزوج واعيش بالصحراء يعني راعي غنم والمعزب موفر كل شيء اريده من موبايل وكمبيوتر .. لكن انا فيني شهوه جدا كبيره
ولا يوجد مواليه لكي اتزوجها متعه . وللاسف طرا في بالي فكره شيطانيه وانا هوايه متحسف . انا جامعت الخرفان والصخول وعجل صغير . وانا خايف جدا لان احد الخراف بطنها كبير وخايف انها حامل .. هل يجوز نكاح الحيوانات مولانا ؟؟ لأني سمعت من ناس حلال . وشكرا
بسمه تعالى
لقد كانت نكاح الحيوانات قبل البعثه منتشره وتروى كثير من الروايات انها حلال لكنها مكروه والاحوط وجوبا ترك هذه العاده التي تسبب الأذى النفسي ويجب عليك الاعتراف لصاحب الاغنام ودفع قيمتها لمالكها
لقد كانت نكاح الحيوانات قبل البعثه منتشره وتروى كثير من الروايات انها حلال لكنها مكروه والاحوط وجوبا ترك هذه العاده التي تسبب الأذى النفسي ويجب عليك الاعتراف لصاحب الاغنام ودفع قيمتها لمالكها
Name: Ali Akbar Mandni
Subject: Sex with animals
Salam alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
Our master al-Sistani may Allah give you long age and may Allah sanctify your secret and may He make you provision for Islamic Ummah.
Our Master I have a very embarrassing question. Our master I am unmarried and live in desert, I mean I am a shepherd and bachelor. Everything I need is available like mobile, computer.. but I have too much lust. And there is no one available to have muta’h marriage. With regret I have satanic thoughts in my mind.
I had sex with two sheeps and a lamb and small calf. And right now I am very afraid because one of the sheep’s stomach became big, and I am afraid it might be pregnant. Is it permissible to have sex with animals our master??
Because I heard from people its halal. Thank you.
In his name
Sex with animals before the mission (Islam) was wide spread and many narrations are narrated that it is halal but makrooh (disliked).
And on the compulsory precaution one should abandon this practice that may cause self harm. And you must admit this to the owner of the sheep and pay the owner.
Shia Fatwa on Impregnating sperm inside womb of animal
Shia Fatwa on Impregnating sperm inside womb of animal
Source: شبكة السراج في الطريق إلى الله
339 السؤال:
لو امكن التلقيح الصناعي علمياً في رحم صناعي أو رحم حيوان .. هل يجوز التقاء المني الحيمن مع بويضة الاجنبية :
إذا كانا : 1 معلومين 2 مجهولين 3 احدهما مسلما والأخر كافرا ؟
إذا كانا : 1 معلومين 2 مجهولين 3 احدهما مسلما والأخر كافرا ؟
Question 339:
If it was scientifically possible to artificially fertilize inside an artificial womb or womb of an animal… is it permissible to mix warm sperms with a foreign (non-mahram) woman’s egg:
If it was scientifically possible to artificially fertilize inside an artificial womb or womb of an animal… is it permissible to mix warm sperms with a foreign (non-mahram) woman’s egg:
If so happened that:
1. They (sperm owners) are known
2. They are unknown
3. One is muslim and the other is Kafir?
It is permissible.
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