الخميس، 3 يونيو 2021

Will people speak Arabic in Jannah? | Imam Karim AbuZaid

My question is does that make Moses NOT A PROPHET because he did that❓ and was that a bad thing he did❓


First of all, I'm not a Bible-basher, and that's how some Christians will make it out to sound. I've only made this post to expose the double standards used by Christian missionaries because they cannot refute the concept of God in Islam, they then try to focus all their attention on tarnishing the image of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) to prove Islam. They know very well they have no chance of challenging the concept of God in Islam because the concept of God Islam makes 💯% sense.
Christians claim Moses is a Prophet. Let me ask you a question. What do you think of your Bible in Numbers chapter 31, when Moses is told to kill all the women and children❓
When Moses is told to slaughter certain people and the men are all killed and women and children are brought to Moses as captives of war. Moses gets angry with his soldiers. He says "why have you left all the women alive❓ Kill all the women and the little boys except the girls that have yet not known a man."
My question is does that make Moses NOT A PROPHET because he did that❓ and was that a bad thing he did❓
قد يكون كارتون لـ ‏نص مفاده '‏‎Kill every woman who have had sex with a man, but keep for yourselves little virgins who have never had sex with men. Numbers 31:7, 17-18 THE (HOLY) BIBLE‎‏'‏
أنت وشخصان آخران

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