السبت، 27 يوليو 2019
مدخل لدراسة العقيدة الإسلامية - عربي - عبد الرزاق بن عبد المحسن البدر
مدخل لدراسة العقيدة الإسلامية - عربي - عبد الرزاق بن عبد المحسن البدر: سلسلة محاضرات صوتية، وفيها ذكر الشيخ عبد الرزاق بن عبد المحسن البدر - أثابه الله - جملةً من المقدمات التي تُعد مدخلًا لدراسة العقيدة الإسلامية.
Hagiindu - Moore - a seek Abd Rahmaan gelbeogo
Hagiindu - Moore - a seek Abd Rahmaan gelbeogo: Morã goma Hagiindã yelle n wilg a sẽn yaa waagibaa, la a sart-rãmba, la yãg ne hagiindã, la higiindfã yɩɩdlem
이슬람의 성품 시리즈(품행2) : 들을 때와 생각할 때의 예절 - 한국어
이슬람의 성품 시리즈(품행2) : 들을 때와 생각할 때의 예절 - 한국어: 이슬람의 품성 네번째 시간으로서, 들을 때와 생각할 때 무슬림이 갖추어야 할 예절에 대해 알아보고 있습니다.
이슬람의 성품 시리즈(품행3) : 식사 예절 - 한국어
이슬람의 성품 시리즈(품행3) : 식사 예절 - 한국어: 이슬람이 가르치는 여러 훌륭한 성품 중 다섯번째 시간으로, 식사를 하면서 무슬림이 갖추어야 할 예절에 관하여 알아보고 있습니다.
Ko Honno Hebilortee Fii HAJJU - pulla - Abuubakr Ndiaare Diallo
Ko Honno Hebilortee Fii HAJJU - pulla - Abuubakr Ndiaare Diallo: Ndee yewtere hino yewta yoga e neediiji ɗi hajjuyankeejo duwaa waɗude ado O seenaade Hajju; e jantagol neediiji Juuragol e Nokkeeli sar’inaaɗi juuragol...
Исламски начин клања животиња: исправно или погрешно ? - Српски - Закир Наик
Исламски начин клања животиња: исправно или погрешно ? - Српски - Закир Наик: Одговор на заблуду: „Зашто муслимани немилосрдно кољу животиње мучећи их и пуштајући их да полако, у боловима умиру?“ Аудио обрада: Ненад Ристић
Axkaamta xajka iyo cumrada - Soomaali
Axkaamta xajka iyo cumrada - Soomaali: Kitaab ka hadlaya axkaamta xajka iyo cumrada iyo fadligooda.
برنامج شعائر ( الحلقة 05 ) فلا رفث ولا فسوق ولا جدال في الحج - عربي - عمر بن عبد الله المقبل
برنامج شعائر ( الحلقة 05 ) فلا رفث ولا فسوق ولا جدال في الحج - عربي - عمر بن عبد الله المقبل: الحلقة الخامسة، من سلسلة الحلقات المرئية، لفضيلة الشيخ عمر المقبل، بعنوان:
ترجمة معاني سورة البقرة - الترجمة الفرنسية - المنتدى الإسلامي - موسوعة القرآن الكريم
ترجمة معاني سورة البقرة - الترجمة الفرنسية - المنتدى الإسلامي - موسوعة القرآن الكريم: ترجمة معاني سورة البقرة - الترجمة الفرنسية - المنتدى الإسلامي - موسوعة القرآن الكريم
ومن يغفر الذنوب إلا الله
ومن يغفر الذنوب إلا الله:
﴿وَمَن يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ ﴾ قد تحدِّثك نفسك بأن الذنوب كثيرة، والأخطاء عظيمة، وتبدأ نفسك بالتردد في الدخول إلى عالم التوبة، وتشرد فيما فعلت من الذنوب فيما مضى، وكيف لم تترك من المعاصي شيئًا إلا وقد فعلتَه، فتبدأ الذكريات تقضُّ مضجعَك، وتؤرِّق نومك، وتنغِّص حياتك، ويتسلل الشيطان إلى نفسك، فيوهمك أنه لا توبة لك بعد كل ما اقترفت سابقًا من الزلات والهفوات. فتتذكر كيف مضت السنون من حياتك متسربة من بين يديك؛ فتبكي وتتحسر وفي ذلك صدق التوبة، ثم تتساءل:...
﴿وَمَن يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ ﴾ قد تحدِّثك نفسك بأن الذنوب كثيرة، والأخطاء عظيمة، وتبدأ نفسك بالتردد في الدخول إلى عالم التوبة، وتشرد فيما فعلت من الذنوب فيما مضى، وكيف لم تترك من المعاصي شيئًا إلا وقد فعلتَه، فتبدأ الذكريات تقضُّ مضجعَك، وتؤرِّق نومك، وتنغِّص حياتك، ويتسلل الشيطان إلى نفسك، فيوهمك أنه لا توبة لك بعد كل ما اقترفت سابقًا من الزلات والهفوات. فتتذكر كيف مضت السنون من حياتك متسربة من بين يديك؛ فتبكي وتتحسر وفي ذلك صدق التوبة، ثم تتساءل:...
Yunus Suresi - hadr Tilavetı - Yasir Selami | Islamway
Yunus Suresi - hadr Tilavetı - Yasir Selami | Islamway: hadr Tilavetı - Yunus Suresi. Okuma Yasir Selami
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- İndir 11.71MB
- Dinle
- İndir 11.71MB
Una sfida inaffrontata - La religione dell'Islam
Una sfida inaffrontata - La religione dell'Islam: L’incapacità degli arabi durante il tempo del Profeta,
gli arabi dopo di lui e i non arabi di affrontare la sfida del Corano: di
produrre qualcosa simile ad esso. Questo sito web è per persone di fedi diverse che cercano di capire l'Islam e i musulmani. Esso contiene un sacco di brevi articoli, ma informativi sui diversi aspetti dell'Islam. I nuovi articoli vengono aggiunti ogni settimana. Inoltre, è dotato di Live Help tramite chat.
gli arabi dopo di lui e i non arabi di affrontare la sfida del Corano: di
produrre qualcosa simile ad esso. Questo sito web è per persone di fedi diverse che cercano di capire l'Islam e i musulmani. Esso contiene un sacco di brevi articoli, ma informativi sui diversi aspetti dell'Islam. I nuovi articoli vengono aggiunti ogni settimana. Inoltre, è dotato di Live Help tramite chat.
The Quran has Syriac or Aramaic Origins?! - The Religion of Islam
The Quran has Syriac or Aramaic Origins?! - The Religion of Islam: In this video Hamza Tzortzis speaks about a recent documentary which claims that the Quran has Syriac or Aramaic Origins and he unveils the truth behind the claims. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.
4 Things That Are Haram During Intimacy | About Islam
4 Things That Are Haram During Intimacy | About Islam: Everything is halal in intimacy with your spouse unless proven haram. There are 4 things that are haram during intimacy. Check them in this short video.
The Sun Rotates about it's own Axis - Miracles of the Quran! | About Islam
The Sun Rotates about it's own Axis - Miracles of the Quran! | About Islam: It was believed that the sun didn’t rotate at all and was indeed stationary. One of the miracles of the Quran is that the sun rotates about it’s own axis! Check this out!
How Can I Help My Veteran Father Stop Drinking? | About Islam
How Can I Help My Veteran Father Stop Drinking? | About Islam: My father's alcohol and smoking problem started when he was in the army. I’ve heard stories of what he has done and seen growing up fighting in wars.
"What is it that you love about me?" She said I love the long beard on your face, the khol in your eyes and the perfume on your body.
I love when you wear garments above ankles and walk lowering your gaze with humility - because you remind me the sunnah of my Nabi.
I love when you remind me to recite Surah Mulk and Sajdah before going to bed. I love when you make wudhu, read duas and sleep on your right side.
I love when you stand before me in Tahajjud and we pray together. I love when you and I recite Qur'an and share hadiths.
I love when you place a feathery kiss on my forehead before going to masjid; when you excite me, intrigue me, fascinate me and love me when I don't even deserve it.
I love when you stop me from sharing our photos online to restrain me from spreading fitnah and to protect our happiness from the evil eye.
I love when you are jealous of other guys looking at me. I love when you draw niqab on me face and say - "You're only mine".
I love when you ask me how was my day; when you care about my physical, mental and emotional health. I love when you give importance to my feelings.
I love when you see me exhausted with days work - you don't demand me for maggy nor for my body but you comfort me and ask me to take rest.
I love when you silently eat my salty and spicy curries without complaining. I love when you forgive me and praise my bad cooking just not to make me feel upset.
I love when you ask me how was my day; when you care about my physical, mental and emotional health. I love when you give importance to my feelings.
I love when you see me exhausted with days work - you don't demand me for maggy nor for my body but you comfort me and ask me to take rest.
I love when you silently eat my salty and spicy curries without complaining. I love when you forgive me and praise my bad cooking just not to make me feel upset.
I love when you give a smile from your heart and saying bismillah you enter home with the right leg. I love when you give "Salam" and whisper to my ears - 'I Missed You, Jaan.'
I love you my habib, it would take a llfetime and more to describe you how much I love you because you're Ma sha Allah wonderful from inside and out.
I love you my habib, it would take a llfetime and more to describe you how much I love you because you're Ma sha Allah wonderful from inside and out.
Your manner, your kindness - generosity, your patience, your respect, your mindset, your concern for this life and the hereafter is what I love. .
My darling hubby - a life with you is what I love
and without you, my life will just be dull. 😍💚 #Forever HalalLove
and without you, my life will just be dull. 😍💚 #Forever HalalLove
Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2934
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says:
O children of Adam! Do not let Satan deceive you as he tempted your parents out of Paradise and caused their cover to be removed in order to expose their nakedness. Surely he and his soldiers watch you from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils allies of those who disbelieve. [Surat Al-A'raf, Ayat 27]
,, False Messiah says evil is good, good is evil !
,, Hudhayfa reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “I know what the False Messiah will have with him. He will have two flowing rivers, one that appears to be clear water and another that appears to be burning fire. If one of you see that, let him go to the river of fire, close his eyes, and drink from it, for it will be cool water. The False Messiah has one blind eye, with a later of thick skin over it, and across his eyes is written the word of unbelief that every believer will read, whether he can read or not.”
In another narration, the Prophet said, “He will have paradise and fire with him. His fire is Paradise, and his paradise is Hellfire.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2934
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim
Enroll Your Student TODAY - Full-time School / Hifz
Enroll Your Student TODAY - Full-time School / Hifz: Ready to enroll you student for the 2019/2020 school year? Follow the link below to REGISTER TODAY Pre-K - 3rd Grade (Al Minhaal) 4th - 6th Grades (homeschool + Qur'an) Halal learning environment Success in this life and the next
From denial to acceptance: How a Hispanic family embraced Islam - The Muslim Vibe
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While speaking on
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