الخميس، 2 أبريل 2015
Take care of your thoughts when you are alone...
Take care of your thoughts when you are alone...
Take care of your words when you are with people...
Fajr Prayer is the best way to set the tone of your day
Fajr Prayer is the best way to set the tone of your day
During this four-day educational retreat
During this four-day educational retreat, you’ll be covering the following six areas in addition to daily prayer workshop and thought provoking breakout sessions:
1. Life is a test
2. Foundations of worship
3. Inner and outer dimensions of worship
4. The challenges of life
5. The reality of this life
6. The final exam - preparing to meet Allah.
2. Foundations of worship
3. Inner and outer dimensions of worship
4. The challenges of life
5. The reality of this life
6. The final exam - preparing to meet Allah.
Thursday 30th April 2015 - Monday 4th May 2015
Taught by Abdurraheem Green
Register now at www.MuslimNow.com/Retreat
The Journey of Life is a four day all inclusive residential retreat will empower you to grow in knowledge and build a deeper connection with Allah.
The Crime of Speaking About Allah Without Knowledge
The Crime of Speaking About Allah Without Knowledge - Moosa Richardson [Audio|En]: http://wp.me/p1VJ3-8P5 عبر @AbdurRahmanOrg
How to Achieve Tranquility of the Heart
How to Achieve Tranquility of the Heart http://www.virtualmosque.com/personaldvlpt/overcoming-hardships/how-to-achieve-tranquility-of-the-heart/ …
Quizzes for Online Classes
Quizzes for Online Classes - http://Bakkah.net - Moosa Richardson: http://wp.me/p1VJ3-8Pn عبر @AbdurRahmanOrg
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