السبت، 3 مارس 2018

Authentic Supplications For Morning And Evening | ASSIM AL-HAKEEM

Sheikh whenever my mother gets upset even for a small thing she could speak ill towards us, hurtful things. How can we stop her from this? Even if we try to tell her nicely if she is not angry or share to her lectures about this it seems that she never changes or realize that we can be hurt whenever she says negative things.She never apologises to us coz for her she’s our mother. | ASSIM AL-HAKEEM

Einstein on the Universe and God

Sourate Ad-Dukhan - Halwest Nasserdine Al Kurdi سورة الدخان هلويست نصرا...

Sourate Maryam (1-72) - Anas Al-Miman

Sh. Khalid Yasin: Muslim Ummah: Don't divide! الفرقة و الشقاق بين المسلمين

Ask the People of the Book?

White “Muslims” are delusional

Kabirlere Doğru Namaz Kılmak - İlyas Bulut

The importance of Arabic, and why everyone should learn it!

Compulsion in Religion: Why Two Interpretations? | About Islam

Prophet Muhammad: The Liberator of Women | About Islam

Neurology & Qur’an Speak About Smartest Bird on Earth | About Islam

Football a Unifying Force in Muslim-Friendly Liverpool | About Islam

She is possessed and the jinni speaks on her lips and refuses to leave her

How can you deny God? - The Religion of Islam

Explicarea sensurilor ultimei zecimi a Nobilului Coran

Ruling on killing snakes

Women in Islam


This lady (Claire Khaw) came to London Central Mosque today enquiring into Islam. There are some interesting pictures of her Nazi activities on Google..

This lady (Claire Khaw) came to London Central Mosque today enquiring into Islam. There are some interesting pictures of her Nazi activities on Google..

Will he be rewarded for listening to the Qur’aan without understanding it?