الاثنين، 7 أغسطس 2023

Watch: Footballers Karim Benzema, Sadio Mane perform Umrah after moving to Saudi - News | Khaleej Times

Watch: Footballers Karim Benzema, Sadio Mane perform Umrah after moving to Saudi - News | Khaleej Times

The Quran, the Sunnah and Modern Astronomy:


The Quran, the Sunnah and Modern Astronomy: Observations on the Solar System of the Astrologers
Much of modern astronomy and the theoretical physics invented to support it comprise a poison and a mind virus that have infected the intellects of Muslims, let alone a great portion of the rest of humanity.
This is because it is built upon ideologically motivated assumptions which cannot be empirically proven but only validated by creative maths-based theorisation.
There is no empirical proof that the Earth moves and it is not even possible to detect or quantify any alleged motion of the Earth.
No experiment has ever been done that has proven Earth's motion as is acknowledged by historians and professors of science.
Anyone who claims otherwise will have undisclosed, unproven and unverifiable assumptions as the starting point of his claim.
Further, to deny that the Earth can be made the stationary reference point for all other motions would entail a rejection of theories (such as general relativity) that are currently taken with acceptance in the scientific world.
This issue is made clear with quotes from physicists, astronomers and scientists in this brief treatise.
The end result of this is that there is no scientific basis for rejecting a stationary earth, unless currently accepted theories in science are themselves rejected.
Download PDF File
قد تكون صورة ‏تحتوي على النص '‏‎The Qur'ãn, the Sunnah and Modern Astronomy: Some Observations on the Solar System Model Devised by Sun-Worshippers, Astrologers, Kabbalists and Magicians' and Defended by Atheists Abu 'Iyaad Lincoln Barnett (1909-1979CE) wrote in his book: "The Universe and Dr. Einstein" (with a forward by Einstein himself), for we cannot feel our motion through space; nor has any physical experiment ever proved that the earth actually is in motion."‎‏'‏
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《古兰经》的故事: 什么是《古兰经》? 《古兰经》的降示、记忆和记录。 《古兰经》的编辑与成书过程。 现在我们阅读的《古兰经》的源头。

As-Sunnah Trust | Founder: Dr. Khondkar Abdullah Jahangir

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Хадис: «Однажды Посланник Аллаха (мир ему и благословение Аллаха) зашёл ко мне радостный и сказал: “Знаешь ли ты, что Муджаззиз увидел сейчас Зейда ибн Харису и Усаму ибн Зейда и сказал: ‹Это ступни родственников!›”». А в другой версии говорится: «Муджаззиз был человеком, умеющим определять родство по внешнему виду». - Перевод энциклопедии хадисов Пророка

Хадис: «Однажды Посланник Аллаха (мир ему и благословение Аллаха) зашёл ко мне радостный и сказал: “Знаешь ли ты, что Муджаззиз увидел сейчас Зейда ибн Харису и Усаму ибн Зейда и сказал: ‹Это ступни родственников!›”». А в другой версии говорится: «Муджаззиз был человеком, умеющим определять родство по внешнему виду». - Перевод энциклопедии хадисов Пророка

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Hadith: N’allez pas à la rencontre des marchands qui arrivent. Ne vendez pas et n’achetez pas les uns par-dessus les autres. Ne surenchérissez pas les uns sur les autres. Qu’un citadin ne vende pas pour un nomade. Ne laissez pas gonfler les mamelles des chamelles et des brebis. - Encyclopédie des paroles prophétiques traduites

Pure Monotheism of Islam vs Pagan beliefs and Superstitions TheDeenshow – Tube Islam .com

Pure Monotheism of Islam vs Pagan beliefs and Superstitions TheDeenshow – Tube Islam .com

الموقع الرسمي للدكتور جاسم المطوع

الموقع الرسمي للدكتور جاسم المطوع

لا ترمي أكياس الشاي المستعمله،لها فوائد عديده تعرفي عليها - منال العالم

لا ترمي أكياس الشاي المستعمله،لها فوائد عديده تعرفي عليها - منال العالم: 1- برديها في الثلاجه وضعيها علي عينك لمده 10 دقائق ستعمل علي إزالة التورم، وتخفيف الهالات السوداء.

Ссудный процент и его роль в экономике и жизни. Религия и ранние мыслители (часть 3 из 7) - Религия Ислам

Ссудный процент и его роль в экономике и жизни. Религия и ранние мыслители (часть 3 из 7) - Религия Ислам: Процент и ростовщичество в Библии (иудаизме и христианстве), а также мнение ранних мыслителей. Этот сайт предназначен как для начинающих мусульман, так и для представителей других религий. Здесь Вы найдете много кратких, но в тоже время очень познавательных статей о различных аспектах Ислама. Сайт обновляется еженедельно. Также мы предоставляем возможность получения консультаций в режиме реального времени.

Sino ang Dapat Sambahin? | Chat and decide

Sino ang Dapat Sambahin? | Chat and decide: Ang Pagsamba sa Nag-iisang Diyos na Tagapaglikha ang siyang UNANG KAUTUSAN na nakatala sa mga Banal na Kasulatang ipinahayag Niya sa Sangkatauhan. Ang Suhuf (Ka...

O Propósito da Vida

O Propósito da Vida: O PROPÓSITO DA VIDA

Хадис: Не встречайте всадников [чтобы перекупить у них товар, который они везут, до того, как они въедут в город и узнают цены на него], и пусть никто из вас не перебивает торговлю другому. И не взвинчивайте цены [хитростью], и пусть осёдлый житель не продаёт за приезжего. И не держите недоенными верблюдов и овец, [чтобы казалось, что у них много молока] - Перевод энциклопедии хадисов Пророка

Хадис: Не встречайте всадников [чтобы перекупить у них товар, который они везут, до того, как они въедут в город и узнают цены на него], и пусть никто из вас не перебивает торговлю другому. И не взвинчивайте цены [хитростью], и пусть осёдлый житель не продаёт за приезжего. И не держите недоенными верблюдов и овец, [чтобы казалось, что у них много молока] - Перевод энциклопедии хадисов Пророка

Juros e Seu Papel na Economia e na Vida (parte 3 de 8): Religião e os Primeiros Pensadores - A religião do Islã

Juros e Seu Papel na Economia e na Vida (parte 3 de 8): Religião e os Primeiros Pensadores - A religião do Islã: Juros e usura na Bíblia (Judaísmo e Cristianismo) e de acordo com os primeiros pensadores. Este site é para pessoas de várias crenças que buscam entender o Islã e os muçulmanos.  Contém muitos artigos breves mas informativos sobre aspectos diferentes do Islã.  Novos artigos são acrescentados toda semana.  Também apresenta um chat de Ajuda Online.

Stream The Two Biggest Communication Mistakes A Leader Can Make by unlimited Inspiration | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Stream The Two Biggest Communication Mistakes A Leader Can Make by unlimited Inspiration | Listen online for free on SoundCloud: Stream The Two Biggest Communication Mistakes A Leader Can Make by unlimited Inspiration on desktop and mobile. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.

Nay, Man Do Transgress; For he thinks he is his own master! - YouTube

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The Status of Women in Islam Compared to the Status of Women in other Civilizations and Religions - YouTube

The Status of Women in Islam Compared to the Status of Women in other Civilizations and Religions - YouTube: The Status of Women in Islam ((Compared to the Status of Women in other Civilizations and Religions)) How was the status of the woman in the past?She was a c...

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Understanding Islam: Beliefs and Basic Requirements

Understanding Islam: Beliefs and Basic Requirements

Recite Quran - Al-Isra' [17:81]

Recite Quran - Al-Isra' [17:81]: And say,

عصبية أمي؟ كيف أتصرف تجاهها - YouTube

عصبية أمي؟ كيف أتصرف تجاهها - YouTube

conversation between Qura'an and bible


conversation between Qura'an and bible
Qura'an:What is your name?
Bible: I don't know.
Quran: My name is Qur'an (Surah 36:2).
* Where did you come from?*
Bible: I don't know.
Quran: from Allah (Surah 39:1).
* What is your religion?*
Bible: I don't know.
Quran: Islam (Surah 3:19).
* Did you tell Christians to go to church on Sundays?*
Bible: NO they chose that day themselves.
Quran: Yes, I instruct Muslims to go to mosque on Fridays (Surah 62:9).
* Why are you not in your original language?*
Bible: because people have made a lot of changes in me.
Quran: I'm in my original language, Arabic and not corrupted (Surah 12:2).
* Why do you have so many contradictions?*
Bible: because I'm written by unknown people (Jeremiah 8:8).
Quran: I don't have any contradiction because I'm from God (Surah 4:82).
* Why do you have so many scientific errors?*
Bible: because l've made many many silly mistakes eg. I said that "the rabbit chew its cud" (Leviticus 11:6).
Quran: I don't have a single scientific error.eg I said that "moon light is a reflected or borrowed light from the sun" therefore I'm as compatible as with modern science (Surah 25:61).
If you are not busy type "Allahu Akbar then like then share
التحميل: اكتمل تحميل 443703 من 443703 بايت.

Juros e Seu Papel na Economia e na Vida (parte 3 de 8): Religião e os Primeiros Pensadores - A religião do Islã

Juros e Seu Papel na Economia e na Vida (parte 3 de 8): Religião e os Primeiros Pensadores - A religião do Islã: Juros e usura na Bíblia (Judaísmo e Cristianismo) e de acordo com os primeiros pensadores. Este site é para pessoas de várias crenças que buscam entender o Islã e os muçulmanos.  Contém muitos artigos breves mas informativos sobre aspectos diferentes do Islã.  Novos artigos são acrescentados toda semana.  Também apresenta um chat de Ajuda Online.

What is the best way to keep our children from committing sins? Watch the full video at - YouTube

What is the best way to keep our children from committing sins? Watch the full video at - YouTube: Need One to One live Counseling with Sheikh Assim?:https://www.assimalhakeem.net/announcement/Do you have a question:https://www.assimalhakeem.net/ask-a-ques...

Reward of Parents 4 taking care of Disabled Children & Are these Children accountable- Assimalhakeem - YouTube

Reward of Parents 4 taking care of Disabled Children & Are these Children accountable- Assimalhakeem - YouTube

If Isaiah showed his buttocks

