الثلاثاء، 3 أكتوبر 2023

The Virtue of the Month of Allah, Muharram and Fasting Ashura | Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan حفظه الله - YouTube

The Virtue of the Month of Allah, Muharram and Fasting Ashura | Shaykh Saleh al-Fawzan حفظه الله - YouTube

ਮੈ ਮੁਸਲਮਾਨ ਹਾਂ - Punjabi

ਮੈ ਮੁਸਲਮਾਨ ਹਾਂ - Punjabi: ਮੈ ਮੁਸਲਮਾਨ ਹਾਂ

יסודות האסלאם

יסודות האסלאם:

תורגם מערבית לעברית מאוסף הָמְסוֹרוֹת הידוע

مقطع يريح القلوب: انظر إلى الدنيا بعين الآخرة | للشيخ الحويني - YouTube

مقطع يريح القلوب: انظر إلى الدنيا بعين الآخرة | للشيخ الحويني - YouTube: Islam means submission to God. Islam is the belief that there is only One God, whose proper name is Allah, which means the God. Islam is the same message giv...

Sunnah - Toilet Etiquette — Science & Faith

Sunnah - Toilet Etiquette — Science & Faith

God has got sons by tons. It’s mentioned in the Bible:


منذ ‏١٠‏ سنوات
لا يتوفر وصف للصورة.
God has got sons by tons. It’s mentioned in the Bible:
“That the sons of God saw the daughters of men……” (Genesis 6:2)
“……when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men….”(Genesis 6:4)
“……Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:” (Exodus 4:22)
“…....for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn.” (Jeremiah 31:9)
“……..which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.” (Luke 3:38)
“ I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day
have I begotten thee.” (Psalms 2:7)
God also says to David
“26 He will call out to me, 'You are my Father, my God, the Rock my Savior.' 27 I will also appoint him my firstborn, the most exalted of the kings of the earth. (Psalms 89:26-27)
So we can see that from the above quoted verses that in the idiom of the Jews. Every Righteous person is the son of God. But the common verse quoted to show the difference between Jesus and other “sons” of God is
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
King James Version goes to the ancient manuscripts. But if we read the RSV (Revised Standard Version), revised by thirty-two scholars of the highest eminence backed by fifty cooperating denominations. They say:
“Yet the King James Version has grave defects. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the development of Biblical studies and the discovery of many manuscripts more ancient than those upon which the King James Version was based, made it manifest that these defects are so many and so serious as to call for revision of the English translation” (Preface RSV)
And in the RSV this blasphemous word “begotten” has been expunged as a fabrication, as an interpolation. This is how the verse reads in RSV.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (RSV, John 3:16)
This word “begotten” is not there in the most ancient manuscripts. Its not there even in some other versions like NIV and Good News Bible.
“Son of God” only means a righteous servant of God, a peacemaker, the one who obeys God, the one who is led by the spirit of God. Who says so? Jesus says so
“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Mathew 5:9)
“9Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. (Mathew 5:9, NIV)
Paul testifies the same thing.
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” (Romans 8:14)
See what John (the supposed author of the fourth gospel writes)
12Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. (John 1:12-13)
“Son of God” does not prove anything. It only means a righteous servant of God as Jesus (pbuh) and Paul both testify.
It is the term, which was frequently used in Semitic languages like Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic etc, but Alhumdulillah we have dropped this term in Arabic because of the misunderstanding that was created.
Even in Arabic, son of something, father of something only meant metaphorical. Like there was a companion of the Prophet (pbuh) by the name of “Abu Huraira”. “Abu Huraira” literally means father of the kitten. He was given the name because he loved cats. It doesn’t mean he literally gave birth to a kitten.
If someone calls Jesus the son of God in a sense of a righteous person, as a peacemaker then there is no problem. But he is not the begotten son of God as the Christian says.

Back to Basics - Abu Usamah - YouTube

Back to Basics - Abu Usamah - YouTube: Islam means submission to God. Islam is the belief that there is only One God, whose proper name is Allah, which means the God. Islam is the same message giv...

Gold and Silver do "RUST".


Miracles of James New Testament writer
Gold and Silver do "RUST".
(Bible James 5:3)
Book of James:(According to the Bible Historians)
The book of James is a concise, how-to guide on being a Christian. Although some Christians interpret James as proving that good works play a role in our salvation, this letter actually says that good works are the fruit of our salvation and will attract nonbelievers to the faith.
Author of the Book of James:
James, a major leader in the Jerusalem church, and the brother of Jesus Christ.
Date Written:
About 49 A.D., before the Jerusalem Council in 50 A.D. and before the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D.
Written To:
First century Christians scattered throughout the world, and future Bible readers.
Almighty God Says in Quran;
Truth stands out clear from Error (Qur'an 2:256).
This publication has not made to make any one uncomfortable except to highlight the "Truth of Pure word of God"
Lets pray to God Almighty, to guide us all and to accept his Paradise to for everlasting PEACE !
Final Testament

من مسوڵمانم - كوردی سۆرانی - موحه‌مه‌د كوری ئیبراهیم ئه‌لحه‌مد

من مسوڵمانم - كوردی سۆرانی - موحه‌مه‌د كوری ئیبراهیم ئه‌لحه‌مد: من مسوڵمانم

Ani musliima - afaan oromoo

Ani musliima - afaan oromoo: Ani musliima



The Religion of Islam

The Religion of Islam: This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.

Le Coran complet [067] La Royauté | Islamway

Le Coran complet [067] La Royauté | Islamway: Le Coran complet [067] La Royauté: Le Saint Coran est la source principale des enseignements de l’Islam et de la législation. Il est la parole immuable et incréée de Dieu dictée par l’Ange Gabriel au Prophète Muhammad. Le Prophète a reçu l’ordre de Dieu de défier les hommes et les djinns d’écrire dix sourates ou même une seule, semblables à l’une des sourates du Coran. Ils en ont été incapables. Ce défi est toujours d’actualité, l’incapacité de le relever aussi. Chaque fois que quelqu’un l’étudie, il découvre des aspects de son défi qui ont échappé aux générations antérieures. Ainsi, le Coran est la seule véritable révélation divine qui subsiste, de nos jours, pour l’humanité. Le Coran ne cessera jamais d’étonner. Le site islamhouse vous invite aujourd’hui à découvrir le Coran entier en vidéos sous-titrées et récité par les plus belles voix connues à notre époque : écoutez-le en arabe, lisez en simultané la traduction de ...

I Phone Anwendungen | Die "Prophet Mohammed, Verkünder Allahs" Webseite.

I Phone Anwendungen | Die "Prophet Mohammed, Verkünder Allahs" Webseite.: يهدف موقع نصرة رسول الله الي التعريف برسول الله والرد علي الإفترائات المثارة حول سيدنا محمد ، فالموقع مترجم الى إحدى عشر لغة لكل ما يتعلق بنبي الرحمة صلى الله عليه و سلم ، حيث يجد فيه الباحث كل ما يخص النبي الكريم من الموضوعات المقروءه والسمعيه والبصريه عن سيرته وأحاديثه .

Miin komi juulɗo - pulla

Miin komi juulɗo - pulla: Miin komi juulɗo

Why Did Good People Die in Morocco and Libya? | Dr. Shabir Ally - YouTube

Why Did Good People Die in Morocco and Libya? | Dr. Shabir Ally - YouTube: For 21 years, the TV show Let the Quran Speak has been transforming public conversations about Islam and showcasing the rich diversity of Muslims' lived expe...

[MFA2023] Hati yang Diberi Petunjuk- Widji Wuri – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia

[MFA2023] Hati yang Diberi Petunjuk- Widji Wuri – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia

Scared, anxious to give dawah, enjoin good, forbid evil. Don't be a religious police Assim al hakeem - YouTube

Scared, anxious to give dawah, enjoin good, forbid evil. Don't be a religious police Assim al hakeem - YouTube

la révélation de Dieu à l’humanité | Site de soutien au Messager d'Allah Muhammad

la révélation de Dieu à l’humanité | Site de soutien au Messager d'Allah Muhammad: Le site de soutien au Messager d’Allah a pour but de faire connaître le Messager d’Allah et de réfuter les suspicions relevées autour de lui. Il est traduit en onze langues et il comprend tout ce qui se rattache au Messager de la miséricorde BPSL, de façon à ce que le chercheur y trouve une matière riche et variée entre articles, audios et vidéos exposant sa Biographie et ses Hadiths

Pierre Vogel - Warum bist du kein Schiite geworden? - YouTube

Pierre Vogel - Warum bist du kein Schiite geworden? - YouTube: کانال شبکه جهانی وصال حق.Hotbird: 11471 - V - 27500 - 5/6

From The Chaplain's Desk: Expressing Love For The Prophet - MuslimMatters.org

From The Chaplain's Desk: Expressing Love For The Prophet - MuslimMatters.org: Alḥamdulillāh, we are currently in the lunar month of Rabīʿ al-Awwal, the month in which our beloved master and leader, the seal of prophets and messengers, the best of the first and the last, the most perfect example of a human being to walk on the face of the earth, our beloved Muḥammad ﷺ was […]

‫آگاه ساختن مسافران ‫از برخی از آداب و احكام سفر ‫و مسائل ویژهٔ پرسنل صنعت هوانوردی - فارسی - محمد صالح العثیمین

‫آگاه ساختن مسافران ‫از برخی از آداب و احكام سفر ‫و مسائل ویژهٔ پرسنل صنعت هوانوردی - فارسی - محمد صالح العثیمین: ‫آگاه ساختن مسافران ‫از برخی از آداب و احكام سفر ‫و مسائل ویژهٔ پرسنل صنعت هوانوردی

The Religion of Islam

The Religion of Islam: This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.

Corán, musulmankunap sagrada qhillqayninqa - Qhichwa simi

Corán, musulmankunap sagrada qhillqayninqa - Qhichwa simi: Corán, musulmankunap sagrada qhillqayninqa, tata apup rumaynin profeta Muhammadman qusqa (Tata apup allin kawsaynin paywan kachun) Angél gabrielpa kayninwan

Não permita que a mídia controle sua mente! | Islamway

Não permita que a mídia controle sua mente! | Islamway: Não permita que a mídia controle sua mente! - ver - carregamento 8.66MB

Sh Carlos Rojas - WAMY Brasil

Sh Carlos Rojas - WAMY Brasil: WAMY Brasil - Sh Carlos Rojas

la révélation de Dieu à l’humanité | Site de soutien au Messager d'Allah Muhammad

la révélation de Dieu à l’humanité | Site de soutien au Messager d'Allah Muhammad: Le site de soutien au Messager d’Allah a pour but de faire connaître le Messager d’Allah et de réfuter les suspicions relevées autour de lui. Il est traduit en onze langues et il comprend tout ce qui se rattache au Messager de la miséricorde BPSL, de façon à ce que le chercheur y trouve une matière riche et variée entre articles, audios et vidéos exposant sa Biographie et ses Hadiths

Muhammad - Are You That Prophet? [Bible - John 1:20]

Muhammad - Are You That Prophet? [Bible - John 1:20]

Name that is forbidden to keep: Rahman - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem - YouTube

Name that is forbidden to keep: Rahman - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem - YouTube

The Sunnah: a Blueprint for Success | Facts about the Muslims & the Religion of Islam - Toll-free hotline 1-877-WHY-ISLAM

The Sunnah: a Blueprint for Success | Facts about the Muslims & the Religion of Islam - Toll-free hotline 1-877-WHY-ISLAM

Library Chat #25: The Verse of the Covenant (7:172) and Ibn Taymiyya's Unique Interpretation of It - YouTube

Library Chat #25: The Verse of the Covenant (7:172) and Ibn Taymiyya's Unique Interpretation of It - YouTube: This is a conversation Dr. Yasir Qadhi had with Dr. Gabriel Reynolds, professor of Islamic Studies at Notre Dame, on his channel - he has kindly allowed our ...

World #QuranConvention

World #QuranConvention: World #Quran convention Saturday | 2 December 2023 @Movenpick Hotel & Convention Centre KLIA Days Hours Minutes Seconds Get Tickets Serve To Be Served: A Divine Guidance From Surah Al-Insan WQC The World #QuranConvention (WQC) is a dedicated effort to […]

لا تقلـق - YouTube

لا تقلـق - YouTube: الشيخ محمد صالح المنجد



Bible Islam - Islam's Beliefs About Jesus, Bible, and the Christian Trinity

Bible Islam - Islam's Beliefs About Jesus, Bible, and the Christian Trinity

Ex-pastor deja el cristianismo y entra al Islam junto con su familia - YouTube

Ex-pastor deja el cristianismo y entra al Islam junto con su familia - YouTube: #musulmanesenespaña #islamenespañol #musulmanes #jesus #jesucristo #nuevosmusulmanes #biblia #religion #islam #islamenespañol

The Religion of Islam

The Religion of Islam: This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.

Islam and LGBT: Gender, Sex, and Morality in the Modern Age – Sapience Institute

Islam and LGBT: Gender, Sex, and Morality in the Modern Age – Sapience Institute

Eman Channel | UK Muslim TV Channel | Islamic Channel | Alternative Media for Muslims

Eman Channel | UK Muslim TV Channel | Islamic Channel | Alternative Media for Muslims

How to Heal your Broken Heart 💔 - Mufti Menk in Hong Kong 🇭🇰 - YouTube

How to Heal your Broken Heart 💔 - Mufti Menk in Hong Kong 🇭🇰 - YouTube: کانال شبکه جهانی وصال حق.Hotbird: 11471 - V - 27500 - 5/6

اما ما می‌پرسیم | آیا یا علی گفتن شرک است؟؟ - YouTube

اما ما می‌پرسیم | آیا یا علی گفتن شرک است؟؟ - YouTube: کانال شبکه جهانی وصال حق.Hotbird: 11471 - V - 27500 - 5/6

Podcast: The Rights of Parents vs Parental Oppression | Sh Isa Parada - MuslimMatters.org

Podcast: The Rights of Parents vs Parental Oppression | Sh Isa Parada - MuslimMatters.org: Can Muslim parents make du’a against their children? Do adult children still have to obey their parents in all things? Do Muslim parents have unlimited rights over their children? How can Muslims better understand their obligations towards their parents, without compromising their own mental and spiritual health? In this episode of the MuslimMatters podcast, Shaykh […]

If You Have Islam, You Have Everything! - Siraj Wahhaj - YouTube

If You Have Islam, You Have Everything! - Siraj Wahhaj - YouTube: Website: https://itqanq.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QuranReadingLearning/?ref=pages_you_manageYoutube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCQ2APXnE8QfEWp...