الأحد، 24 نوفمبر 2019

Chaplin to Islam - Sh. Yusuf Estes

سورة الأحزاب | مشاري راشد العفاسي 1440هـ - 2019م

Shi'ism, the religion of Kufur!

تويتر \ Salafi Centre على تويتر: "Shia Muslims- Myth or Reality? This Answer to a Question Shaikh Rabee [hafidhahullaah] Was Asked Will Unveil The Reality Behind The Term 'Shia Muslims' https://t.co/oF9HN8r3iU"

Collecte de fonds organisée par Omar Smith : Help Br Mursal Abukar and his family

Collecte de fonds organisée par Omar Smith : Help Br Mursal Abukar and his family: Omar Smith Help Br Mursal Abukar and his family As salaamu alaikum,Please come forward and support the family of Al-Huda Parent Br Mursal Abukar who was sadly

La historia del asesinato de Al Jusain ibn Ali - Español - Said Abdunur Pedraza

La historia del asesinato de Al Jusain ibn Ali - Español - Said Abdunur Pedraza: En este artículo vamos a revisar algunos detalles históricos que están basados principalmente en fuentes chiíes (chiitas o chías), y a discutir la planificación del asesinato injusto de Al Jusain, y analizaremos estas fuentes chiíes para ver quién fue el verdadero asesino de Al Jusain

ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాఖ్యానంతో దివ్యఖుర్ఆన్ పఠనం (020) సూరహ్ తాహా - ఇంగ్లీష్

ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాఖ్యానంతో దివ్యఖుర్ఆన్ పఠనం (020) సూరహ్ తాహా - ఇంగ్లీష్: దివ్యఖుర్ఆన్ ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాఖ్యానంతో (020) సూరహ్ తాహా : ఈనాటి సుప్రసిద్ధ ఖుర్ఆన్ పఠనాకర్తల స్వరంలో ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాఖ్యానంతో పాటు దివ్యఖుర్ఆన్ వీడియోలు వినటానకి, చదవటానికి మరియు చూడటానికి ఇస్లాం హౌస్ మిమ్ములను ఆహ్వానిస్తున్నది. అరబీలో వినండి మరియు దాని ప్రత్యక్ష ఇంగ్లీషు అనువాదం చదవండి.

Pope said Jesus did not Resurrect

Chapitre 77, Al-Moursalat (Les vents envoyés) - La religion de l'Islam

Chapitre 77, Al-Moursalat (Les vents envoyés) - La religion de l'Islam: Une sourate percutante, comportant des
images puissantes et des commentaires incisifs.  Elle jette un bref coup d’œil
à l’au-delà et émet une mise en garde à ceux qui s’obstinent à rejeter la vérité. Ce site s'adresse à des gens de confessions diverses qui cherchent à comprendre l'islam et les musulmans.  Il contient plusieurs courts articles d'information traitant de divers aspects de l'islam.  De nouveaux articles sont ajoutés chaque semaine. De plus, il offre un service d'aide en direct par l'intermédiaire du clavardage.

It Removed My Dark Spots In 3 Days, Potato & Lemon Juice

the shortest but powerful dua

Sheikh Ahmad Deedat
Al-Abbas (R.A.), the uncle of the Prophet (ﷺ), came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said:
“Ya Rasulullah, teach me a du'a.”
The Prophet ( ﷺ) said:
“O my uncle, say:
Allahumma inni as'aluka al-afiyah
(O Allah, I ask you for afiyah).”
Now what is Afiyah?
Afiyah means -
“to save me from any afflictions.
To be healthy, you are in afiyah.
To have enough money, you are in afiyah.
To live, you are in afiyah.
To have your children protected,
you are in afiyah.
And if you are forgiven and not punished, you are in afiyah."
So basically Afiyah means:
“O Allah, protect me from any pain and suffering.”
This includes both dunya and akhirah.
Al-Abbas (R.A.) thought about this for a while, and then he came back after a few days and said (paraphrased):
“Ya Rasulullah, this du'a seems a little short. I want something big.”
The Prophet (ﷺ) said:
“My dear uncle, ask Allah for Afiyah for Wallahi, you cannot be given anything better than afiyah.”
It is a simple du'a.
Sincerely mean what you say while praying.
“O Allah, I ask You to be saved from any distress,
grief,hardship,harm, & don't test me, etc.”
All of this is included in
“Allahumma inni as'aluka al-afiyah”
(Riyadh As Saliheen, Sunan At-Tirmidhi)

Capítulo 63, versículos 9-11: Não se torne um dos perdedores - A religião do Islã

Capítulo 63, versículos 9-11: Não se torne um dos perdedores - A religião do Islã: Estar absorvida pelos prazeres deste
mundo fará com que uma pessoa esqueça as suas obrigações para com Deus e
torne-se um dos perdedores no outro mundo. Este site é para pessoas de várias crenças que buscam entender o Islã e os muçulmanos.  Contém muitos artigos breves mas informativos sobre aspectos diferentes do Islã.  Novos artigos são acrescentados toda semana.  Também apresenta um chat de Ajuda Online.

[5] Reminders About Dark Beliefs and Deeds of Those Who Scream and Wail; Slash, Whip and Hit Themselves On The Day of Aa’shooraa: [The Raafidah And Taqiyyah] | The Salafi Centre of Manchester

[5] Reminders About Dark Beliefs and Deeds of Those Who Scream and Wail; Slash, Whip and Hit Themselves On The Day of Aa’shooraa: [The Raafidah And Taqiyyah] | The Salafi Centre of Manchester: In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful The Bestower of Mercy. Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr (rahimahullah) said: It (Taqiyya) is to be careful of making known to others what is in the heart with regards on…

ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాఖ్యానంతో దివ్యఖుర్ఆన్ పఠనం (021) సూరహ్ అల్ అంబియా - ప్రవక్తలు - ఇంగ్లీష్

ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాఖ్యానంతో దివ్యఖుర్ఆన్ పఠనం (021) సూరహ్ అల్ అంబియా - ప్రవక్తలు - ఇంగ్లీష్: దివ్యఖుర్ఆన్ ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాఖ్యానంతో (021) సూరహ్ అల్ అంబియా (ప్రవక్తలు): ఈనాటి సుప్రసిద్ధ ఖుర్ఆన్ పఠనాకర్తల స్వరంలో ఇంగ్లీషు వ్యాఖ్యానంతో పాటు దివ్యఖుర్ఆన్ వీడియోలు వినటానకి, చదవటానికి మరియు చూడటానికి ఇస్లాం హౌస్ మిమ్ములను ఆహ్వానిస్తున్నది. అరబీలో వినండి మరియు దాని ప్రత్యక్ష ఇంగ్లీషు అనువాదం చదవండి.

شرح وترجمة حديث: يقول الله: إذا أراد عبدي أن يعمل سيئة، فلا تكتبوها عليه حتى يعملها، فإن عملها فاكتبوها بمثلها، وإن تركها من أجلي فاكتبوها له حسنة - موسوعة الأحاديث النبوية المترجمة

شرح وترجمة حديث: يقول الله: إذا أراد عبدي أن يعمل سيئة، فلا تكتبوها عليه حتى يعملها، فإن عملها فاكتبوها بمثلها، وإن تركها من أجلي فاكتبوها له حسنة - موسوعة الأحاديث النبوية المترجمة: شرح وترجمة حديث: يقول الله: إذا أراد عبدي أن يعمل سيئة، فلا تكتبوها عليه حتى يعملها، فإن عملها فاكتبوها بمثلها، وإن تركها من أجلي فاكتبوها له حسنة - موسوعة الأحاديث النبوية المترجمة

Une femme qui voit ses règles entre dans une mosquée pour écouter le sermon - Français - Mouhamed Saleh Al-Mounajed

Une femme qui voit ses règles entre dans une mosquée pour écouter le sermon - Français - Mouhamed Saleh Al-Mounajed: Est il permis à une femme qui voit ses règles d’entrer dans une mosquée ne serait-ce que pour écouter le sermon.J’espère recevoir une réponse argumenté.

Muslims answering Non muslims - YouTube

Muslims answering Non muslims - YouTube: يمكنك الاستمتاع بالفيديوهات والموسيقى التي تحبها وتحميل المحتوى الأصلي ومشاركته بكامله مع أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك والعالم أجمع على YouTube.

Jesus: Man, Messenger, Messiah - iERA - Islamic Education and Research Academy

Jesus: Man, Messenger, Messiah - iERA - Islamic Education and Research Academy: Nearly two billion Christians and over 1.5 billion Muslims believe in him, yet Jesus is perhaps the most misunderstood and misrepresented person in history. This book explores and demystifies Jesus – his life, teachings, personality and mission. It highlights commonalities but also examines the differences between Christianity and Islam. This book explains where and how …

I Became Muslim Because of Jesus | About Islam

I Became Muslim Because of Jesus | About Islam: “Are you Muslim?” I asked him. He nodded, and with some prodding, revealed to me that Muslims both recognize and honor Jesus as a prophet.

4 Diseases of the Heart to Start Healing Today! - ProductiveMuslim.com

4 Diseases of the Heart to Start Healing Today! - ProductiveMuslim.com: When our body is inflicted with a physical illness, we can no longer function as we normally would. Each part of our body plays an integral part in our existence as human beings. Without eyes we cannot see, without limbs, we cannot walk, and without lungs, we cannot breathe. Having an illness puts us into a situation where our routines are turned upside down, and we are no longer able to live comfortably. Everyday, we try to avoid danger and protect ourselves in all situations, out of fear that we may become unwell or sick. However, what are we doing to

Dr Zakir Naik - Why is Homosexuality condemned in Islam?

Dr Mathew asks Dr Zakir, "Would you like to take away the Peace I have a...

Be Greatful and say Alhamdulillah.

قناة الهدى ‏ هنا مع ‏‎Nura Muhammad Fagge‎‏ و‏‏٥‏ آخرين‏.
Be Greatful and say Alhamdulillah.

Quran speaking about waves under ocean , subhan Allah !

‏‎ISLAM and Science‎‏ مع ‏‎Inten Ya Inten‎‏ و‏‎Joshua Torres‎‏.
Quran speaking about waves under ocean , subhan Allah !

The holy Qur’an referred to a new scientific discovery that is in the deep of oceans there are waves and dark, let us read …
Scientists discovered that in the deep of oceans there are deep waves which are different from surface waves. Allah Almighty makes the parable of deeds of atheists and disbelievers as a man who lives in the deep of the sea where he is covered by a layer of deep waves that is covered by a layer of surface waves which is covered by darkness, this likeningis to demonstrate how those atheists by their deeds are far from the light of Allah (following principles and orders of Islam).
Allah Almighty says “ (Or [the state of a disbeliever] is like the darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed with a great wave topped by a great wave, topped by dark clouds, darkness, one above another, if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! And he for whom Allah has not appointed light, for him there is no light.){Sûrat An-Nûr -The Light –verse 40}.
Glory to Allah, recent scientists found that discovery in 2007 and they didn’t expect that finding. Who told prophet Mohamed peace be upon him about the deep waves? Allah is the teller who says about Himself: ((He Alone) the All-Knower of the Gha'ib (unseen), and He reveals to none His Gha'ib (unseen).*Except to a Messenger (from mankind) whom He has chosen (He informs him of unseen as much as He likes)){Sûrat Al-Jinn -The Jinn -verse26-27}.

Upon studying the stages of fetal development

ISLAM and Science
Upon studying the stages of fetal development, scientists have found that the bones are formed before the flesh. Such a fact was totally unknown at the time of Prophet Mohammad, PBUH. The holy Qur’an, however, has revealed it; Allah, the exalted says:
“Then We made the sperm
Into a clot of congealed blood;
Then of that clot We made
A (fœtus) lump; then We
Made out of that lump
Bones and clothed the bones
With flesh; then We developed
Out of it another creature.
So blessed be God,
The Best to create!” Muminun or the Believers: 14 (ibid)
All Glory to Allah.

“Be different from the idolaters

الحديث اليومي
Ibn Umar reported: The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “Be different from the idolaters; let the beard grow and trim the moustache.” Whenever Ibn Umar performed the pilgrimage or the lesser pilgrimage, he would grab hold of his beard and what was left he cut.
[Sahih Bukhari, Book 72, Number 780]
عَنْ ابْنِ عُمَرَ عَنْ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ خَالِفُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ وَفِّرُوا اللِّحَى وَأَحْفُوا الشَّوَارِبَ وَكَانَ ابْنُ عُمَرَ إِذَا حَجَّ أَوْ اعْتَمَرَ قَبَضَ عَلَى لِحْيَتِهِ فَمَا فَضَلَ أَخَذَهُ
5553 صحيح البخاري كِتَاب اللِّبَاسِ الفطرة خمس الختان والاستحداد وقص الشارب وتقليم الأظفار ونتف الآباط

These practices are not from the Sunnah of our prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).

قناة الهدى ‏ مع ‏‎Ismael Masukat‎‏.
These practices are not from the Sunnah of our prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).

The Survival of Pharaoh

‏‎ISLAM and Science‎‏ هنا مع ‏‎Da Ong‎‏ و‏‏٣‏ آخرين‏.
The Survival of Pharaoh

Allah All Mighty said to Pharaoh, "This day shall We save thee in the body" … And today we can see his body...
Pharaoh was the tyrant of his time… Allah Almighty recounts the story of Pharaoh, his tyranny and end: (And Pharaoh said: "O Chiefs! no god do I know for you but myself: therefore, O Haman! light me a (kiln to bake bricks) out of clay, and build me a lofty palace, that I may mount up to the god of Moses: but as far as I am concerned, I think (Moses) is a liar!" - And he (Pharaoh) was arrogant and insolent in the land, beyond reason,- He and his hosts: they thought that they would not have to return to Us! - So We seized him and his hosts, and We flung them into the sea: Now behold what was the end of those who did wrong!) [Al Qasas: 38 – 40].
Allah willed that Pharaoh drawn and that only his body survives so that the people after him can witness that phenomenon that scientists marvel at. The body of Pharaoh was found intact. The scientists who participated in the autopsy of the corpse were astonished how his body survived and recovered intact despite him drowning to such depths. This is what we were told in the Quran, as Allah Almighty says “This day shall We save thee in the body, that thou mayest be a sign to those who come after thee! but verily, many among mankind are heedless of Our Signs!" [Yunus: 92].
We can not say but, Subhana Allah!