الأربعاء، 9 ديسمبر 2015
Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
should ask Allah through only 3 things: 1) Through Allah’s beautiful Names and Attributes. 2) Through your own good deeds and actions. Example: If you fed a blind woman, who was hungry and stranded and later on you want to ask Allah for something then you can say, “O Allah, because I fed that woman for Your sake, O Allah please accept my dua!” 3) Thirdly, by asking the LIVING righteous people to pray for you.
Islam port
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Dr. Bilal Philips مع Amina Muhammad و49 آخرين.
You may dislike the thought of the hijab and keep saying you will wear it when you are older. You might find it hard and you might feel it a burden, and some might even think they will look “ugly” in it. You might even find any excuse not to wear it and you may feel empowered by the desires of this world. Truth is: one day, you will be wrapped around, fully covered head to toe, and lowered into your grave. Don’t let your last day on earth be the first day you wear your hijab. #Hijab
savings to feed stray cats
تمت إضافة 2 صورتين جديدتين من قبل Mohsin Hasan Mumtaz.
This ambulance driver spent part of his savings to feed stray cats some meat in Aleppo, Syria.
May Allaah reward him for his kindness. Aameen
Where are the Muslim sports heroes?"
Imam Zaid Shakir
As Salaam Alaikum,
After President Obama's address to the nation Sunday night, Donald Trump asked, "Where are the Muslim sports heroes?" Here is his answer. Maybe he does not realize that Muhammad Ali is a Muslim name. I demand seeing his high school transcript!
IslamForDeaf.co.uk | Providing Essential Islamic knowledge to Deaf Muslims.
193 مشاهدة
Digital Mimbar added a new video: IslamForDeaf.co.uk | Providing Essential Islamic knowledge to Deaf Muslims.
IslamForDeaf.co.uk | Providing Essential Islamic knowledge to Deaf Muslims.
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3Qbtw2Dtqo
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3Qbtw2Dtqo
PINTEREST: https://uk.pinterest.com/islamfor/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/IslamforDeaf
About Us
Islam for Deaf is a nonprofit organisation registered in the UK. The organisation was established in January 2013, in order to provide essential Islamic knowledge to Deaf Muslims.
Islam for Deaf has recognized that there is a lack of Islamic material accessible to the Muslim Deaf community and our aim is to overcome this challenge, by making as much Islamic resources readily available to the Muslim Deaf community. We produce Islamic DVD’s and translate them using British Sign Language (BSL) and subtitles.
Islam for Deaf endeavors to educate Deaf Muslims and be a source of dawah to non Muslims on the reality, practicality and beauty of Islam.
We ask Allah to bring us clarity, knowledge, wisdom and the ability to implement it, in a way, which is pleasing to Him, and we ask Allah to accept our efforts To fully benefit from these lectures please subscribe. This help’s to cover costs for production and enables us to continue producing Islamic materials.
Quran’s Lesson - Surah Al-Tawbah 9, Verse 105, Part 11
Darussalam Publishers & Distributors
Quran’s Lesson - Surah Al-Tawbah 9, Verse 105, Part 11
وَقُلِ اعْمَلُوا فَسَيَرَى اللَّهُ عَمَلَكُمْ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ ۖ وَسَتُرَدُّونَ إِلَىٰ عَالِمِ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ فَيُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ
And say (O Muhammad ﷺ): “Do deeds! Allah will see your deeds, and (so will) His Messenger and the believers. And you will be brought back to the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. Then He will inform you of what you used to do.”
نیز ان سے کہئے کہ عمل کرتے جاؤ۔ اللہ، اس کا رسول اور سب مومن تمہارے طرز عمل کو دیکھ لیں گے اور عنقریب تم کھلی اور چھپی چیزوں کے جاننے والے کی طرف لوٹائے جاؤ گے تو وہ تمہیں بتا دے گا جو کچھ تم کرتے رہے۔
[Al-Quran 9:105]
Hidden and buried away from the American public is the truth about America's History.
270,042 مشاهدة
The Deen Show مع Rafia Khan وMughal Badshah.
Hidden and buried away from the American public is the truth about America's History.
Housed in the Library of Congress (Thomas Jefferson Building) is Thomas Jefferson's own copy of the Quran signed by him. Carved into the marble frieze of the US Supreme Court Building, is the picture of the Quran itself. This video shows all this and how Islam had influenced our founding fathers in the creation of America, its government, and its laws. The roots of Islam's laws and teachings are unmistakably present in America's Constitution and Laws.
Housed in the Library of Congress (Thomas Jefferson Building) is Thomas Jefferson's own copy of the Quran signed by him. Carved into the marble frieze of the US Supreme Court Building, is the picture of the Quran itself. This video shows all this and how Islam had influenced our founding fathers in the creation of America, its government, and its laws. The roots of Islam's laws and teachings are unmistakably present in America's Constitution and Laws.
Sayyid Qutb
Sheikh Khalid Yasin وMariella Amador.
Sayyid Qutb a man who loved Islam, defended it and promoted it, and he died for its sake – as it appears to us – and we ask Allah to cause him to be among the martyrs.
When he was arrested and was awaiting to be executed they the (Egyptian government) asked him to sign an apology letter and we would release you today. His sister Hameeda Qutb told him the news and he replied saying, “About what should I apologise about O'Hameeda? For working for Allah, the lord of all creation? I swear by Allah, if I was working for other than Allah, I would have apologised but I will never apologise for working with Allah. Be at peace O'Hameeda. And an apology will not change anything in bringing the time of death closer or delaying it."
Guided Through the Qur'an - Andrew from London
06 - Guided Through the Qur'an - Andrew from London (English Subtitles) https://youtu.be/qaK-ID4FBZI?list=PLLYhBAPqWswwfKk03HZdnTMTFB15AAjE9 … عبر @YouTube
SUHUR significa fazer uma refeição antes da alvorada com a
intenção de seguir o profeta Muhammad (que a paz de Deus
esteja com ele) que fazia isso e para ter forças para completar o
intenção de seguir o profeta Muhammad (que a paz de Deus
esteja com ele) que fazia isso e para ter forças para completar o
E outro hadith que relatou Amr Filho do Aas (que Deus esteja
satisfeito com ele) relatou que o profeta Muhammad (que a paz
de Deus esteja com ele) disse: “A diferença entre nosso jejum e o
jejum do povo do livro (judeus e cristãos) é fazer o suhur.” (Muslim)
satisfeito com ele) relatou que o profeta Muhammad (que a paz
de Deus esteja com ele) disse: “A diferença entre nosso jejum e o
jejum do povo do livro (judeus e cristãos) é fazer o suhur.” (Muslim)
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