الخميس، 21 نوفمبر 2019

Can we sell cats, dogs, snakes & other exotic animals & Can we keep them...

Y sé de aquellos que recuerdan a Al-láh - Español - Hisham Ibn Abdusalam

Y sé de aquellos que recuerdan a Al-láh - Español - Hisham Ibn Abdusalam: Conferencia sobre los beneficios que tiene recordar a Al-láh extraídos de un bello poema.

Dua in Sujood, in your mother tongue - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Khutbah and the Weekend

Never give up --- Al-Huda School Field Day 2019

Debates | Calling Christians

Debates | Calling Christians: This page includes all officially moderated debates by the Calling Christians team. If you would like to challenge any of our team members to a debate, please use the Contact Us page. “Naviga…


Shamsi vs Nabeel Qureshi | Exposed in Speakers Corner | Hyde Park

Collecte de fonds organisée par TDR Network : The Story Of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)

Collecte de fonds organisée par TDR Network : The Story Of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ): TDR Network The Story Of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) UPDATE:Assalaamu Alaikum! :)Due to your amazing feedback and donations, we have decided to extend this series f

(Al Qur'an 169-173)

"And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision, Rejoicing in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty, and they receive good tidings about those [to be martyred] after them who have not yet joined them - that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. They receive good tidings of favor from Allah and bounty and [of the fact] that Allah does not allow the reward of believers to be lost -Those [believers] who responded to Allah and the Messenger after injury had struck them. For those who did good among them and feared Allah is a great reward - Those to whom hypocrites said, "Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them." But it [merely] increased them in faith, and they said, "Sufficient for us is Allah , and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs."
(Al Qur'an 169-173)


‏‎Science & Faith‎‏ هنا مع ‏‎Rahma Ally‎‏ و‏‏١٠‏ آخرين‏.
The atom, the building-block of matter, came into being after the Big Bang. These atoms then came together to make up the universe with its stars, earth and sun. Afterwards, the same atoms established life on the earth. Everything you see around you: your body, the chair you sit on, the book you hold in your hand, the sky seen through the window, the soil, the concrete, the fruits, the plants, all living things and everything that you can imagine have come to life with the gathering of atoms.
What then is the atom, the building block of everything, made of and what kind of a structure does it have?
When we examine the structure of atoms, we see that all of them have an outstanding design and order. Every atom has a nucleus in which there are certain numbers of protons and neutrons. In addition to these, there are electrons which move around the nucleus in a constant orbit with a speed of 1,000 kms per second. Electrons and protons of an atom are equal in number, because positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons always balance each other. If one of these numbers were different, there would be no atom, since its electromagnetic balance would be disturbed. An atoms nucleus, the protons and the neutrons in it, and the electrons around it are always in motion. These revolve both around themselves and each other unerringly at certain speeds. Those speeds are always proportionate to each other and provide the subsistence of the atom. No disorder, disparity, or change ever occurs.
It is very remarkable that such highly ordered and determined entities could come into being after a great explosion that took place in non-being. If the Big Bang were an uncontrolled, coincidental explosion, then it ought to have been followed by random events and everything that formed subsequently ought to have been dispersed in a great chaos.
In fact, a flawless order has prevailed at every point since the beginning of existence. For example, although atoms are formed at different places and times, they are so organised that they seem as though they were produced from a single factory with an awareness of each kind. First, electrons find themselves a nucleus and start to turn around it. Later, atoms come together to form matter and all these bring about meaningful, purposeful and reasonable objects. Ambiguous, useless, abnormal and purposeless things never occur. Everything from the smallest unit to the biggest component is organised and has manifold purposes.
The order in the structure of the atom rules the whole universe. With the atom and its particles moving in a certain order, the mountains are not scattered, lands do not break apart, the sky is not split asunder and, in short, matter is held together and is constant.
All of this is solid evidence of the existence of the Creator, Who is exalted in power, and indicate the fact that everything comes into existence however He wants and whenever He wills.

The Symmetry in Butterfly Wings

‏‎Science & Faith‎‏ هنا مع ‏‎Zulaikha Rabdiya‎‏ و‏‏٢٥‏ آخرين‏.
The Symmetry in Butterfly Wings
When we look at the butterfly wings in the pictures, we see a perfect symmetry prevailing over them. These lace-like wings are so adorned with patterns, spots and colours that each of them is like a work of art.
When you look at the wings of these butterflies, you notice that the patterns and colours on both sides are fully identical, no matter how intricate they may seem. Even the smallest dot is present on both wings, thereby introducing a flawless order and symmetry.
In addition, none of the colours on these thin wings mixes with the other, each being sharply set apart from the other. Actually, these colours are formed by the amassing of tiny scales clustered one on top of another. Isn't it a wonder how these small scales that are easily dispersed with your hand's slightest touch can be arranged in both wings without any mistake in their disposal so as to produce exactly the same pattern. Even the replacement of a single scale would destroy the symmetry in the wings and impair their aesthetics. However, you never see any muddle in the wings of any butterfly on the earth. They are as neat and elegant as if made by an artist. And they are indeed made by an Exalted Creator.

Why are Music and Dancing not allowed in Islam? by Dr Zakir Naik

Muslim Scientists | Science & Faith

Абубакри Сиддиқ (р) - Тоҷикӣ - Одил ибни Али аш-Шиддӣ

Абубакри Сиддиқ (р) - Тоҷикӣ - Одил ибни Али аш-Шиддӣ: Cухани мо дар атрофи шахсе аст ки офтоб ба касе беҳтар аз ӯ баъди Паёмбарон натобидааст. Ин шахс ҳамон шахсе аст, ки имони ӯро ва имони тамоми умматро дар тарозу гузоштанд имони ӯ бар имони тамоми уммат ғолиб (вазнинтар) омад. Ин шахс ҳамон шахсе аст, ки тамоми молашро дар роҳи Худо хайр кард, аз ӯ пурсида шуд оё барои аҳлу оилаат чизе боқи мондай? Дар ҷавоб гуфт: Барои аҳлу оилаам Худову Паёмбарашро мондам. Пас барои шинохтани ин шахс метавонед ба ин китоб ру биоваред, то инки бидонед ки ӯ кист.

القواعد المثلى | الدرس الأول | الشيخ الدكتور رياض الطائي

Discussion on Music, Porn, T.I Virginity Checks and more with Owen Benjamin

This verse is in fact an answer to the disbelievers question

[ Islamic Videos ] - Lectures & Quran Recitations
This verse is in fact an answer to the disbelievers question as to when the Hour of Resurrection will come which they asked when they heard the Prophet peace be upon him mention it and the promise of the Hereafter again and again. The Koran has answered this sometimes by citing the question and sometimes without citing it because the addressees knew what they were asking. This is one of those verses which answer the question without citing the question itself.
The first sentence "Allah with Him is the knowledge of the Hour" is the real answer to the question. The four sentences that follow constitute the argument to support it. The argument means this O man you do not have the knowledge even about those things with which you are most closely and intimately concerned in life. How then can it be possible for you to know as to when will the whole world come to an end? Your prosperity and adversity mainly depend on the rain. But its control and regulation is entirely in the hand of Allah. He sends down the rain whenever and wherever and in whatever measure He pleases and withholds it whenever he pleases. You do not at all know how much of the rain will fall at a particular place at a particular time and which land will remain without it and which land will be adversely affected in spite of it. Your wives conceive by your own sperm-drop which perpetuates your race in the future but you do not know what is taking shape in their wombs and in what form and with what good or evil it will emerge. You do not even know what you are going to meet with the next day. A sudden accident can change your destiny but you are unaware of it even a minute before its occurrence. You do not know where your present life will eventually come to an end. Allah has kept all this information within Himself alone and has not given you any knowledge of any of these. You actually desire that you should have the knowledge of each of these things so that you may make necessary preparations beforehand but you have no other course open to you than to depend only on Allah’s decree and disposal in these matters. Likewise about the end of the world also there is no alternative but to rely on Allah's decree and decision. The knowledge of this also has neither been given to anybody, nor can it be given. Here another thing also should be understood well and that is this verse does not give a list of the unseen and hidden things which are known to no one but Allah. Here only some of the most apparent things have been pointed out only to serve as an illustration. These are the things with which man is most deeply and intimately concerned yet he is unaware of them. From this it would be wrong to conclude that these are the only five unseen and hidden things which are known to no one but Allah. As a matter of fact ghaib applies to every such thing which is hidden from the creation but is in the knowledge of Allah and such things are countless and limitless.