السبت، 26 مارس 2016

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Qayamah on Friday

Darussalam Publishers & Distributors
Qayamah on Friday
عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ " خَيْرُ يَوْمٍ طَلَعَتْ عَلَيْهِ الشَّمْسُ يَوْمُ الْجُمُعَةِ فِيهِ خُلِقَ آدَمُ وَفِيهِ أُدْخِلَ الْجَنَّةَ وَفِيهِ أُخْرِجَ مِنْهَا وَلاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ إِلاَّ فِي يَوْمِ الْجُمُعَةِ
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (may peace be upon him) said: “The best day on which the sun rises is Jumu’ah (Friday). On it Adam was created, on it he entered Paradise, on it he was expelled therefrom, and the Hour will not begin except on a Jumu’ah (Friday).”
حضرت ابوہریرہ رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے فرمایا کہ بہترین دن جس پر سورج طلوع ہو کر چمکے، جمعے کا دن ہے۔ اسی دن آدم علیہ السلام پیدا کیے گئے، اسی دن جنت میں داخل کیے گئے، اسی دن جنت سے نکالے گئے اور قیامت بھی جمعے کے دن قائم ہو گی۔
[Sahih Muslim, Book of Jumu’ah (Friday), Hadith: 854]
Chapter: The virtue of Friday

ha's (RA) statement "Lord hastens in fulfilling your desires" explained

ha's (RA) statement "Lord hastens in fulfilling your desires" explained

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وحده و الصلاة و السلام على من لا نبي بعده و على آله و أصحابه أجمعين

Understanding the reality and meanings of the statement of Sayyidah Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her), “I see that your Lord hastens to confirm your desires.” The issue is explained through literary analysis of the words used and in the light of the contextual significance along with other related proofs.

1. Introduction

There are numerous people and groups who harbor a disliking for Islamic personalities while there are some who have taken it as the ultimate mission of their life to hate and preach hatred,specially against Islam and Muhammad s.a.w .

The claim addressed here is one such example.

Even though the Qur’an defends Aisha[1] –may Allah be pleased with her, from a heinous allegation leveled by the enemies of Islam, the hate preachers do not desist from this practice thereby enrolling themselves in the list of enemies of Islam.

We find a statement from Aisha –may Allah be pleased with her- as follows:

"I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires."[2]

2. The baseless allegation

Based on this statement, the hate preachers reach at a few unfounded conclusions. Those in the guise of Muslims claim that this statement denotes disbelief in revelation by the pious mother of the believers whereas other groups state that they understand it to mean that Prophet Muhammad -on him be the peace and blessings of Allah- made up revelations and the people around him doubted his prophethood. Analyzing the statement within context and looking properly at the bigger picture reveals that the allegations are baseless as proven in this article.

3. The full narration

Narrated Aisha: I used to be jealous of those ladies who had given themselves to Allah's Apostle and I used to say, "Can a lady give herself (to a man)?" But when Allah revealed: "You (O Muhammad) can postpone (the turn of) whom you will of them (your wives), and you may receive any of them whom you will; and there is no blame on you if you invite one whose turn you have set aside (temporarily).' (33.51) I said (to the Prophet), "I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes."[3]

4. Inclinations/Wishes/Choices or desires?

Before the narration is analyzed, the word for ‘wishes’ needs to be understood in its proper meaning. The word هوى has been used in the Qur’an as well:

فلا تتبعوا الهوى

"So follow not [personal] inclination ..."[4]

The word has been repeated several times in the Qur’an and among a number of meanings, carries the meaning of an innocent wish, likeness or preference for any consideration, personal opinion or likeness for a particular opinion when other opinions are more valid and strong. We find in Saheeh Bukhari:

Narrated Ibrahim bin Sad from his father from his grand-father: Abdur Rahman bin Auf said, "When we came to Medina as emigrants, Allah's Messenger established a bond of brotherhood between me and Sad bin Ar-Rabi'. Sad bin Ar-Rabi' said (to me), 'I am the richest among the Ansar, so I will give you half of my wealth and you may look at my two wives and whichever of the two you may choose (هوى - hawa) I will divorce her, and when she has completed the prescribed period (before marriage) you may marry her.' Abdur-Rahman replied, "I am not in need of all that. Is there any market-place where trade is practiced?'[5]

Furthermore, Ibn Rajab writes:

قالت عائشة للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : ما أرى ربك إلا يسارع في هواك . وقال عمر في قصة المشاورة في أسارى بدر: فهوى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ما قال أبو بكر ، ولم يهو ما قلت ، وهذا الحديث مما جاء في استعمال الهوى بمعنىالمحبة المحمودة ، وقد وقع مثل ذلك في الآثار الإسرائيلية كثيرا ، وكلام مشايخ القوم وإشاراتهم نظما ونثرا يكثر في هذاالاستعمال ، ومما يناسب معنى الحديث من ذلك قول بعضهم : 
إن هواك الذي بقلبي
صيرني سامعا مطيعا
أخذت قلبي وغمض عيني
سلبتني النوم والهجوعا
فذر فؤادي وخذ رقادي
فقال لا بل هما جميعا

'Aishah said to the Prophet (peace be upon him) commenting on this verse (i.e. 33:51), "I see that Allah fulfills your inclinations."

Commenting on the Prophet's (peace be upon him) consultation with his Companions regarding the captives of Badr, 'Umar bin Al-Khattab said, "The Prophet (peace be upon him) inclined 
(hawiya) to Abu Bakr's opinion and he did not incline (lam yahwa) to what I said." With such a connotation of good/innocent inclination, the term has been used in the Reports of the People of the Book and also frequently in the poetry and prose of the Pious Predecessors. From what relates to the Hadith are the words;
"Your inclination (hawaka) in my heart made me to listen to You and obey You.
You have my heart and I was deprived from sleeping.
Leave my heart and let me sleep.
Yet, He said: I will take both."

The Prophet - on him be the peace and blessings of Allah- did not take her statement as an insult or criticism as he did not react to it. If this had been a real insult, as the opponents of Islam claim, then the Prophet –peace be upon him- would have considered this as a blasphemy and, at worst, declared her renegade or, at best, given her sincere advice and guidance so she may repent. However, nothing of this sort happened indicating clearly that this was a casual discussion between a husband and wife.

Therefore, if someone understands the statement of Aisha –may Allah be pleased with her- to allege lust or passion, then there appears to be no cure for such ignorance.

5. The background to the statement

"Imam Ahmad recorded that A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, used to feel jealous of the women who offered themselves to the Prophet. She said, "Would a woman not feel shy to offer herself without any dowry!'' Then Allah revealed the verse, (You can postpone whom you will of them, and you may receive whom you will.) She said, "I think that your Lord is hastening to confirm your desire.' “And whomsoever you desire of those whom you have set aside, it is no sin on you (to receive her again)”. Others said that what is meant by: (You can postpone (the turn of) whom you will of them), means, `your wives: there is no sin on you if you stop dividing your time equally between them, and delay the turn of one of them and bring forward the turn of another as you wish, and you have intercourse with one and not another as you wish.' This was narrated from Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, Abu Razin, Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam and others.[7]

6. Natural spousal jealousy

As has been stated earlier that the pious mother of the believers, Aisha –may Allah be pleased with her- had a natural jealousy that all women have. This matter should be sufficient for any rational person. A private matter and discussion between a husband and wife that meant nothing more than that to themselves should not be taken up by others to justify hidden motives in the first place. It was his wife who had said this and that is the bottom line. The Prophet -on him be the peace and blessings of Allah- is loved, honored and respected by all Muslims who would definitely not speak about him in such words but the statement came from his wife and hence the same yardstick does not apply. He used to be frank and informal with his wives and likewise, they were with him. The simple and only conclusion is that there was certainly no disrespect but only frankness and natural spousal jealousy. Had it been an angry or insulting statement, she would have not narrated it to others. Besides, there are further evidences that she did not speak in an angry tone.

7. An ordinary matter between spouses without any real ill-feelings or even anger

Narrated Aisha:
That Allah's Messenger said to her, "I know whether you are pleased with me or angry with me." I said, "Whence do you know that?" He said, "When you are pleased with me, you say, 'No, by the Lord of Muhammad,' but when you are angry with me, then you say, 'No, by the Lord of Ibrahim.' "Thereupon I said, "Yes (you are right), but by Allah, O Allah's Messenger, I leave nothing but your name."[8]

The Prophet -on him be the peace and blessings of Allah, as a husband, understood his wife and he knew whether she was angry or not. When she had spoken the words, she used the words “I feel that your Lord instead of saying the 'Lord of Ibrahim' or any other such words indicating that hers was a casual discussion with her husband.

8. Fulfillment of desires?

Even after the verse was revealed, Prophet Muhammad -on him be the peace and blessings of Allah- used to divide his time equally as mentioned by the pious mother of the believers herself:

‘Aisha said: "O my nephew, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him) did not prefer one of us to other in respect of his division of time of his staying with us. It was very rare that he did not visit any of us any day. He would come near each of his wives without having any intercourse with her until he reached the one who had her day (i.e. her turn) and passed his night with her...."[9]

Furthermore, Ibn Kathir states:

Nevertheless, the Prophet used to divide his time between them equally, hence a group of the scholars of Fiqh among the Shafi`is and others said that equal division of time was not obligatory for him and they used this Ayah as their evidence.[10]

Maulana Maududi writes:

This verse was meant to relieve the Holy Prophet of the domestic worries and anxieties so that he could carry out his duties with full peace of mind. When Allah clearly gave hire the power and the authority to treat any of his wives as he liked, there remained no chance that those believing ladies would trouble him in any way, or would create complications for him by their mutual rivalries and domestic squabbles. But in spite of having this authority from Allah the Honorable Prophet meted out full justice to his wives. He did not prefer one to the other and would visit each of them regularly by turns. Bukhari, Muslim, Nasa'i, Abu Da'ud and others have reported on the authority of 'A'ishah that even after the revelation of this verse the Honorable Prophet's practice was that whenever he wanted to visit any of us, his wives, on the turn of another wife, he would first ask her permission for it. Abu Bakr al-Jassas relates from 'Urwah bin Zubair that Hadrat 'A'ishah told him, "As to our rants the Honorable Prophet never preferred any of us to the other, although it seldom happened that he did not visit all his wives on the same day, but he never touched a wife unless it was her day by turn." And this also is a tradition from 'A'ishah that during his last illness when it became difficult for him to move about he asked for his other wives' permission to stay with her, and only on their approval he passed his last days in her apartment. Ibn Abi Hatim has cited this from Imam Zuhri that the Honorable Prophet is not known to have deprived any of his wives of her turn.[11]

Another point that is important here is the fact that revelation did not always make things what ‘we may call’ ‘easy’ or ‘favorable’. For example, the Prophet –peace be upon him- was not allowed to marry Christian and Jewish women[12] and was commanded to pray the night prayer[13] which he did during the late-night. If he was fabricating revelation at all, then surely these difficulties and restrictions would not have been imposed on him by himself. This order coupled with strict implementation is rather evidence that he was not the originator of the Qur’an but the Messenger of Allah.

Another example of ‘unfavorable revelation’ is as follows:

Narrated Abu Huraira: Whenever a meal was brought to Allah's Apostle, he would ask whether it was a gift or Sadaqa (something given in charity). If he was told that it was Sadaqa, he would tell his companions to eat it, but if it was a gift, he would hurry to share it with them.[14]

Prophet Muhammad -on him be the peace and blessings of Allah- was not allowed by Allah to take from charity and the believers were forbidden to give him charity. The kind of life that he lived would force a person to accept that the absence of such a kind of revelation would have made life much easier for him as we find in other narrations:

'A'isha reported: Never had the family of Muhammad (may peace be upon him) eaten to the fill since their arrival in Medina with the bread of wheat for three successive nights until his (Holy Prophet's) death.[15]

Nu'man b. Bashir said: Don't you eat and drink according to your heart's desire, whereas I saw that your prophet (may peace be upon him) (at times) could not find even an inferior quality of the dates with which he could fill his belly?"[16]

Throughout the Muslim history, we find several false claimants to prophethood making things easy for their followers. They removed the things people find difficult such as praying and charity. Even several fake scholars have done the same i.e. turned the Islamic teachings into metaphors and giving to the people what they want to hear. However, the apparent difficult orders of the Qur’an for the Messenger of Allah –peace be upon him- are a strong proof of the truthfulness of the Qur’an and the Messenger.

Another example of revelation which can be considered difficult for the Prophet -on him be the peace and blessings of Allah- was the Qibla used. The change of Qibla from the sacred Masjid to the Noble Ka’abah in Makkah did not happen when he was in Makkah and which would have suited him as well but happened in Madina when the change of Qibla was disliked, criticized and ridiculed by the disbelievers and hypocrites.

Allah chooses the best of the people to be His Messengers. What the Messenger teach is the Message from the Creator. Hence if the Creator mentions that He chose the best from mankind to convey His Message, then who would be unwise enough to allege self-praise? Prophet Muhammad -on him be the peace and blessings of Allah- was the representative of Allah on earth and all laws had to come through him alone and therefore not making an issue of extra responsibility on the Messenger of Allah and making an issue of some concessions appears to be an unwise thing to do.

[1] Qur’an 24:11-26
[2] Saheeh Bukhari, book 60, Hadith 311
[3] ibid.
[4] Qur’an 4:135
[5] Saheeh Bukhari, book 34, Hadith 264
[6] Jami' Al-'Ulum wal-Hikam , Al-Resalah Publications, Beirut, 2001 vol.2 p.399
[8] Saheeh Bukhari book 62, Hadith 155
[9] Sunan Abu Dawud Hadith 2135
[11] Tafhim ul Qur'an: Surah Al-Ahzab
[12] Qur’an 33:50-52
[13] Qur’an 17:79
[14] Saheeh Bukhari, book 47, Hadith 750
[15] Saheeh Muslim book 42, Hadith 7083
[16] Saheeh Muslim book 42, Hadith 7099

Written by Adeel Tariq Khan
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Answering Christanity

Understanding ‘Satan Urinates in the Ear’ Hadith

Understanding ‘Satan Urinates in the Ear’ Hadith

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وحده و الصلاة و السلام على من لا نبي بعده و على آله و أصحابه أجمعين
  Explanation of the Hadith that says Satan urinates in the ear(s) of the one who sleeps till the sunrise missing the obligatory morning (fajr) prayers. Explanation is based on study of related hadith narrations, Arabic literature and comments of the classical Muslim exegetes.

Condemning a person sleeping through the night till the day-break like a dormouse, a hadith tells us that the Prophet- may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- said Satan urinates in his ears. As expected, anti-Islamic polemicists and missionaries take exception to this and dub it as superstitious. Non-conversant with the true significance of the words used, some Muslims also wonder about its real meanings. 

1- Narration:

Here is the narration often quoted.

عن عبد الله رضي الله عنه، قال: ذكر عند النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم رجل نام ليله حتى أصبح، قال: " ذاك رجل بال الشيطان في أذنيه، أو قال: في أذنه "

Narrated 'Abdullah: It was mentioned before the Prophet that there was a man who slept the night till morning (after sunrise). The Prophet said, "He is a man in whose ears (or ear) Satan had urinated."[1]

2- Explanation:

2.1 The reasoning for this mention

In another narration there is clear mention of missing the prayers.

عن عبد الله رضي الله عنه، قال: ذكر عند النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم رجل، فقيل: ما زال نائما حتى أصبح، ما قام إلى الصلاة، فقال: «بال الشيطان في أذنه»

Narrated 'Abdullah : A person was mentioned before the Prophet -peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- and he was told that he had kept on sleeping till morning and had not got up for the prayer. The Prophet said, "Satan urinated in his ears."[2]

In other reports we have more to help us understand the gravity of the issue addressed in the hadith.

عن عبد الله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه، قال: سئل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن الذي ينام من أول الليل إلى آخره، قال: " ذاك الذي بال الشيطان في أذنه "

Narrated ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud; The Prophet –peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- was asked about one who slept from the beginning of the night towards its end. He said: “He is the one in whose ear Satan has urinated.”[3]

This narration says the person slept all night and must have missed isha (night) prayers as well in addition to missing the morning prayers.

2.2 Reference to Satan

Explaining the Satan’s likeness for yawning Ibn Battal (d. 449 A.H.) writes;

وكذلك كل ما جاء من الأفعال المنسوبة إلى الشيطان فإنها على معنيين إما إضافة رضى وإرادة أو إضافة بمعنى الوسوسة فى الصدر والتزيين

 “And similar is the case for all the activities ascribed to the Devil and they have two meanings; [it is] either by the way of [Satan’s] pleasure and will or by the way of whispering in the heart and making something adorable.”[4]

Most certainly Satan wants a person to sleep for long hours, become lazy, fail to discharge his duties towards Allah and fellow humans and miss the obligatory prayers and blessings from Allah. And once a person gives in to devil for once he becomes a rather easy prey for good unless he puts in special effort to control and recover from the loss.

2.3 Reference to ear(s)

Ears representing the faculty of listening stand for ability to reason. Its relation to tight sleep and disconnection from the world is obvious. A related use is in Qur’an 18:10.

2.4 The mention of urination

Being the most important point in the narration it requires good knowledge of the Arabic language to understand this.

Mention of urination is actually to denote the worst overpowering of sleep that pleases Satan.

Ibn Hajr (d. 852 A.H.) writes:

هو مثل مضروب للغافل عن القيام بثقل النوم كمن وقع البول في أذنه فثقل أذنه وأفسد حسه والعرب تكني عن الفساد بالبول

“It is an example used for the one who is negligent of prayers due to heavy sleep as if he has got his ear filled with urine till it became weighed down and his senses got corrupted. Arabs have used urination as a metaphor for corruption.”[5]

Likewise al-Nawawi (d. 676 A.H.) says;

معناه استخف به واحتقره واستعلى عليه يقال لمن استخف بإنسان وخدعه بال في أذنه وأصل ذلك في دابة تفعل ذلك بالأسد إذلالا له وقال الحربي معناه ظهر عليه وسخر منه

“And its meaning is to scoff at, deride and belittle. It is said for the one who scorns a human and deceives him that he urinated in his ear. The origin of this term came from an animal doing it to a [sleeping] lion as an act of humiliation. Al-Harbi said, 'It means he became victorious over him and is ridiculing him.'”[6]

Further it is actually a proverbial use denoting the spoilt. A poet said;

بال سهيل في الفضيخ ففسد

Literally it would be,  
“Canopus urinated in the beverage and it was spoiled.”
However it means; “… that when Canopus rises [aurorally, which it does, in central Arabia, early in August, the making of that beverage is stopped, for] the season of unripe dates has passed, and they have become ripe.”[7]

Ibn Battal points to a verse of Al-Farazdaq in which there is a link of urine with corruption and trouble. He said;

وإن الذى يسعى ليفسد زوجتى
 كساعٍ إلى أسد الشرى يستبيلها

“And verily he who strives to corrupt my wife is like one betaking himself to the lions of Esh-Shara’ (a certain road abounding with those animals) to receive their urine in his hand.”[8]

We can see urine represents changing the condition, perversion and trouble. Therefore, urination in the hadith under consideration is about evil due to negligence from the duties prescribed by Allah- something Satan loves so much!

Following comment by the great hadith scholar and a wonderful jurist, Abu Ja’far al-Tahawi (d. 321 A.H.) explains it very well;

وكان النوم المذكور في الحديث ... نوما كان من نائمه تضييعه فرض الله عز وجل في العشاء، ثم خلافه لما كرهه له نبيه صلى الله عليه وسلم من النوم قبلها الذي كان سببا لتضييعها، ولترك أداء فرضها في الوقت الذي أوجب الله عز وجل عليه أداءه فيه، فكان في ذلك مخالفا لربه عز وجل، مطيعا للشيطان فيما يريده منه، فضرب على أذنيه بذلك النوم، وهو ما ألقي فيهما من ثقل النوم، والعرب تسمي مثل ذلك ضربا على الأذن ومنه قول الله عز وجل في أهل الكهف: {فضربنا على آذانهم في الكهف سنين عددا} [الكهف: 11] ، وأضيف ذلك الفعل به إلى الشيطان، لأنه مما يرضاه الشيطان منه، وذكر فيه بول الشيطان في أذنه، أي: فعل به أقبح ما يفعل بالنوام وليس ذلك على حقيقة البول منه في أذنه، ولكن على المثل والاستعارة في المعنى

“And this sleep (mentioned in the hadith being discussed) … is a sleep in which a person misses the obligation towards Allah at night (i.e. obligatory prayers). Moreover it is also for sleeping before ishaprayers disliked by the Prophet- peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- which causes the missing (ofisha prayers) and also delaying it from the time prescribed by Allah; in all this he goes against the commandment of his Almighty Lord while showing obedience to Satan in what he wants from him. So a covering is put over his ears due to this sleep, and it is from the affliction of sleep in his ears. Arabs termed such a thing as covering over the ears as is the word of Allah regarding the people of the Cave, “Therefore we put a covering over their years for a number of years.” (Qur’an 18:10) And this act is attributed to Satan for it pleases Satan. And the mention of urination of Satan in his ear means it is worse than what happens in sleep (ordinarily). It is not urination in the ear in the real sense; rather it is by the way of simile and allusion.”[9]

5- Summary

Context of the hadith narrations is inordinate sleep leading to missing ritual obligatory prayers.

Mention of Satan is for the fact that missing the prayers pleases him and that he actually whispers to man and allures him into negligence.

Reference to urination is actually an Arabic proverb suggesting the change in condition. 

There is nothing of superstition or absurdity in this hadith. It is all about established facts put in a peculiar literary style involving metaphors to make the expression forceful.

Indeed Allah knows the best!

 Sahih Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 492
[2] Sahih Bukhari, Book 21, Hadith 245
[3] Sharh Mushkil al-Athar, Al-Resala publications, Beirut, 1994 vol.10 Hadith 4020
[4] Sharh Sahih Bukhari, Maktaba Al-Rushd, Riyadh, 2003 vol.9 p.370
[5] Fath al-Bari, Dar al-Ma’rifa, Beirut 1379 A.H. vol.3 pp.28-29
[6] Sharh Sahih Muslim, Dar Ahya al-Turath al-‘Arabi, Beirut 1392 A.H. vol.6 p.64
[7] Edward William Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, Book I, pp.276-277 entry بول
[8] Sharh Sahih Bukhari, vol.3 p.136
Lane’s Arabic-English Lexicon, Book I, p.277
[9] Sharh Mushkil al-Athar, vol.10 pp.193-194

Brother Waqar
so,Are you going to keep this link with you or you will share with others on your wall or page or group ? 

Probably Many brother(Including me) and sisters were not able to answer haters,when haters used these hadith to mock and make fun of our beloved Prophet S.a.w becoz we didn;t knew the explanation ...but Now We KNOW.

so Will you share ?

I Did,what about you ?

share this note and help to remove this misconception and get rewards from Allah. InshahAllah..

May Allah swt rewards the supporters and us by his mercy and forgiveness



التعليقات: 22
Koki Noor
اكتب تعليقًا...
Zee Net
Good explanation! May Allah guide whom he wills through this and similar explanations of the so called unexplainable hadiths . May Allah bless the one who wrote this and all those who read this....Aameen.
Mohamed Irfan
That was a clear explaination from the hadith.I guess most people will understand.
Hank Burns
So, satan pisses in your ear--plain enough--is that another reason to beat your wife and rape your daughter? Thes muslim queers can sure make up some crazy shit, ey?
Mel Stoeger
I guess if satan is capable of one, he must have a special place for number 2.
Mel Stoeger
A little girl was in churchs when the prescher asked for any news. She raised her hand and said "Our cat died last night".
The preacher said "Oh, I'm so sorry, how did you know that your cat was dead?"
The girl replied "Because we pissed in his ear."...عرض المزيد
Lori Lindsey
lol! are you serious? wow just wow that was priceless. Explained nothing... and certainly heightened the curiosity as to why would it admit defilement in the night other than no covering. [Psalms 4:9. In peace together, I would lie down and sleep, for You, O Lord, would make me dwell alone in safety. ט. בְּשָׁלוֹם יַחְדָּו אֶשְׁכְּבָה וְאִישָׁן כִּי אַתָּה יְהֹוָה לְבָדָד לָבֶטַח תּוֹשִׁיבֵנִי:]
Nadeem Akhtar
jazakallahumma khaira.. Good n clear explaination of the hadith. May Allah guide whom He wills..
Ahmed Husein
So practically tritarian Pagans are literary some kind of atoilet for Satan. No wonder everytime i go for Salah,my Neighbour is snoring Mist of Satan,s urea
Hank Burns
What the goddam hell...? Satan pisses in your EAR! What? what? WHAT?