السبت، 11 أبريل 2015
So You Think You Can Write? The Secret No One Will Dare Share
So You Think You Can Write? The Secret No One Will Dare Share! http://productivemuslim.com/so-you-think-can-write/ … عبر @AbuProductive
when we are facing the death.
May this La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah comes out from our mouth when we are facing the death. Ameen Ya Rabb.
Explanation of Aqeedah of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahaab
Explanation of Aqeedah of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahaab - Fawzan | Moosa Richardson [Audio|En]: http://wp.me/p1VJ3-8Rv عبر @AbdurRahmanOrg
I know...dua is amazing
This is the dua that Umm Salama (ra) made as taught to her by Abu Salama (ra) as taught to him by the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa salam) which resulted in Allah giving Umm Salama (ra) the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa salam) as a husband when Abu Salama (ra) passed away.
I know...dua is amazing smile رمز تعبيري
Hand written Quran
تمت إضافة 2 صورتين جديدتين من قبل John Fontain.
Hand written Quran over 500 years old. Subhanallah it has gold illumination can you imagine the work that has gone into this.
died while in sujood.
This elderly brother who worked at the Masjid died while in sujood. What a beautiful ending. May Allah Forgive all his sins and grant him jannah al firdous and help us all to die in such a manner.
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تمت مشاركة منشور Koki Noor من قبل Quran Weekly.
3 ساعة ·
"And they will say, 'Praise to Allah, who has removed from us [all] sorrow. Indeed, our Lord is Forgiving and Appreciative. Who, out of His Grace, has lodged us in a home that will last forever; there, fatigue will not touch us, nor will weariness touch us.'" [Surat Fatir: 34-35]
A Reflection: The sorrow, fatigue and weariness that we go through in this dunya is meant to purify us from our sins and raise us in ranks in the afterlife. Be patient. Paradise is more than worth it.
حقيقة الشيعة الشيخ أحمد جلال عقيدة الرجعة 2 كاملة
حقيقة الشيعة الشيخ أحمد جلال عقيدة الرجعة 2 كاملة… http://dlvr.it/9LCXr5 #httpgdatayoutubecomschemas2007video
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