الأحد، 6 أكتوبر 2019

Top 10 pornography, rape, Baby Killing, Murder and incest in the bible

Safy Eman
Top 10 pornography, rape, Baby Killing,
Murder and incest in the bible
I wish Christians will wake up and study the bible before judging Muslims!!!
Top 10 of pornography, rape, Sex Slaves, Baby Killing, Murder, incest, Laws of Rape and God Assists Rape and Plunder in the bible
Graphic context readers discretion is advised
This article for The perverted hypocrite Christian missionaries
They read the bible with all the filth in it and they have the audacity to insult Islam
How by any stretch of imagination that the bible with all these pornography and incest
to the level that the first book of the bible alone has got five cases of incest
its like telling the people that the bible its a text book for pornography and incest
Believe me The Christians will find plenty in the bible to make them feel ashamed of being Christian
The Christians will find that their sword which they try to use to attack Islam by is a double edge sword ——-> ouch
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
Jesus warned against mentality like you hypocrite Christians
Would the fools, hypocritical, and lying Christian missionaries adhere to Jesus dire warning, I don’t thing its in their nature

A Warning Against Hypocrisy from Jesus in the bible
Matthew 7:5
New International Version
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Here you are hypocrites
some of the best pornography in the bible
Top 10 of pornography,rape,Sex Slaves.Baby Killing.Murder,incest, Laws of Rape and God Assists Rape and Plunder in the bible

This article contains X-rated and pornographic text – that the Bible sings glory-songs for – about women’s vaginas and breasts tasting like “wine,” and sisters wishing if their lovers were their brothers so that they wouldn’t have a problem taking them home in without secret.
Viewer’s discretion is advised!
Article contents
01 Rape is one of the most heinous crimes imaginable.
02 Rape of Female Captives (Deuteronomy 21:10-14 NAB)
03 Rape and the Spoils of War (Judges 5:30 NAB
04 Sex Slaves (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)
05 God Assists Rape and Plunder (Zechariah 14:1-2 NAB)
06 Death to the Rape Victim (Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB)
07 David’s Punishment – Polygamy, Rape, Baby Killing, and God’s “Forgiveness” (2 Samuel 12:11-14 NAB)
08 Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)
09 Murder, rape, and pillage at Jabesh-gilead (Judges 21:10-24 NLT)
10 Murder, rape and pillage of the Midianites (Numbers 31:7-18 NLT)
I wonder how can anyone justify such immorality in the bible!!!!!
you can read the full article at my Safy Eman Blog from the following link
The Glorious Quran Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) - 14:42
وَلاَ تَحْسَبَنَّ اللّهَ غَافِلاً عَمَّا يَعْمَلُ الظَّالِمُونَ إِنَّمَا يُؤَخِّرُهُمْ لِيَوْمٍ تَشْخَصُ فِيهِ الأَبْصَارُ (14:42)
AND DO NOT think that God is unaware of what the evildoers are doing:
He but grants them respite until the Day when their eyes will stare in horror,- 14:42

Bayyinah TV

Visitar tumbas y asistir a eventos en los cuales se dice que las almas de los santos están presentes - Español

Visitar tumbas y asistir a eventos en los cuales se dice que las almas de los santos están presentes - Español: Quisiera saber cuáles son las normas del Islam sobre visitar tumbas y rezar allí. En países como Pakistán hay musulmanes que concurran a encuentros llamados “urs”, que son mantenidos anualmente. ¿Es permisible asistir a estos eventos? Quienes participan dicen que el fallecido era un hombre santo y que básicamente, puede entregarle nuestras súplicas a Dios por ser una persona santa, y que de esa forma serán aceptadas. Le agradecería que vierta alguna luz sobre este tema.

La Doctrina Islámica, basada en el Qur’an y la Sunnah - Español - Muhammad Yamil Zinu

La Doctrina Islámica, basada en el Qur’an y la Sunnah - Español - Muhammad Yamil Zinu: Estas son algunas preguntas importantes sobre la doctrina Islámica a las cuales he respondido, mencionando las pruebas textuales del Qur’an y los Hadices verídicos y auténticos (verdaderas tradiciones y dichos del Profeta) para que el lector pueda satisfacerse con las respuestas correctas, ya que la doctrina del Tauhid (Monoteísmo, Unicidad) de Allah es el fundamento de la felicidad del hombre en este mundo y en la otra vida.

Como abster-se das práticas que invalidam o Tawhid - Português

Como abster-se das práticas que invalidam o Tawhid - Português: instruiu-se aqui sobre como preservar-se das práticas que nos incorrem para invalidação do Tawhid.

20 Conselhos do nosso Profeta - 14 - Português - Ali Achcar

20 Conselhos do nosso Profeta - 14 - Português - Ali Achcar: 20 Conselhos do nosso Profeta - 14: Permita que outros respondam à pergunta 2.

ఒక ముస్లింపై మరో ముస్లిం యొక్క హక్కు - అకానీ

ఒక ముస్లింపై మరో ముస్లిం యొక్క హక్కు - అకానీ: ఒక ముస్లింపై మరో ముస్లిం యొక్క హక్కు గురించి అల్ అకానియ్యహ్ భాషలో తయారైన చర్చ.

इस्लाम में क्षमाशीलता - हिन्दी

इस्लाम में क्षमाशीलता - हिन्दी: क्षमाशीलता अल्लाह के गुणों में से एक महान गुण है, जिसके द्वारा वह अपने भक्तों को क्षमा प्रदान करता है, और उनपर दया करते हुए उनके पापों को शमन कर देता है। तथा वह इस बात को भी पसंद करता है कि लोग एक दूसरे के साथ क्षमाशीलता का व्यवहार करें। चुनांचे पवित्र क़ुरआन में उसने क्षमा करने वालों और गुस्सा पी जाने वालों की सराहना की है और उन्हें अपनी ओर से क्षमा प्रदान करने का वादा किया है। प्रस्तुत लेख में इस्लाम के इसी पक्ष को उजागर करने का प्रयास किया गया है।

من الذي كتب أسفار العهد القديم (الأولى)

O impacto de Tawhid arrububiyyah na aceitação do Tawhid Al Uluhiyyah - Português

O impacto de Tawhid arrububiyyah na aceitação do Tawhid Al Uluhiyyah - Português: Neste áudio falou-se sobre o impacto de Tawhid Al Rububiyyah na aceitação do Tawhid Al Uluhiyyah.

Chapitre 40, Al-Ghafir (Le Pardonneur) - La religion de l'Islam

Chapitre 40, Al-Ghafir (Le Pardonneur) - La religion de l'Islam: Dieu est décrit comme le Pardonneur,
l’histoire de Pharaon et de Moïse et Dieu enjoint le Prophète à la patience. Ce site s'adresse à des gens de confessions diverses qui cherchent à comprendre l'islam et les musulmans.  Il contient plusieurs courts articles d'information traitant de divers aspects de l'islam.  De nouveaux articles sont ajoutés chaque semaine. De plus, il offre un service d'aide en direct par l'intermédiaire du clavardage.

Capítulo 101, Al-Qariah (A Calamidade) - A religião do Islã

Capítulo 101, Al-Qariah (A Calamidade) - A religião do Islã: Deus descreve cenas do Dia do Juízo. Este site é para pessoas de várias crenças que buscam entender o Islã e os muçulmanos.  Contém muitos artigos breves mas informativos sobre aspectos diferentes do Islã.  Novos artigos são acrescentados toda semana.  Também apresenta um chat de Ajuda Online.

حدیث: جس نے خو ب اچھی طرح وضو کیا اور پھر جمعہ پڑ ھنے آیا اور خاموش ہو کر خطبہ سنا تو اس کے جمعہ سے جمعہ تک کے اور تین دن زیادہ کے گناہ معا ف کر دیے جاتے ہیں اور جس نے ( جمعہ کے دوران) کنکری کو چھوا اس نے لغو کام کیا۔ - موسوعۃ الاحادیث النبویہ مترجم

حدیث: جس نے خو ب اچھی طرح وضو کیا اور پھر جمعہ پڑ ھنے آیا اور خاموش ہو کر خطبہ سنا تو اس کے جمعہ سے جمعہ تک کے اور تین دن زیادہ کے گناہ معا ف کر دیے جاتے ہیں اور جس نے ( جمعہ کے دوران) کنکری کو چھوا اس نے لغو کام کیا۔ - موسوعۃ الاحادیث النبویہ مترجم: حدیث: جس نے خو ب اچھی طرح وضو کیا اور پھر جمعہ پڑ ھنے آیا اور خاموش ہو کر خطبہ سنا تو اس کے جمعہ سے جمعہ تک کے اور تین دن زیادہ کے گناہ معا ف کر دیے جاتے ہیں اور جس نے ( جمعہ کے دوران) کنکری کو چھوا اس نے لغو کام کیا۔ - موسوعۃ الاحادیث النبویہ مترجم

Les jeunes compagnons du Prophète - Français - Réda Abou Taymiya

Les jeunes compagnons du Prophète - Français - Réda Abou Taymiya: Ce sermon relate quelques récits des jeunes compagnons dans l’histoire des débuts de l’islam, car les tous premiers musulmans étaient des jeunes en général. Ces jeunes étaient au service du Prophète et de l’islam. Ils ne craignaient aucune opprobe, ils firent preuve de génie et de créativité. Leur dévotion et leur sacrifice légendaires ont démontré leur noblesse d’âme.

Hadith: « L’immensité de la récompense est proportionnelle à l’immensité de l’épreuve. Et lorsqu’Allah, le Très-Haut, aime des gens, Il les éprouve. Quiconque est donc satisfait [du décret d’Allah] aura la satisfaction d’Allah en retour. Quiconque, par contre, est mécontent [du décret d’Allah] subira la colère d’Allah. » - Encyclopédie des paroles prohétiques traduites

Hadith: « L’immensité de la récompense est proportionnelle à l’immensité de l’épreuve. Et lorsqu’Allah, le Très-Haut, aime des gens, Il les éprouve. Quiconque est donc satisfait [du décret d’Allah] aura la satisfaction d’Allah en retour. Quiconque, par contre, est mécontent [du décret d’Allah] subira la colère d’Allah. » - Encyclopédie des paroles prohétiques traduites: Hadith: « L’immensité de la récompense est proportionnelle à l’immensité de l’épreuve. Et lorsqu’Allah, le Très-Haut, aime des gens, Il les éprouve. Quiconque est donc satisfait [du décret d’Allah] aura la satisfaction d’Allah en retour. Quiconque, par contre, est mécontent [du décret d’Allah] subira la colère d’Allah. » - Encyclopédie des paroles prohétiques traduites

सहाबा रज़ियल्लाहु अन्हुम की महानता - हिन्दी - अबू ज़ैद ज़मीर

सहाबा रज़ियल्लाहु अन्हुम की महानता - हिन्दी - अबू ज़ैद ज़मीर: सहाबा रज़ियल्लाहु अन्हुम की महानताः प्रस्तुत व्याख्यान में पैगंबर सल्लल्लाहु अलैहि व सल्लम के सम्मानित सहाबा रज़ियल्लाह अन्हुम की महानता व प्रतिष्ठा का उल्लेख किया गया है। ये लोग इस उम्मत की पहली पीढ़ी हैं, जिन्हें अल्लाह ने अपने पैगंबर की संगति और इस महान धर्म की रक्षा तथा उसके प्रसार-प्रचार के लिए चयन किया। सहाबा के बारे में शीया संप्रदाय की नीति व व्यवहार ग़लत मात्र है, पवित्र क़ुरआन के स्पष्ट प्रमण इसका खण्डन करते हैं।

"फरिश्तों पर ईमान - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान अब्दुल्लाह सईदी ./"

O significado de Tawhid - Português

O significado de Tawhid - Português: Neste áudio falou-se sobre o significado de Tawhid, a sua importânçia na vida do ser Humano

O temor, esperança e amor de ALLAH - Português

O temor, esperança e amor de ALLAH - Português: Neste áudio falou-se sobre três coisas importantes na vida do crente, e essas três coisas devem estar balançadas para que a pessoas seja considerada como firme.

Ang Kadalisayan sa Gawa - Tagalog

Ang Kadalisayan sa Gawa - Tagalog: Ang mga gawain na nagpapanatili sa kadalisayan

Mga Haligi ng Islam at Pananampalataya - Tagalog - Abdullatif Arceo

Mga Haligi ng Islam at Pananampalataya - Tagalog - Abdullatif Arceo: Ang Audio na ito ay isang pagpapaliwanag tungkol sa mga haligi ng Islam at pananampalataya na isinagawa n gating kapatid sa islam na si Abdullatif Arceo, kanyang lininaw ang mga mahahalagang bagay na may kinalaman sa mga haliging ito na dapat malaman ng isang Muslim upang ito ay maisakatuparan nang tama.

O conceito do testemunho da profeçia de Muhammad(que a paz esteja sobre ELE) - Português

O conceito do testemunho da profeçia de Muhammad(que a paz esteja sobre ELE) - Português: Neste áudio falou-se sobre o significado do testemunho da profeçia de Muhammad, as suas exigências e obrigaçoês.

( "1- من حديث (أيما امرئ مسلم أعتق امرأ مسلما, استنقذ الله بكل عضو منه عضوا منه من النار) "

నమ్మకస్తుడైన వ్యాపారవేత్త అబ్దుర్రహ్మాన్ బిన్ ఔఫ్ రదియల్లాహు అన్హు - ఇంగ్లీష్

నమ్మకస్తుడైన వ్యాపారవేత్త అబ్దుర్రహ్మాన్ బిన్ ఔఫ్ రదియల్లాహు అన్హు - ఇంగ్లీష్: స్వర్గవాసులని ప్రవక్త ముహమ్మద్ సల్లల్లాహు అలైహి వసల్లం ప్రకటించిన పది మంది ఉత్తమ సహాబాలలో అబ్దుర్రహ్మాన్ బిన్ ఔఫ్ రదియల్లాహు అన్హు పేరు కూడా ఉంది. ఆయన మక్కాలో ప్రసిద్ధి చెందిన వ్యాపారవేత్త. ఇస్లాం ధర్మం స్వీకరించిన తర్వాత, కట్టుబట్టలతో ఆయన మదీనా పట్టణానికి వలస వెళ్ళవలసి వచ్చింది. అయినా త్వరలోనే నిజాయితీగా వ్యాపారం చేస్తూ మరలా ధనవంతుడై పోయినారు. తన సంపదలో ఎక్కువ భాగం పేదసాదల కొరకు దానధర్మాలలో వెచ్చించేవారు.

#Sufi Deviant Scholar #Naqshbandi #Nazim #Haqqani

#Sufi Deviant Scholar #Naqshbandi #Nazim #Haqqani
George Bush and Tony Blair are granted Sainthood
... , because they are fighting tyrants and evil and devils, asking to bring rights of whole people, and respect and honour, because tyrants made people’s rights and respect under their feet. Their time finishing and Allah sending Saint George Bush and Saint Tony Blair and their supporters to take over those tyrants through East and West. They have been granted a sword from Heavens and they are never going to be failed through their fightings and they should finish it and then they are going to bring their sword to give to Jesus Christ when he is coming down. Reaching everywhere where there is a tyrant: Turkey, China, Russia, Arabia, Egypt, Libya and other countries also. Everywhere going to be open.
There is heavenly support for the Allied Powers. It is not its name ‘Iraqi freedom’, but this is coming to our knowledge and information: their fight, this war (is for the) Salvation of Humanity, not for the freedom of Iraq (only). No, for all humanity- to save mankind from the hands of tyrants. And they are supported 100% and should be successful 1000%. No worry! They have been granted for that purpose, because they are now on earth the two nations that Muhyi-ud-din ibn Arabi said: Should be the mastership for humanity for these two nations. And also the Spanish Prime minister is granted Sainthood from Heavens and the Australian Prime minister…
…The Turkish problem is not going to be ended until Iraq war finishing and whole Middle East cleaning. Then coming another action and wars on Turkey, because Russians preparing themselves to come into Turkey, to come down to help and make control on Middle East, because through centuries that is their main target. Since Kaiser Peter, and this last chance for them, if loosing, never going to be able to control Middle East after this date now.
And Allah is sending American and English Kingdom powers to save the holy places and to keep away tyrants and bad people. All Arabian Peninsula is going to be under the control of good powers, appointed by Heavens. Don’t worry!
This is the time that one after one (these tyrants) going to be changed and kingdoms must come. If not coming (kingdoms) to territories through Arabia and Turkey, East and West, America can’t trust any country that claims to be democratic or another system. Only kingdoms are going to be for them supporters. Therefore America’s plan is to change every democratic system through the Middle East and to bring the Kings or Sultans to their places, because people also are looking for their Sultans, asking to support them and to be with them. Sultans only keep heavenly Orders. Others, democracy, is only an artificial system, never going to be successful after today. No control on Arab countries.
The Hashemite Kingdom is going to reach ten countries on the Arabian Peninsula, to be under their control. This is written through heavenly Books. They must take care for this and this is something I may say, but their hearts are in the hands of holy people. Every movement, every fighting or war, every plan of their war is an inspiration through their heart. If I am saying this or not- they are through the hands of holy, heavenly people, directing them. Don’t worry! Must be always hopeful and fearless, because they are prepared to clean this dirty world, globe, from every dirtiness, physical and spiritual.
And just we reached the Last Days that holy Books saying and giving that information. … (That is satanic threatening for Bush and Blair.) If they think that Saint George Bush and Saint Tony Blair doing this by themselves- if there was no heavenly support, even one day they couldn’t be able to stand on their feet.
I am not speaking from my ego. It is a clear declaration. If anyone is asking to change this, may come for challenge! Come! But their heart is full with fear and al of them are hopeless and Shaitan knows that his sultanate is going to be un ruins. Up today the whole world established the satanic kingdom through East and West and Allah Almighty is asking to destroy the kingdom of Shaitan on earth. That is the problem. It is not the problem for US, UK, Spain, no! This belongs to Heavens. And time is over and devils and evil should be taken away and satanic kingdom must be in ruins, destroyed. Allahu Akbar!
They have also guardians from Jinn and Ashabu Nauba, heavenly people, to guard them, not to be touched with any harm, St.George Bush and St.Tony Blair and others. I am happy! Allahu akbar! Allah is the Great! Allah Almighty is saying: wa khabar kulli jabarin anid… How you can support tyrants, o Muslims! Where are you now? You fight the will of Allah! Whole tyrants must be destroyed, wiped off! Alhamdulillah wa kafaa…
When I was making Sajdah that holy verse was coming to me: Allah Almighty is saying: I am going to destroy every tyrant on earth! And if Saddam Hussein is not from tyrants, no one going to be a tyrant in earth! They call him Sufyani also… but hidden… Through old writings his name is: Saddam li man yuariduhu…
Lefke, März 2003
Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

It is not permissible in Islam to harm

It is not permissible in Islam to harm even a small animal like a bird, a dog, or even pig without a just cause for doing so.
Abdullah ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
If someone kills so much as a sparrow or anything larger without a just cause, then Allah the Exalted will ask him about it on the Day of Resurrection.
Source: Sunan al-Nasā’ī 4445, Grade: Sahih
,, Indeed, a true Muslim must not harm his neighbors at all, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims, lest he be forbidden from entering Paradise.
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him not harm his neighbor.
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6110, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi
,, And in another narration, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), said:
Shall I not tell you what distinguishes the best of you from the worst of you? The best of you are those from whom goodness is expected and people are safe from their evil. The worst of you are those from whom goodness is not expected and people are not safe from their evil.
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2263, Grade: Sahih
,, We all understand how harmful evil actions can be, but many of us do not realize that simple words can be just as harmful.

ప్రవక్త ముహమ్మద్ సల్లల్లాహు అలైహి వసల్లం సహచరులు - ఇంగ్లీష్

ప్రవక్త ముహమ్మద్ సల్లల్లాహు అలైహి వసల్లం సహచరులు - ఇంగ్లీష్: ప్రవక్త ముహమ్మద్ సల్లల్లాహు అలైహి వసల్లం యొక్క కొందరు గొప్ప సహచరుల గురించి మరియు వారి ఔన్నత్యం గురించి వివరిస్తున్న ఒక మంచి కరపత్రం ఇది. స్వర్గ శుభవార్త అందుకున్న పది మంది ఉత్తమ సహచరుల గురించి కూడా ఇందులో పేర్కొనబడింది. రదియల్లాహు అన్హుమ్.

वेश्विक धर्मों में पूज्य की धारणा - 1 - हिन्दी - ज़ाकिर नायिक

वेश्विक धर्मों में पूज्य की धारणा - 1 - हिन्दी - ज़ाकिर नायिक: वेश्विक धर्मों में पूज्य की धारणाः इस धरती पर मानवजाति अनेक पूजा पत्रों की उपासना और आराधना करती है, बल्कि वस्तुस्थिति यह है कि एक ही धर्म के मानने वालों में कई पूज्यो की धारणा पाई जाती है, किन्तु वास्तविकता यह है कि धर्म के मूल ग्रंथों के अध्य्यन से यह स्पष्ट होता है कि हर धर्म में केवल एक ही पूज्य की धारणा मिलती है। इस वीडियो में वेश्विक धर्मों जैसे किः हिन्दुमत, सिखमत, ईसाई-धर्म, यहूदी-धर्म, पारसी धर्म... के मूल ग्रंथों के हवालों से यह प्रमाणित और सिद्ध किया गया है कि सभी धर्मों में केवल एक पूज्य की उपासना का आदेश दिया गया है। साथ ही साथ इस में श्रोता विशेष कर गैर-मुस्लिमों के विभन्न प्रकार के प्रश्नों का उत्तर दिया गया है।

All American Muslim

All American Muslim: I was a middle-aged professional woman, very independent, very contemporary, and here I was turning to this religion, which at that point was so reviled

莱阿依布(愿望,求愿)拜属于异端 - 中文 - 筛黑穆罕默德•萨利赫•穆南志德

A top Jewish Scholar confirms that Islam is the oldest Path of GOD that ...