الاثنين، 28 أكتوبر 2019

► Did Quran say something about Finger Prints (well known as Bio Metrics) around 1400 years from now?

Lets know our GOD.
► Did Quran say something about Finger Prints (well known as Bio Metrics) around 1400 years from now?
► "Yes, We Are Able To Put Together In Perfect Order The Very Tips Of His Fingers."
(Quran 75:4)

why does man need wife

People will see a man washing and instead of appreciating, they will say - “Ahhh, go go, marry soon, so you don't have to wash your clothes.” They will see a man cooking & be like -“Yooo Bro, get a wife soon, she will cook for you.”
Even a mother will see her 30 years old son who cannot take his plate to the kitchen after eating, who cannot boil water for tea or even make his own bed and tell him - “Son you need to sattle down. You need a woman to take care of you.” Like Seriously?
In different ways the so called society tells man that they won't marry a woman for any reason other than cleaning, cooking, caretaking and childbearing because men doing this stuffs is against masculinity! Sometimes I wonder, does the average man need a wife as 'Life Partner' or they just want a 'Glorified Maid'?
Often time woman looks 3 times their age because of the stress and exhaustion whereas husbands remains young & they sit down in front of the TV and watch the tragic show of his wife's work work work until she is about to pass out. Instead of appreciating wifes hard work, some just complain each time that why food is so salty, why it's not cold, yuckkk your cooking, as if he can cook better than her! So sad! Really so sad!
Brothers who told you that it's wrong to wash your own plate and clean your own clothes? What will it take to help your wife? What will it take to appreciate your wife a little?
Imam Al-Bukhari reported that al Aswad said: “I asked Aisha (RA) what the Prophet (SAW) used to do in His house? She replied: “He used to serve his wives, and when the time for prayer came He used to go out for the prayer.”
Wallahi brothers, The Nabi of the Muslim, Rasulullah (SAW) cooked, sewed, cleaned, took the trash out, The Best Man Who ever walk on the earth, if He (SAW) could help His Wives then why not you?
Brothers, Please don't neglect an act of Sunnah every single day just to prove your manhood! Manliness doesn't come from having 6 packs, big muscles or arrogance, but from kindness & generosity. Manliness of a man lies in the smile of his wife.
“The best of you are those who are best to their wives.” [Hadith Al-Tirmidhi]
May Allah SWT bless all our marriage. Ameen

Prophet Muhammad: The Perfect Family Man and Example For All

Prophet Muhammad: The Perfect Family Man and Example For All: Glances from the family life of Prophet Muhammad. Among the many adversities faced by the Prophet, he also lost children; two sons


COMPLAINING ABOUT PROBLEMS IN LIFE - AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE - Islamic Preacher: www.islamicpreacher.org has been launched with a noble intention to aware the people across the World about the teachings of Islam.

शुद्ध अक़ीदा और उसके विरुद्ध चीज़ें - हिन्दी - अब्दुल अज़ीज़ बिन अब्दुल्लाह बिन बाज़

शुद्ध अक़ीदा और उसके विरुद्ध चीज़ें - हिन्दी - अब्दुल अज़ीज़ बिन अब्दुल्लाह बिन बाज़: शुद्ध अक़ीदा और उसके विरुद्ध चीज़ें- शुद्ध अक़ीदा ही इस्लाम धर्म का मूल तत्व और मिल्लत का आधार है, इसी के साथ पवित्र कुरआन अवतरित हुआ और अल्लाह तआला ने अपने ईश्दूत मुहम्मद सल्लल्लाहु अलैहि व सल्लम को भेजा. तथा कोई भी कथन और कर्म उस समय तक शुद्ध और स्वीकार नहीं हो सकता जब तक कि वह शुद्ध अक़ीदा पर आधारित न हो। प्रस्तुत पुस्तक में किताब व सुन्नत से प्रमाणित शुद्ध अक़ीदा का उल्लेख किया गया है जिस पर ईमान लाना और उस पर सुदृढ़ रहना अनिवार्य है, तथा उसके विरुद्ध और विपरीत अक़ीदों का वर्णन करके उनसे सावधान किया गया है।

Binibigkas na Qur’an Kasama ng Salin ng Kahulugan sa Wikang Tagalog (Juz’ 29); Bahagi: 3 - Tagalog

Binibigkas na Qur’an Kasama ng Salin ng Kahulugan sa Wikang Tagalog (Juz’ 29); Bahagi: 3 - Tagalog: Ang video ns ito ay naglalaman ng pagbigkas ng Marangal na Qur’an at salin ng kahulugan nito sa wikang Tagalog. Gamit nito, maaaring pakinggan ang pagbigkas ng Marangal na Qur’an at panoorin ang teksto ng Qur’an at ang salin ng kahulugan nito nang magkasabay.

Brotherly Advice to A Muslim with Doubts | Shaykh Hasan Somali | Speakers Corner - YouTube

Brotherly Advice to A Muslim with Doubts | Shaykh Hasan Somali | Speakers Corner - YouTube: يمكنك الاستمتاع بالفيديوهات والموسيقى التي تحبها وتحميل المحتوى الأصلي ومشاركته بكامله مع أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك والعالم أجمع على YouTube.

पाखाना पेशाब के आदाब - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान अब्दुल्लाह सईदी

पाखाना पेशाब के आदाब - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान अब्दुल्लाह सईदी: पाखाना पेशाब के आदाबः प्रस्तुत वीडियो में उन शिष्टाचार और कर्यों का उल्लेख किया गया है जो एक मुसलमान को शौच करने के समय अपनाना चाहिए।

Meet 3-year-old Nigerian boy who remembers entire Quran ▷ Legit.ng

Meet 3-year-old Nigerian boy who remembers entire Quran ▷ Legit.ng: Legit.ng News ★ Muhammad Shamsuddeen Aliyu from in Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria, made history as the first Nigerian 3-year-old boy who knows Quran by heart.

इस्लाम दर्शन - हिन्दी

इस्लाम दर्शन - हिन्दी: इस पुस्तक में इस्लाम का संक्षिप्त परिचय प्रस्तुत करते हुए सृष्टि और मानवजाति की रचना, मरण उपरांत जीवन, अल्लाह का एकेश्वरवाद, इस्लाम के स्तंभ, संदेष्टाओं के अवतरण का उद्देश्य और पांच महान संकल्प वाले संदेष्टाओं का संक्षिप्त वर्णन, इस्लाम में तीन प्रतिष्ठित मस्जदों का वर्णन, क़ुरआन के चमत्कार का वर्णन किया गया है। इसी तरह इस्लाम में मानव अधिकार, महिलाओं के अधिकार, पर्यावरण, इस्लामी कला, मानवीय सभ्यता की उन्नति में इस्लाम के योगदान और पैगंबर मुहम्मद सल्लल्लाहु अलैहि व सल्लम के अंतिम धर्मोपदेश पर चर्चा किया गया है।

Hinduísmo (parte 1 de 4): O que é Hinduísmo?

Hinduísmo (parte 1 de 4): O que é Hinduísmo?: Breve visão geral do Hinduísmo em uma
série de artigos a partir da perspectiva de religiões comparadas.

Hinduismus (teil 4 von 4): Weitere Unterschiede zwischen Islam & Hinduismus

پس منتظر چی هستید !!

أنت و١٩ شخصًا آخر
ای برادران و خواهران .. آیا میدانستید که با گفتن ❤️ سبحان الله و بحمده ❤️ در روزی صد بار تمام گناهان صغیره تان مورد عفو قرار میگیرد؟!!
پس منتظر چی هستید !!
ای برادران و خواهران .. آیا میدانستید که با گفتن ❤️ سبحان الله و بحمده ❤️ در روزی صد بار تمام گناهان صغیره تان مورد عفو قرار میگیرد؟!!
پس منتظر چی هستید !!

Binibigkas na Qur’an Kasama ng Salin ng Kahulugan sa Wikang Tagalog (Juz’ 29); Bahagi: 2 - Tagalog

Binibigkas na Qur’an Kasama ng Salin ng Kahulugan sa Wikang Tagalog (Juz’ 29); Bahagi: 2 - Tagalog: Ang video ns ito ay naglalaman ng pagbigkas ng Marangal na Qur’an at salin ng kahulugan nito sa wikang Tagalog. Gamit nito, maaaring pakinggan ang pagbigkas ng Marangal na Qur’an at panoorin ang teksto ng Qur’an at ang salin ng kahulugan nito nang magkasabay.

L’hindouisme (partie 3 de 4) : Le statut de la femme au sein de l’hindouisme - La religion de l'Islam

L’hindouisme (partie 3 de 4) : Le statut de la femme au sein de l’hindouisme - La religion de l'Islam: Une comparaison des droits de la femme dans l’hindouisme
et en islam. Ce site s'adresse à des gens de confessions diverses qui cherchent à comprendre l'islam et les musulmans.  Il contient plusieurs courts articles d'information traitant de divers aspects de l'islam.  De nouveaux articles sont ajoutés chaque semaine. De plus, il offre un service d'aide en direct par l'intermédiaire du clavardage.

मुख़्तसर सही बुख़ारी - हिन्दी - मुहम्मद बिन इस्माईल अल-बुखारी

मुख़्तसर सही बुख़ारी - हिन्दी - मुहम्मद बिन इस्माईल अल-बुखारी: यह पुस्तक “मुख़्तसर सही बुख़ारी”, जिसका नाम “अत्तजरीदुस्सरीह लि-अहादीसिल जामिइस्सहीह” है, क़ुरआन करीम के बाद सबसे विशुद्ध और विश्वसनीय किताब सही बुख़ारी का संक्षेप है। इसमें इमाम अज़्ज़ुबैदी ने सहीह बुखारी की हदीसों को बिना तकरार के व बिना सनदों के उल्लेख किया है; ताकि बिना कष्ट के उसको याद करना आसान हो जाए। जो हदीस कई बार आई है उसे उसके पहले स्थान पर बाक़ी रखा है, यदि दूसरे स्थान पर उसमें कोई वृद्धि है तो उसे उल्लेख किया है अन्यथा नहीं। अगर एक मुख्तसर हदीस के बाद दूसरी जगह वह तफ्सील और वृद्धि के साथ आई है तो दूसरी हदीस को वर्णन किया है। तथा केवल उसी हदीस का चयन किया है जो सहीह बुख़ारी में मुत्तसिल व सनद के साथ है। मक़तूअ या मुअल्लक़ हदीस को छोड़ दिया है। यह पुस्तक इस किताब के उर्दु अनुवाद से हिंदी में रुपांतरित की गई है।

Top American Surgeon embraced Islam - "I was trying very hard to be a Christian" - YouTube

Top American Surgeon embraced Islam - "I was trying very hard to be a Christian" - YouTube: يمكنك الاستمتاع بالفيديوهات والموسيقى التي تحبها وتحميل المحتوى الأصلي ومشاركته بكامله مع أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك والعالم أجمع على YouTube.

Hinduism (part 2 of 4): Idol worship and Reincarnation - The Religion of Islam

Hinduism (part 2 of 4): Idol worship and Reincarnation - The Religion of Islam: Two big differences between Hinduism and Islam. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.

"Dad...I Wanna Get Married!" ᴴᴰ ┇ FUNNY ┇ Smile...itz Sunnah ┇ - YouTube

"Dad...I Wanna Get Married!" ᴴᴰ ┇ FUNNY ┇ Smile...itz Sunnah ┇ - YouTube: يمكنك الاستمتاع بالفيديوهات والموسيقى التي تحبها وتحميل المحتوى الأصلي ومشاركته بكامله مع أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك والعالم أجمع على YouTube.

The 5 Best Times to Have Honey - OnePath Network

The 5 Best Times to Have Honey - OnePath Network: 5 Failsafe Uses of Honey There are so many narrations of the Prophet ﷺ about the physical and spiritual benefits of honey. He ﷺ described it as “the condiment of drink”, and used to have it with water every morning. However, whilst we have all heard of the amazing benefits of honey, we tend to...

(: "طريقة عمل مكرونة | معكرونة البيتزا بالصور | أطيب طبخة"



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The trials human beings

‏‎Dr. Bilal Philips‎‏ مع ‏‎Ghulam Rasool Mughal‎‏.
‏٢٨ أكتوبر ٢٠١٧‏، الساعة ‏٧:٣٣ ص‏The trials human beings face in this life are not beyond their ability to handle. In fact, believing that our trails are too much to handle is similar to believing that Allah has not spoken the truth when he said, "Allah does not charge a soul except with that within its capacity. In order to reassure humankind of this, Allaah states this fact repeatedly in the Qur'aan. An example of His reassurance may be found in Al Baqarah (2):286 which says, "Allah does not charge a soul except with that within its capacity." Dr. Bilal

Repeating the Creation is easier for Allah.

[ Islamic Videos ] - Lectures & Quran Recitations
Repeating the Creation is easier for Allah.
Allah's saying.
ﻭَﻫُﻮَ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻯ ﻳَﺒْﺪَﺃُ ﺍﻟْﺨَﻠْﻖَ ﺛُﻢَّ ﻳُﻌِﻴﺪُﻩُ ﻭَﻫُﻮَ ﺃَﻫْﻮَﻥُ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻪِ.
And He it is Who originates the creation then He will repeat it and this is easier for Him.
Ibn Abi Talhah reported that Ibn Abbas said this means it is easier for Him. Mujahid said repeating it is easier for Him than originating it and originating it is easy for Him this was also the view of Ikrimah and others. Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said that the Prophet said.
‏ﻗَﺎﻝَ ﺍﻟﻠﻪُ ﻛَﺬَّﺑَﻨِﻲ ﺍﺑْﻦُ ﺁﺩَﻡَ ﻭَﻟَﻢْ ﻳَﻜُﻦْ ﻟَﻪُ ﺫَﻟِﻚَ، ﻭَﺷَﺘَﻤَﻨِﻲ ﻭَﻟَﻢْ ﻳَﻜُﻦْ ﻟَﻪُ ﺫَﻟِﻚَ ﻓَﺄَﻣَّﺎ ﺗَﻜْﺬِﻳﺒُﻪُ ﺇِﻳَّﺎﻱَ ﻓَﻘَﻮْﻟُﻪُ ﻟَﻦْ ﻳُﻌِﻴﺪَﻧِﻲ ﻛَﻤَﺎ ﺑَﺪَﺃَﻧِﻲ ﻭَﻟَﻴْﺲَ ﺃَﻭَّﻝُ ﺍﻟْﺨَﻠْﻖِ ﺑِﺄَﻫْﻮَﻥَ ﻋَﻠَﻲَّ ﻣِﻦْ ﺇِﻋَﺎﺩَﺗِﻪِ ﻭَﺃَﻣَّﺎ ﺷَﺘْﻤُﻪُ ﺇِﻳَّﺎﻱَ ﻓَﻘَﻮْﻟُﻪُ ﺍﺗَّﺨَﺬَ ﺍﻟﻠﻪُ ﻭَﻟَﺪًﺍ ﻭَﺃَﻧَﺎ ﺍﻟْﺄَﺣَﺪُ ﺍﻟﺼَّﻤَﺪُ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻱ ﻟَﻢْ ﻳَﻠِﺪْ ﻭَﻟَﻢْ ﻳُﻮﻟَﺪْ ﻭَﻟَﻢْ ﻳَﻜُﻦْ ﻟَﻪُ ﻛُﻔُﻮًﺍ ﺃَﺣَﺪ.
Allah says the son of Adam denied Me and he had no right to do so. And he reviled Me and he had no right to do so. As for his denying Me it is his saying He will not remake me as He originated me while originating the creation is not easier for Me than re-creating him. As for his reviling Me it is his saying Allah has taken to Himself a son while I am the One the Self-Sufficient Master I beget not nor was I begotten and there is none comparable to Me.
This was recorded only by Al-Bukhari.
Then Allah says in the last of verse.
ﻭَﻟَﻪُ ﺍﻟْﻤَﺜَﻞُ ﺍﻷَﻋْﻠَﻰ ﻓِﻰ ﺍﻟﺴَّﻤَـﻮَﺕِ ﻭَﺍﻻٌّﺭْﺽِ.
His is the highest description in the heavens and in the earth.
Ali bin Abi Talhah reported Ibn Abbas said this is like the Ayah.
ﻟَﻴْﺲَ ﻛَﻤِﺜْﻠِﻪِ ﺷَﻰْﺀٌ.
There is nothing like Him.
Surah Ash-Shu'ra 42 v 11.
Qatadah said His description is La ilaha illallah and there is no Lord but He.

مشهد تاريخي

بغير الإسلام لن نرضى دينا
مشهد تاريخي
في هذا المشهد التاريخي، أسقط محمد علي كلاي خصمه بالضربة القاضية فى الجولة الثالثة فى مباراة كانت من طرف واحد بالرغم من ان الخصم كان اضخم و اقوى من محمد علي.
بعد ان اسقطه محمد علي على الأرض ظل يصرخ به بصوت عال what's my name?? Hah و ظل يكررها عدة مرات حتى أن الحكم قام بابعاده خوفا منه ان يبطش بمنافسه بعد ان اسقطه أرضاً.
و تعود أصول هذه القصة عندما سخر منافس محمد علي و متحديه على اللقب من تحوله للاسلام و من تغييره لأسمه إلى '' محمد علي '' فى احد برامج التلفزيون الشهيرة وتوعده بانه سيبرحه ضربا وسيجعله يعود إلى رشده و إلى اسمه القديم و ظل يناديه باسمه القديم في حلقة البرنامج...
اعتبر محمد علي هذا الحوار إهانة لدينه الإسلام و اشتعل غضباََ حتى انه دخل الى الحلبة لا ينظر إلا امامه و تعلو وجهه علامات الغضب والصرامة ....
دخل محمد علي إلى أرض القتال متجهما ومتحفزا فلمَا رآه منافسه بهذه النظرة الصارمة ارتعدت فرائصه وسكن الرعب قلبه.
بدأت المباراة وعلى غير عادة محمد علي والذى كان يتميز بالدفاع وادخار انفاسه للجولات الأخيرة.
انقض على خصمه كالأسد الصهور من أول دقة جرس، وكال له اللكمات وفي جميع الاتجاهات ، لا يحمي وجهه ولا صدره بل يسدد و يسدد له في وجهه.
وتلقى منافسه اللكمات تلو الأخرى و بدأ يترنح من اول جوله و الثانية حتى تلقى القاضية في الجولة الثالثة وسقط مغشياً عليه ، عندها اقترب منه محمد علي وصرخ باعلى صوته : انا اسمي محمد وافتخر بذلك.
بعد المباراة انتقدته وسائل الإعلام ووصفته بأنه كان شديد القسوة مع خصمه ولم يتعامل معه بطريقة رياضية ... فأجاب محمد علي فى لقائه التلفزيوني : لقد أهان ديني وانا لا اسمح بذلك مطلقا ....
لم يغضب لنفسه او لشخصه بل غضب لدينه غضبة لم يستطع ايقافه فيها أحد رحمه الله !