السبت، 11 نوفمبر 2023

Human Body in Numbers - So Which of the Favors of Your Lord Would You Deny? - YouTube

Human Body in Numbers - So Which of the Favors of Your Lord Would You Deny? - YouTube

Estudiosos Cristãos Reconhecem Contradições na Bíblia (parte 6 de 7): Adulteração Impiedosa com o Texto da Bíblia - A religião do Islã

Estudiosos Cristãos Reconhecem Contradições na Bíblia (parte 6 de 7): Adulteração Impiedosa com o Texto da Bíblia - A religião do Islã: Mais exemplos de adulteração da Bíblia.

LIVE talk about it - YouTube

LIVE talk about it - YouTube

Muhammad - Prophet of Islam

Muhammad - Prophet of Islam

Surah Al-`Alaq (The Clot) | Sh Yasser Al-Dosary | ياسر الدوسري | سورة العلق - YouTube

Surah Al-`Alaq (The Clot) | Sh Yasser Al-Dosary | ياسر الدوسري | سورة العلق - YouTube: Qur'aan recitations.Content: Arabic and English interpretation of meaning.English interpretation of meaning: Mohsin Khan/Taqi-ud-Din al-HilaliAlhamdulillah, ...

Riproduci in streaming Prophet Muhammad More Beloved Than Our Own Souls Part 3 Of 3 di unlimited inspiration | Ascolta online gratis su SoundCloud

Riproduci in streaming Prophet Muhammad More Beloved Than Our Own Souls Part 3 Of 3 di unlimited inspiration | Ascolta online gratis su SoundCloud: Stream Prophet Muhammad More Beloved Than Our Own Souls Part 3 Of 3 by unlimited inspiration on desktop and mobile. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.

Muhammad posel Boží - čeština

Muhammad posel Boží - čeština

Video | Islamway

Video | Islamway: Islamway adalah proyek Islam yang bertujuan memberikan kontribusi kuat di media Islam, dan mengikuti kemajuan teknologi yang luar biasa dalam dunia sekitar kita

The Messiah Jesus Was No More Than a Messenger

The Messiah Jesus Was No More Than a Messenger

Толкование Священного Корана «Облегчение от Великодушного и Милостивого» Абд ар-Рахман Насыр Аль Саади

Толкование Священного Корана «Облегчение от Великодушного и Милостивого» Абд ар-Рахман Насыр Аль Саади: Толкование Священного Корана «Облегчение от Великодушного и Милостивого» Абд ар-Рахман Насыр Аль Саади

基督教学者承认《圣经》有矛盾之处(6/7): 无情的篡改 - 文章

基督教学者承认《圣经》有矛盾之处(6/7): 无情的篡改 - 文章: 基督教学者承认《圣经》有矛盾之处(6/7): 无情的篡改

Η σταθερότητα της Γης

Η σταθερότητα της Γης: جملة! – البوابة الديناميكية و نظام إدارة المحتوى

Islam News Room - G-D Hebrew for "GOD"? Allah?

Islam News Room - G-D Hebrew for "GOD"? Allah?: Islam Newsroom: News Muslims Need - When We Need It!

Hadis: Perkataan Fatimah binti Qais, Wahai Rasulullah, suamiku telah menjatuhkan talak tiga kali padaku dan aku takut ada yang menggangguku. Ia berkata, Lantas beliau menyuruhnya (pindah) lalu ia pun pindah. - Ensiklopedia Terjemahan Hadis-hadis Nabi

Hadis: Perkataan Fatimah binti Qais, Wahai Rasulullah, suamiku telah menjatuhkan talak tiga kali padaku dan aku takut ada yang menggangguku. Ia berkata, Lantas beliau menyuruhnya (pindah) lalu ia pun pindah. - Ensiklopedia Terjemahan Hadis-hadis Nabi

SalafiPublications.Com : The Salafi, Creed, Worship and Methodology: Salaf us-Salih

SalafiPublications.Com : The Salafi, Creed, Worship and Methodology: Salaf us-Salih

聖書の矛盾性を認めるキリスト教学者たち(6/7):聖書のテキストに対する容赦なき改変 - イスラームという宗教

聖書の矛盾性を認めるキリスト教学者たち(6/7):聖書のテキストに対する容赦なき改変 - イスラームという宗教: 聖書改変の更なる実例。

Islam News Room - ASHURAH? (10th of Muḥarram)

Islam News Room - ASHURAH? (10th of Muḥarram): Islam Newsroom: News Muslims Need - When We Need It!

MuslimKids.TV > Register

MuslimKids.TV > Register



Kinikilala ng mga Kristiyanong Iskolar ang mga Pagkakasalungat sa Bibliya (bahagi 6 ng 7): Walang Tigil na Pakikialam sa mga Teksto sa Bibliya - Ang Relihiyon ng Islam

Kinikilala ng mga Kristiyanong Iskolar ang mga Pagkakasalungat sa Bibliya (bahagi 6 ng 7): Walang Tigil na Pakikialam sa mga Teksto sa Bibliya - Ang Relihiyon ng Islam: Marami pang halimbawa ng pakikialam sa Bibliya.

Fiqh of worshipping : Book Of Funeral - YouTube

Fiqh of worshipping : Book Of Funeral - YouTube

نزمترین خاڵ

نزمترین خاڵ: جملة! – البوابة الديناميكية و نظام إدارة المحتوى

IslamJesus.ws | The Truth About the Son of Mary

IslamJesus.ws | The Truth About the Son of Mary

دایرة المعارف قرآن کریم

دایرة المعارف قرآن کریم

诵读 | Islamway

诵读 | Islamway: Islamway is an Islamic project aimed at contributing strongly in the Islamic media, and keep up with the tremendous technological advances in the world around us

Riproduci in streaming The Manner Of The Eclipses Prayer di unlimited Inspiration | Ascolta online gratis su SoundCloud

Riproduci in streaming The Manner Of The Eclipses Prayer di unlimited Inspiration | Ascolta online gratis su SoundCloud: Listen to What Is Islam ?, a playlist curated by unlimited Inspiration on desktop and mobile.


BUKHARI 43 || DR.SHU'AIBU ABUBAKAR IDRIS - YouTube: 😍❤ Danna *Subscribe* da Kararrawa domin samun sababbin shirye-shiryen mu😍❤https://bit.ly/3ggUfNgAFRICA TV3TAFARKIN RAYUWA----------------------------------...

EVERYTHING Starts With Knowledge | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, - YouTube

EVERYTHING Starts With Knowledge | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, - YouTube: Jumuah Khutbah at East Plano Islamic Center, TXDate: November 10th, 2023#Islam #YasirQadhi #Pain Please LIKE, COMMENT, & SHARE!---------------------------...

Kohle und Öl

Kohle und Öl: جملة! – البوابة الديناميكية و نظام إدارة المحتوى

Matthew makes Jesus a circus star


Matthew makes Jesus a circus star
God rides a donkey!!!!??? Why no jets 😕
Stop letting juice mock ur god in such a humiliating way!!!
Subhana Allah
it is said in the bible that god jesus rode a donkey four times
so does god needs a donkey to ride on?
God created birds that fly
how come he can't create wings for himself to travel with
let alone be able to forgive sins
Stop ascribing to God what's not befitting Him
ذكر في الإنجيل أن الإله عيسى ركب الحمار أربع مرات
إله يحتاج لحمار ليسافر به فكيف أن نحتاج إليه نحن ليغفر ذنوبنا لايستطيع حتى أن يصنع أجنحة لنفسه ليطير بها للسفر كيف يستطيع أن يغفر لي ولك
انتهو عن وصف الإله بما لايليق به
Dear Christians how dare you worship a born god "Jesus" in a manger of animals
🐃🐐🐎 🙄😷😲😱
Luke : 2 1-20
"And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger"
In Islam Jesus is servant of God not god and born near palm tree not manger
Islam reveres Aissa to be one of the most 5 best messengers ever prophets ever in Islam
How was Jesus of the New Testament able to sit on two animals simultaneously riding them? Where did he learn such a circus act? Something like this would have been taught from a young age. would it be possible when he would go to the temple at a young age to learn (Luke 2:52),the rabbis would teach him how to ride two animals at once like at the circus? can you imagine the looks on the face of children when he entered the village. What a show !
They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks, and he sat on them.(Matthew 21:7)
✝️inty is a joke

పవిత్ర ఖుర్ఆన్ యొక్క ఎన్సైక్లోపీడియా

పవిత్ర ఖుర్ఆన్ యొక్క ఎన్సైక్లోపీడియా

Amen Dali - Jeder hat einen Anteil ein Unzucht Zina - YouTube

Amen Dali - Jeder hat einen Anteil ein Unzucht Zina - YouTube: http://www.drzawaj.org/

حلول أم تعاطف - YouTube

حلول أم تعاطف - YouTube

Imam Shaf'i And Imam Ahmad On Sufism


Imam Shaf'i And Imam Ahmad On Sufism
Here are some of the great scholars sayings about Tasawuuf:
Imam Al-Shaf'i:
"If a person excercized sufism(tasawafa) at the begininng of the day, he doesn't come at Zuhur except an idiot".
"Nobody accompanied the Sufis forty days and had his brain return(never) "
And he recited in poetry: " And leave (alone) who if came to you practiced piety/ and when alone were concealed wolves"-Pgs 371 Talbees Iblis
And when he went to Egypt he said: "I have left Baghdad and the aetheists(Zanadiga) have innovated a thing they call Sama'(Hearing)" - He is referring to the singinig and dancing that the Sufis innovated in the second century and is still spread amongst them till the present day.
N.B: Notice how Imam Al-Shafi' who was Malik's student opposed Sufism. One wonders how some beleive in what was ascribed to Imam Malik concerning Sufism( Man tasawwafa walam yatafaghaha-etc). There exists different views amongst the two Imams in Fiqh matters but this is a matter of Aqidah, they have one and the same Aqidah.
Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal:
" Warn (people) from Al-Harith( a Sufi leader) the strongest warning!!Al-Harith is the origin of the confusion(referring to the incidents of Jahm- . Fulan and Fulan have sat with that (person) and he has changed them to Jahm's view, He is still the shelter of the people of the talk. Harith is in the position of a garrisonned lion any day (he) will leap on the people"-Talbees Iblis Pgs166-167.
Imam Abu Zara' Al-Dimashqi:
When asked about the books of Al-Harith Al-Muhasbi: "Beware of those books. those are books of innovation and misguidance.
Stick to what has been related from the prophet-(peace and blessings be upon him) -(Al-Athar), you will find in it what would spare you those books. It was told to him:There is a lesson(Ibra) in those books. He said: Whoever doesn't find a lesson from the book of Allah, would not find a lesson in those books. It has reached you that Malik bin Anas, Sufyan AL-Thawri, Al-Awzai and the precedent Imamas classified those books amongst the anxieties, insinuations and those(similar) things. Those(meaning the Sufis) people contradicted the people of knowledge ( Ahl Al-Elm), they come to us once by Al-Harith Al-Muhasbi, another by Abdul-Raheem Al-Dubeeli, another by Hatim Al-Asam, another by Shaqiq Al-Bulakhi, then he said: how fast are people (going ) to innovations(Al-Bida')."
To sum up, the great scholars opposed the innovations that the Sufis have brought to Islam through their deviated spiritual approaches.

{ تأملات ووقفات } آية وعظة سورة البقرة 28 بث مباشر د. خالد الجبير - YouTube

{ تأملات ووقفات } آية وعظة سورة البقرة 28 بث مباشر د. خالد الجبير - YouTube: Time passes in the blink of an eye. Make the best of your salah by being prepared. --------Donate - Your Constant Sadqa Jaria:https://www.patreon.com/DarulAr...

ईसाई विद्वान बाइबिल में मतभेदों को पहचानते हैं (7 का भाग 6): बाइबिल के पाठ के साथ लगातार छेड़छाड़ - दी रिलिजन ऑफ़ इस्लाम

ईसाई विद्वान बाइबिल में मतभेदों को पहचानते हैं (7 का भाग 6): बाइबिल के पाठ के साथ लगातार छेड़छाड़ - दी रिलिजन ऑफ़ इस्लाम: बाइबिल के साथ छेड़छाड़ के और उदाहरण।

Surprise : l’athée craint Dieu !!

Surprise : l’athée craint Dieu !!: Miracles Scientifiques Dans le Coran et la Sunna

Wasomi wa Kikristo Wanajua Ukinzani katika Biblia (sehemu ya 6 kati ya 7): Kuendelea Kuchezea Maandiko ya Biblia - Dini ya Kiislamu

Wasomi wa Kikristo Wanajua Ukinzani katika Biblia (sehemu ya 6 kati ya 7): Kuendelea Kuchezea Maandiko ya Biblia - Dini ya Kiislamu: Mifano zaidi ya kuchezea Biblia

La différence entre le tabagisme et l'attaque suicide (vidéo) - La science légiférée - العلم الشرعي

La différence entre le tabagisme et l'attaque suicide (vidéo) - La science légiférée - العلم الشرعي: Question : Est-ce que celui qui meurt à cause du tabagisme est considéré comme s’étant suicidé ? Réponse : Penses-tu que celui qui fume, le fait pour mourir ? Réponds moi, oui ou non ? Questionneur : Non Cheikh : Bien, alors il ne s’est pas suicidé. Par...

[2] The Mysteries of the Grave | Unveiling the Afterlife | Ustad Wasim Ismail #AII - YouTube

[2] The Mysteries of the Grave | Unveiling the Afterlife | Ustad Wasim Ismail #AII - YouTube: The goal of my channel is to create high-quality videos/content that focuses on educating Muslims and Non-Muslims about the beauty of Islam. We strive hard t...

When will the Victory of Allah Come? | Dr. Shabir Ally - YouTube

When will the Victory of Allah Come? | Dr. Shabir Ally - YouTube: For 21 years, the TV show Let the Quran Speak has been transforming public conversations about Islam and showcasing the rich diversity of Muslims' lived expe...

Worthless Old Man - Nouman Ali Khan #Shorts - YouTube

Worthless Old Man - Nouman Ali Khan #Shorts - YouTube: هل تريد مشاهدة قناة افلام للكبار فقط قناة افلام اجنبية مفاجأة النايل سات تردد قناة افلام اجنبية قناة افلام للكبار أفلام رومانسية للكبار تردد قناة افلام جديدة...

AboutAtheism.Net | random mutations

AboutAtheism.Net | random mutations

(1) 🔥2 Women Question about 🏳️‍🌈 LGTV+, Gender Equality & more! - YouTube

(1) 🔥2 Women Question about 🏳️‍🌈 LGTV+, Gender Equality & more! - YouTube: If any NON-MUSLIMS would like A FREE COPY OF THE QURAN IN ENGLISH OR SPANISH, please visit: https://www.onemessagefoundation.com/free-quranAlso Free Shipping...

Bandar Belilah - Islamway

Bandar Belilah - Islamway

Riproduci in streaming Life Lessons From A Convert At Hajj Pilgrimage di unlimited Inspiration | Ascolta online gratis su SoundCloud

Riproduci in streaming Life Lessons From A Convert At Hajj Pilgrimage di unlimited Inspiration | Ascolta online gratis su SoundCloud: Stream Life Lessons From A Convert At Hajj Pilgrimage by unlimited Inspiration on desktop and mobile. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.

Riproduci in streaming Prophet Muhammad More Beloved Than Our Own Souls Part 2 Of 3 di unlimited inspiration | Ascolta online gratis su SoundCloud

Riproduci in streaming Prophet Muhammad More Beloved Than Our Own Souls Part 2 Of 3 di unlimited inspiration | Ascolta online gratis su SoundCloud: Stream Prophet Muhammad More Beloved Than Our Own Souls Part 2 Of 3 by unlimited inspiration on desktop and mobile. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.

Unstoppable Spread of Islam! - Here's why Millions Convert! - YouTube

Unstoppable Spread of Islam! - Here's why Millions Convert! - YouTube: Hello friends Today we will examine why our beautiful religion Islam is spreading so fast in the world. People whose hearts are in need of the truths of fait...

Daily Quran Post - Understand Al-Qur'an Academy

Daily Quran Post - Understand Al-Qur'an Academy

Riproduci in streaming Prophet Muhammad More Beloved Than Our Own Souls Part 1 Of 3 di unlimited inspiration | Ascolta online gratis su SoundCloud

Riproduci in streaming Prophet Muhammad More Beloved Than Our Own Souls Part 1 Of 3 di unlimited inspiration | Ascolta online gratis su SoundCloud: Stream Prophet Muhammad More Beloved Than Our Own Souls Part 1 Of 3 by unlimited inspiration on desktop and mobile. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.

Categories | Israel Boycott Guide | by The Witness


नया नियम - दी रिलिजन ऑफ़ इस्लाम

नया नियम - दी रिलिजन ऑफ़ इस्लाम: नया नियम

Khutbah: The Siege of Gaza in Light of An Incident from the Sīrah | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi - YouTube

Khutbah: The Siege of Gaza in Light of An Incident from the Sīrah | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi - YouTube: Jumuah Khutbah at East Plano Islamic Center, TXDate: November 10th, 2023#Islam #YasirQadhi #Pain Please LIKE, COMMENT, & SHARE!---------------------------...

I'm Best Muslim: POV - When You Think You Still Got Time For Salah - YouTube

I'm Best Muslim: POV - When You Think You Still Got Time For Salah - YouTube: تردد واحد لجميع قنوات النايل سات الجديدة - تردد نايل سات جميع القنوات - ترددات جديدة على النايل سات وتردد جميع قنوات النايل سات.حيث يريد كل واحد منا طريقة ل...

WAQFOREVER – Endless Giving

WAQFOREVER – Endless Giving

Hamza Andreas Tzortzis - YouTube

Hamza Andreas Tzortzis - YouTube: Sharing and defending the way of God. This channel includes personal, social, theological and philosophical insights.Hamza Andreas Tzortzis is the founder an...