الخميس، 26 أكتوبر 2023

بروز رسانی: سخن فاطمه دختر قيس: ای رسول خدا، شوهرم مرا سه طلاقه کرد و من می ترسم که مورد تعرض قرار گيرم. راوی می گويد: رسول الله صلی الله علیه وسلم به وی دستور داد تا جابجا شود و محل سکونت خود را تغییر دهد. - دایرة المعارف احادیث نبوی

بروز رسانی: سخن فاطمه دختر قيس: ای رسول خدا، شوهرم مرا سه طلاقه کرد و من می ترسم که مورد تعرض قرار گيرم. راوی می گويد: رسول الله صلی الله علیه وسلم به وی دستور داد تا جابجا شود و محل سکونت خود را تغییر دهد. - دایرة المعارف احادیث نبوی

हदीस: (ईला -किसी कारण अपनी पत्नी के पास न जाने की क़सम खा लेना- के पश्चात) जब चार महीने बीत जाएँ, तो पति को रोका जाएगा, यहाँ तक कि तलाक़ दे दे और तलाक़ उस समय तक नहीं पड़ेगी, जब तक पति तलाक़ न दे। - अनूदित हदीस-ए-नबवी विश्वकोश

हदीस: (ईला -किसी कारण अपनी पत्नी के पास न जाने की क़सम खा लेना- के पश्चात) जब चार महीने बीत जाएँ, तो पति को रोका जाएगा, यहाँ तक कि तलाक़ दे दे और तलाक़ उस समय तक नहीं पड़ेगी, जब तक पति तलाक़ न दे। - अनूदित हदीस-ए-नबवी विश्वकोश


OKUKUBAGANYA EBIROWOOZO WAKATI W’OMUSIRAAMU N’OMUKRISTAAYO - Oluganda: Ensibuko y'ekitabo kwali kukubaganya birowoozo wakati w'omuwandiisi ne ba kabona b'obukristaayo wamu n'abakristaayo abaabulijjo. Okukubaganya ebirowoozo kuno kwali kukkakkamu, nga kwa ssanyu, kwa mukwano, nga kwa kigendererwa ekizimba, nga tekuliimu kunyiiza mukristaayo yenna wadde okuvvoola ekitiibwa ky’omuntu yenna. Wabula mboozi esikiriza era nga ereeta ekibuuzo ekinene eri eddiini y’ekikristaayo.


DIOSAN CONCEPTUPA ISLAM MARKANA - Aymar aru: Luririx mayjawa uywanakapatsipana, pachakispawa ukampirus mä luririw munasispa, ukhamsasax chiqpachans janiw kunas jupjamakiti.

El Corán y el desarrollo del embrión del ser humano - La religión del Islam

El Corán y el desarrollo del embrión del ser humano - La religión del Islam: El milagro del desarrollo del embrión del ser humano es mencionado en el Sagrado Corán con tantos detalles que solamente en el ultimo siglo ha descubierto la ciencia.  Son mencionados los primeros cambios luego de la concepción tal como lo establecen l...

Ce que dit le Coran sur le développement embryonnaire humain - La religion de l'Islam

Ce que dit le Coran sur le développement embryonnaire humain - La religion de l'Islam: pas



Important message to young #Muslims - YouTube

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Der Quran über die Entwicklung des menschlichen Embryos - Die Religion des Islam

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Hadith: Loyalty is pledged to the one who did the favor - Encyclopedia of Translated Prophetic Hadiths

Hadith: Loyalty is pledged to the one who did the favor - Encyclopedia of Translated Prophetic Hadiths



Extremely Important!
What’s the difference between Maghfirah (مغفرة ) and 'Afuw (عفو )?*
Maghfirah is for Allah to forgive us for our sins but the sins will still be registered on our book of deeds.
Maghfirah is Allah’s forgiveness for our sins but on the Judgment Day it will be written on our record. Allah will ask us about it but HE won’t punish for it.
Afuw’ is for Allah to forgive us for our sins *and* delete it from our book of deeds as if it did not happen. ‘Afuw is Allah’s pardon for our sins, it will be completely erased from our book or records *and* Allah will not ask us about it on Judgement day.
This is why our Prophet (Salla Allahu alaihi wa Sallam) said that, this is the best Duaa to make on Laylatul Qadr:*
Allahumma Innaka 'Afuwwun Tuhibbul 'Afwa fa'fu 'annee"*
***(اللهمَّ إنك عفوٌ تحبُّ
العفوَ فاعفُ عني).***
(Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Tirmidhi)
O Allah, You are The One Who pardons greatly, and You love to pardon, so pardon me."
So make sure we read this dua all the time and as much as we can. Make it one of our daily athkaar.
In Jannah, Insha Allah, suddenly you find that you have mountains of Hasanat (rewards) in your record..
Do you know from where these mountains of rewards come from?
Because in the Dunya you kept saying : SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi SubhanAllah al ‘Adhim”*
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:_ *"Two words are light on the tongue, weigh heavily in the balance, they are loved by Al Rahman, (The Most Merciful. One):*
سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ ، سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ الْعَظِيمِ -
SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi, Subhan-Allahi 'l-`Adheem (Glory be to Allah, and Praise, Glory be to Allah, the Supreme)"*
(📚Bukhari , Muslim)
Can you imagine how much your reward will be multiplied if you share this information about the virtue of this remembrance with your friends and they keep saying (SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi SubhanAllah Al Adheem), because you guided them to do good?
Be the one who guides others to
perform good deeds…

7 Ajwa dates a day protects us from black magic & poison Authentic? Madina Ajwa dates? Assimalhakeem - YouTube

7 Ajwa dates a day protects us from black magic & poison Authentic? Madina Ajwa dates? Assimalhakeem - YouTube

3.6m Tiktoker questions Abdullah al Andalusi on Palestinian, Hamas & Israeli narratives - YouTube

3.6m Tiktoker questions Abdullah al Andalusi on Palestinian, Hamas & Israeli narratives - YouTube


CORANXAT AMUYUNAKA - Aymar aru: Coran ukax wali munataw musulman jaqinakataki, Dios awkin arupawa profeta Muhammand angel garbriel taypnam qhanañchawayata (Diosan samart’añapax jupampipana)..

Коран об эмбриональном развитиичеловека - Религия Ислам

Коран об эмбриональном развитиичеловека - Религия Ислам: никакой



المفضلة 18 س 
🛑1) The word Bible is no where found or documented. Jesus didn't use the Bible and no Christian knows who named their book as BIBLE and when it was named and so the Bible can't be trusted as a divine book. Why would God reveal a book without giving it a name?
🛑2) If you are to ask me, "do you believe in the Bible?" My reply will be "which bible"?
👉 The Syrian version of 61 books or
👉 The protestant version of 66 books or
👉 The Coptic version of 75 books or
👉 The Roman catholic version of 73 books or
👉 The Charismatic version of 76 books or
👉 The Ethiopic version of 81 books or
👉 The Orthodox Version of 86 books or
👉 The Greek orthodox of 78 books?
You See clearly there's confusion and different Bible maybe revealed to different Jesus in different places for different groups of people. So which one is from God? There's completely addition and subtraction in the Bible. Even among christians, they differ in books and of course everything. I will not talk of KJV, RSV, NIV, Good News Bible, etc because these are a matter of CHOICES OF WORDS though still different in many verses as regards the evidence of Jeremiah 8:8 in a nutshell confirmed in the RSV by christian scholars affirming the Bible has many defects and mistakes, backed by Jehovah Witness in their awake magazine dated 8th September 1957 that there are more than 50,000 errors in the Bible. So the God of the Bible is an ignorant "God"!
🛑3) To be a christian, you'd have to go to church at least every Sunday and there's no where in the entire Bible that says GO TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY. So, God didn't command christians in the entire Bible to go to church; it's a fabricated command which is not in accordance with God's commands.
🛑4) The word CHRISTIANITY is not found in the entire Bible as a religion or a way of life in Christ. It's formulated by people and not given by God. How can God send a religion or a way of salvation without a name to help identify its followers?
🔶5) The word CHRISTIAN was given to the disciples of Jesus Christ during his time by pagans as a way of insult; Acts 11:26. The word is of pagan origin not given by Jesus Christ!
🟣6) Christians believe Jesus allegedly died for their sins but Jesus said in John 8:21 that you will die in your own sins. There is no where in the entire Bible where Jesus himself said salvation is to believe he will die for your sins. It's a concocted lie written after Jesus. See also Ezekiel 18:20, Jeremiah 30:31 and Deuteronomy 24:16
⏹️7) Christians believe Jesus was sent to the whole world but Jesus clearly said in Matthew 15:24 that he was sent only to the lost sheep of the children of Israel after he rejected to attend to a Canaanite woman simply because she wasn't an Israelite!
*️⃣8) Christians worship Jesus as their God instead of the God Jesus worshipped in Matthew 26:39, Luke 6:12, etc. Jesus clearly said in John 8:40 that he is a man sent by God confirmed in many places like in Acts 2:22, Acts 3:13, John 17:3 etc
🛑9). Christians believe Jesus is God and will admit them into paradise but Jesus clearly said in Matthew 7:21-23 that he will reject anyone worshipping him on judgement Day. And Jesus also said in Matthew 15:9 that "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."
⚠️10). Jesus said God is UNIQUELY one in Mark 12:28-29 but Christians claim that God is three-in-one. Trinity was voted out about 325years after Jesus in a conference chaired by a pagan king!
⛔11). Christians believe Jesus can do everything and that's why they pray in the name of Jesus but Jesus himself said in John 5:30 that he can't do anything on his own except with the power of God!
⚠️12). Christians claim that God was unable to forgive Adam for the sin he committed and He had to wait thousands of years before sending His "son" to come down to earth only to be humiliated, beaten and crucified as a sacrifice to God before he could be able to forgive the sins of Adam and this proves the inability of God's power! Why didn't he just kill Satan and do away with the sins? Some claim Jesus is God and they believe Jesus died for their sins whereas 1Timorthy 1:17 says God can't die!
🔶13) Christians want us to believe that God rejected the prayer of Jesus in Matthew 26:39 where he asked God to save him from dying. They want us to believe God rejected his prayer even when Hebrews 5:7 says God heard his prayer meaning God accepted his prayer!
🟣14). Christians believe that Jesus is God who became man but Numbers 23:19 says God doesn't become man. Who was in the womb of Mary? Who was in Mary's womb? Who did Mary breastfeed? God or Jesus?
⏹️15) Christians claim that Jesus Christ is their savior but Isaiah 43:11 says that there is no savior with God! 😂 Yet he couldn't save himself from the alleged cross but had to cry out to God to save him!
🔶16) Every church, Christians collect tithes, sowing of seeds, offering, etc but Deuteronomy 14:23-29 says we should eat our tithe and not to give it in church and Jesus confirmed this commandment in Matthew 5:17-19
*️⃣17) Ecclesiastes 9:7 says you can drink wine but 1Cor 6:9-10, Romans 14:21, Isaiah 5:22, etc says you shouldn't drink wine. There hundred of other examples that prove that the bible is a book of contradiction and confusion and not the word of God. Like Exodus 20:12 contradicts Luke 14:26, John 8:14 contradicts John 5:31, etc
🛑18) John 3:16 claims and lies that Jesus is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD but Psalms 2:7 says David is also a begotten son of God, Hebrews 7:3 says Melchizedek is son of God, Solomon is son of God 2Samuel 7:13-14, etc
⏹️19). Mathew 11:19, Jesus called himself only as son of man and all verses calling him son of God is attributed to him.
🛑20) Christians claim that everyone is born a sinner but Mathew 18:3, Mathew 19:14 says children are born without sinners.
With just these few, I can never be deceived into accepting something that is not known by God which is full of contradictions
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