الأربعاء، 31 مارس 2021

ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างชะฮาดะฮฺกับประเภทต่างๆ ของเตาฮีด - ไทย - มุหัมมัด บิน ศอลิหฺ อัล-อุษัยมีน

ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างชะฮาดะฮฺกับประเภทต่างๆ ของเตาฮีด - ไทย - มุหัมมัด บิน ศอลิหฺ อัล-อุษัยมีน

ความจริงที่ยิ่งใหญ่ - ไทย

ความจริงที่ยิ่งใหญ่ - ไทย

Гөнәһ ярлыклану сәбәбе - Татарча

Гөнәһ ярлыклану сәбәбе - Татарча

Никах һәм аның әхәммияте - Татарча

Никах һәм аның әхәммияте - Татарча

Аҳли сунна ва жамоат эътиқоди шарҳи ( 04 ) Фаришталарга иймон келтириш - Ўзбек тили - Абу Абдуллоҳ Шоший

Аҳли сунна ва жамоат эътиқоди шарҳи ( 04 ) Фаришталарга иймон келтириш - Ўзбек тили - Абу Абдуллоҳ Шоший

Даъватдаги ҳикмат хулқи - Ўзбек тили - Абдуллатиф Қори

Даъватдаги ҳикмат хулқи - Ўзбек тили - Абдуллатиф Қори

Hadith: When Allah, the Almighty, gathers together (on the Day of Judgment) all the earlier and later generations of mankind, a banner will be raised for every betrayer, and it will be said: "This is the betrayal of so-and-so, the son of so-and-so." - Encyclopedia of Translated Prophetic Hadiths

Hadith: When Allah, the Almighty, gathers together (on the Day of Judgment) all the earlier and later generations of mankind, a banner will be raised for every betrayer, and it will be said: "This is the betrayal of so-and-so, the son of so-and-so." - Encyclopedia of Translated Prophetic Hadiths

How To Tell If Your Cat's Secretly Planning To Kill You (30 Pics)

How To Tell If Your Cat's Secretly Planning To Kill You (30 Pics)

Man removes 7 baby foxes hidden underneath stairs then leaves them out for mom to rescue

Man removes 7 baby foxes hidden underneath stairs then leaves them out for mom to rescue

Develop Adaptability and Flexibility Raising Kids | About Islam

Develop Adaptability and Flexibility Raising Kids | About Islam

محاضرة التشابه بين المسيحية والاسلام - ج 6 - ذاكر نايك مترجم



❓Please Jesus are you truely a God as many Christians believe and say you are
🎤JESUS reply: No I said to them; I AM A MAN John 8:40.
❓Then why are they calling you Lord and how many Lord do you told them?
🎤Jesus answered; No! I said we only have one Lord Mark 12:29.
❓But please did you come to support the laws of Moses or to break the laws?
🎤Jesus answered; I have not come to cancel the law but fullfil the law. Matt 5:17.
❓Did the laws of Moses taught that someone may die for the sins of another?
🎤Jesus answered; No! The laws said " No one can bear the sins of another. Deu 16:24.
❓But did you say to them that you are coming to bear their sins?
🎤Jesus answered; No! I said to them, everyone will die on his own sins John 8:21-24.
❓Then why are they thinking you came to die for their sins?
🎤Jesus answered; because they follow the teachings of some different men Matt 15:8-9.
❓Are they right of Worshipping you as a God?
🎤Jesus replied; No! They all worshipped me wrongly, in vain Matt 15:9
🐮Wake Up Lost Sheeps🤯
قد تكون صورة لـ ‏‏شخص واحد‏ و‏لحية‏‏
Koky Noor
٥ مشاركات

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প্রশান্তির খোজে : ২: নোমান আলী খান - In the Quest of Tranquility : 2: Nouman Ali Khan | Rokomari.com

998 - مسائل وأحكام في قسمة التراضي - عثمان الخميس

محاضرة التشابه بين المسيحية والاسلام - ج 5 - ذاكر نايك مترجم

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الثلاثاء، 30 مارس 2021

لماذا لم يخلق الله دين واحد فقط ؟ || محاضرات د.ذاكر بالعربية

من لتر حليب 50قطعة جبنة كيرى😱 مش ممكن جمالها هتدمنوها بحد👌💯

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ما حكم عمل ما يسمى بـ ( تقاف) لعودة الأشياء المسروقة والضائعة؟ - الإسلام سؤال وجواب: 1. ما وقفنا عليه بشأن ما يسمى (تقاف): أنه تكتب ورقتان، توضع إحداهما في المكان الذي سرق منه المتاع، والأخرى في قبر منسي، وهذا لا يصدر إلا عن السحرة. 2. النصيحة لك أن تستعين بالله وحده، وأن تسأله أن يرد عليك سيارتك، وأن تأخذ بالأسباب كإبلاغ الشرطة، ومن له معرفة باللصوص.  

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Hadith: Life in this world is sweet and green, and indeed, Allah has made you successors there to see how you will behave. So, be cautious of this world and be cautious of women, for indeed, the first temptation of the children of Israel was due to women - Encyclopedia of Translated Prophetic Hadiths

Hadith: Life in this world is sweet and green, and indeed, Allah has made you successors there to see how you will behave. So, be cautious of this world and be cautious of women, for indeed, the first temptation of the children of Israel was due to women - Encyclopedia of Translated Prophetic Hadiths

30- الأربعون القلبية 30، (شرح حديث "إن لله آنية من أهل الأرض ..")

Hadiz: ¡Oh Al-lah! te pido la guía, el temor a Ti, la honradez y la riqueza. - Enciclopedia de los hadices traducidos del Profeta.

Hadiz: ¡Oh Al-lah! te pido la guía, el temor a Ti, la honradez y la riqueza. - Enciclopedia de los hadices traducidos del Profeta.

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مختصر كتاب الاعتصام - متجر مؤسسة الدرر السنية

Surat Az-Zukhruf - Mishary Rashed Alafasy

Al Quran (Tafsir & by Word) | Greentech Apps Foundation

Al Quran (Tafsir & by Word) | Greentech Apps Foundation

الاثنين، 29 مارس 2021

980 -كتاب القضاء - عثمان الخميس

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الموقع الرسمي للشيخ محمد صالح المنجد - التخطيط والعمل للمستقبل

الموقع الرسمي للشيخ محمد صالح المنجد - التخطيط والعمل للمستقبل

হাদীস: দুনিয়া হচ্ছে সুমিষ্ট ও সবুজ-শ্যামল এবং আল্লাহ তা‘আলা তোমাদেরকে তাতে প্রতিনিধি করেছেন যেন তিনি দেখেন তোমরা কিভাবে আমল কর। অতএব তোমরা দুনিয়ার ব্যাপারে সাবধান হও এবং সাবধান হও নারীজাতির ব্যাপারে। কারণ বুন ইসরাইলের প্রথম ফিতনা ছিল নারীদের ভেতর। - নবী সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লামের হাদীসের অনুবাদ বিশ্বকোষ

হাদীস: দুনিয়া হচ্ছে সুমিষ্ট ও সবুজ-শ্যামল এবং আল্লাহ তা‘আলা তোমাদেরকে তাতে প্রতিনিধি করেছেন যেন তিনি দেখেন তোমরা কিভাবে আমল কর। অতএব তোমরা দুনিয়ার ব্যাপারে সাবধান হও এবং সাবধান হও নারীজাতির ব্যাপারে। কারণ বুন ইসরাইলের প্রথম ফিতনা ছিল নারীদের ভেতর। - নবী সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লামের হাদীসের অনুবাদ বিশ্বকোষ

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Two Conditions For Forgiveness in Sha’aban | Khutbah | Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

Two Conditions For Forgiveness in Sha’aban | Khutbah | Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

حديث ضعيف ومشهور :أيها الناس، إنَّه قد أظلكم شهر عظيم رمضان | للشيخ الح...

Is it permissible to make dua for Non muslims #Dr Muhammad Salah #HUDATV

مقصود لذاتہ اور غیر مقصود لذاتہ روزوں میں ایک روزہ کئی نیتوں سے رکھنے کا مطلب - اسلام سوال و جواب

مقصود لذاتہ اور غیر مقصود لذاتہ روزوں میں ایک روزہ کئی نیتوں سے رکھنے کا مطلب - اسلام سوال و جواب

La Ilaha Illa Allah || Lecture 2 ||| Imam Karim AbuZaid

رمضان شهر المغفرة - عربي

رمضان شهر المغفرة - عربي: بوستر يحتوي على بعض الأحاديث التي تبين فضل صيام وقيام شهر رمضان.

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الأحد، 28 مارس 2021

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Hadis: «Allahumme innî es'eluke'l-hudâ ve't-tukâ ve'l-afâfe ve'l-ğınâ (Allahım! Senden hidâyet, takvâ, iffet ve zenginlik isterim.)» - Nebevi Hadisler Ansiklopedisi Tercümesi

Hadis: «Allahumme innî es'eluke'l-hudâ ve't-tukâ ve'l-afâfe ve'l-ğınâ (Allahım! Senden hidâyet, takvâ, iffet ve zenginlik isterim.)» - Nebevi Hadisler Ansiklopedisi Tercümesi

Ep. 23: Unreasonable Goals | The Faith Revival | Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

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12 - علامات حب الله للعبد | جذور | دورة الاستعداد لرمضان ١٤٤٢ هـ

නබි වදන: ඉහළ අත පහළ අතට වඩා උතුම්ය. ඉහළ අත යනු එය පිරිනමන අතයි. පහළ අත යනු එය ඉල්ලා සිටින අතයි. - පරිවර්තනය කරන ලද නබි වදන් විශ්ව කෝෂය

නබි වදන: ඉහළ අත පහළ අතට වඩා උතුම්ය. ඉහළ අත යනු එය පිරිනමන අතයි. පහළ අත යනු එය ඉල්ලා සිටින අතයි. - පරිවර්තනය කරන ලද නබි වදන් විශ්ව කෝෂය

Tube Islam .com – Tube Islam

Tube Islam .com – Tube Islam

නබි වදන: “සලාතය ඉටු කරන්නා ඉදිරියේ හරහට ගමන් කරන්නා තමන් ට අත්වන පාපය කුමක් දැ?යි දැන ගන්නේ නම් එසේ ඉදිරියේ හරහ ට ගමන් කරනවා ට වඩා රැඳී සිටිම ඔහුට හතළිස් වාරයක් යහපත් වනු ඇත.“ - පරිවර්තනය කරන ලද නබි වදන් විශ්ව කෝෂය

නබි වදන: “සලාතය ඉටු කරන්නා ඉදිරියේ හරහට ගමන් කරන්නා තමන් ට අත්වන පාපය කුමක් දැ?යි දැන ගන්නේ නම් එසේ ඉදිරියේ හරහ ට ගමන් කරනවා ට වඩා රැඳී සිටිම ඔහුට හතළිස් වාරයක් යහපත් වනු ඇත.“ - පරිවර්තනය කරන ලද නබි වදන් විශ්ව කෝෂය

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⚡First of all, it's not a donkey but a Buraq
Your knowledge on this topic is floating on the surface
♦️This means you have to read and search more on Islam
Second, we will answer you scientifically so that you will get the point clear
🍏There you go! Now we are 1-0 now
🤨🚦You will be rebutted debunked and rebelled till you go dumbstruck today 😆
👇🏽Amazing Proofs on the prophet's journey to the heavens⚡and Quran precedes Science to speak on: 7 astounding astronomical / cosmological facts
🍎N1. Quran on Gates/orbits of d atmosphere
🍎N2. Quran on the rolling, banking and bending of space shuttles before penetrating through the atmospheric gates.
🍎N3. Quran on the magnetic fields burning everything penetrating them.
🍎N4. Day exists only in the atmosphere
🍎N5. Quran on Universe darkness (dark matter)
🍎N6. Quran on the unexistense of oxygen once we go up into the heavens and outside the atmosphere.
🍎N7. Prophet Muhammad saw Green carpet (Auroral borealis)
●Here is what the Quran mentions in Surat Al Hijr about the other scientific phenomena:
(( And (even) if We opened upon them a gate of the heaven (and) so they bend through it, [curve, banking, swaying, swinging, or bending through it] They would certainly say: Only our eyes have been covered over, rather we are a people affected by magic.))
▪︎Surah [Al Hijr 14-15]
⚡The Muslim geologist Zaghloul Naggar says:
These words predicted by the Quran are what that a Yuri Gagarin Russian Astronaut said once he went out of the atmosphere.
⚡Min: 4:35 Geologist Dr Zaghloul Enaggar affirmed this
The Russian astronaut said: "I have almost lost my eyesight. Am I blind or some magic has come over me!"
So Atmospheric layer has gates which open rarely per year according to rotation of the moon around the Earth.
●Allah the Almighty and Most High spoke in the Quran about the penetration of space shuttles's through the atmospheric gates.
●Quran calls them the gates because they open rarely and shut according to the moon l'srotation around the earth as shown in the pictures below in the link provided.
⚡Science says before the penetration through the sky's gates, the shuttle undergoes a tough 🔥 📛 fire bathroom for several minutes because of the magnetic fields.
👉and because of gravitational fields too..at times
space shuttles have to change their ways because of them
●That's why many shuttles collapsed as you will see below in the videos such as: Discovery and Columbia shuttles..
👉😮Challenger👈space shuttle disaster
👉😮Columbia space shuttle disaster
😮Challenger space shuttle disaster
😮Columbia space shuttle disaster
♦️See 10 huge sad disasters
Names of some shuttles that exploded
♦️1.Antares ♦️2. Atlas 1985
♦️3. Arian 1995♦️4. Juno 2 1959
♦️5. Titan1 1959♦️6. Falcon 9 2015 ⚡👉🏼FALCO ♦️7. Atlas center 70$ m 1962♦️8. Atlas center 5. 1965♦️9. Proton M 2013
Earth is sphere
He created the heavens and the earth with reason. He wraps the night around the day, and He wraps the day around the night. And He regulates the sun and the moon, each running along a specific course. He is indeed the Almighty, the Forgiver
(39 : 5)
🍎N2. Bending before entry points (gates) of the atmosphere
The One who told him that he went from Al Quds to the sky and bended in it is the One who informed us that His prophet bended too in the atmospheric entries
●That's why the trip of our beloved prophet is called "El Israe and Miaaraj" and El Miaaraj in Arabic means bending, curving, rolling, banking.
🌚Science also affirms exactly 💯 the Quranic facts. Science mentions clearly that there are corridors leading to those entry points. (Gates)
Allah says;
(( And (even) if We opened upon them a gate of the heaven (and) so they linger on winding up through it, [banking, swinging, or bending through it]
▪︎[Al Hijr 14-15]
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him too made the curve rolling in atmosphere
"The angels and the Spirit will ascend to [bending to ]Him during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years."
(➡️Al-Ma'aarij 70: Verse 4)
Science affirms exactly Quranic facts. science mentions clearly that there are corridors leading to those entry points. (Gates)
Watch NASA videos then judge yourself: 🙂
🍎N3. Magnetic field and the 🔥 fire bathing 🛁
●Now here is Quran talking accurately about the aforementioned facts..
👇🏻Surat Arrahman [Arrahman 33-35]
((O assembly of the jinn and the men! If you are able to pass through the regions/zones!!! of the heavens and the earth, then pass through; you cannot pass through but with authority. [From Allah]. Which then of the favors of your Lord will you deny?
👉There will be sent against you both, smokeless flames of fire and (molten) brass, and you will not be able to defend yourselves.))
●Nasa confirmed this fact too (ashes of magnetic fire hit space shuttle)
[[See the pics below and video links below]]
Nasa confirmed this fact too (ashes of magnetic fire hit space shuttle)
🍎N4. Day is only in the atmosphere no where else
Day displays the sun 🌞
After Astronauts penetrate through the atmosphere they become astonished and realise that the day is only on earth While the whole universe is at night state.
Ozote later reflects the sun light then the day's role in the atmosphere is to show us the sun light
Day's role is to displays the sun 🌞
By the sun and its radiance. And the moon as it follows it. And the day as it reveals it. And the night as it conceals it (90: 1-4)
"It is Allah who made for you the night that you may rest therein and the day giving sight. Indeed, Allah is full of bounty to the people, but most of the people are not grateful."
(Ghafir 40: Verse 61)
"And He darkened its night and
extracted its brightness." (79: Verse 29)
((And by the day, as it shows up the
sun's brightness)). [Quran sun: 3]
●The atmospheric layer, which is only 200 kilometers and which the sun shines on, is responsible for SHOWING the sun
Scientifically speaking, the definition of the day is: the reflection of the sun brightness on the atmosphere.
●So this definition clearly reveals that the days location is only in the atmosphere, nowhere else.
●Therefore, we deduce that the day displays the sun to us!
●And this fact is exactly what's revealed in the Noble Quran too!
((And by the day, as it shows up the sun's brightness)).
●[Quran sun: 3]
🍎N5. Darkness of Space
Quran describes the night in the universe as the goat's corpse (which is the origin) and the day as its skin.
●Allah informs us that once the skin is removed the original night remains there. Thus we get darkened.
●It's both realistic and scientific figure of speech (literally correct)
Another sign for them is the night: We strip
the day out of it—and they are in darkness. 36:37
Here it's a figurative
speech: meaning the
day is like the skin of a sheep
when stripped out the night
(flesh) is the origin
●Muslims believe in the scientific miracles before they discovered them.
🍎N6. Lack of oxygen above in the sky.
Concerning the mentioning of lack of oxygen above the following Aya describes it...
🕋🕌{He makes his breast strait and narrow as though he were ascending upwards; thus does Allah lay uncleanness on those who do not believe))}
●Scientifically speaking as said by
Dr Muhammed El Maghribi a NASA member that when ascending upwards the lungs become very norrow because of lack of air then the person feels distressed and wants to vomit. after another distance (above 60 (klm) the person faiths then dies.
●That the assimilation that Allah gives to show us the state of the non Muslims because they don't have Quranic light in their hearts. But at the same time the creator talks about a scientific fact of the lack of oxygen above.
Allah says:
Whomever Allah desires to guide, He spreads open his heart to Islam; and whomever He desires to misguide, He makes his heart narrow, constricted,as though he were climbing up the sky. Allah thus lays uncleaness on disbelievers.6:125
🍎7. Green carpet Aurora Borealis
رفرف الأخضر
That the Prophet (ﷺ) had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky.
▪︎[Sahih al-Bukhari 3233]
N.B: رفرف Here prophet Muhammad peace be upon him used it as comparison to the lights he saw on the sky
Northern Lights are seen in Alaska, North Canada 🇨🇦 Iceland 🇮🇸 Norway 🇳🇴 but impossible in desert 🏜 of Arabs
Who told prophet Muhammad peace be upon him on these 7 astronomical facts?
1️⃣(Auroral borealis)
3️⃣rolling, banking and bending of space shuttles
4️⃣Fire and brass of the magnetic fields
5️⃣day exists only in the atmosphere
6️⃣ no oxygen in the heavens above
7️⃣Dark matter / night ✨ is the origin not the day...Was he an astronaut or prophet of God?
8️⃣Auroral borealis
💙The bottom line and the answer is
👉👉👉simply the One who told us He raised him on a Buraq to the heavens is the same One who mentioned these amazingly accurate scientific facts in Qur'an💙 and described his road journey to the heavens above
Allah who told us such Scientific Miracles in Quran that made scientists convert to Islam too.
-Have a good day😁🌹
-By Abu Ayoub
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