الاثنين، 1 أغسطس 2022

ذكر عظيم في دقيقة . الشيخ محمد أبوعبدالملك - YouTube

ذكر عظيم في دقيقة . الشيخ محمد أبوعبدالملك - YouTube: DONATE NOW: https://www.saveiman.com/fb?affiliate_id=3414212 ⬅The Prophet ﷺ said: “𝙒𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙨 𝙖 𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝, 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝 ...

(8) نصائح لمن يخاف على اولاده من هذا الزمان - YouTube

(8) نصائح لمن يخاف على اولاده من هذا الزمان - YouTube: 📲 Instagram : @alfaresi.q8( https://instagram.com/alfaresi.q8?igshid=g1b5fdlglbi2 ) 📲 Twitter : @Alfaresi_sa( https://twitter.com/Alfaresi_sa ) 📲 Telegram...

Ҳукми қасам ба паёмбар (дуруду паёми Аллоҳ бар ӯ бод) - Ислом савол ва ҷавоб

Ҳукми қасам ба паёмбар (дуруду паёми Аллоҳ бар ӯ бод) - Ислом савол ва ҷавоб

ئاللاھ تائالانىڭ "ئەل ھەكىيم" دېگەن ئىسمىنىڭ مەنىسى توغرىسىدا - ئىسلامى سۇئال -جاۋاپ

ئاللاھ تائالانىڭ "ئەل ھەكىيم" دېگەن ئىسمىنىڭ مەنىسى توغرىسىدا - ئىسلامى سۇئال -جاۋاپ

只有在发生灾难或者不幸之后才应该向真主祈求忍耐 - 伊斯兰教义问答网

只有在发生灾难或者不幸之后才应该向真主祈求忍耐 - 伊斯兰教义问答网

Não pode haver prova de que a Hora está próxima, exceto com base na revelação - Islam Pergunta e Resposta

Não pode haver prova de que a Hora está próxima, exceto com base na revelação - Islam Pergunta e Resposta

Die Erklärung der Bedeutung vom Kauf derselben Ware, die sein Bruder zu kaufen beabsichtigt, oder das Angebot, das für ihn galt, zu überbieten - Der Islam - Frage und Antwort

Die Erklärung der Bedeutung vom Kauf derselben Ware, die sein Bruder zu kaufen beabsichtigt, oder das Angebot, das für ihn galt, zu überbieten - Der Islam - Frage und Antwort

Should We Do Good Only for Reward? | About Islam

Should We Do Good Only for Reward? | About Islam: How can people be truly ethical if they are just being motivated by God's punishments and rewards? Is the concern only for reward valid in Islam?

Mutiara Keindahan Islam - Indonesia - Abdurrahman As Sa’dy

Mutiara Keindahan Islam - Indonesia - Abdurrahman As Sa’dy

Pandangan Ulama Syafi’iyah tentang Syirik - Indonesia - Mohammad Abdurrahman Al Khamis

Pandangan Ulama Syafi’iyah tentang Syirik - Indonesia - Mohammad Abdurrahman Al Khamis: Buku ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana pandangan para ulama pengikut mazhab syafi’I tentang syirik dan kesungguhan mereka dalam menjelaskan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan syirik seperti definisi, sarana, bentuk, dan penyebab-penyebabnya.

अपने मैनेजर के सामने शर्मिंदगी महसूस करते हुए दान करना - इस्लाम प्रश्न और उत्तर

अपने मैनेजर के सामने शर्मिंदगी महसूस करते हुए दान करना - इस्लाम प्रश्न और उत्तर

Muslim Cyclists Raise £22,000 for Bangladesh Flood Relief Effort | About Islam

Muslim Cyclists Raise £22,000 for Bangladesh Flood Relief Effort | About Islam: Two Muslim cyclists have once again raised thousands of pounds for a charity cause, this time for ongoing Bangladesh flood relief effort.

גן העדן: הבטחתו של אללה | הידיעה אללה

גן העדן: הבטחתו של אללה | הידיעה אללה: גן העדן: הבטחתו של אללה גן העדן הוא הבטחתו של אללה כלפי המאמינים ועושי הטוב. בפרק 19 , פסוק 61 , אומר אללה:

This is what they're doing to the Uyghurs 😔 - YouTube

This is what they're doing to the Uyghurs 😔 - YouTube: OnePath Network is a Muslim production studio based in Sydney, Australia.We produce high quality videos on many aspects of our faith, including: education, c...

THE ETERNAL CALL ( 2 ) :: Dr. Khalid Al_Dossary - YouTube

THE ETERNAL CALL ( 2 ) :: Dr. Khalid Al_Dossary - YouTube: الأذان.. الدعوة الخالدة إلى الحياة الحقيقية والمجد الأبديمع د. خالد الدوسري

روائع نبيل العوضي | قصه زواج فتاه امريكيه من مسلم - YouTube

روائع نبيل العوضي | قصه زواج فتاه امريكيه من مسلم - YouTube: اشتري الآن جهاز الحجامة https://amzn.to/3Aid7Fuأستمع الي قصص و عبر للشيخ نبيل العوضي في رمضان 2022https://bit.ly/NabilAlAwadi_Ramadan2022للاستماع إلي تكبيرات...

وسواس در امر طهارت و روش تعامل با این مشکل - اسلام سوال و جواب

وسواس در امر طهارت و روش تعامل با این مشکل - اسلام سوال و جواب

سورة الإنشقاق مشاري راشد العفاسي - YouTube

سورة الإنشقاق مشاري راشد العفاسي - YouTube: 🔔 لا تنسى الاشتراك بالقناة http://bit.ly/AlafasyChannelFollow USMobile AppApp Storehttps://goo.gl/eBYWIaAndroidhttps://goo.gl/p47yGzWeb Site :http://www.mis...

Interview with Jesus, Disciples, and Paul


Interview with Jesus, Disciples, and Paul
◑ To Jesus: who are you ??
“I am a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God.” John 8:40
◑ To the Disciples: who is Jesus?
“Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.” Acts 2:22
◑ To the people: who is Jesus ??
“He was a prophet who did powerful miracles, and he was a mighty teacher in the eyes of God and all the people.” Luke 24:19
◑ To Paul: who is Jesus ??
“Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body.” Colossians 2:9
To Jesus: what do yo teach ??
“‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”
“I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Luke 5:32
◑ To the Disciples: what did Jesus taught??
“Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away.” Acts 3:19
◑ To Paul: what did Jesus taught??
“Christ died for our sins” 1 Corinthians 15:3
◑ To Jesus: to whom you were sent ??
“I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” Matthew 15:24
◑ To the Disciples: what Jesus instructed ??
“Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.” Matthew 10:6
◑ To Paul: Why did you go to the Gentiles ??
“It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.” Romans 15:20
◑ to Paul: do you mean the Disciples??
“I don’t consider myself inferior in any way to these “super apostles” who teach such things. I may not be a trained speaker, but I do have knowledge. We have made this perfectly clear to you in every way.” 2 Corinthians 11:6
◑ To Jesus: did you came to abolish the law ??
“Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. “Matt. 5:17,18
◑ To Paul: what do you say about that??
“Jesus abolished in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations.” Eph. 2:15
“Christ is the end of the law, that every one who has faith may be justified.” Rom. 10:4
◑ To the Disciples: Is man Justified by faith alone??
“man is justified by works and not by faith alone.” James 2:24
◑ To Paul: what do you say about that ??
“man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.” Romans 3:28
◑ To Paul: so you contradict the disciples of Jesus ??
“When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong.” Galatians 2:11
◑ To Paul: so what do you say about their teachings ??
“If we or an angel from heaven preach any other Gospel to you than what we (Paul and his disciples) have preached to you let him be a curse ” Gal 1:8
◑ To Paul: why do you say that??
“all those in Asia have turned away from me” 2 Tim. 1:15
◑to the Disciples: did you rejected Paul??
“When he came to Jerusalem, he tried to join us, but we were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple.” Acts 9:26
result: Paul is a corrupter of Jesus' message

India's most controversial Muslim King

India's most controversial Muslim King

Books For Al-Khaadem Classes - OneDrive

Books For Al-Khaadem Classes - OneDrive

Andrew Tate & the Muslims - YouTube

Andrew Tate & the Muslims - YouTube: 🔔 لا تنسى الاشتراك بالقناة http://bit.ly/AlafasyChannelFollow USMobile AppApp Storehttps://goo.gl/eBYWIaAndroidhttps://goo.gl/p47yGzWeb Site :http://www.mis...

سورة الشمس مشاري راشد العفاسي - YouTube

سورة الشمس مشاري راشد العفاسي - YouTube: 🔔 لا تنسى الاشتراك بالقناة http://bit.ly/AlafasyChannelFollow USMobile AppApp Storehttps://goo.gl/eBYWIaAndroidhttps://goo.gl/p47yGzWeb Site :http://www.mis...

سورة الغاشية مشاري راشد العفاسي - YouTube

سورة الغاشية مشاري راشد العفاسي - YouTube: 🔔 لا تنسى الاشتراك بالقناة http://bit.ly/AlafasyChannelFollow USMobile AppApp Storehttps://goo.gl/eBYWIaAndroidhttps://goo.gl/p47yGzWeb Site :http://www.mis...

అనువదించబడిన దైవ ప్రవక్త హదీసుల యన్ సైక్లోపిఢియ.

అనువదించబడిన దైవ ప్రవక్త హదీసుల యన్ సైక్లోపిఢియ.

(8) Was the Prophet Muhammad created from 'Noor ' Light DrMuhammadSalah #islamqa #fatwa #HUDATV - YouTube

(8) Was the Prophet Muhammad created from 'Noor ' Light DrMuhammadSalah #islamqa #fatwa #HUDATV - YouTube: 📲 Instagram : @alfaresi.q8( https://instagram.com/alfaresi.q8?igshid=g1b5fdlglbi2 ) 📲 Twitter : @Alfaresi_sa( https://twitter.com/Alfaresi_sa ) 📲 Telegram...

Hadiz: ¡Juro por Aquel que tiene mi alma en su mano, que mandarán el bien y la virtud y rechazarán todo mal y pecado! ¡Si no, Al-lah les enviará un castigo severo, y le suplicarán y no les responderá! - Enciclopedia de los hadices traducidos del Profeta.

Hadiz: ¡Juro por Aquel que tiene mi alma en su mano, que mandarán el bien y la virtud y rechazarán todo mal y pecado! ¡Si no, Al-lah les enviará un castigo severo, y le suplicarán y no les responderá! - Enciclopedia de los hadices traducidos del Profeta.



Reflexiones sobre el hadiz del estanque, y los grupos que serán apartados de él por los ángeles - Islam Preguntas y Respuestas

Reflexiones sobre el hadiz del estanque, y los grupos que serán apartados de él por los ángeles - Islam Preguntas y Respuestas

Использование яйцеклеток или спермы доноров, не супругов, в искусственном оплодотворении - Сайт «Ислам: вопрос и ответ»

Использование яйцеклеток или спермы доноров, не супругов, в искусственном оплодотворении - Сайт «Ислам: вопрос и ответ»

International Open University

International Open University

Dorar - The overall tafseer of Quran

Dorar - The overall tafseer of Quran

წიგნი ერთღმერთიანობისა - ქართული

წიგნი ერთღმერთიანობისა - ქართული

Maqasidic Tafsir (Al Hameem) Sh. Karim AbuZaid - YouTube

Maqasidic Tafsir (Al Hameem) Sh. Karim AbuZaid - YouTube: Improve Your English to Defend Prophet Mohammad Peace Upon Him Workshopwith edialogue

შეიძლება თუ არა ქალმა ჯუმა რომ ილოცოს? - ქართული

შეიძლება თუ არა ქალმა ჯუმა რომ ილოცოს? - ქართული: შეიძლება თუ არა ქალმა ჯუმა რომ ილოცოს

Hadis: «Nefsim (canım) elinde olan Allah'a yemin olsun ki; ya iyiliği emreder kötülükten sakındırırsınız ya da Allah yakında sizin üzerinize öyle bir bela gönderir de sonra Allah'a dua edersiniz de duanız kabul edilmez.» - Nebevi Hadisler Ansiklopedisi Tercümesi

Hadis: «Nefsim (canım) elinde olan Allah'a yemin olsun ki; ya iyiliği emreder kötülükten sakındırırsınız ya da Allah yakında sizin üzerinize öyle bir bela gönderir de sonra Allah'a dua edersiniz de duanız kabul edilmez.» - Nebevi Hadisler Ansiklopedisi Tercümesi

সম্পদের নিসাব কতটুকু - ইসলাম জিজ্ঞাসা ও জবাব

সম্পদের নিসাব কতটুকু - ইসলাম জিজ্ঞাসা ও জবাব

THE ETERNAL CALL ( 1 ) :: Dr. Khalid Al_Dossary - YouTube

THE ETERNAL CALL ( 1 ) :: Dr. Khalid Al_Dossary - YouTube

قسم کے کفارے میں غریب شخص کو کھانے کا ادائیگی شدہ کوپن دینے کا حکم - اسلام سوال و جواب

قسم کے کفارے میں غریب شخص کو کھانے کا ادائیگی شدہ کوپن دینے کا حکم - اسلام سوال و جواب

اللہ عزوجل کی عظمت - YouTube

اللہ عزوجل کی عظمت - YouTube

Yo estoy cerca - 1 & 2 - Nouman Ali Khan - YouTube

Yo estoy cerca - 1 & 2 - Nouman Ali Khan - YouTube

بث مباشر أ.د نواف الشراري ( دروس وعبر من حياة الأنبياء ) - YouTube

بث مباشر أ.د نواف الشراري ( دروس وعبر من حياة الأنبياء ) - YouTube

The Islamic Faith: A Simplified Presentation 6 by Islām, Leadership, Communication, Dialogue, Learning

The Islamic Faith: A Simplified Presentation 6 by Islām, Leadership, Communication, Dialogue, Learning: The Islamic Faith: A Simplified Presentation 6

قصه محمد العريفي مع رجل زنا. The story of Mohammad Al-Arifi , with a man adultery - YouTube

قصه محمد العريفي مع رجل زنا. The story of Mohammad Al-Arifi , with a man adultery - YouTube: #Scdawahchannel #Speakerscorner #hydepark speakers cornerPart 2 - https://youtu.be/AK8ln4jlkHs*Donate and help build a masjid in Norway and a house for you i...

(8) ما خسر العالم بتراجع المسلمين؟ - YouTube

(8) ما خسر العالم بتراجع المسلمين؟ - YouTube: **عمَّ الظلم والظلام الأرض، فبعث الله محمدًا صلى الله عليه وسلم بالنور المبين، وحمله المسلمون إلى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها؛ فأشرقت الأرض بنور ربها واستنارت بعدل ...

(8) How could an unlettered man who lived 1400 years ago have known that Iron Does Not Belong To Earth - YouTube

(8) How could an unlettered man who lived 1400 years ago have known that Iron Does Not Belong To Earth - YouTube: 📲 Instagram : @alfaresi.q8( https://instagram.com/alfaresi.q8?igshid=g1b5fdlglbi2 ) 📲 Twitter : @Alfaresi_sa( https://twitter.com/Alfaresi_sa ) 📲 Telegram...

(8) سورة الطارق مشاري راشد العفاسي - YouTube

(8) سورة الطارق مشاري راشد العفاسي - YouTube: 🔔 لا تنسى الاشتراك بالقناة http://bit.ly/AlafasyChannelFollow USMobile AppApp Storehttps://goo.gl/eBYWIaAndroidhttps://goo.gl/p47yGzWeb Site :http://www.mis...

হাদীস: আগুনের রব্ব (আল্লাহ) ছাড়া আগুন দিয়ে শাস্তি দেওয়া আর কারো জন্য সঙ্গত নয়। - নবী সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লামের হাদীসের অনুবাদ বিশ্বকোষ

হাদীস: আগুনের রব্ব (আল্লাহ) ছাড়া আগুন দিয়ে শাস্তি দেওয়া আর কারো জন্য সঙ্গত নয়। - নবী সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লামের হাদীসের অনুবাদ বিশ্বকোষ