الاثنين، 7 سبتمبر 2020

Dua to Forgive All Sins - Sayyidul Istighfaar - Understand & Memorize Du...

"طريقة عمل أرز بالحليب بالفيديو - حلويات -

233 - الوسيلة والواسطة - عثمان الخميس

تحلية باردة ومنعشة بدون فرن بدون كريمة وف ١٠ دقايق فقط وب ٣ مكونات بس����

طريقة تحضير دجاج بالليمون المخلل | نجلاء الشرشابي

من صور البدع الإضافية ـ من محاضرات العقيدة ـ المستوى الرابع 2

Jesus & Muhammad of Islam – Muslim Response to ISLAMOPHOBIA & LIES – Tube Islam .com

فطيرة الجبن التركية بعجينه اسفنجية قطنية فائقة الطراوة بدون عجن بالملعقة فقط | طبق اليوم بالصور

د. جاسم المطوع. أنا لا أرغب بالزواج

Istiqamah Institute

بعد الفيديو ده هتعملوا ألذ كباب لحم بالعجين وصفة من أحلى الوصفات!!! ����

طريقة تحضير كشري | زينب مصطفى

Quran and Islam is Excellent. What is the Difference between Islam, Juda...

Seven Khushu' Hacks For Meaningful Prayers

Seven Khushu' Hacks For Meaningful Prayers
1. Don't let Shaytan make you insecure because of your sins: "Why are you trying to get close to Allah? You're a sinner, not even worthy of being here!" Respond by remembering that the only way you enter an important place is with an invite, and in this case, your heart has been invited by Allah to worship. Thus, He loves you and has guided you. A true friend who deserves your attention!
2. Start your prayer during wudu - Imagine that each drop is a sin forgiven and that wudu, as it reduces your sins, dilates your heart, so you are ready to enter prayer
3. Learn new chapters, so your pray stays fresh, along with the meanings of each word
4. Remember that you are talking to Allah
5. When you read things like "Those, You guided," picture the righteous in your mind
6. If you are tired or have been in an argument with someone if you can wait for a little until you can pray with focus.
7. Turn off your phone, avoid social media at least twenty minutes before prayer.
Please share your tips below. What helps you keep your focus during salah?


It is only Christian's GOD Who was tempted by satan.We know that God created satan.
Satan is completely different from God. Satan will not be able to Reach God let alone tempted.God can kill satan also.
But can satan kill GOD
🌼 Jesus was tempted by Satan for 40 days { Matthew 4:1}, while GOD Almighty cannot be tempted { Jacob 1:13}
Is SATAN more powerful then GOD 
Is that makes sense 

Book of Setting Free and Wala' - Muwatta Malik - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

�� The #Trinity Under The Magnifying Glass ~Beyond Interfaith Dialogue S...

Grace, Faith and Works (part 1 of 4): The Components of Faith - The Religion of Islam

Grace, Faith and Works (part 1 of 4): The Components of Faith - The Religion of Islam: The relationship between inner faith and good works in Islam. Part One: The Islamic concept of “faith” and its relation to inner belief and good works. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.

Hadis: Nabi -ṣallallāhu 'alaihi wa sallam- (saat duduk) di antara dua sujud mengucapkan, "Allāhummagfirlī, warḥamnī, wa 'āfinī, wahdinī, warzuqnī (Ya Allah! Ampunilah aku, sayangilah aku, berilah petunjuk padaku, selamatkan aku (dari berbagai penyakit) dan berikanlah rezeki kepadaku)." - Ensiklopedia Terjemahan Hadis-hadis Nabi

新ムスリムの手引き - 日本語 - ジャマール・ザラーブーズー

新ムスリムの手引き - 日本語 - ジャマール・ザラーブーズー: 本書は、新ムスリムに対して基本的なガイダンスとなる本です。新ムスリムに向けられた数少ない著作の1つで、よりイスラームへの理解と実践を助ける内容となっています。新しくムスリムになった方々は、まず自分の新しい宗教について、正しく知る必要があるでしょう。また日常的に行われる宗教的な行為についてのガイドも必要です。それにはムスリムとして避けなければならない行為も含まれています。本書ではこうした内容に合わせて数多くのクルアーンが引用され、有名なハディースや珍しいハディースも随所に出てきます。新ムスリムを初め全てのムスリム、加えて非ムスリムの方々にも非常に興味深く読んでいただける一冊です。

Category: Islamic History - The Religion of Islam

Category: Islamic History - The Religion of Islam: This category is on: Islamic History. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.

Telegram: Contact @islomovozi

Telegram: Contact @islomovozi: Ислом Овози - Обидхон қори асарлари Алоқа учун : @islomovoziislomovozi +46705555548

Hey Kids! If You were in The ReciteONTV.com Contest- WIN AGAIN! – Tube Islam .com

وصفة لعلاج التخمة والقولون واضطرابات الجهاز الهضمي

وصفة لعلاج التخمة والقولون واضطرابات الجهاز الهضمي: موقع طبي مهتم بعالم الأعشاب والطب البديل و الطب النبوي النبوي والعلاج بالوصفات

Dear Muslims, Stop Asking for Discounts | About Islam

Dear Muslims, Stop Asking for Discounts | About Islam: Why you should stop asking for discounts?

110 Hadices Qudsis

"هل تريد أن تتعلم كيف تتوب كالأنبياء؟!

On Labor Day: Unfair Bosses Taking Advantage of Job Scarcity | About Islam

Enciclopedia del Sagrado Corán

Hadis: Nebi -sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem- iki secde arasında şöyle diyordu: «Allahummeğfirlî, verhamnî ve âfinî, vehdini ve'rzuknî» (Allah'ım! Bana mağfiret et, merhamet et, sağlık ver, bana hidayet ver ve beni rızıklandır.) - Nebevi Hadisler Ansiklopedisi Tercümesi

Japanese Artist Crafts Miniature, Antique Dollhouse Furniture by Hand

La rectitud y el pecado - Español