الاثنين، 31 يناير 2022

Ensiklopedya ng Isinaling mga Ḥadīth ng Propeta

Ensiklopedya ng Isinaling mga Ḥadīth ng Propeta

Suure rituaalse puhastuse ehk ghusli tegemine - Estonian

Suure rituaalse puhastuse ehk ghusli tegemine - Estonian

Mokapo mwa bofungoli mpe na eteni ya likambo Mpe endimbolami na Lokoto ya lingala - Lingala - Zakaria Mohammad Balingongo

Mokapo mwa bofungoli mpe na eteni ya likambo Mpe endimbolami na Lokoto ya lingala - Lingala - Zakaria Mohammad Balingongo

25 Worst And Funniest Haircuts That Will Help You Release Stress

25 Worst And Funniest Haircuts That Will Help You Release Stress

الاتفاق العقدي بين الصوفية والرافضة - عربي - عمر محمد لبطو

الاتفاق العقدي بين الصوفية والرافضة - عربي - عمر محمد لبطو

شرح عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة لابن عثيمين - عربي - عبد الله بن عبد العزيز العنقري

شرح عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة لابن عثيمين - عربي - عبد الله بن عبد العزيز العنقري

All Courses - Sunnah College Online

All Courses - Sunnah College Online



Hadithi: Umma wangu wote watasalimika isipokuwa wenye kuyatangaza (madhambi) - Mkusanyiko wa Hadithi za Mtume zilizofanyiwa Tarjama

Hadithi: Umma wangu wote watasalimika isipokuwa wenye kuyatangaza (madhambi) - Mkusanyiko wa Hadithi za Mtume zilizofanyiwa Tarjama

Sunnah College Online - Indonesia

Sunnah College Online - Indonesia: Kursusbelajarmengenaiberbagaimacampelajarandalam Islam seperti, Wudhu, Shalat, Zakat, Aqidah dan masihbanyaklagi… Sekarangkamubisabelajar agama secara gratis! https://mahadsunnah.com/id/all-courses/



حدیث: میری تمام امت معاف کردی جائے گی سوائے اعلانیہ گناہ کرنے والوں کے۔ - ترجمہ شدہ نبوی حدیثوں کا انسائیکلوپیڈیا

حدیث: میری تمام امت معاف کردی جائے گی سوائے اعلانیہ گناہ کرنے والوں کے۔ - ترجمہ شدہ نبوی حدیثوں کا انسائیکلوپیڈیا

London: Glimpses Within by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi (USA)! Tickets, Fri 11 Mar 2022 at 18:30 | Eventbrite

London: Glimpses Within by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi (USA)! Tickets, Fri 11 Mar 2022 at 18:30 | Eventbrite

Shelter dog started crying when he recognized the man standing in front of him.

Shelter dog started crying when he recognized the man standing in front of him.



تعرفوا على أهم القواعد في فهم الأطفال :: د.جاسم المطوع - YouTube

تعرفوا على أهم القواعد في فهم الأطفال :: د.جاسم المطوع - YouTube: مجموعة من القواعد التي نستطيع من خلاها فهم أطفالنا

Creation Of Life by Khalid Yasin - YouTube

Creation Of Life by Khalid Yasin - YouTube

Cagnotte organisée par Shaykh Khalid Yasin : Purpose and Empowerment Tour

Cagnotte organisée par Shaykh Khalid Yasin : Purpose and Empowerment Tour



Shamsi Delivering a Nice Reminder at Masjid DaaruSunnah - YouTube

Shamsi Delivering a Nice Reminder at Masjid DaaruSunnah - YouTube: يمكنك الاستمتاع بالفيديوهات والموسيقى التي تحبها وتحميل المحتوى الأصلي ومشاركته بكامله مع أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك والعالم أجمع على YouTube.

A Million dollars for your eyes! ! Ali Dawah & Visitor | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park - YouTube

A Million dollars for your eyes! ! Ali Dawah & Visitor | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park - YouTube

Η αστραπη – موسوعة الكحيل للاعجاز العلمي

Η αστραπη – موسوعة الكحيل للاعجاز العلمي

حكم التكسب من التدوين المرئي للحياة اليومية (Vlogging) - الإسلام سؤال وجواب

حكم التكسب من التدوين المرئي للحياة اليومية (Vlogging) - الإسلام سؤال وجواب

Does seeking an answer to a supplication by virtue of one’s righteous deed (tawassul) to achieve some worldly goal detract from the reward of that deed? - Islam Question & Answer

Does seeking an answer to a supplication by virtue of one’s righteous deed (tawassul) to achieve some worldly goal detract from the reward of that deed? - Islam Question & Answer

Allah Says: My Mercy Prevails Over My Wrath! | About Islam

Allah Says: My Mercy Prevails Over My Wrath! | About Islam

18 Pics Show That Creativity On This Planet Is Truly Limitless

18 Pics Show That Creativity On This Planet Is Truly Limitless: Some research has documented that your creativity decreases by 50% compared to kids when you reach maturity. Let me explain why. Children are curious about their surroundings and can’t wait to explore them immediately. Adults are not like that. They have more concerns about family, career,… Therefore, they’re not as...

Islams Women - Introduction to Marriage in Islam

Islams Women - Introduction to Marriage in Islam: The Muslim Woman Status, Rights, Hijab, Marriage, and More

Les effets dévastateurs de la vue de films pornographiques – موسوعة الكحيل للاعجاز العلمي

Les effets dévastateurs de la vue de films pornographiques – موسوعة الكحيل للاعجاز العلمي

Our Dua Means to Connect with Allah | SUBHANALLAH | Emotional Reminder | Sh Noman Ali Khan | #Shorts - YouTube

Our Dua Means to Connect with Allah | SUBHANALLAH | Emotional Reminder | Sh Noman Ali Khan | #Shorts - YouTube

Hisnul Muslim | Fortress of the Muslim

Hisnul Muslim | Fortress of the Muslim

Homepage | Abdullah Hakim Quick Courses

Homepage | Abdullah Hakim Quick Courses

Is Allah Punishing Me? | Khutbah | Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

Is Allah Punishing Me? | Khutbah | Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

What Is Aqeedah? - Aqeedah 101 - YouTube

What Is Aqeedah? - Aqeedah 101 - YouTube

International Open University

International Open University



The True-life Tom and Jerry: Mouse Runs As much As A Cat 'For Cuddles' After Being Chased Round

The True-life Tom and Jerry: Mouse Runs As much As A Cat 'For Cuddles' After Being Chased Round:

A cat and a mouse in China seem to have struck up an unlikely friendship after the rodent was filmed cosying as much as the moggie after being chased round. Trending footage reveals the rodent operating and hiding below the feline’s stomach on a road, seemingly asking for cuddles, reported Chinese language media.

1410 - الزواج من فلسطين المحتلة من دون لقاء مع الزوجة! - عثمان الخميس - YouTube

1410 - الزواج من فلسطين المحتلة من دون لقاء مع الزوجة! - عثمان الخميس - YouTube

دعت على ولدها بأن يريحها الله منه - YouTube

دعت على ولدها بأن يريحها الله منه - YouTube

Boyfriend Girlfriend...What is the solution? - Dr. Bilal Philips [HD] - YouTube

Boyfriend Girlfriend...What is the solution? - Dr. Bilal Philips [HD] - YouTube

الأحد، 30 يناير 2022

The Original Concept of God - English - Faten Sabri

The Original Concept of God - English - Faten Sabri

5 ways to create a community of learners by Be A Mobile Islamic Exhibit

5 ways to create a community of learners by Be A Mobile Islamic Exhibit

كلمات عظيمة في الرجاء، يقشعر لها البدن - YouTube

كلمات عظيمة في الرجاء، يقشعر لها البدن - YouTube

Durch eine Untersuchung hat sich herausgestellt, dass er an einer heilbaren Unfruchtbarkeit leidet. Soll er dies seiner Verlobten erzählen? - Der Islam - Frage und Antwort

Durch eine Untersuchung hat sich herausgestellt, dass er an einer heilbaren Unfruchtbarkeit leidet. Soll er dies seiner Verlobten erzählen? - Der Islam - Frage und Antwort: Durch eine Untersuchung hat sich herausgestellt, dass er an einer heilbaren Unfruchtbarkeit leidet. Soll er dies seiner Verlobten erzählen?

Telegram: Contact @quran_interpret

Telegram: Contact @quran_interpret

There shall be no distinction between the Prophets - YouTube

There shall be no distinction between the Prophets - YouTube: Say, "We have believed in Allah and in what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Descendants [al-Asbat], and i...

Translation of the meanings Ayah 84 Surah Āl-‘Imrān - English Translation - Saheeh International - The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

Translation of the meanings Ayah 84 Surah Āl-‘Imrān - English Translation - Saheeh International - The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia: Translation of the meanings Ayah 84 Surah Āl-‘Imrān - English Translation - Saheeh International - The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

預言者からビザンチン皇帝への手紙(下):部下をイスラームへ招こうとするヘラクレイオス - イスラームという宗教

預言者からビザンチン皇帝への手紙(下):部下をイスラームへ招こうとするヘラクレイオス - イスラームという宗教: ムハンマドを預言者と認め、配下の者たちをイスラームに招こうとするヘラクレイオスとその反応。手紙が家宝として残されたという伝説についての議論。 このサイトは、様々な信仰を持つ人々がイスラームとムスリムへの理解を深めることの出来るためのものです。 イスラームにおける多様な側面についての簡潔な記事が多く掲載されています。 新しい記事は毎週掲載されます。 また、チャット形式によるライブ・ヘルプも含まれています。

The Miracles of Muhammad (part 1 of 3) - The Religion of Islam

The Miracles of Muhammad (part 1 of 3) - The Religion of Islam: THE MIRACLES OF MUHAMMAD (PART 1 OF 3)

NAKInBangla - YouTube

NAKInBangla - YouTube

Importance of Tawheed in Living Islam - YouTube

Importance of Tawheed in Living Islam - YouTube



سورة النساء كاملة و مكتوبة بصوت بيشةوا قادر الكردي -Full Surah An-Nisa Peshawa Kurdi - YouTube

سورة النساء كاملة و مكتوبة بصوت بيشةوا قادر الكردي -Full Surah An-Nisa Peshawa Kurdi - YouTube: اشترك الآن : في القناة الرسمية للقارئ بیشەوا قادر الكردي ثم انقر فوق رمز الجرس (🔔) للحصول على كافة الإشعارات. Official Peshawa Qadr Channelتواصلوا معنا | ال...

I'M THE BEST MUSLIM - Short Series 03 - The Power of Salaam - YouTube

I'M THE BEST MUSLIM - Short Series 03 - The Power of Salaam - YouTube: The Best Muslim say salam.Help us share this video to reach millions of people, so it becomes our most beneficial video, inshAllah!Become Supporter I'm The B...

Shaykh Khalid Yasin – Official Website of Shaykh Khalid Yasin

Shaykh Khalid Yasin – Official Website of Shaykh Khalid Yasin

Cagnotte organisée par Shaykh Khalid Yasin : Purpose and Empowerment Tour

Cagnotte organisée par Shaykh Khalid Yasin : Purpose and Empowerment Tour: As salaamu alaykum: Dear Brothers and Sisters: Since 1980, I have been … Shaykh Khalid Yasin a besoin de votre soutien pour Purpose and Empowerment Tour

Hadis: «Dünyada zâhid ol, Allah seni sevecektir. İnsanların elinde bulunanlara karşı zâhid ol, insanlar seni sevecektir.» - Nebevi Hadisler Ansiklopedisi Tercümesi

Hadis: «Dünyada zâhid ol, Allah seni sevecektir. İnsanların elinde bulunanlara karşı zâhid ol, insanlar seni sevecektir.» - Nebevi Hadisler Ansiklopedisi Tercümesi

العلامة صالح الفوزان : ذاهب إلى الله فأين تذهب ‼️ ( مؤثر 🍂 ) - YouTube

العلامة صالح الفوزان : ذاهب إلى الله فأين تذهب ‼️ ( مؤثر 🍂 ) - YouTube

Siapa Yang Lebih Berat Kebaikannya Dari Kejelekannya, Maka Dia Akan Masuk Surga Dan Selamat Dari Siksa - Soal Jawab Tentang Islam

Siapa Yang Lebih Berat Kebaikannya Dari Kejelekannya, Maka Dia Akan Masuk Surga Dan Selamat Dari Siksa - Soal Jawab Tentang Islam: Siapa Yang Lebih Berat Kebaikannya Dari Kejelekannya, Maka Dia Akan Masuk Surga Dan Selamat Dari Siksa

(Subtitle) Pahala Tanpa Batas - Limitless Rewards - Nouman Ali Khan - YouTube

(Subtitle) Pahala Tanpa Batas - Limitless Rewards - Nouman Ali Khan - YouTube

Did Princess Diana accept ISLAM before she died? - YouTube

Did Princess Diana accept ISLAM before she died? - YouTube

Resumen de los placeres del Paraíso - La religión del Islam

Resumen de los placeres del Paraíso - La religión del Islam: RESUMEN DE LOS PLACERES DEL PARAÍSO

Generosity - The Religion of Islam

Generosity - The Religion of Islam: The definition and value of generosity in Islam. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.

This Super Jealous Dog Won't Let His Owners Cuddle Without Him - Dog Blog

This Super Jealous Dog Won't Let His Owners Cuddle Without Him - Dog Blog

What is the wisdom behind the month of Rajab being separate from the other sacred months? - Islam Question & Answer

What is the wisdom behind the month of Rajab being separate from the other sacred months? - Islam Question & Answer: What is the wisdom behind the month of Rajab being separate from the other sacred months?

تلاوات - شبكة الكعبة الاسلامية

تلاوات - شبكة الكعبة الاسلامية

The Open Forum Episode 29 - YouTube

The Open Forum Episode 29 - YouTube: Episode 29 of 'The Open Forum' where Christians are invited to join the discussion with our panelists Hamza, Ijaz, Sadat, Abbas, Nazam & Imran. Guests will b...

Preferable Ways of Dhikr | About Islam

Preferable Ways of Dhikr | About Islam: Here are 3 blessed forms of remembering Allah during the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah. Here are preferable ways of dhikr!

حلف ألا يفعل شيئا وحلف ألا يحنث أو ألا يلغي يمينه - الإسلام سؤال وجواب

حلف ألا يفعل شيئا وحلف ألا يحنث أو ألا يلغي يمينه - الإسلام سؤال وجواب

10+ Hilariously Strange Missing Cat Posters That’ll Make You Stop And Think

10+ Hilariously Strange Missing Cat Posters That’ll Make You Stop And Think



⚠️ ️(Romans 1:21) :".. Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen."
⬛️🔺 ️Jesus himself said : --> "..Christians are Vain worshippers in Vain worship (Vain---->>>Useless, pointless, worthless, producing no results-no salvation)
🔺️ Christians (They) worship me (Jesus) in vain; their teachings (Trinity) are but rules taught by men (Pauline). (From the NIV Bible, Matthew 15:9)"
🔺️ "..They (Christians) worship me (Jesus) in vain; their teachings (Trinity) are but rules taught by men!" (Pauline). (From the NIV Bible, Mark 7:7)."
⚠️ "..You (Christians) Calling me God "I Am Not Even
G O O D." (Mathew 16:17-18).
🔺️ Jesus said : "..You blind fools." ❗️ (Mathew 23:17).
🔺️ "..Only, My (Jesus) God who sent Me is Good (Perfect)." (Mathew 16:17-18).
Almighty the Supreme God Allaah THE MOST EXALTED IS 'HE' states in the Glorious Qur'an:
👑 "..And they (Christians and Jews) say : "..None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.' Those are their vain desires. Say: 'Produce your proof if ye are truthful." (The Noble Qur'an, 2:111)."
“..DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND, They will not return (To the path).” (Noble Qur’aan 2:18).
👑 If you like to become a instant Muslim or like to generally study Islam please contact me :
Farakh Shaheen
England 🇬🇧
قد تكون صورة لـ ‏نص‏
Koky Noor

1416 - يعمل الذنب ويقول إن الله غفورٌ رحيم - عثمان الخميس - YouTube

1416 - يعمل الذنب ويقول إن الله غفورٌ رحيم - عثمان الخميس - YouTube

we found ahmad in the bible


Discover Its Beauty – Discover Its Beauty

Discover Its Beauty – Discover Its Beauty



الرياء - ذاكر نايك - طريق الإسلام

الرياء - ذاكر نايك - طريق الإسلام: الرياء - ذاكر نايك (فيديو). التصنيف: أعمال القلوب

أقل ما يحصل به قيام الليل - محمد الحسن الددو الشنقيطي - طريق الإسلام

أقل ما يحصل به قيام الليل - محمد الحسن الددو الشنقيطي - طريق الإسلام: أقل ما يحصل به قيام الليل - محمد الحسن الددو الشنقيطي (فيديو). التصنيف: فقه الصلاة

Laughing at Truth? Hashim Vs Arrogant Christian | Old is Gold | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park - YouTube

Laughing at Truth? Hashim Vs Arrogant Christian | Old is Gold | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park - YouTube

The Disease And The Cure | Lesson 30 - When Your Desire is Your God | Shamsi - YouTube

The Disease And The Cure | Lesson 30 - When Your Desire is Your God | Shamsi - YouTube: Masjid DaaruSunnah➜ http://dusunnah.comFREE ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE QURAN➜ https://t.co/URXgZrvF78Listen to Quran with English Translation Online➜ https:...

السبت، 29 يناير 2022

GOD? Proof? How? Creation? Evolution? Science?


المفضلة ‏٢١‏ س 
GOD? Proof? How? Creation? Evolution? Science?
Consider this - The earth's distance from the sun - exact to the point - if it was just a little further we would be surrounded in ice - but a bit closer, we'd all burn up.
Consider how our earth is unlike any other planet in the universe. We have over 75% water and the evaporation system on our planet causes rain to go all over the dry lands, giving life for plants, flowers, food and trees.
The trees breath-OUT what we breath in (oxygen).
Or how about the exact time for earth's rotation around the sun; or how the moon is part of our oceans rising and ebbing; or the way the atoms are formed in round spheres with other round spheres going around them in orbits. All of this is in the Quran - long before there were telescopes or microscopes.
Gravity allows our atmosphere in development so we can breath.
Read about the miracle of birth - from the moment of the fertilization of the egg (in our mother) to the shape of the fetus, the trimesters - all mentioned in revelations from the Creator Himself.
There's more - MUCH MORE - All in the Quran and hadith of our prophet, peace be upon him. But it all starts with one things - ASK HIM (God) to "Guide me".
And then call us to "Talk About It" Live on https://GuideUS.aap or right here on FB
قد تكون صورة لـ ‏نص مفاده '‏‎Any Proof There is GOD? Guide US. App UTC-8 "Talk About It" LIVE 9PM EST (6PM California Time) Call-in LIVE Show on GueUS.app (Free! No ads!) How Can Do We Prove God is REAL? Real evidence from science and revelations!‎‏'‏
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