الأربعاء، 11 مارس 2020

A quoi servent les épreuves

A quoi servent les épreuves: Allah Exalteacute soit-Il met son serviteur agrave lrsquoeacutepreuve pour tester sa perseacuteveacuterance et sa patience Pour passer ce test avec su..

La patience et la certitude dans la vie du musulman

La patience et la certitude dans la vie du musulman: Les croyants et la Oumma sont confronteacutes agrave drsquoimmenses deacutefis et agrave des difficulteacutes eacutenormes qursquoil ne sera possible ..

Comment acquérir le sabr

Comment acquérir le sabr: Le mot arabe sabr peut ecirctre deacutefini comme eacutetant la patience permettant de se retenir de se restreindre de srsquoeacutecarter de ce qui es..

Est-ce que le mois de Rajab a des vertus particulières

Est-ce que le mois de Rajab a des vertus particulières: Allah exalteacute soit-Il creacutee ce qursquoIl veut et choisit parmi Ses creacuteatures celles qursquoIl veut Dans Sa sagesse infinie Il a donneacut..

27 Undeniable Miracles of Quran

Le jeûne est le paradis de ceux qui patientent

Le jeûne est le paradis de ceux qui patientent: Lrsquohomme est composeacute drsquoun corps et drsquoune acircme Cette derniegravere le tire vers la transcendance lui rappelle ses charges sa positio..

Coronavirus - What should we do, What are the duas & precautions against...

La rétribution des endurants

La rétribution des endurants: La reacutealiteacute veacutecue nous impose de dire que les tentations sont nombreuses et il en est de mecircme pour les passions Les musulmans ougrav..

Deux types d’endurances

Deux types d’endurances: Dans ce preacutesent article qui est le troisiegraveme drsquoune seacuterie consacreacutee agrave la vertu de lrsquoendurance chez les jeunes nous all..

Ladolescence ou l’étape de l’endurance

Ladolescence ou l’étape de l’endurance: Allah exalteacute soit-Il a attribueacute une certaine qualiteacute agrave Ses allieacutes et Ses bien-aimeacutes savez-vous de quelle qualiteacute il..

La patience dans le Coran

La patience dans le Coran: Dans lsquoUdat-as-Sacircbireen Ibn Al-Qayyim a mentionneacute que lImam Ahmad a dit laquo Allah Le Tout-Puissant a mentionneacute la patience dans le..

Der Kern des Islâm – Begreifen wir das Wesentliche nicht

Der Kern des Islâm – Begreifen wir das Wesentliche nicht: Fuumlr Manche ist ein Bild von Monet lediglich ein Zusammenfuumlgen von Punkten Fuumlr andere ist es ein perfektes Meisterstuumlck Fuumlr Manche ist d..

Jesus a Prophet (pbuh)!!

‏‎Lets know our GOD.‎‏ مع ‏‎Kyer Fyzel‎‏.
Jesus a Prophet (pbuh)!!
.. and the position of a Prophet of God Almighty is already of high ranks.
Do you must follow the original or the pseudo: Explore it yourself !!
Where is a will there is a way, those who explore find the way, those who wish to be guided to the ever lasting success, peace and comfort are truly guided to and through by the God Almighty, Allah subhan wa Taala HIMSELF !!
"We shall (continue to) show them Our evidence in the world and within their souls until it becomes clear that the Quran is the truth. Is it not sufficient for you that your Lord witness all things?"
(Noble Quran 41:53)
... Billions of people were born before prophet Jesus (pbuh) was born in this world, so how Jesus pbuh can be the FIRST (Almighty God alone is the FIRST) ?!
Billions of people have died and still many have to die after Jesus pbuh death, so how can Jesus be the LAST (Almighty God alone is the LAST) ?!
How can a dead man like Jesus pbuh be a JUDGE (to allow some one to enter paradise, because the real meaning of a judge is to be alive forever, only Almighty God alone is the JUDGE) ?!
"When Jesus pbuh is just one of the prophets (as many prophets came before Jesus and Muhammed pbuh after him), so there are many DOORS for people (by following their respective prophets in the respective times) to enter the paradise. So how Jesus (pbuh) can alone be the ONLY DOOR for anything??"
Many PROPHETS (pbut all) exhibited miracles like Jesus pbuh, so why Jesus can take all the credits and be a God or son of God??
Jesus never said I am God, and how can a man in FLESH and BLOOD, born from the womb of a woman, dies, eats, drinks, sleeps, feel pain and sorrow and yet claim divinity, a God-incarnate or God-son ?!
Or is it that, there are versions of God, smaller God, new God, son of God, active God, passive God, dormant God, mother God, father God....then where is the difference between the "CHRISTIANS and the PAGAN Gods"??
If missing father of Jesus pbuh is the reason of his Godly nature, then Adam pbuh had neither father nor mother!!
EVE had neither mother nor father, so does this indicate her to be a God-Mother ?!
All the plants and animals initially had no PARENTS, So does all these indicate or make them to be "God-Animal or God-Plant ?!
"Its the wish and way of God almighty (Allah the merciful) to create the living or the non living beings the way HE wants!!"
"ALLAH alone is FIT TO BE WORSHIPED, the FIRST, the LAST, the EVER LIVING, the ALL MIGHTY, the ALL WISE, the ALL KNOWING, the ALL POWERFUL, the NOURISHER, the CREATOR of the Universe, the SUSTAINER, the OWNER, the MASTER of the Day of Judgement, the KING of kings, the EMPEROR of emperors, neither SLEEPS, nor TAKES REST, neither has a SON nor a DAUGHTER, nor a FATHER nor a MOTHER, NONE is LIKE HIM !!"

Karim AbuZaid - YouTube

Karim AbuZaid - YouTube: يمكنك الاستمتاع بالفيديوهات والموسيقى التي تحبها وتحميل المحتوى الأصلي ومشاركته بكامله مع أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك والعالم أجمع على YouTube.

International Open University | Accredited Degree Programs

International Open University | Accredited Degree Programs: Welcome to International Open University The International Open University (IOU) was launched by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips in 2007 as a higher education

Dr Tawfique Chowdhury shares his thoughts about IOU

What Do Muslims Believe about Jesus?

‏‎WhyIslam‎‏ هنا مع ‏‎Ustadh Hudy Mustafa‎‏ و‏‏١١‏ آخرين‏.
What Do Muslims Believe about Jesus?
Muslims respect and revere Jesus (peace be upon him). They consider him one of the greatest of God’s messengers to mankind. The Quran confirms his virgin birth, and a chapter of the Quran is entitled ‘Maryam’ (Mary). The Quran describes the birth of Jesus as follows:
(Remember) when the angels said, “O Mary, God gives you good news of a word from Him (God), whose name is the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, revered in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near (to God). He will speak to the people from his cradle and as a man, and he is of the righteous.” She said, “My Lord, how can I have a child when no mortal has touched me?” He said, “So (it will be). God creates what He wills. If He decrees a thing, He says to it only, ‘Be!’ and it is.” (Quran, 3:45-47)