الخميس، 15 يونيو 2023

Earth’s inner core is slowing down its spin. Should we be worried? - BBC Science Focus Magazine

Earth’s inner core is slowing down its spin. Should we be worried? - BBC Science Focus Magazine: The planet’s solid iron inner core has stopped spinning faster than the surface, a new study suggests.

কার পক্ষ নিবেন? বউ নাকি মা? - YouTube

কার পক্ষ নিবেন? বউ নাকি মা? - YouTube: We are a small Animation and illustration Team making state of Art animation videos in Bangla Language to Educate the world on different topics.

Has Science Disproved God? Deconstructing False Assumptions | Hamza Andreas Tzortzis

Has Science Disproved God? Deconstructing False Assumptions | Hamza Andreas Tzortzis: Imagine you entered an amazing palace. As you walk through the hallway, you are struck by the size of the building and decide to explore by opening the nearest door. As you enter the room, you see hundreds of chairs and tables arranged like a classroom....

Understanding Atheism — Science & Faith

Understanding Atheism — Science & Faith: A challenge of modern knowledge In order to convince someone to accept something, we first need to know what he

La Mujer El Islam | Discover Islam

La Mujer El Islam | Discover Islam: A colorful booklet in Spanish based on the Discover Islam: The Muslim Woman Poster Series. Great to give away for dawah/outreach. Filled with photographs and text from the poster series in a simple, Q & A Format Beautifully designed to help people understand Islam. This is the ideal gift to give to all your non-Muslim friends and neighbors. Language: English Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches

Stream INSPIRATION TO THE LUSTFUL SOUL! by The Daily Reminder (TDR) | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Stream INSPIRATION TO THE LUSTFUL SOUL! by The Daily Reminder (TDR) | Listen online for free on SoundCloud: Listen to Class 01 The Book of Faith from Sahih Muslim by Shaykh Hamzah Abdur Razzaq by Germantown Masjid on desktop and mobile.

Christian Scholars Recognize Contradictions in the Bible (part 1 of 7): Introduction - The Religion of Islam

Christian Scholars Recognize Contradictions in the Bible (part 1 of 7): Introduction - The Religion of Islam: A look at what some of the leading Christian Scholars have said about the authenticity of the Bible. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.

AboutAtheism.Net | Evaluating Atheist Pretensions

AboutAtheism.Net | Evaluating Atheist Pretensions

Be Like Khadijah – 4 Traits a Wise Wife Should Have - Greater Islam

Be Like Khadijah – 4 Traits a Wise Wife Should Have - Greater Islam

Juma Khuṭbah | Reminder During Cold Weather - YouTube

Juma Khuṭbah | Reminder During Cold Weather - YouTube

مدونة غرفة MCDialogue

مدونة غرفة MCDialogue: قناتنا خاصة بالدعوة إذا كنت مهتم بمجال مقارنة الأديان و الرد على الشبهات

From Okara to Makkah: This Man Walks 5400km for Hajj | About Islam

From Okara to Makkah: This Man Walks 5400km for Hajj | About Islam: Usman Arshad, a student of BS Mass Communication at the University of Okra, covered thel ong journey on foot in six months and thirteen days,

Lectures | Faith

Lectures | Faith: Lectures about having faith in Allah.

علماء نصارى يُقرون بالتناقضات الموجودة في الإنجيل (الجزء 1 من 7): مقدمة - دين الاسلام

علماء نصارى يُقرون بالتناقضات الموجودة في الإنجيل (الجزء 1 من 7): مقدمة - دين الاسلام: نظرة على ما قاله بعض رواد علماء النصارى فيما يتعلق بصحة الإنجيل. هذا الموقع مخصص للأشخاص من مختلف العقائد الذين يسعون إلى فهم الإسلام والمسلمين. يحتوي على الكثير من المقالات الموجزة والغنية بالمعلومات حول جوانب مختلفة من الإسلام. يتم إضافة مقالات جديدة كل أسبوع. كما أنه يتميز بالمساعدة الحية من خلال الدردشة.

موقع الشيخ صالح الفوزان | موقع معالي الشيخ صالح الفوزان

موقع الشيخ صالح الفوزان | موقع معالي الشيخ صالح الفوزان

Eruditos cristianos reconocen las contradicciones en la Biblia (parte 1 de 5): Introducción - La religión del Islam

Eruditos cristianos reconocen las contradicciones en la Biblia (parte 1 de 5): Introducción - La religión del Islam: Una mirada a lo que algunos eruditos cristianos sobresalientes dijeron respecto a la autenticidad de la Biblia. Esta página web es para personas de diversas religiones que buscan entender el Islam y a los musulmanes.  Contiene numerosos artículos informativos, y resúmenes sobre diferentes aspectos del Islam.  Cada semana, se publican nuevos artículos.

Islam: Faith and History | Discover Islam

Islam: Faith and History | Discover Islam: This approximately 30 minute film deals with the basics of Islam: from the Oneness of Allah to the various Prophets, especially focusing on Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - his life and message; the movie also touches on the spread of Islam around the world, the various advances made my Muslims and finally deals with the present situation of Muslims - very briefly dealing with women's status and terrorism as examples of how people have deviated from the true teachings of Islam.

Dokumentarfilm | Al- Chawârizmî - YouTube

Dokumentarfilm | Al- Chawârizmî - YouTube: Dokumentarfilm | Al- Chawârizmî.Muhammad ibn Mûsâ Al-Chawârizmî war eine herausragende Autorität in der Mathematik zur Zeit des abbasidischen Reiches. Er beg...

Listen to Class 01 The Book of Faith from Sahih Muslim by Shaykh Hamzah Abdur Razzaq by Germantown Masjid in The Book of Faith from Sahih Muslim playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Listen to Class 01 The Book of Faith from Sahih Muslim by Shaykh Hamzah Abdur Razzaq by Germantown Masjid in The Book of Faith from Sahih Muslim playlist online for free on SoundCloud: Stream هل لك سر عند الله ؟ - مشاري العفاسي by Esmael Agha on desktop and mobile. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.

સવાર સાંજ પઢવામાં આવતા ઝિક્ર - ગુજરાતી

સવાર સાંજ પઢવામાં આવતા ઝિક્ર - ગુજરાતી: સવાર સાંજ પઢવામાં આવતા ઝિક્ર

How to control the instinct? — Science & Faith

How to control the instinct? — Science & Faith: “Our Lord! Grant that our spouses and our offspring be a comfort to our eyes, and give us the grace

Les érudits chrétiens reconnaissent les contradictions dans la Bible (partie 1 de 7) : Introduction - La religion de l'Islam

Les érudits chrétiens reconnaissent les contradictions dans la Bible (partie 1 de 7) : Introduction - La religion de l'Islam: Regard sur ce que certains des plus grands érudits chrétiens ont dit au sujet de l’authenticité de la Bible.  Ce site s'adresse à des gens de confessions diverses qui cherchent à comprendre l'islam et les musulmans.  Il contient plusieurs courts articles d'information traitant de divers aspects de l'islam.  De nouveaux articles sont ajoutés chaque semaine. De plus, il offre un service d'aide en direct par l'intermédiaire du clavardage.

Stream New Muslim Guide | Listen to Vodič novom muslimanu playlist online for free on SoundCloud

Stream New Muslim Guide | Listen to Vodič novom muslimanu playlist online for free on SoundCloud: Stream هل لك سر عند الله ؟ - مشاري العفاسي by Esmael Agha on desktop and mobile. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.

Discover Islam Reader | Discover Islam

Discover Islam Reader | Discover Islam: A colorful booklet based on the Discover Islam Poster Series. Great to give away for dawah/outreach. Filled with photographs and text from the poster series in a simple, Q & A Format Beautifully designed to help people understand Islam. This is the ideal gift to give to all your non-Muslim friends and neighbors. Language: English Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches, opens to 38.5 inches wide

ملاحدة الشرق وعلمانيوه - YouTube

ملاحدة الشرق وعلمانيوه - YouTube

Das Paradies ist teuer - YouTube

Das Paradies ist teuer - YouTube

Christliche Gelehrte geben Widersprüche in der Bibel zu (teil 1 von 5): Einleitung - Die Religion des Islam

Christliche Gelehrte geben Widersprüche in der Bibel zu (teil 1 von 5): Einleitung - Die Religion des Islam: Ein Blick darauf, was führende christliche Gelehrte über die Authenzität der Bibel sagen.  Diese Web site ist für Menschen unterschiedlichen Glaubens, die den Islam und die Muslime verstehen möchten. Sie enthält zahlreiche kurze informative Artikel über verschiedene Aspekte des Islam.  Jede Woche kommen neue Artikel hinzu.

السورة التي فيها قرب وفاة الرسولﷺ | العلامة الشيخ صالح الفوزان - YouTube

السورة التي فيها قرب وفاة الرسولﷺ | العلامة الشيخ صالح الفوزان - YouTube

"In the Name of Allah," All Universe Sings | About Islam

"In the Name of Allah," All Universe Sings | About Islam: Bismillah, "In the Name of Allah," is the start of all things good. We too shall start with it. Know, O my soul! Just as this blessed phrase is a