الاثنين، 5 ديسمبر 2022

How can we prove the Ashari Aqeedah is false? - Assim al hakeem - YouTube

How can we prove the Ashari Aqeedah is false? - Assim al hakeem - YouTube

Les règles, les bases d'ensemble, les distinctions et les subdivisions originales et bénéfiques - Abderrahmân Ibn Nasser As-Saadî - Abdel-Malik Al-Faransi | Islamway

Les règles, les bases d'ensemble, les distinctions et les subdivisions originales et bénéfiques - Abderrahmân Ibn Nasser As-Saadî - Abdel-Malik Al-Faransi | Islamway: Les règles, les bases d'ensemble, les distinctions et les subdivisions originales et bénéfiques

Scurt ghid pentru noul musulman - Română

Scurt ghid pentru noul musulman - Română: Scurt ghid pentru noul musulman



دلمونز واجبات. - پښتو

دلمونز واجبات. - پښتو: دلمونز واجبات.

Enciclopedia del Sagrado Corán

Enciclopedia del Sagrado Corán

Islam Net

Islam Net

Les traductions faites par les femmes de la prédication - La science légiférée - العلم الشرعي

Les traductions faites par les femmes de la prédication - La science légiférée - العلم الشرعي: Question : Asslam alikom wa rahmato Allâh. Qu'Allâh vous préserve notre Cheikh, avec vous Oum... Je réalise quelques traductions et je ne mentionne pas mon surnom, je suis une femme. Est-ce que cela est correct ou bien dois-je mentionner mon surnom ?...

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas….But So What? | About Islam

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas….But So What? | About Islam: I always wonder what makes Muslim parents so much concerned and worried whenever we get to Christmas time. Here's what I found out...

Usuulu Saddexda garashada nabigeenna - Soomaali

Usuulu Saddexda garashada nabigeenna - Soomaali: Usuulu Saddexda garashada nabigeenna

🛑 تلاوات تريح القلوب والنفوس بصوت الشيخ عبدالباسط عبدالصمد ♥️ | Sheikh Abdulbasit Abdussamad - YouTube

🛑 تلاوات تريح القلوب والنفوس بصوت الشيخ عبدالباسط عبدالصمد ♥️ | Sheikh Abdulbasit Abdussamad - YouTube: Islamweb. Auf ewig glückselig!Es ist unsere Vision, ein einzigartig globales Webportal zu schaffen, das mehrsprachig im Dienste der Muslime und Nichtmuslime ...

الآثار النفسية والاجتماعية لمساوىء الأخلاق - طريق الإسلام

الآثار النفسية والاجتماعية لمساوىء الأخلاق - طريق الإسلام: مما هو واقع مشاهد في الحياة أن لمخالفة المنهج الإسلامي آثارا وخيمة تنعكس على كل جوانب الحياة، وعلى الأفراد والمجتمعات.

Wurde die Beschreibung des Propheten als „der Ehrliche, der Vertrauenswürdige“ in authentischen Hadîthen überliefert? - Islamweb

Wurde die Beschreibung des Propheten als „der Ehrliche, der Vertrauenswürdige“ in authentischen Hadîthen überliefert? - Islamweb: Wurde die Beschreibung des Propheten als „der Ehrliche, der Vertrauenswürdige“ in authentischen Hadîthen überliefert?

Hadith on Love: Spread peace and love each other

Hadith on Love: Spread peace and love each other: Hadith on Love: Spread peace and love each other

Exploring Morality - Does Islam Have the Moral High Ground? - YouTube

Exploring Morality - Does Islam Have the Moral High Ground? - YouTube

Is praising someone permissible in Islam? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem - YouTube

Is praising someone permissible in Islam? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem - YouTube

L'Enciclopedia del Nobile Corano

L'Enciclopedia del Nobile Corano

شاهد كيف أعجز أحمد ديدات القسيس بسؤال واحد وجعل النصارى يهربون من القاعة ركضاً ! المناظرة كاملة - YouTube

شاهد كيف أعجز أحمد ديدات القسيس بسؤال واحد وجعل النصارى يهربون من القاعة ركضاً ! المناظرة كاملة - YouTube: The Prophet peace be upon him would immediately respond and take care of his family’s needs. A’ishah asked the Prophet peace be upon him: “All your wives ha...

مناظرة الشيخ د. محمود شعبان ✅ والعلماني اللاديني د. سيد القمني 🔥 الإسلام والعلمانية - YouTube

مناظرة الشيخ د. محمود شعبان ✅ والعلماني اللاديني د. سيد القمني 🔥 الإسلام والعلمانية - YouTube: ساعة مع اجمل 4 قصص تسمعها مع الشيخ كشك - قصص 4 رجال ادهشوا العالم بقوتهم الخارقةخطب الشيخ كشكقصص الشيخ كشككشك عبد الحميدabdelhamid kichkThe story of Imam Al...

Everybody Claims to Have the Solution - Siraj Wahhaj - YouTube

Everybody Claims to Have the Solution - Siraj Wahhaj - YouTube: Get 1000 free mp3 files of Hamza Yusuf,Siraj Wahhaj, Ayden Zayn and others!https://www.aydenzayn.com/free★ ★ ★ NEW RELEASE! ★ ★ ★He Asked For a Sign From G...

Why the key to lifelong learning is developing curiosity od: Islām, Leadership, Communication, Dialogue, Learning

Why the key to lifelong learning is developing curiosity od: Islām, Leadership, Communication, Dialogue, Learning: Why the key to lifelong learning is developing curiosity


Keberanian: Keberanian

Ask Zad Zoom Meeting - ZAD TV Channel

Ask Zad Zoom Meeting - ZAD TV Channel: Join Zoom Meeting of Ask Zad Program. Click Here. or  Click zoom logo

je m'inscris

je m'inscris

The 10 Companions Given Paradise; Who Are They? | About Islam

The 10 Companions Given Paradise; Who Are They? | About Islam: The ten companions given paradise were Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talhah, Al-Zubayr, Abdul-Rahman ibn Awf, Saad ibn Abi Waqqas, Said ibn Zayd and Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah.

Mohammed Hijab RESPECTED by ATHEISTS Speakers Corner - YouTube

Mohammed Hijab RESPECTED by ATHEISTS Speakers Corner - YouTube: #UthmanIbnFarooq #FarsiDawah #Farsi #Dawah #Islam #Christainity #Debate #Atheist #ShaykhUthmanIbnFarooq #OneMessageFoundation #Iran #Shia

المتاجرة بالدين

المتاجرة بالدين:

المتاجرة بالدين﴿ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِنَ الْأَحْبَارِ وَالرُّهْبَانِ لَيَأْكُلُونَ أَمْوَالَ النَّاسِ بِالْبَاطِلِ وَيَصُدُّونَ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ ﴾[التوبة: 34]. لقد شاعت ظاهرة المتاجرة بالدين في الآونة الأخيرة، خاصة مع كثرة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والنشر والإعلان، وأصبح هناك قنوات خاصة بهذه الظاهرة، وقد اختلط الحابل بالنابل، والحق بالباطل، ولم يعد على عامة الناس التمييز بين كل ذلك، مما يشكل خطرًا شديدًا على الدين، وعلى الناس كافة، وعلى العالم بأسره،...

Christian Lady had Heated Exchange with Dr. Zakir about Jesus in Qatar - YouTube

Christian Lady had Heated Exchange with Dr. Zakir about Jesus in Qatar - YouTube: Reflection on the first chapter of the Quran. Everyone must know this by heart! #ameenablake #quran #fatihah #theopener #Islamic #Islamicreminder #Allah #Mus...

The Opener! - YouTube

The Opener! - YouTube: Reflection on the first chapter of the Quran. Everyone must know this by heart! #ameenablake #quran #fatihah #theopener #Islamic #Islamicreminder #Allah #Mus...

General Donation Form – Ask A Muslim

General Donation Form – Ask A Muslim

ساعة مع اجمل 4 قصص تسمعها مع الشيخ كشك - قصص رجال ادهشوا العالم بقوتهم الخارقة - YouTube

ساعة مع اجمل 4 قصص تسمعها مع الشيخ كشك - قصص رجال ادهشوا العالم بقوتهم الخارقة - YouTube: #saajidlipham #muslimskeptic #madkhaliResponding to the claims of Br Saajid Lipham on rulers and his disassociation from Daniel Haqiqatjou. This video analyz...

Fulfilling the wishes - YouTube

Fulfilling the wishes - YouTube: A viral video on Twitter depicting a training session for a soccer team in the #worldcup with the #azan being raised in the background. Why did this scen...

Stop Dreaming Start Doing | Amazing Motivation - Sh. Abdul Wahab Saleem - YouTube

Stop Dreaming Start Doing | Amazing Motivation - Sh. Abdul Wahab Saleem - YouTube: To learn more about our projects, visit https://muslimcentral.com

Telegram: Join Group Chat

Telegram: Join Group Chat

A Book Review: Philosophical and Theological Essays on the Trinity I Dr. Shabir Ally - YouTube

A Book Review: Philosophical and Theological Essays on the Trinity I Dr. Shabir Ally - YouTube: #saajidlipham #muslimskeptic #madkhaliResponding to the claims of Br Saajid Lipham on rulers and his disassociation from Daniel Haqiqatjou. This video analyz...

Hadith on Love: Spread peace and love each other

Hadith on Love: Spread peace and love each other

Shariah.Ws | The Islamic Shariah

Shariah.Ws | The Islamic Shariah

Islamic Laws or Shari'ah is Perfect; Good for the individual & Collectively beneficial to the society:


Islamic Laws or Shari'ah is Perfect; Good for the individual & Collectively beneficial to the society:
وَلَكُمۡ فِی ٱلۡقِصَاصِ حَیَوٰةࣱ یَـٰۤأُو۟لِی ٱلۡأَلۡبَـٰبِ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَتَّقُونَ
And there is for you in legal retribution [saving of] life, O you [people] of understanding, that you may become righteous.
Islam is the ONLY solution to "all" the problems faced by the world of today.(especially the west)
high rates of murders/ homicides/ suicides
high rates of rapes/ incests and crimes of sexual harrassment
high rates of crimes/ robberies
sex without marriage/ fornication
adultery/ prostitution
pornography in the name of 'free speech'
vulgarity/ obscenity/ profanity on a rise
women objectification into sex slaves
capitalism (rich getting richer day by day)
high debt
child pornography
abortion (1.5 million babies are aborted each year in US)
hate crimes/ racism
accumulation of wealth
high rates of suicides
drug use and abuse on a rise
STDs/ AIDs/ etc on a RISE
rise in Old homes and 'day care centres'!
(i can name more if you wish!)
In short, man is 'his own god'.
there is no retribution for his sins.
he is free to follow his carnal desires/ innate characteristics.
RESULT is in front of our VERY eyes!
Check out the Total crime rates per country (US ranks 1st, Uk ranks 2nd)
Shariah means not what you listen from CNN and Fox news . Shariah means what Islam truly teaches.And i believe in that Shariah what Islam teaches.
The main question to you ..Why do the people have to rob others ?Islam commands us to shun robbery and also , prescribes method of eliminating robbery
a. Islam prescribes method of eliminating robbery.
All major religions teach that theft is an evil act. Islam teaches the same. So what is the difference between Islam and the other religions? The difference
lies in the fact that Islam, besides teaching that robbing is evil, shows a practical way of creating a social structure in which people will not rob.
b. Islam prescribes Zakat
Islam prescribes a system of Zakat (obligatory annual charity). Islamic law prescribes that every person who has a saving that exceeds the nisab level i.e. more than 85 grams of gold, should give 2.5% of that saving every lunar year in charity. If every rich person in the world gave Zakat sincerely, poverty will be eradicated from this world. Not a single human being would die of hunger.
c. Chopping off the hands as punishment for robbery
Islam prescribes chopping off the hands of the convicted robber. The Glorious Qur’an says in Surah Maidah:
“As to the thief, male or female, cut off his or her hands:a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in
power, full of wisdom.” [ Al-Qur’an 5:38]
The non-Muslim may say, “Chopping off the hands in this 20th century.
Islam is a barbaric and ruthless religion!”
d. Results achieved when Islamic Shariah Implemented America is supposed to be one of the most advanced countries in the world. Unfortunately it also has one of the highest rates of crime, theft, and robbery. Suppose the Islamic shariah is implemented in America i.e. every rich person gives Zakat ( 2.5% of his savings in charity above 85 grams of gold every lunar year), and every convicted robber has his or her hands chopped off as a punishment. Will the rate of theft and robbery in America increase, remain same or decrease? Naturally it will decrease. Moreover the existence of such a stringent law would discourage many a potentialrobber.
I agree that the amount of theft that takes place in the world today is so tremendous that if you chop off the hands of all the thieves, there will be tens of thousands of people whose hands will be chopped off. The point here is that the moment you implement this law the rate of theft will decline immediately. The potential robber would give it a serious thought before jeopardizing his limbs. The mere thought of the punishment itself will discourage majority of the robbers. There will barely be a few who would rob. Hence only a few person’s hands would be chopped off but millions would live peacefully without fear of being robbed. Islamic Shariah is therefore practical, and achieves results.
In Makkah, Saudi Arabia ,people go to prayer while their shops are opened.
They do not close their shops because they know no one can dare to steal any thing. #Islam therefore believes in practicals rather than flowery words to control the Criminals.
what is shariah in islam? www.shariah.ws
Rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking are all punishable by death under Saudi Arabia's strict interpretation of Islamic sharia law.
Graphic: International homicide rates in 2012 ~ compare UAE to rest of GCC, & then to US & UK http://j .mp/1mqguvR

3 Aspects of Barakah - Yahya Adel Ibrahim - YouTube

3 Aspects of Barakah - Yahya Adel Ibrahim - YouTube

Saajid Lipham and the Madkhali Virus - YouTube

Saajid Lipham and the Madkhali Virus - YouTube: #saajidlipham #muslimskeptic #madkhaliResponding to the claims of Br Saajid Lipham on rulers and his disassociation from Daniel Haqiqatjou. This video analyz...

AZAN Not only a call for payer. - YouTube

AZAN Not only a call for payer. - YouTube: Guidetoislam.com

Hadith on Islam: Religion of Islam is built on five pillars

Hadith on Islam: Religion of Islam is built on five pillars: Hadith on Islam: Religion of Islam is built on five pillars

آتئیست جعلی افشا شد! و شهادت جدید! - YouTube

آتئیست جعلی افشا شد! و شهادت جدید! - YouTube: السلام على من اتبع الهدىPeace be upon the one who follows Divine guidance.We are 501c non-profit organization in United States. The purpose of One Message Fo...

اندیشه برتر | جواب چراهای واهی اسلام ستیزان - YouTube

اندیشه برتر | جواب چراهای واهی اسلام ستیزان - YouTube: چرا نام پدر پیامبر اسلام صلی الله علیه وسلم عبدالله است و چرا برف در قرآن نیامده است؟اسلام ستیزان می گویند چون اسلام بر گرفته از اعراب جاهلیت بوده و متاثر از...

Restraining the Nafs - Nouman Ali Khan - A Deeper Look Series -Surah An-Nazi'at - YouTube

Restraining the Nafs - Nouman Ali Khan - A Deeper Look Series -Surah An-Nazi'at - YouTube: In yet another masterful transition, Allah moves from describing Pharoah's punishment to describing the miracle of creation and the Day of Judgment. The epis...

شرح عمدة الفقه ٥٦ سماحة الشيخ صالح اللحيدان - YouTube

شرح عمدة الفقه ٥٦ سماحة الشيخ صالح اللحيدان - YouTube: الإمام #ابن_قدامة رحمه الله تعالى دروس ومحاضرات الشيخ #ابن_باز  #عبدالله_بن_حميد  #ابن_عثيمين #صالح_اللحيدان  #صالح_الفوزان  #عبدالعزيز_آل_الشيخ #صالح_بن_غصو...

Faith in Mind: Islam’s Role in Mental Health | Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

Faith in Mind: Islam’s Role in Mental Health | Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research: Religious beliefs and practices give followers a clear purpose in life, and purpose in life is a major predictor of mental health. This paper examines the role of religiosity in Muslim mental health and well-being based on the results of Yaqeen's BASIC survey.

357- الطعن في الصحابة طعن في الدين - الشيخ عبد الرزاق البدر - YouTube

357- الطعن في الصحابة طعن في الدين - الشيخ عبد الرزاق البدر - YouTube: Should We Celebrate the Birthday or ChristmasbyDr. Bilal PhilipsFollow Us On:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cal2TawheedYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/C...

Premarital Prep Masterclass.. Join the Workshop

1 new message: Premarital enrichment is an investment that can save your marriage before it even begins. Check our marriage preparation class.

الأربعون البيانية من الأحاديث الصحيحة النبوية (WORD)

الأربعون البيانية من الأحاديث الصحيحة النبوية (WORD):

<img ...

Should We Celebrate the Birthday or Christmas by Dr. Bilal Philips - YouTube

Should We Celebrate the Birthday or Christmas by Dr. Bilal Philips - YouTube

WASTED! - Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq - YouTube

WASTED! - Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq - YouTube: If any NON-MUSLIMS would like A FREE COPY OF THE QURAN IN ENGLISH OR SPANISH, please visit: https://www.onemessagefoundation.com/free-quranAlso Free Shipping...

حدیث: اگر کسی شخص نے ایک بالشت بھر زمین بھی ظلم سے لے لی، تو سات زمینوں کا طوق اس کی گردن میں ڈالا جائے گا۔ - ترجمہ شدہ نبوی حدیثوں کا انسائیکلوپیڈیا

حدیث: اگر کسی شخص نے ایک بالشت بھر زمین بھی ظلم سے لے لی، تو سات زمینوں کا طوق اس کی گردن میں ڈالا جائے گا۔ - ترجمہ شدہ نبوی حدیثوں کا انسائیکلوپیڈیا

تسبيع القرآن الكريم - سبعة أحزاب.pdf

تسبيع القرآن الكريم - سبعة أحزاب.pdf

وقولوا للناس حسنا - موقع مقالات إسلام ويب

وقولوا للناس حسنا - موقع مقالات إسلام ويب