الجمعة، 15 نوفمبر 2019

Islam Question & Answer

Islam Question & Answer: Islam Question & Answer is a site that aims to provide intelligent, authoritative responses to anyone's question about Islam

Shu'ab al-Iman - Introduction

Verifying and Understanding Hadith - Dr. Jonathan Brown | Lecture - YouTube

Verifying and Understanding Hadith - Dr. Jonathan Brown | Lecture - YouTube: يمكنك الاستمتاع بالفيديوهات والموسيقى التي تحبها وتحميل المحتوى الأصلي ومشاركته بكامله مع أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك والعالم أجمع على YouTube.

Who is Sahabi (Companion) of Muhammad (ﷺ)?

Who is Sahabi (Companion) of Muhammad (ﷺ)?
Al-Hâfidh Ibn Hajar (d.852H) said: “The most correct of what I have come across is that a Sahâbî (Companion) is one who met the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ whilst believing in him, and died as a Muslim.
So, that includes the one who remained with him for a long or a short time, and those who narrated from him and those who did not, and those who saw him but did not sit with him and those who could not see him due to blindness"
[Source: Al-Isâbah (1/4-5) of al-Hâfidh lbn Hajar]

To Celebrate or Not to Celebrate…

‏‎One Allah‎‏ مع ‏‎De Twins‎‏.
To Celebrate or Not to Celebrate…
It’s that time of year again where Muslims are at difference regarding the Celebration of the Prophet’s Birthday (peace be upon him). Some are in view that there is nothing wrong in celebrating, while others oppose it completely. So who’s view is the correct one ?
As we know, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was born on a Monday. So the question is, did he ever commemorate his birth day ? Well, let’s take a look.
When the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked about fasting Mondays, he said: “It is (the day) when I was born and revelation was sent down to me.” Muslim 1162 e
The Messenger of Allah said: "Deeds are presented on Monday and Thursday, and I love that my deeds be presented while I am fasting." Jami` at-Tirmidhi 747
From these hadiths, we can conclude that the Prophet (peace be upon him) fasted on Mondays out of gratitude that he was born on this day. It was a virtuous day in which the Revelation came down to him and when deeds are presented to Allah. Therefore, the day of his birth was one of the reason he fasted on this day.
So, for those who claim that the Prophet did something special in connection to his birth, then yes, you are right. He most definitely did, how ? By fasting every Mondays. He made it a day of worship.

In the light of this, those who truly and genuinely love the Prophet (peace be upon him), will follow his teachings and adhere to his Sunnah, in this case, fasting Mondays.
Allah says in the Quran:
Say (O Muhammad to mankind): "If you (really) love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (3:31)
The question now is… did the Prophet (peace be upon him) ever celebrate the DATE in which he was born ? The answer: No.

If we look at all the authentic hadiths available, you will come to learn that never did the Prophet (peace be upon him) nor his companions (may Allah be pleased with him) designate a day from the year to commemorate his birth. And looking back at the righteous predecessors and earlier generations, none of them celebrated a specific date from the year to remember the Prophet (peace be upon him) but rather, they would fast on Mondays. No one ever loved the Prophet (peace be upon him) than his companions and the earlier generations, so if they saw good in celebrating, they would have done so. So it's very important that we hold strong to the sunnah and not be misguided by wrong teachings. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
Indeed, whomever among you lives, he will see much difference. Beware of the newly invented matters, for indeed they are astray. Whoever among you sees that, then he must stick to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Khulafa', cling to it with the molars." Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2676

Now, we should ask ourselves another question… Do we really know the EXACT date in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) was born ? Until today, the exact date is unclear and there are no authentic hadiths or proofs deriving the date in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) was born. As a matter of fact, scholars have not only differed regarding the date he was born, but the month as well. The only authentic information we have regarding the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is that he was born in Mecca on Monday in the Year of the Elephant.

Let's look at another point now. Birthdays. Did you know that the idea of celebrating birthdays is a Pagan tradition ? Now, if the Prophet (peace & blessings be upon him) knew that we turn his "supposed" date of birth into a practice derived from a Pagan tradition, do you think he would be happy about that ? Remember the hadith :
When the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came to Medina, the people had two days on which they engaged in games. He asked: What are these two days (what is the significance)? They said: We used to engage ourselves on them in the pre-Islamic period. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Allah has substituted for them something better than them, the day of sacrifice (Eid Al-Adha) and the day of the breaking of the fast (Eid Al-FItr). (Abi Dawud 1134)
The religion has been completed over 1400 years ago. If the Prophet (peace be upon him) knew of any good in celebrating his birthday, he would have advised us to do the same. So we should be very cautious to keep away from innovation as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
"Whoever innovates anything in this matter of ours (i.e., Islam), that is not part of it will have it rejected." Muslim 1718 a
The Prophet (peace be upon him) should not be remembered with deep love only once a year, but daily. Remember, leaving your prayers, abandoning the teaching of the Prophet, committing sins then coming to show true love for him on this one day is not called real love. But rather, it's following his footsteps and teachings, learning about his life, sending peace and prayers on him everyday is what real love means.
May Allah make us from those who follow his every footstep and keep us away from sin and innovation.

... This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour to you, and have chosen for you as religion al-Islam.
[Qur'an 5:3]

Prophet Abraham peace be upon him prayers

Surah Al-Baqarah 2:274

Colorado Muslims Fiqh Council
Those who spend their wealth [in Allah 's way] by night and by day, secretly and publicly - they will have their reward with their Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.
Surah Al-Baqarah 2:274

Virtue of going early in Masjid for Jumuah Prayer.

The Deen Show
Virtue of going early in Masjid for Jumuah Prayer.
Narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“Whoever does ghusl on Friday like ghusl for janaabah, then goes to the prayer (in the first hour, i.e., early), it is as if he sacrificed a camel. Whoever goes in the second hour, it is as if he sacrificed a cow; whoever goes in the third hour, it is as if he sacrificed a horned ram; whoever goes in the fourth hour, it is as if he sacrificed a hen; and whoever goes in the fifth hour it is as if he offered an egg. When the imam comes out, the angels come to listen to the khutbah.”
Al-Bukhaari (814) and Muslim (850)

al-Baqarah, (2):165.

Dr. Bilal Philips
Worship includes more than just fasting, paying zakaah and performing Hajj. It includes emotions like love, trust, and fear, all of which have degrees which should only be directed to God. Allaah has addressed these emotions and warned against excesses in them as follows:
“There are among men those who take (for worship) others besides Allaah as equals to Him. They love them as they should only love Allaah. But those who believe have a much greater love of Allaah...” Soorah al-Baqarah, (2):165.

Night prayer.

قناة الهدى
Night prayer......please don't miss.....we are (muslim ummah)in need to the help of Allah to make this ummah rise again
Duaa is the weapon of the beleiver...
Wake up at the last third of night when Allah answer the duaa...make duaa to all muslim around the world.

من أقوال الشيخ محمد العريفى » اجعلها عادتك اليومية

الطريق الى الله
من أقوال الشيخ محمد العريفى » اجعلها عادتك اليومية

لا تقوم من سجادتك بعد صلاة الفجر. °◦.
إلا وقلت أذكار الصباح
لا تقوم من سجادتك بعد صلاة الظهر °◦.
إلا وقرأت صفحة من القرآن
لا تقوم من سجادتك بعد صلاة العصر °◦.
إلا وقد إستغفرت 70 مرة
لا تقوم من سجادتك بعد صلاة المغرب °◦.
إلا قلت أذكار المساء •
لا تقوم منْ سجادتك بعد صلاة العشاء °◦.
إلا ودعوت لنفسك بالسعادة
من أقوى أسباب السرحان في الصلاة
هي تكرار السور كل يوم في كل صلاة
حتى تمنع عقلك الواعي من السرحان
إحفظ سور جديدة و اقرأها في صلاتك ،
حينها ستجد الفرق ♡ !
هل تعلِم :
عند قرآءة آية الكرسي بعد كل صلآة
يصبح بينك وبين الجنه الموت فقط
تذكير :لا تكتم علماً خيراً تجزى به
Admin: A.K