السبت، 5 أكتوبر 2019

Scared of reciting the Qur'an because of commiting mistakes - Sheikh Ass...

Share Islam – Sharing The Message Of Islam

The Prophecy about the Turks - Signs of the Final Days

Best Jihad for Muslims is knowledge, not killings - Sheikh Gummi – Daily Trust

Best Jihad for Muslims is knowledge, not killings - Sheikh Gummi – Daily Trust: A renowned Islamic scholar, Sheikh Ahmad Gummi, has said the best Jihad for Muslims to pursue in this modern time is knowledge and not killings of innocent lives.

What Inspired Me To Accept Islam?

एकेश्वरवाद - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान अब्दुल्लाह सईदी

एकेश्वरवाद - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान अब्दुल्लाह सईदी: एकेश्वरवाद : प्रस्तुत वीडियो में उस एकेश्वरवाद का वर्णन किया गया है जो अल्लाह सर्वशक्तिमान का उसके दासों पर अधिकार है। अल्लाह ने उसी के कारणवश मानव रचना की, उसी के कारण संदेष्टाओं को भेजा और उनपर पुस्तकें अवतरित कीं। एकेश्वरवाद यह विश्वास रखना है कि अल्लाह तआला अपनी रुबूबियत (प्रभुत्व), उलूहियत (देवत्व) और नामों एवं गुणों में अकेला है, उसका कोई साझी नहीं।

Os 10 aspectos que invalidam o Tawhid - Português

Os 10 aspectos que invalidam o Tawhid - Português: Neste áudio falou-se sobre as 10 práticas comuns que invalidam o Tawhid.

ला इलाहा इल्लल्लाह की गवाही का अर्थ - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान अब्दुल्लाह सईदी

ला इलाहा इल्लल्लाह की गवाही का अर्थ - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान अब्दुल्लाह सईदी: ला इलाहा इल्लल्लाह की गवाही का अर्थः प्रस्तुत वीडियो में ’ला इलाहा इल्लल्लाह’ की गवाही देहे का अर्थ वर्णन करते हुए यह उल्लेख किया गया है इस कलिमा का उच्चारण करने का बाद उपासना को एकमात्र अल्लाह के लिए विशिष्ट करना और उसके अलावा सभी पूजा की जानेवाली चीज़ो का खण्डन करना, तथा इस कलिमा की अपेक्षा के अनुसार कार्य करना ज़रूरी हो जाता है।

穿沾有猪肉衣服的拜功 - 中文 - 筛黑穆罕默德•萨利赫•穆南志德

穿沾有猪肉衣服的拜功 - 中文 - 筛黑穆罕默德•萨利赫•穆南志德: 问:我在一家饭店工作,每日的工作时间是12个小时。因为我从事的是与猪肉有关的食品加工工作,因此一整天,我衣服上都沾有污秽物。请问礼拜的条件都有哪些?我能否在晚上清洗干净后,一次性还补一天的拜功?

Alguns aspectos que invalidam o Tawhid - Português

Alguns aspectos que invalidam o Tawhid - Português: Neste áudio falou-se sobre algumas práticas que invalidam o Tawhid como é o caso de feitiçaria e outras semelhantes a essa.

“The NIV BIBLE Has REMOVED 45 VERSES And Is Owned By A Person Who Publishes A Satanic Bible” : ERICA CAMPBLELL | UlizaLinks.co.ke

आखिरत के दिन पर ईमान - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान अब्दुल्लाह सईदी

आखिरत के दिन पर ईमान - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान अब्दुल्लाह सईदी: आखिरत के दिन पर ईमानः प्रस्तुत वीडियो में इस्लाम के स्तंभों में से एक स्तंभ ’आखिरत के दिन पर ईमान’ का उल्लेख किया गया है। आखि़रत के दिन से अभिप्रायः क़ियामत (महाप्रलय) का दिन है जिस में सारे लोग हिसाब और बदले के लिए उठाये जायेंगे।
उस दिन को आखि़रत के दिन अर्थात अन्तिम दिन से इस लिए नामित किया गया है कि उसके पश्चात कोई अन्य दिन नहीं होगा, क्योंकि स्वर्गवासी स्वर्ग में अपना स्थान ग्रहण कर लेंगे और नरकवासी नरक में अपने ठिकाने लग जायेंगे। आखि़रत के दिन पर ईमान लाने में तीन चीज़ें सम्मिलित हैं : प्रथमः मृत्यु के बाद पुनः जीवित किए जाने पर ईमान लाना। द्वितीयः हिसाब और बदले पर ईमान लाना। तृतीयः स्वर्ग और नरक पर तथा उनके मख़्लूक़ का सदैव के लिए ठिकाना होने पर ईमान लाना।

何为伊斯兰 宣教者如何宣教 - 中文 - 马云鹏

何为伊斯兰 宣教者如何宣教 - 中文 - 马云鹏: 视频讲述 什么是伊斯兰,以及宣教者如何宣教

Here are Six facts about the Throne (Arsh) of Allah to help us understand the greatness of Allah and His creation:

‏‎One Allah‎‏ هنا مع ‏‎AeJee Enn Dee‎‏ و‏‏٢‏ آخرين‏.
Here are Six facts about the Throne (Arsh) of Allah to help us understand the greatness of Allah and His creation:
1) The Throne (Al-Arsh) is Allah’s First and Greatest Creation
The Prophet ﷺsaid,
“First of all, there was nothing but Allah, and (then He created His Throne). His throne was over the water, and He wrote everything in the Book (in the Heaven) and created the Heavens and the Earth.”
(Bukhari 3191)
2) The Throne of Allah is on Water
“And it is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days – and His Throne had been upon water…”
(Quran 11:7)
The Prophet ﷺ was asked,
“ Where was Allah before He created His creation?’ He said: “He was above the clouds, below which was air, and above which was air and water. Then He created His Throne above the water.”
(Sunan Ibn Majah 182 - Hasan)
3) The Bearers of the Throne
The Prophetﷺ said,
“I have been permitted to tell about one of Allah’s angels who bears the throne that the distance between the lobe of his ear and his shoulder is a journey of seven hundred years.”
(Sunan Abi Dawud)
4) Glorifying Allah reaches the Throne
The Messenger of Allahﷺ said:
“What you mention of glory of Allah, of Tabsih (Subhan-Allah), Tahlil (Allahu-Akbar) and Tahmid (Al-Hamdu lillah), revolves around the Throne, buzzing like bees, reminding of the one who said it. Wouldn’t any one of you like to have, or continue to have, something that reminds of him (in the presence of Allah)?'”
(Sunan Ibn Majah 4727)
5) Allah’s Mercy is mentioned over the Throne
Allah’s Messengerﷺ said,
“When Allah completed the creation, He wrote in His Book which is with Him on His Throne, “My Mercy overpowers My Anger.”
(Bukhari 3194)
6) -Firdaws (The Highest Paradise) is directly under the Throne of Allah
The Messenger of Allahﷺ said:
‘Paradise has one hundred grades, each of which is as big as the distance between heaven and earth. The highest of them is Firdaws and the best of them is Firdaws. The Throne is above Firdaws and from it spring forth the rivers of Paradise. If you ask of Allah, ask Him for Firdaws.’”
(Sunan Ibn Majah 4331)
Source: onepathnetwork

20 Conselhos do nosso Profeta - 15 - Português - Ali Achcar

20 Conselhos do nosso Profeta - 15 - Português - Ali Achcar: 20 Conselhos do nosso Profeta - 15: Tire vantagem dos “momentos educativos”.

बारिश होने के समय मुसलमान का क्या व्यहार होना चाहिए - हिन्दी - मक़्सूदुल हसन फैज़ी

बारिश होने के समय मुसलमान का क्या व्यहार होना चाहिए - हिन्दी - मक़्सूदुल हसन फैज़ी: बारिश होने के समय मुसलमान का क्या व्यहार होना चाहिए : वर्षा का उतरना मात्र अल्लाह सर्वशक्तिमान की कृपा और दया है। बारिश ही आजीविका का स्रोत है जिसे अल्लाह सर्वशक्तिमान एक नियमित मात्रा में आकाश से धरती पर अवतरित करता है। इसलिए मनुष्य को चाहिए कि उसका अकेले श्रेय अल्लाह सर्वशक्तिमान को दे, उसे किसी तारे या नक्षत्र का प्रभाव न ठहराए। प्रस्तुत व्याख्यान में इस बात का उल्लेख किया गया है कि वर्षा होते समय एक विश्वासी मुसलमाम की स्थिति होनी चाहिए।

: "रसूलों पर ईमान - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान अब्दुल्लाह सईदी "

مع أخيا ابن تاشفين - الرد على افتراءات المخالفين

Jews & Christians Scholars Exposing the Lie of some ignorant

Jews & Christians Scholars Exposing the Lie of some ignorant Western Christian Preachers who try to distort & confuse the people by exploiting their ignorance bcz the majority have no clue about Semitic languages.
The son of Maryam (Mary) wasn't from the West nor did he spoke Greek or English! It's time to wake up and smell a cup of truth & reality!
[Esa/Eshoa (Jesus) said]:
"wa inna Allah/Allaha rabbi wa rabbukum fa'buduh; hazah siratun mustaqeem"
And verily The One God is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him (Alone). That is the Straight Path."
- Qur'an chapter 19 (Maryam/Mary) verse 36
‘The same way of life (‘deen’ - which is the submission only to The Creator in Peace) has He established for you as that which He enjoined on Noah - the which We have sent by inspiration to you [O Muhammad] - and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Eshoa (Jesus): Namely, that you should remain steadfast in the ‘deen’, and make no divisions therein: to those who worship other things/partners than Allah/The One God (The Creator), hard is the (way) to which you call them (to the submission only to The Creator in Peace). Allah/The One God (The Creator) chooses to Himself those whom He pleases, and guides to Himself those who turn (to Him).’_Qur’an 42:13-15
''Indeed, you cannot guide whom you love but Allah/The One God (The Creator) guides those whom He wills and He knows best THOSE WHO SEEK GUIDANCE.''_Qur'an 28:56
''There's no compulsion in the 'deen' [way of life of the submission only to the Creator in peace ('Islam')]. Verily, Truth stands out clear from Error''_Qur'an [2:256]
‏١٬٤٩٦‏ مشاهدة
Esa/Eshoa-Jesus a Prophet of Allah/The One God
Jews & Christians Scholars Exposing the Lie of some ignorant Western Christian Preachers who try to distort & confuse the people by exploiting their ignorance bcz the majority have no clue about Semitic languages.
The son of Maryam (Mary) wasn't from the West nor did he spoke Greek or English! It's time to wake up and smell a cup of truth & reality!
[Esa/Eshoa (Jesus) said]:
"wa inna Allah/Allaha rabbi wa rabbukum fa'buduh; hazah siratun mustaqeem"
And verily The One God is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him (Alone). That is the Straight Path."
- Qur'an chapter 19 (Maryam/Mary) verse 36
‘The same way of life (‘deen’ - which is the submission only to The Creator in Peace) has He established for you as that which He enjoined on Noah - the which We have sent by inspiration to you [O Muhammad] - and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Eshoa (Jesus): Namely, that you should remain steadfast in the ‘deen’, and make no divisions therein: to those who worship other things/partners than Allah/The One God (The Creator), hard is the (way) to which you call them (to the submission only to The Creator in Peace). Allah/The One God (The Creator) chooses to Himself those whom He pleases, and guides to Himself those who turn (to Him).’_Qur’an 42:13-15
''Indeed, you cannot guide whom you love but Allah/The One God (The Creator) guides those whom He wills and He knows best THOSE WHO SEEK GUIDANCE.''_Qur'an 28:56
''There's no compulsion in the 'deen' [way of life of the submission only to the Creator in peace ('Islam')]. Verily, Truth stands out clear from Error''_Qur'an [2:256]

Dr Jeffrey Lang - My Journey to Islam

ئىسلام ئۈممىتى ئۈچۈن مۇھىم دەرسلەر - ئۇيغۇرچە - ئەللامە شەيخ ئەبدۇلئەزىز ئىبنى ئابدۇللاھ ئىبنى باز

ئىسلام ئۈممىتى ئۈچۈن مۇھىم دەرسلەر - ئۇيغۇرچە - ئەللامە شەيخ ئەبدۇلئەزىز ئىبنى ئابدۇللاھ ئىبنى باز: ئىسلام ئۈممىتى ئۈچۈن مۇھىم دەرسلەر ناملىق بۇ رىسالىدە، ئاپتور چوڭ-كىچىك مۇھىم پىقھى مەسىلىلەرنى بايان قىلغاندىن باشقا، مۇسۇلماننىڭ ئەخلاقلىنىشى كېرەك بولغان ئىسلامى ئەخلاقلارنى روشەن ئىپادىلەپ بېرىدۇ. چوڭ گۇناھلارنىڭ تۈرلىرى ۋە ئاللاھقا شېرىك كەلتۈرۈشنىڭ خەتىرى، مۇسۇلمان ئىسلام دىنىنىڭ ھەممە تەرىپىگە ئەمەل قىلىش كېرەكلىكى توغرىسىدا قىسقىچە چۈشەنچە بېرىدۇ.

Қурони карим - Номҳои қориҳо

Қурони карим - Номҳои қориҳо: Сомонаи Дорулислом бузургтарин сомонаи даъавӣ ба забонҳои олам аст, Маводи исломӣи даъвии ройгонро бо зиёда аз сад забон пешкаш мекунад: Китобҳо, мақолаҳо, наворҳои дидани ва шунидани, овезаҳо ва дигар барномаҳо.

Islam web - Deutsch | German islamic site

Islam web - Deutsch | German islamic site: Islamweb - the largest Islamic and cultural content on the Internet for the users contain fatwa, quran, articles , fiqh , lectures , prayer times , about islam etc



GUDUNMAWAR MATASA - 12 - Hausa: malam yayibayanin ma’anar kalimar matasa da abinda akenufi da matasa a musulunci da sauransu. 12

افضل الكلام والذكر

There are 4 conditions of forgiveness between a worshiper & his creator directly.

‏‎The Daily Reminder‎‏ هنا مع ‏‎Fartun Othman‎‏ و‏‏٥‏ آخرين‏.
There are 4 conditions of forgiveness between a worshiper & his creator directly.
1. Admit,
2. regret,
3. seek forgiveness,
4. and promise not to repeat.
It’s (i.e. the sin is) immediately deleted.

Did God, Allah Create Adam in HIS IMAGE?

Yusuf Estes
Did God, Allah Create Adam in HIS IMAGE?
Someone asked Sheikh Bin Baz, Allah have mercy on his soul, "What about the hadith of prophet, peace be upon him, says "Allah created Adam in His image? What is the right belief about this hadith?"
*Sheikh Bin Baaz answered, "This hadeeth is proven from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), in which he said: “If any one of you strikes (another), let him avoid the face, for Allaah created Adam in His image.” According to another version: “In the image of the Most Merciful.” This does not imply resemblance or likeness.
What is meant, according to the scholars, is that Allaah created Adam with the ability to hear and see, and to speak when he wants. These are also attributes of Allaah, for He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing, and He speaks when He wants, and He has a Face, may He be glorified and exalted.
But it does not mean that there is any resemblance or likeness. Rather the image of Allaah is different from that of created beings. What is meant is that He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing, and He speaks when He wants, and He created Adam also able to hear and see, with a face and hands and feet. But man’s hearing is not like Allaah’s hearing, his seeing is not like Allaah’s seeing, his speaking is not like Allaah’s speaking. Rather Allaah has attributes that befit His majesty and might, and man has attributes that befit him, attributes that are finite and imperfect, whereas the attributes of Allaah are perfect, with no shortcomings, infinite and without end. Hence Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
*“There is nothing like Him, and He is the All‑Hearer, the All‑Seer”*
*[al-Shoora 42:11]*
*“And there is none co‑equal or comparable unto Him”*
*[al-Ikhlaas 112:4]*
So it is not permissible to strike the face or say “May Allaah deform your face”.
*End quote. Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh , 4/226*
Another thing that will help to explain the meaning of this hadeeth is the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “The first group to enter Paradise will be in the image of the moon” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3245; Muslim, 2834.” What the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) meant here is that the first group will be in human form, but because of their purity, beauty and brightness of face they will look like the moon, so they are likened to the moon, but without resembling it. So just because a thing is said to be in the image of a thing it does not mean that it is like it in all aspects.
The Prophet’s words, “Adam was created in His image” means that Allaah created Adam in His image, for He has a face, an eye, a hand, and a foot, and Adam had a face, an eye, a hand, and a foot… but that does not mean that these things are exactly the same. There is some similarity, but it is not exactly the same. Similarly the first group to enter Paradise are likened to the moon, but they are not exactly the same. This confirms the view of Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah, who say that none of the attributes of Allaah can be likened to the attributes of created beings, without distorting or misinterpreting, or discussing how or likening Him to His creation.
*See Sharh al-‘Aqeedah al-Waasitah by Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen, 1/107, 293.*