السبت، 9 يناير 2016


Cumenin edebleri ve ehkamlari - Azərbaycanlı

Parmi les causes du bonheur - Français - Abdelaziz As-Sadhan

Pourquoi jeûne-t-on ? - Français - Said Al-Kamali

Centro degli Studi Islamici Europeo - Celebrità

Riassunto della Descrizione della Preghiera - Italiano

Quran Tafsir Ibn Kathir - Home

Let's Talk About Weed | Islam on Marijuana

Let's Talk About Weed | Islam on Marijuana عبر

Let's Talk About Weed | Islam on Marijuana

Du'a is the weapon of believers.

Du'a is the weapon of believers.

We shouldn't have any excuse to leave our Salah.

We shouldn't have any excuse to leave our Salah.

Smart Phone

A Heart Touching Story! **Smart Phone** Must read for all parents
A teacher after the dinner she started checking homework done by the students. Her husband is strolling around with a smart phone playing his favorite game ‘Candy Crush Saga’.
When reading the last note, the wife starts crying with silent tears.
Her husband saw this and asked, ‘Why are you crying dear? What happened?’
Wife: ‘Yesterday I gave homework to my 1st Standard students, to write something on topic -My Wish-.’
Husband: ‘OK, but why are you crying?’
Wife: ‘Today while checking the last note, it makes me crying.’
Husband curiously: ‘What’s written in the note that makes you crying?’
Wife: ‘Listen’
My wish is to become a smart phone.
My parents love smart phone very much.
They care smart phone so much that sometimes they forget to care me.
When my father comes from office tired, he has time for smart phone but not for me.
When my parents are doing some important work and smart phone is ringing, within single ring they attend the phone, but not me even...
even if I am crying.
They play games on their smart phones not with me.
When they are talking to someone on their smart phone, they never listen to me even if I am telling something important.
So, My wish is to become a smart phone.
After listening the note husband got emotional and asked the wife, ‘who wrote this?’.
Wife: ‘Our son’.
Gadgets are beneficial, but they are for our ease not to cease the love amongst family and loved ones.
Children see and feel everything what happens with & around them. Things get imprinted on their mind with an everlasting effect. Let’s take due care, so that they do not grow with any false impressions.

Teach your children Qur'an

Teach your children Qur'an & Qur'an will teach them everything...‪#‎IslamicParenting‬


‏‏‎Dr. Bilal Philips‎‏ مع ‏‎Subrina Rashid‎‏ و‏‏6‏ آخرين‏‏.
Being married to the worst of mankind did not stop Aasiyah being one of the best women. Do not look for excuses; strive and put your trust in Allah.

why Islam forbids us to eat it por

Astaghfirullah!!! That's why Islam forbids us to eat it pork.

clothes and hearts


Muslim Woman Gets Kicked Out Of Donald Trump Rally For Being Muslim

Indeed, Alhamdulillah