8 Different Types of the Heart | About Islam: Just as the remembrance of God brings tranquility and peace to a heart, when a heart is devoid of remembrance of God 8 Different Types Heart
السبت، 11 يناير 2020
Lo que NO es el Islam - Español
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التبرك الممنوع " البدعي " متى يكون شركا أكبر، ومتى يكون شركاً أصغر مع ذكر الأمثلة ؟
السؤال : نأمل منكم التكرم بأن تبينوا لي التبرك الممنوع
" البدعي " متى يكون شركا أكبر، ومتى يكون شركاً أصغر
مع ذكر الأمثلة ؟
" البدعي " متى يكون شركا أكبر، ومتى يكون شركاً أصغر
مع ذكر الأمثلة ؟
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So WHAT IS "Taqiyyah" as practiced by Rafidha Shia'?
Iran kills 176 innocent people "Accidentally"! Even their President does Taqiyyah in todays time and age!
So WHAT IS "Taqiyyah" as practiced by Rafidha Shia'?
Modern day Shi’ism is a branch of the Saba’ite cult which was founded by Abdullah Ibn Saba. The Saba’ites used the tactic of Taqiyyah in order to avoid persecution and to avoid detection from the authorities.
They were a secret society much like the Free Masons, Illuminati, and other such cults. Throughout history, the Shia have used Taqiyyah in order to avoid persecution and to avoid detection. The practise of Taqiyyah allowed the Shia cult to spread and grow.
According to one Shia scholar: “Shi’ism would not have #spread if it wasn’t for Taqiyyah.” (“Tarikhush Shi’ah” by Muhammad Husain Jafari Sahiwal, p.230)
Taqiyya (التقية) is translated literally as “speaking contrary to one’s inner beliefs.”
It is often translated by the Shia propagandists as “#dissimulation” and in fact this definition of Taqiyyah is a sort of Taqiyyah in and of itself!
The Shia use the word “dissimulation” only because nobody really knows what the word means, and it is a euphemism for the word “deceit.”
The Shia propagandists are hiding behind the word “dissimulation” in the hopes that nobody will take the time to look up this word in the dictionary.
According to http://www.dictionary(dot)com/, the word “dissimulation” translates to:
Thus, let us be honest when we discuss Taqiyyah and use words that the common man will understand. Taqiyyah translates to “the act of deceiving.”
An explanation of Taqiyyah was given by the Infallible Imam of the Shia as recorded in Al-Kafi, the most reliable of the Shia books of Hadith:
The Imam said that Taqiyyah is to say one thing outwardly but to believe another inwardly. There is another term for this: lying.
It is a very odd faith that allows for lying, and not only allows for it, but commands it!
The Shia have gone on to say that Taqiyyah is a virtuous act and a highly encouraged act.
>>It is classed as #Mustahabb (highly #recommended).
The Shia propagandists will use Taqiyyah when they explain what Taqiyyah is.
They will argue that Taqiyyah is allowed when one’s life is in danger. However, this is not the only time in which Taqiyyah is observed by the Shia!
We read on Grand Ayatollah #Sistani’s official website the following Fatwa:
What are the kinds of Taqiyah (dissimulation) and when is it obligatory?
There are different types of Taqiyah:
1) Taqiyah is done for safety reasons. For example, a person fears that he might be killed or harmed, if he does not observe Taqiyah. In this case, it is obligatory to observe Taqiyah.
2) Reconciliatory Taqiyah. This type of Taqiyah is done when a person intends to reconcile with the other side or when he intends to soften their hearts. This kind of Taqiyah is permissible but not obligatory.
3) Sometimes, Taqiyah may cause a more important obligation to be lost or missed, if so it is forbidden…
4) Sometimes, Taqiyah may lead to the death of an innocent person. If so, it is not permissible. It is therefore haram (forbidden) to kill another person to save your own life.
(source: Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s official website,
In other words, Taqiyyah is permitted to:
1. Save oneself (mandatory)
2. Reconciliatory Taqiyyah: Softening hearts (permissible, not mandatory)
3. To escape an obligation such as speaking out against oppression or infidelity (forbidden)
4. To preserve one’s life if it means someone else may die (forbidden)
Firstly, we see that there are different types of Taqiyyah.
What the Shia propagandists do is that they simply talk about the first type mentioned above (i.e. to save one’s life) but they do not discuss the second type of Taqiyyah mentioned.
It is the second type of Taqiyyah–reconciliatory Taqiyyah–which interests us.
It can better be explained by none other than the Infallible Imam of the Shia. According to the Shia’s Al-Kafi, Imam Sadiq is reported to have said in an authentic narration:
“Mix with them (i.e.non-shia) outwardly but oppose them inwardly.” (Al-Kafi, vol.9, p.116)
Thus, there should be no confusion as to the intent of Taqiyyah.
>>Softening the hearts is an attempt to weaken the enemy’s defenses against an imminent and clandestine attack by the Shia.
The claim by the Shia propagandists that Taqiyyah is only permissible to save one’s life is false. It is also permissible to do Taqiyyah in order to save one’s religion, as this is considered more sacred than one’s life.
In order to further Shi’ism, it is permissible to lie. This falls under the category of “softening hearts” (i.e. softening their hearts to the call of Shi’ism).
Thus, the Shia are allowed to lie when they discuss their faith with others.
For example, we will see that that the Shia will oftentimes avoid insulting the Sahabah and Wives of the Prophet in front of the followers of the Ahlus Sunnah.
If we ask them why they #hate the #friends and #wives of the #Prophet, they will feel no qualms in #lying to us and saying that they don’t hate them at all.
But when they are alone with their fellow Shia, they will #insult and degrade the #Sahabah and the Wives of the Prophet. The Shia will raise their children with malicious #fairy-tales designed to malign these people, calling them murderers and fabricators.
According to the rightly guided Ahlus Sunnah, Taqiyyah of the Shia is none other than Nifaq (hypocrisy).
The Imam of the Shia has said that Taqiyyah is to:
“Mix with them (i.e.non-shia) outwardly but oppose them inwardly.” (Al-Kafi, vol.9, p.116)
Allah describes the Munafiqoon (hypocrites) in the Quran:
“When they [hypocrites] meet those who believe, they say: ‘We believe.’ But when they are alone with their evil ones, they say: ‘We are really with you, we (were) only jesting.’” (Quran, 2:14)
When the Shia meet with the mainstream Muslims, they will say “We don’t hate the Sahabah and the wives of the Prophet;” but when they are in their own Shia circles, they spend all their time spewing forth hatred and slander against them.
Taqiyyah is a most peculiar institution.
>>No other religion in the world advocates its followers to lie. Lying is considered a sin in all other religions.
Lying about one’s religion is especially heinous but it is a must for the Shia.
The Shia also believe in the concept of Kitman.
#Kitman means hiding one’s faith from non-Shias. It is considered necessary in the Shia doctrine to hide certain aspects of one’s faith from non-Shias, as well as ignorant Shia who don’t really know their faith.
Taqiyyah and Kitman are one of the reasons that the Shia have so many beliefs (presented in this site) that the Shia masses are ignorant about.
>>They are purposefully hidden and kept #secret; as can be seen, Shi’ism has the characteristics of a secret #cult, no doubt a reflection of its Saba’ite origins.
Taqiyyah is considered #obligatory on the Shia up until the day Imam #Mehdi (al Qa’im) returns.
According to Shaykh Saduq ibn Babawayhi, who is considered one of the foremost authorties of Shi’ism:
“Our belief concerning taqiya (permissible dissimulation) is that it is obligatory, and he who forsakes it is in the same position as he who forsakes prayer…Now until the Imam al-Qa’im appears, taqiya is obligatory and it is not permissible to dispense with it.
>>He, who abandons it before the appearance of the Qa’im, has verily #gone #out of the religion of Allah, Exalted is He, and the religion of the Imams, and disobeys Allah and His Messenger and the #Imams.
>>He, who abandons it before the appearance of the Qa’im, has verily #gone #out of the religion of Allah, Exalted is He, and the religion of the Imams, and disobeys Allah and His Messenger and the #Imams.
“Imam Ja’far was asked concerning the Word of Allah, Mighty and Glorious is He:
‘Verily the noblest among you, in the sight of Allah, is the most pious’ [49, 13].
He said: ‘(It means) he who adheres most scrupulously to the practice of #taqiya.‘”
‘Verily the noblest among you, in the sight of Allah, is the most pious’ [49, 13].
He said: ‘(It means) he who adheres most scrupulously to the practice of #taqiya.‘”
(source: “On The Beliefs of the Shi’a Imamiya“, as reproduced on the official website of the “Shia Ithna Ashari Community of Middlesex”, http://www.sicm.org.uk/index.php?page=suduk/Suduk39)
The importance of Taqiyyah cannot be understated.
The Infallible Imam of the Shia has said:
“He who conceals his religion has saved it, and he who makes it public has destroyed it.”
The Shia scholars have written about the many virtues of Taqiyyah so that their followers can use this weapon to the utmost. They say: “He who conceals his religion has saved it, and he who makes it public has destroyed it.”
In Al-Kafi, the most reliable of the Shia books of Hadith, it is narrated:
“From ten parts of Deen, nine parts depend upon Taqiyyah.” (Usool-e Kafi, part 2, Kitaabul Imaan wal Kufr, Babut Taqiyyah, line 5)
“From ten parts of Deen, nine parts depend upon Taqiyyah.” (Usool-e Kafi, part 2, Kitaabul Imaan wal Kufr, Babut Taqiyyah, line 5)
We wonder: if 90% of the Shia religion is based on lies, what else do we expect from them than being chronically lying deviants? In another troublesome narration in Al-Kafi, we read:
“The Imam mentioned that the most beloved thing on the surface of earth is Taqiyyah.” (Usool-e Kafi, part 2, Kitaabul Imaan wal Kufr, Babut Taqiyyah, line 12, Riwayah 4, p.217)
“The Imam has mentioned that Taqiyyah is the #coolness of his #eyes.” (Usool-e Kafi, part 2, Kitaabul Imaan wal Kufr, Babut Taqiyyah, line 1, Riwayah 14, p.217)
The fifth Infallible Imam of the Shia, Abu Jafar, says:
“Taqiyyah is from my religion and the religion of my fathers; whoever doesn’t have Taqiyyah doesn’t have #Iman.” (Al-Kafi, Chapter Taqiyyah, Vol. 2, p.219)
The corollary of this would be that the one who prefers to always stick to the truth cannot have Iman, and thus must be a disbeliever.
This is a truly troublesome belief, and completely counter-intuitive. Imam Abu Abdullah is narrated to have said:
“O Sulaiman, you are on a religion that he who hides it is honored by Allah, and the one who propagates it [openly] will be humiliated!” (Al-Kafi, Vol. 2, p.217)
This is in direct contradiction to what Allah says in the Quran:
“Surely those who hide from people the clear proofs and guidance, which We clarified in the Book (the Quran), will be cursed by Allah…” (Quran, 2:159)
In Tafseer al-Askari which the Shia adhere to, we read the following commentary:
“Taqiyyah is a distinguishing factor between a Shia and a Sunni…one who abstains from Taqiyyah has commited an unforgiveable sin…A believer who does not do Taqiyyah is like a body without a head…Taqiyyah is the best amongst all deeds…A Shia, acting upon Taqiyyah, performed Salah behind a hypocrite (Sunni) Imam upon which the Imam commented that the angels of the seven #planets and #skies are sending #salutations upon you and curses upon the Imam behind whom you performed Salah. A reward of 700 Salah will be recorded for the one Salah which you performed through Taqiyyah.” (Tafseer al-Askari)
In Tafseer-e Safi, we read:
“He who does not act upon Taqiyyah is #void of faith.” (Tafseer-e Safi, Part 1, Faiz Kashani, p.253)
A confusing aspect of Shi’ism is that their Infallible Imams even would answer with Taqiyyah when asked questions by their followers. We read in Al-Kafi:
“Three people questioned Imam Baqir about an issue and the Imam replied to each person differently acting upon Taqiyyah and he said that if any person hears from us [Imams] such a thing which is against the Law of Allah then he should remember that we have acted upon Taqiyyah.” (Usool-e Kafi)
This really destroys the foundation of the belief: how does one determine which sayings of the Imams are correct and which were simply said under Taqiyyah?
Perhaps every saying of the Imam against the first Three Caliphs was Taqiyyah?
Lying is a big sin in Islam, and the best believer is the one who always tells the truth. The Shia faith is a deranged ideology, one which advocates cussing (Tabarra), prostitution (Mutah), self-flagellation (Matam), and deceit (Taqiyyah). It is not possible that the Deen of Haqq (the Religion of Truth) would advocate deceit, lying, and hiding. Taqiyyah is a practise of a cult or a secret society, and it is not used by those who follow the Religion of God. Declared one Imam of the Shia: “…
Lying is a big sin in Islam, and the best believer is the one who always tells the truth. The Shia faith is a deranged ideology, one which advocates cussing (Tabarra), prostitution (Mutah), self-flagellation (Matam), and deceit (Taqiyyah). It is not possible that the Deen of Haqq (the Religion of Truth) would advocate deceit, lying, and hiding. Taqiyyah is a practise of a cult or a secret society, and it is not used by those who follow the Religion of God. Declared one Imam of the Shia: “…
Taqiyyah is the distinctive feature of the Shia.”
We would have to agree with him on this point.
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The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History
ROAD to Jannah هنا مع Manhaj Rasool و٢٥ آخرين.
The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History
The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History is a 1978 book by Michael H. Hart, reprinted in 1992 with revisions. It is a ranking of the 100 people who, according to Hart, most influenced human history.
The first person on Hart's list is the Prophet of Islam Muhammad. Hart asserted that Muhammad was "supremely successful" in both the religious and secular realms. He also believed that Muhammad's role in the development of Islam was far more influential than Jesus' collaboration in the development of Christianity. He attributes the development of Christianity to St. Paul, who played a pivotal role in its dissemination.
The first person on Hart's list is the Prophet of Islam Muhammad. Hart asserted that Muhammad was "supremely successful" in both the religious and secular realms. He also believed that Muhammad's role in the development of Islam was far more influential than Jesus' collaboration in the development of Christianity. He attributes the development of Christianity to St. Paul, who played a pivotal role in its dissemination.
Top 10 in the book :
1 Muhammad c. 570–632
Secular and religious leader The central human figure of Islam, regarded by Muslims as a prophet of God and the last messenger. Active as a social reformer, diplomat, merchant, philosopher, orator, legislator, military leader, humanitarian, philanthropist.
Secular and religious leader The central human figure of Islam, regarded by Muslims as a prophet of God and the last messenger. Active as a social reformer, diplomat, merchant, philosopher, orator, legislator, military leader, humanitarian, philanthropist.
2 Isaac Newton 1643–1727
GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg Scientist English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian. His law of universal gravitation and three laws of motion laid the groundwork for classical mechanics.
GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg Scientist English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian. His law of universal gravitation and three laws of motion laid the groundwork for classical mechanics.
3 Jesus Christ 7–2 BC – 26–36 AD
StJohnsAshfield StainedGlass GoodShepherd Face.jpg Spiritual leader The central figure of Christianity, revered by Christians as the Son of God and the incarnation of God. Also regarded as a major prophet in Islam.
StJohnsAshfield StainedGlass GoodShepherd Face.jpg Spiritual leader The central figure of Christianity, revered by Christians as the Son of God and the incarnation of God. Also regarded as a major prophet in Islam.
4 Buddha 563–483 BC
BuddhaShakyamuni-author-Yaska.png Spiritual leader Spiritual teacher and philosopher from ancient India. Founder of Buddhism and is also considered an Gautama Buddha in Hinduism.
BuddhaShakyamuni-author-Yaska.png Spiritual leader Spiritual teacher and philosopher from ancient India. Founder of Buddhism and is also considered an Gautama Buddha in Hinduism.
5 Confucius 551–479 BC
Confucius the scholar.jpg Philosopher Chinese thinker and social philosopher, founder of Confucianism, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and Indonesian thought and life.
6 Paul of Tarsus 5–67 AD
El Greco - Saint Paul head.jpg Christian apostle One of the most notable of early Christian missionaries, credited with proselytizing and spreading Christianity outside of Palestine (mainly to the Romans) and author of numerous letters of the New Testament of the Bible.
Confucius the scholar.jpg Philosopher Chinese thinker and social philosopher, founder of Confucianism, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and Indonesian thought and life.
6 Paul of Tarsus 5–67 AD
El Greco - Saint Paul head.jpg Christian apostle One of the most notable of early Christian missionaries, credited with proselytizing and spreading Christianity outside of Palestine (mainly to the Romans) and author of numerous letters of the New Testament of the Bible.
7 Cài Lún 50–121 AD
Cai-lun.jpg Political official in imperial China Widely regarded as the inventor of paper and the papermaking process.
Cai-lun.jpg Political official in imperial China Widely regarded as the inventor of paper and the papermaking process.
8 Johannes Gutenberg 1398–1468
Gutenberg.jpg Inventor German printer who invented the European mechanical printing press.
Gutenberg.jpg Inventor German printer who invented the European mechanical printing press.
9 Christopher Columbus 1451–1506
Christopher Columbus.PNG Explorer Italian navigator, colonizer and explorer whose voyages led to general European awareness of the American continents.
Christopher Columbus.PNG Explorer Italian navigator, colonizer and explorer whose voyages led to general European awareness of the American continents.
10 Albert Einstein 1879–1955
Einstein 1921 portrait2.jpg Scientist German-born theoretical physicist, best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass–energy equivalence, expressed by the equation E = mc2.
Einstein 1921 portrait2.jpg Scientist German-born theoretical physicist, best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass–energy equivalence, expressed by the equation E = mc2.
Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). (Part 1)
ROAD to Jannah هنا مع Aisha Namugenyi و٣٥ آخرين.
Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). (Part 1)
(Links below Connected till part 8.
(Links below Connected till part 8.
This is Muhammad
How it all Began
Nearly 4000 years ago,in the Sumerian town of Ur in the valley of river Euphrates, lived a young man named Abraham. The people of Ur had once worshipped ALLAH but as time passed they forget the True Religion and started praying to idols,statues made of wood or clay and sometimes even of precious stones. Even as a small child Abraham could not understand how his people and specially his father,could make this images with their own hands,call them gods and then worship them. He had always refused to join his people when they paid respect to these statues. Instead he would leave the town and sit alone,thinking about the Heavens and the world about him. He was sure his people were doing wrong and so alone he searched for the right way. One clear night as he sat staring at the sky he saw a beautiful shining star,so beautiful that he cried out. This must be ALLAH! He looked at it in awe for sometime,until suddenly it began to fade and then it disappeared. He turned away in disappointment saying: I love not things that set (Quran vi.77)
On the another night Abraham was again looking at the sky and he saw the rising moon,so big and bright that he felt he could almost touched it. He thought to himself: This is my Lord (Koran vi.78) but it was not long before the moon set as well. Then he said: Unless my Lord guide me,I surely shall become one of the folk who are astray (Quran vi. 78).
Abraham then saw the Beauty and splendour of the sunrise and decided that the sun must be the Biggest and most powerful thing in the Universe. But for the third time he was wrong,for the sunset at the end of the day.
It was then that he realized that ALLAH is the Most Powerful,the Creator of the stars,the moon,the sun,the earth and of all living things. Suddenly,he felt himself totally at Peace because he knew that he had found the Truth.
It was then that he realized that ALLAH is the Most Powerful,the Creator of the stars,the moon,the sun,the earth and of all living things. Suddenly,he felt himself totally at Peace because he knew that he had found the Truth.
When he said unto his father and his folk: What do you worship? They said: We worship idols,and are ever devoted to them. He said: Do they hear you when you cry? Or do they benefit or harm you? They said: Nay,but we found our fathers acting in this manner.
He said: See now that which you worship. You and your forefathers! Lo! They are(all)an enemy to me except the Lord of the Worlds. Who created me and He guides me. And who feeds me and waters me. And when i sicken then He heals me. And who causes me to die then gives lift(again)and who,I ardently hope,will forgive me my sin on the Day of Judgement. (Quran xxvi,70-82).
One day while all the Towns people were out,Abraham angrily smashed all the idols with his right hand except for one which was very large. When the people returned they were furious.
They remembered the things Abraham had said about the idols. They had him brought forth before everyone and demanded. ' Is it you who did this to our gods. O Abraham! Abraham replied. But this their chief did it. Ask them,if they are able to speak. The people exclaimed. ' You know they do not speak.' Do you worship what you yourselves have carved when ALLAH created you and what you make?' Abraham continued. Do you worship instead of ALLAH that which cannot profit you at all,nor harm you?'(Quran xxxvi 95-6) (Quran xxi.66).
Finally,Abraham warned them. Serve ALLAH,and keep your duty unto with Him,that is better for you. If you did but know. You serve instead of ALLAH only idols,and you only invent a lie. Lo! Those whom you serve instead of ALLAH own no provision for you. So seek your provision from ALLAH,and serve Him,and give Thanks unto Him(for)unto Him you will be brought back.
(Quran xxiv.16-17)
(Quran xxiv.16-17)
The people of Ur decided to give Abraham the worst punishment they could find: He was to be burnt to death. On the chosen day all the people gathered in the centre of the city and even the King of Ur was there. Abraham was then placed inside a special building filled with wood. The wood was lit. Soon the fire became so strong that the people were pushed back by the flames. But ALLAH said:" O Fire be coolness and peace for Abraham."(Koran xxi.69)
The people waited until the fire had completely died down,and it was then that they saw Abraham still sitting there as though nothing had happened! At that moment they were utterly confused. They were not. However,moved by the miracles that had just happened before their very eyes. Still Abraham tried to persuade his own dear father,who was named Azar,not to worship powerless,un-seeing,un-hearing statues. Abraham explained that special knowledge had come to him and implored his father. So follow me and I will lead you on the Right path. O my father! Don't serve the devil. But Azar would not listen. He threatened his son with stoning if he continued to reject the gods of Ur. He ordered Abraham to leave the city with these words: Depart from me a long while.' Abraham said: Peace be upon you! I shall ask my Lord's forgiveness for you. Surely,He was ever Gracious to me."(Koran xix.43-7)
Imagine how terrible it must have been for him to leave his home,his family and all that he knew,and set out across the wilderness into the unknown. But,at the same time,how could he have remained among people who did not believe in ALLAH and who worshipped statues? Abraham always had a sense that ALLAH cared for him and he felt ALLAH near him as he travelled. At last,after a long hard journey,he arrived at a place by the Mediterranean Sea,not far from Egypt. There he married a noble woman by the name of Sarah and settled in the land of Palestine. Many years passed but,Abraham and his wife were not blessed with any children. In the hope that there would be a child,and keeping with tradition. Sarah suggested that Abraham should marry Hagar,her Egyptian handmaid. Soon after this took place. Hagar had a little boy named Ishmael.
Part 2 is located here :
Part 3 is located here :
Part 4 is located here :
Part 5 is located here :
Part 6 is located here :
Part 7 is located here :
Part 8 is located here :
{Will be continued In Sha Allah }
The Story of Hud (PBUH) is located here.
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