الثلاثاء، 17 مارس 2020

Alhamdulillah | ISLAMTICS

Alhamdulillah | ISLAMTICS: Your best source of authentic Islamic Articles, Stories, News and Quotes.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on Epidemics and Quarantine | Science & Faith

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on Epidemics and Quarantine | Science & Faith: The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a

لن يموت قبل ساعته

Can women wipe over the hijab while making wudu, The turban Prophetﷺ use...

Can women wipe over the hijab while making wudu, The turban Prophetﷺ use...

"Why is the lion 'KING of the JUNGLE"?

"Why is the lion 'KING of the JUNGLE"?
All of us have heard, even in different languages - "The lion is the KING of the jungle"
We accept that. But we must ask, "Why, is the lion called "KING" of the jungle"?
So what is it about the lion? - His size? His height? His weight? His teeth?
Not how big (elephants are much bigger)
Not how tall (giraffes are taller)
Not his weight (hippos are much heavier)
Not his teeth (crockadiles have more, very sharp teeth)
No. None of these.
His "VOICE"! His Roar! Across the jungle, over all other animals! That is what makes him KING!
Where would he be without his VOICE (his roar)?
That's easy to answer --
A lion with no roar is like Muslims in America - NO VOICE! NO RESPECT!
Muslims neede our own voice to give our own narrative for events, news and what is really going on.
All of us need more about what Islam really teaches@
Our youth must identify with peaceful, loving and caring followers of Quran.
Kids need their own shows, heros and role models!
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Hoarding (holding up things & items that people need) that is prohibited...

abraham father of prophets

Dawah - Calling to Allah
Dawah ! Because we only strive for Allah Subhânau wa Ta’âla !
,, Surat An-Nahl, Ayat 120-123
Abraham was indeed a model devoutly obedient to Allah (and) true in faith and he joined not gods with Allah:
He showed his gratitude for the favors of Allah Who chose him and guided him to a straight way.
And We gave him good in this world and he will be in the Hereafter in the ranks of the righteous.
So We have taught thee the inspired (message) "Follow the ways of Abraham the true in faith and he joined not gods with Allah."