الثلاثاء، 3 فبراير 2015

How to Give Shahadah in 10 Minutes ? - 08

who is Allah ? = God for Jesus peace be upon him

*** ISLAM é a religião que mais cresce no mundo ***

*** ISLAM é a religião que mais cresce no mundo ***
Atualmente, o islam é a religião que mais cresce no mundo. O número de seguidores já está na casa de 2 bilhões - 1/3 de habitantes do planeta. Os Estados Unidos são, hoje, o lar de quase 4 milhões de muçulmanos, cinco vezes mais do que em 1970. Quase metade deles são negros. Há trinta anos, a França tinha onze mesquitas e hoje já são mais de 1.000.
No início da década de 70, a Inglaterra possuía 3.000 muçulmanos. Agora, eles são 1 milhão. No Brasil, o número de seguidores de Muhammad(Sallallahu Alihi Wa Salam) também cresce com rapidez. Há quarenta anos, o país abrigava uma única mesquita. Hoje são dezenas, freqüentadas por cerca de 2 milhões de fiéis. Dez anos atrás os muçulmanos no país eram todos descendentes de imigrantes árabes. Atualmente, milhares de brasileiros da gema já rezam virados para Meca.
Segundo pesquisadores que analisam o crescimento islâmico, o grande diferencial da religião e motivo principal da sua expansão é o contato direto com ALLAH, sem intermediários. Isso faz do Islam uma religião extremamente acessível. Já que não existe hierarquia e a fé pode ser praticada em qualquer lugar.
Louvado e Exaltado Seja o Senhor dos Mundo que encaminha a lhe apraz.
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What Did The Prophet Muhammed (SAW) Look Like? | Physical Description

Abdul Rashid Abella: Jouney to Islam

Abdul Rashid Abella: Jouney to Islam
I was born to a very devout Catholic family. I even served as an altar boy for a decade of my life and almost ended up pursuing the vocation of the priesthood. However, as I started reading the whole Bible, I discovered that a lot of the Catholic beliefs and practices are not in consonance with the Bible’s teachings and is mere based on pagan traditions/beliefs. I had many questions left unanswered and I began to question my faith.
In pursuit of the elusive answers to my questions, I studied the Bible with various organizations, briefly becoming a “born-again Christian”, a Jehova’s Witness, and finally a member of a local Philippine Christian sect known as the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ). But all of these did not satisfy my craving for the truth. It did not come to my mind back then that the true religion is outside of Christianity and becoming a Muslim then is farthest from my mind because my idea of Islam and Muslims then is solely based on information fed by biased tri-media.
Out of curiosity and most of all with Allah’s (swt) mercy, I began reading the Holy Quran and researched about becoming a Muslim. I did not expect to find all the answers to my questions in the Noble Quran and right then and there, I embraced Islam by reciting the Shahadah. Finally, I found the true religion, the religion ordained by the One True God- Islam. Becoming a new Muslim and practicing Islam in a predominantly Catholic country is not easy though as you are stereotyped as a suicide bomber, terrorist, drug dealer, kidnapper, etc. Persecutions are abundant. Even seeking gainful employment is very difficult for a Muslim. But truly, Allah (swt) works in magnificent ways and He will not let a single soul who is earnestly seeking him to be led astray. Alhamdullilah for everything!
I am proud to add that because of our Dawah efforts in the social media, some of my former classmates/batchmates expressed interest on becoming a Muslim. I had one such classmate follow me as I recite the Shahadah online - Yes, he embraced Islam and is now a brother. Alhamdulillah!

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Why an American Military Christian who hated Islam became Muslim?

5 Funny Bible Stories

What did *jesus*/God say in The Holly Bible ------->

What did *jesus*/God say in The Holly Bible ------->
Matthew 24:36 -
The Day and Hour Unknown
36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
As you can read, and you can, even *jesus* who is God, according to some Christians, does NOT know The Hour, so how can he be God!? How come God does NOT know The Hour, .....? Didn't God Himself Set The Hour!?


Comedy 1031 classic

Comedy 1031 classic



لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muḥammadun rasūlu-llāh
There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
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