الثلاثاء، 23 يونيو 2020

\"I Can't Bear Seeing My Husband Happy with His Other Wife | About Islam"

Quran Talk: Yang Tak Tersentuh Api Neraka⁣

Quran Talk: Yang Tak Tersentuh Api Neraka⁣

Insya Allah Bayyinah Indonesia bersama Syameela dan Komunitas Muslim yang ada di Malaysia, Kuwait, Singapore akan belajar bersama-sama dengan tema “Yang Tak Tersentuh Api Neraka”, dengan guru kita Abu Bassam Oemar Mita, Lc @oemar_mita ⁣

Hari/Tanggal: Sabtu, 27 Juni 2020 ⁣
Waktu: 10:00 WIB – selesai ⁣
Lokasi: Aplikasi Zoom⁣

Investasi: ⁣

Pendaftaran di Mosfeed:⁣
bit.ly/SSWin05 (link aktif di bio)⁣
dan klik tombol Link Zoom di menu Activities Mosfeed⁣

Link Zoom akan dibuka dari jam 09.30 WIB di hari Sabtu⁣

Link Zoom tidak boleh disebarluaskan, jika tidak terdaftar di Mosfeed, maka akan di-remove dari participant yang ada di aplikasi Zoom⁣

Semoga Allah mudahkan hati kita untuk tholabul ilmi yang bermanfaat dan berkah. Aamiin.⁣

Yuk berburu amal jariyah bersama Bayyinah Indonesia ⁣
melalui Bank Mandiri Syariah 77 3131 7733 ⁣
a/n Bayyinah Indonesia ⁣

Insya Allah infaq dari teman-teman akan digunakan antara lain untuk kegiatan dan operasional dakwah Bayyinah Indonesia.⁣

Barakallahu fiikum⁣
Jazakumullahu khairan🙏


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IREA - YouTube

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Dhul Qa'dah ذو القعدة

Today is the first day of the sacred month of
Dhul Qa'dah ذو القعدة
Let's take a moment to learn about this month together.
Dhul Qa'dah is one of the four sacred months in the Islamic calendar (Dhul Hijjah, Muharram, and Rajab being the other three). These months were deemed to be sacred in Jahiliyyah as well.
A reason why these months were chosen was to protect pilgrams traveling to perform Hajj and Umrah:
Dhul Qa'dah is a sacred month because pilgrams began their journey to perform Hajj. Remember in those days it took weeks to travel to other countries, so many people departed in Dhul Qa'dah.
(Dhul Hijjah is the month of Hajj, Muharram pilgrams travel to return home, and Rajab fell in the middle of the year in which many people went to perform Umrah.)
This month was given the name of Dhul-Qa'dah ذو القعدة because of bandits sitting (قعود) on the roadways waiting to attack and kill pilgrams heading towards Makkah.
As a result killings, fighting, wars and expeditions became prohibited during these months.
And punishments for performing sins in these months were magnified.
Source: لطائف المعارف لابن رجب

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شرح وترجمة حديث: ما من أحد يسلم علي إلا رد الله علي روحي حتى أرد عليه السلام - موسوعة الأحاديث النبوية

సహీహ్ బుఖారీ – నమాజులోని శుభాల గ్రంథం - తెలుగు

ఖుర్ఆన్ - మానవజాతి కొరకు పంపబడిన అంతిమ దివ్యసందేశం - తెలుగు


1. To spend upon her, to feed her. Not to be excessive in this and not to be stingy.
2. To be kind to her.
3. Not to harm her.
4. To be loving to her, examples:
(A) Loving to her with your tongue. Nice words, tell her you love her. Tell her how good she looks.
(B) If your wife asks you to get her something and you can't get it , say I'll get it in shaa' Allāh.
(C) That the man beautifies himself with that which is reasonable, (not intimating women).
(D) From being loving to your wife is that you help her with housework. This is from the example of the prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhī wa-sallam)
(E) That he is to be playful with his wife.
(F) Sharing food with her.
(G) To cuddle with her.
(H) Sleep under the same cover.
5. That the men must not curse or swear at his wife, or insult her appearance.
6. A man must not boycott her and if he does (for a valid reason) he should do it inside of the home.
7. A man should not expose the secrets of his wife
8. A man should not hate his wife. Exalt the good and minimise her shortcomings.
A man should not be angry at her faults and should look at her good. To look only good in her.
9. That he should make things easy upon her e.g. The chores and what he requires from her.
10. He should have the best manners with his wife. His wife should see the best of his manners. It is said that some men have the best manners out in the market , but when he goes home he is a ferocious lion! Kind to strange women in the markets but not to his wife in the home. The best of you are the best of you to your wives. There is no good in you if you want to help your friends but not your wife, there is no good in you if you are kind to your friends and not your wife. Combine the two , and that is good.
11. That the husband should be a reason for his wife to be saved from the hellfire. He should teach her and order her to forbid the evil and enjoy the good. Forbidding her from that which will lead to hell fire.
O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allāh in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.
12. That the man should have some type of jealousy for his wife.
Jealousy of protecting her from evil, not for her to be exposed to strange men, not for her to speak to strange men etc. but not the abusive jealousy...

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🌴 Abu Hurayrah

🌴 Abu Hurayrah
The great companion Abu Hurayrah (literally “Father of the Kitten”).
Prophet (ﷺ) gave him this nickname because he would often love and carry a cat or kitten with him.🐈
So He became well known by this name and people forgot his real name.
🍃 He was single, without wife or child. With him however was his mother who was still a mushrik😕.
🤲🏼He longed, and prayed, for her to become a Muslim but she adamantly refused. One day, he invited her to have faith in Allah alone and follow His Prophet but she uttered some words about the Prophet which saddened him greatly🥺. With tears in his eyes😭, he went to the noble Prophet who said to him:
"What makes you cry, O Abu Hurayrah?"
"I have not let up in inviting my mother to Islam but she has always rebuffed me. Today, I invited her again and I heard words from her which I do not like. Do make supplication to Allah Almighty to make the heart of Abu Hurayrah's mother incline to Islam."🥰
The Prophet responded to Abu Hurayrah's request and prayed for his mother.
😃Abu Hurayrah said:
"I went home and found the door closed. I heard the splashing of water and when I tried to enter my mother said, 'Stay where you are, O Abu Hurayrah.' And after putting on her clothes, she said, 'Enter!' I entered and she said, 'I testify that there is no God but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is His Servant and His Messenger.'😃🎊
"I returned to the Prophet, peace be on him, weeping with joy just as an hour before I had gone weeping from sadness and said, 'I have good news, O Messenger of Allah. Allah has responded to your prayer and guided the mother of Abu Hurayrah to Islam.' "😍

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سنن و آداب العيد وبعض البدع الشيخ د . عثمان الخميس

شیخ ابن عثیمین رحمہ اللہ اپنی تفسیر (3 / 358) میں کہتے ہیں:

شیخ ابن عثیمین رحمہ اللہ اپنی تفسیر (3 / 358) میں کہتے ہیں:
"زکاۃ اس وقت زکاۃ متصور نہیں ہوگی جب تک فقراء کے پاس نہ پہنچ جائے، کیونکہ اللہ تعالی کا فرمان ہے: {وَتُؤْتُوهَا الْفُقَرَاءَ} اور تم صدقہ فقراء تک پہنچا دو[البقرة : 271] اس سے دو باتیں معلوم ہوتی ہیں:
1- صدقہ پہنچانے کے اخراجات صدقہ کرنے والے کے ذمہ ہونگے۔
2- اگر صدقہ کرنے والا شخص اپنے مال کو صدقہ کرنے کی نیت کر لے، پھر اس کی نیت تبدیل ہو جائے تو صدقہ نہ کرنے کی اجازت ہے؛ کیونکہ ابھی تک مال غریبوں تک نہیں پہنچا" انتہی