الجمعة، 3 أبريل 2015

Chinese authorities demolish home of Muslim family holding Quranic studies

Chinese authorities demolish home of Muslim family holding Quranic studies...

1500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified

1500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican ShockedHigher Perspective عبر

Islam Explained

Let's Learn Quran with Zaky & Friends PART 2 - DVD preview

Jawaban Kepada Orang Yang Mengingkari Bahwa Alloh Telah Mengutus Rasul-Nya Sebagai Pembawa Rahmat Bagi Sekalian Alam - islamqa.info

Islam Question and Answer - Français - islamqa.info

Salaat al-Kusoof (prayer when there is an eclipse) - islamqa.info

Make Du'a when you hear Rooster (Cock) crowing...

Make Du'a when you hear Rooster (Cock) crowing...
Allaah Ta'ala will answer our sincere supplications... In shaa Allaah

iBN KHALDOON mentioned: The earth

IBN KHALDOON mentioned: The earth in its transitions from winter to summer produces diseases and insects (bugs/creatures) that if left to its devices would destroy the world, so Allah sends the dust to destroy them.
All praise is to Allah, an abundant praise. Subhan Rabbi, how Lateef (Subtle) and Gentle You are!!!

my god

Be honest and please decide which version seems more appropriate and closer to the Truth?
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
~ EverLast.Tv

Calif. Muslim Free Clinic Shows True Islam - Americas - News - OnIslam.net

The real terrorism

تم تحميل فيديو جديد من قبل ‏‎Islam Explorer‎‏ بعنوان: ‏‎Why Our Media...? Facts‎‏.
>> The real terrorism is the ideological terrorism & state terrorism. 87.5 million deaths./ Le véritable terrorisme c'est le terrorisme idéologique&terrorisme d'état. 87,5 millions de morts.
>> Islam is it the cause of terrorism? Prof. Robert Anthony Pape
>> Dr. Roger Du Pasquier–‘Islam’–‘Muslims’–Misconceptions...[Check Caption]

[Qur'an 12:87

"..and never give up hope of Allah's soothing Mercy: Truly no one despairs of Allah's soothing Mercy except those who have no faith." - [Qur'an 12:87]

The Way Of The Salaf As Saalih (Sh.Fawzaan) Translated

ugly & cruel.

There is no point in being beautiful on the outside, if your insides are bitter, ugly & cruel.

#مشاري_راشد_العفاسي - من سورة لقمان من صلاة العشاء من مسجد الراشدية بدبي...

Islam Events - Islamic Events Listing

سورة مريم من أروع و أخشع التلاوات للشيخ ناصر القطامي من عشائيات 1436هـ

Can the Creation of the God destroy this Universe? by Dr Zakir Naik