الثلاثاء، 8 مايو 2018

اخلاقيات رفيعه

your Lord is Generous and Shy.

‏‎Dr. Bilal Philips‎‏ مع ‏‎Khaled‎‏ و‏‏22‏ آخرين‏.
The Prophet ﷺ said: “Verily your Lord is Generous and Shy. If His servant raises his hands to Him (in supplication), He becomes shy to return them empty.” [Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi]

Pourquoi l’islam ? - Français

Pourquoi l’islam ? - Français: Cet article montre que cette existence n’est pas vaine et sans objectif !

Mother`s Day: An Islamic Perspective II Karim AbuZaid

Bayyinah TV - Stories

Bayyinah TV - Stories: Bayyinah TV - Stories

Jesus: Man - Messenger - Messiah | iERA - Conveying The Call

De 15e van de maand Sha’ban - Nederlands - Saoed Khadje

De 15e van de maand Sha’ban - Nederlands - Saoed Khadje: Tegenwoordig zien wij dat er bijzondere waarde wordt gehecht aan het doorbrengen van de 15e van Sha’ban middels vasten en bidden. Moskeeen organiseren bijeenkomsten om onder andere speciale gebeden te verrichten en dhikr te doen. Maar er wordt ook gezegd dat dit ’vieren’ of ’gedenken’ een verzinsel zou zijn die in de religie is geslopen: een bid’ah. Hoe zit dat nu?

پندر ہویں شعبان سے متعلق احادیث – ایک جائزہ - اردو - عبد اللطیف کندی

پندر ہویں شعبان سے متعلق احادیث – ایک جائزہ - اردو - عبد اللطیف کندی: پندر ہویں شعبان سے متعلق احادیث – ایک جائزہ: زیرنظر مقالہ میں پندرہویں شعبان کی رات سے متعلّق تمام روایتوں کا دراسہ کرکے شب براءت کی بدعت سے پردہ اٹھایا گیا ہے، اور اس سے دور رہنے کی سختی سے تاکید کی گئی ہے۔


Surah An-Nisa 4:58

[Quran 59:24]

‏‎Peace-Islam: A Solution For Humanity‎‏ مع ‏‎Abdulmalik Iscandari‎‏ و‏‏5‏ آخرين‏.
He is Allah the Creator , the Maker , the
Fashioner ; His are the most excellent names; whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the Mighty , the
[Quran 59:24]
Admin zk

Sahih Al-Bukhari (6 Vol. Set) | Darussalam.Pk

Sahih Al-Bukhari (6 Vol. Set) | Darussalam.Pk: Sahih Al-Bukhari (6 Vol. Set) hadith book is 16 years of the hard work by Imam Bukhari a well-known Islamic Scholar. This book is well-known in Muslims.

What Happens To Your Body In Ramadan - 4 Stages! | About Islam

What Happens To Your Body In Ramadan - 4 Stages! | About Islam: We all know we have to fast during Ramadan. We have heard of the benefits of fasting, but what happens to your body in Ramadan?

Recite Quran - Al-Fatihah [1:1]

Recite Quran - Al-Fatihah [1:1]: In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

Secrets of Fasting - Sh. Hassan Setohy - OnePath Network

Secrets of Fasting - Sh. Hassan Setohy - OnePath Network: In this episode we speak with Sh Hassan Elsetohy on the secret of fasting and the month of Ramadan.

Mempelajari Al-Qur’an Dan Hijrah – Nouman Ali Khan Meet Community Indonesia – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia

Mempelajari Al-Qur’an Dan Hijrah – Nouman Ali Khan Meet Community Indonesia – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia: Berikut ini resume acara ustadz Nouman Ali Khan Meet Community pada hari Sabtu 5 Mei 2018 di The Maj, Senayan. Acara ini dihadiri beberapa komunitas muslim Indonesia termasuk tentunya NAK Indonesia…


WHY IS ZINA CONSIDERED HARAAM (FORBIDDEN UNDER ISLAMIC LAW) - ISLAMIC PREACHER: www.islamicpreacher.org has been launched with a noble intention to aware the people across the World about the teachings of Islam.

Намози бомдод - садди роҳи пайдоиши бемории саратон - Тоҷикӣ

Намози бомдод - садди роҳи пайдоиши бемории саратон - Тоҷикӣ: Доктор Муҳаммад Ал-Хашшоб (محمد الخشاب) устоди шуъбаи дастгоҳи гузориш ва ҷигари донишкадаи тибби донишгоҳи Зақозиқ (Миср) ба ин мавзӯъ ишора мекунад, ки бедор шудан барои намози бомдод, кори соати биологии баданро беҳ месозад ва дастгоҳҳои гуногуни ҷисмро водор месозад, ки ба беҳтарин ваҷҳ вазифаҳои худро анҷом диҳанд. Бар асоси пажӯҳишҳое, ки аз тарафи маркази пажӯҳишҳои миллии Қоҳира анҷом ёфтаанд, хондани намози бомдод дар вақти муқарарашудаи он, кори ҳуҷайраҳои баданро фаъол месозад ва онҳоро аз тақсимоти номарғуб нигаҳ медорад.

Muslims Allowed to Raise Adhan in Southern Sweden | About Islam

Muslims Allowed to Raise Adhan in Southern Sweden | About Islam: The local Muslim community in the southern Swedish town of Vaxjö has been allowed to broadcast the call to prayer, or adhan.

Diversity Amongst Muslims: Korean Muslims and Their Lovely Traditions | Mvslim

Diversity Amongst Muslims: Korean Muslims and Their Lovely Traditions | Mvslim: When my airplane finally landed in Incheon at the world’s most advanced airport, I felt very excited. Not only was it the first time for me as a German citizen to travel that far, I

பொருளாதாரம் பற்றிய நபிகளாரின் முன்னறிவிப்புகள் [Wealth – Prophet (SAW) Advices] – குர் ஆன் கல்வி

பொருளாதாரம் பற்றிய நபிகளாரின் முன்னறிவிப்புகள் [Wealth – Prophet (SAW) Advices] – குர் ஆன் கல்வி: சுல்தாநா தஃவா மையம் வழங்கும் ரமலானை வரவேற்போம் சிறப்பு நிகழ்ச்சி, நாள் : 27 - 04 - 2018 வெள்ளிக்கிழம

பொருளாதாரம் பற்றிய நபிகளாரின் முன்னறிவிப்புகள் [Wealth – Prophet (SAW) Advices] – குர் ஆன் கல்வி

பொருளாதாரம் பற்றிய நபிகளாரின் முன்னறிவிப்புகள் [Wealth – Prophet (SAW) Advices] – குர் ஆன் கல்வி: சுல்தாநா தஃவா மையம் வழங்கும் ரமலானை வரவேற்போம் சிறப்பு நிகழ்ச்சி, நாள் : 27 - 04 - 2018 வெள்ளிக்கிழம

Music is Haram in Islam

ஈமானிய பலவீனத்திற்கு மத்தியில் முஸ்லிம்கள் - Moulavi Hasan Faris (Madani...

كيف يستطيع أي مسلم تدمير العقيدة المسيحية فى خطوة واحدة

China bans Islamic baby names in Muslim majority Xinjiang province

China bans Islamic baby names in Muslim majority Xinjiang province: Chinese government authorities in the northwestern Muslim-majority region of Xinjiang have banned parents from giving their children dozens of 'extreme' Islamic names, as part of an ongoing crackdown on alleged 'extremism' in the area.

Eid Ki Namaaz | Iqra'

Eid Ki Namaaz | Iqra': 1) Sadqa Fitr  Rasulullah sws ne Hukm Dia ke Eidul Fitr ki Namaaz ki Adaa Karne se Pahle Sadqa Fitr Ada Kiya Jaaye( Bukhari & Muslim )  1)  Narrated Ali Ra:   Juma, Arfa, Qurbani aur Eid…

Ten reasons Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was the best Prophet of all time. - OnePath Network

Ten reasons Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was the best Prophet of all time. - OnePath Network: As Muslims, it is mandatory that we believe in all Prophets and Messengers of God, without making any distinction between them. Check out 10 reasons why he is the beloved! #latest

হজের আদবসমূহ - বাংলা

হজের আদবসমূহ - বাংলা: এটি বাংলা ভাষায় অনুবাদকৃত একটি লিফলেট। এতে হজের আদবসমূহ আলোচনা করা হয়েছে।

UNHCR - London Jewish community extends hand of friendship to new refugees

UNHCR - London Jewish community extends hand of friendship to new refugees: In London, the community project JUMP is bringing refugees and locals together through coffee and conversation.

ALCANZAR EL OBJETIVO acorde a las evidencias de los dictámenes - Español - Ibn Hayar Al-Asqalani

ALCANZAR EL OBJETIVO acorde a las evidencias de los dictámenes - Español - Ibn Hayar Al-Asqalani: Éste es un libro conciso, que comprende Hadices que representan una acreditada fuente de la Sharia, que he compilado meticulosamente para que aquel que lo memorice se destaque entre sus pares, pueda ayudar al estudiante principiante y al sabio que esté buscando más conocimiento, y así todos puedan encontrarlo de ayuda.

رسالة إلى مضطر - عربي - محمد بن محمد المختار الشنقيطي

رسالة إلى مضطر - عربي - محمد بن محمد المختار الشنقيطي: رسالة إلى مضطر : الدنيا هي دار البلاء والمصائب، والمؤمن بحاجة إلى من يواسيه في هذه الدار ويقف إلى جانبه، فإذا حدث لشخص شيء من هذه البلايا فعليه عدة أمور، أهمها: أن يرضى عن الله، وأن يعلم أن الذي أنزل البلاء لا يدفعه أحد سواه، وهو الله وحده، يضاف إلى ذلك الصبر على هذا البلاء الذي نزل، مع استشعار الأجر الجزيل الذي يوفاه الصابرون يوم القيامة. أجاب الشيخ - حفظه الله - عن الأسئلة التالية: - معنى سعادة المؤمن في الدنيا والآخرة. - علاج قسوة القلب. - حكم ترك التداوي بحجة طلب الأجر من الله.

คุฏบะฮฺ ความรักระหว่างผู้ศรัทธา อีกหนึ่งความสวยงามของอิสลาม - ไทย - ซุฟอัม อุษมาน

คุฏบะฮฺ ความรักระหว่างผู้ศรัทธา อีกหนึ่งความสวยงามของอิสลาม - ไทย - ซุฟอัม อุษมาน: คุฏบะฮฺวันศุกร์ กล่าวถึงอีกหนึ่งความงดงามของศาสนาอิสลามว่าด้วยความรักของมุสลิมที่วางอยู่บนพื้นฐานของการศรัทธาต่ออัลลอฮฺ เป็นหนึ่งจริยธรรมอันยิ่งใหญ่ที่ผูกโยงความรู้สึกผูกพันและความเป็นพี่น้อง ซึ่งส่งผลต่อเอกลักษณ์แห่งความสามัคคีระหว่างกันในโลกนี้ และเป็นผลบุญอันยิ่งใหญ่ในโลกหน้า ผู้บรรยายยังได้กล่าวถึงมารยาทบางประการที่พึงปฏิบัติระหว่างพี่น้องผู้ศรัทธาที่รักกันอีกด้วย

Les moyens utiles pour une vie heureuse - Français - Abderrahmân Ibn Nasser As-Saadî

Les moyens utiles pour une vie heureuse - Français - Abderrahmân Ibn Nasser As-Saadî: Ce livre montre ce que le musulman doit considérer comme utile pour parvenir au bonheur.

نبيل علي العوضي (@NabilAlawadhy) | تويتر

Watch: “No Nikah, no Pheras” – A unique inter-religion marriage | The Siasat Daily

Watch: “No Nikah, no Pheras” – A unique inter-religion marriage | The Siasat Daily: New Delhi: Dubai-based couple Junaid Shaik and Garima got married recently but their marriage was a

Alışverişin Şartları Ve Yasaklanan Alışveriş Bölüm - 4. Ders - Fatih Bulut

Trước đây tôi bị bệnh trĩ và tôi đã hỏi Nab

IslamHouse.com Tiếng Việt - Vietnamese - فيتنامي
Ông Imran bin Husain [cầu xin ALLah hài lòng về Ông] thuật lại: Trước đây tôi bị bệnh trĩ và tôi đã hỏi Nabi ﷺ cách để tôi dâng lễ Salah, Người ﷺ nói:
[Hadith Al-Bukhari, số:1050]

لا حول ولاقوه الا بالله العلى العظيم

“Muslim” Always On Duty

تمت مشاركة ‏صورة‏ من قبل ‏‎Koky Koki‎‏.
Ask A Muslim
‏8 مايو، 2017‏، الساعة ‏11:39 ص‏
“Muslim” Always On Duty
Women serving alcohol to Muslim man
When an European Airline was initially launched, an educated Muslim gentleman was Travelling in the first class section. An air hostess approached him with a complimentary drink, this was an alcoholic drink so that man politely refused.
The air hostess returned after a few minutes but this time bought the drink on a platter, designed to appeal and impress the man, however Muslim man again politely refused, explaining he doesn’t drink alcohol or any alcoholic drinks.The air hostess was concerned and informed the manager. The manager (thinking that the passenger might be angry with their services and so refusing the drink) approached that man with another platter, now designed with flowers, he questioned, “Sir, Is there something wrong with our service? Please enjoy the drink,
it is complimentary.” The man replied, “Thanks, but I am a Muslim and I do not drink alcohol.” The manager still insisted the man to take the drink.
Then, the Muslim proposed that the manager should give the drink to the pilot first. The manager stated, “How can the pilot drink alcohol, he’s on duty!? And if he drinks there are all chances for the plane to crash”.
The passenger replied, “Sir, I am a Muslim and I am always on duty in order to protect my Imaan and if I drink I will crash my whole life here and hereafter.”
*WE ARE 100% ON DUTY*.

A reminder for Fasting on Ayyaam al Beedh(White Days):

تسجيلات الحرمين
A reminder for Fasting on Ayyaam al Beedh(White Days):
For those who started this lunar month(Shabaan) on 27th April, Ayyaam al Beedh(13, 14, 15) are 9, 10, 11th May. Fast if you can.
Jareer ibn ‘Abdullaah (radiAllaahu ‘anhu) narrated that the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Fasting three days of each month is fasting for a lifetime, and ayyam al-beedh are the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth.” (Narrated by al-Nasaa’i (2420); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb, (1040)).
Abu Dharr (radiAllaahu ‘anhu) said: The Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said to me: “If you fast any part of the month, then fast the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, (761); al-Nasaa’i, (2424); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb, (1038)).
Abu Hurayrah (radiAllaahu ‘anhu) said: “My close friend [i.e., the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)] advised me to do three things which I will never give up until I die: fasting three days each month, praying Duha, and sleeping after praying Witr.” (al-Bukhaari, 1178; Muslim, 721).
The Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:
‘Shall I not tell you of something that will take away the evil of the heart? Fasting three days of each month.’ (an-Nisaa’i 2/2386)

Surah Yunus 10, Verse 108, Part 11

Darussalam Publishers & Distributors
Quran’s Lesson - Surah Yunus 10, Verse 108, Part 11
قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ قَدْ جَاءَكُمُ الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ ۖ فَمَنِ اهْتَدَىٰ فَإِنَّمَا يَهْتَدِي لِنَفْسِهِ ۖ وَمَنْ ضَلَّ فَإِنَّمَا يَضِلُّ عَلَيْهَا ۖ وَمَا أَنَا عَلَيْكُمْ بِوَكِيلٍ
Say: “O you mankind! Now truth (i.e. the Quran and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), has come to you from your Lord. So whosoever receives guidance, he does so for the good of his own self, and whosoever goes astray, he does so to his own loss, and I am not (set) over you as a Wakil (disposer of affairs to oblige you for guidance).”
آپ کہہ دیجئے: لوگو! تمہارے پاس تمہارے پروردگار کی طرف سے حق آچکا، اب جو راہ راست اختیار کرتا ہے تو یہ راست روی اس کے اپنے ہی لئے مفید ہے۔ اور اگر کوئی گمراہ ہوتا ہے تو اس کی گمراہی کا وبال بھی اسی پر ہے اور میں تمہارا وکیل (نگران، مختار) نہیں ہوں۔
[Al-Quran 10:108]