الاثنين، 7 ديسمبر 2015

Stop teaching back home culture, Teach ISLAM! TheDeenShow

Have You Thinked Allah for His Graces? - English

STEPS TO ALLAH | Annual Conference

مؤثر|| قلها عند قيامك في الليل ــ الشيخ صالح المغامسي

quran قران

The Statue of Liberty Was Originally a Muslim Woman

The Real Obstacle - Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam - I. A. Ibrahim

Islamway | Islamway

イスラームにおける神の概念(1/2):独自の概念 - イスラームという宗教

イスラームにおける神の概念(2/2):神の属性と唯一性 - イスラームという宗教

Представление о Боге в Исламе. Его атрибуты и Его единство - Религия Ислам

Представление о Боге в Исламе. Уникальный подход - Религия Ислам

Что означает "Аллах"? - Религия Ислам

Die Göttliche Gnade (teil 3 von 3): Der Sünder - Die Religion des Islam

Die Göttliche Gnade (teil 2 von 3): Ihre warme Umarmung - Die Religion des Islam

Die Göttliche Gnade (teil 1 von 3): Gott der Barmherzige, der Erbarmer - Die Religion des Islam

Il concetto di Dio nell'islam (parte 1 di 2): Un concetto unico - La religione dell'Islam

Il concetto di Dio nell'islam (parte 2 di 2): I Suoi Attributi e la Sua Unicità - La religione dell'Islam

¿Qué es el Islam? (parte 1 de 4): El centro del Islam - La religión del Islam

¿Qué es el Islam? (parte 2 de 4): Los Orígenes del Islam - La religión del Islam

¿Qué es el Islam? (parte 3 de 4): Las creencias fundamentales del Islam - La religión del Islam

¿Qué es el Islam? (parte 4 de 4): Los ritos de adoración en el Islam - La religión del Islam

De quelle façon l’islam diffère-t-il des autres religions? (partie 2 de 2) - La religion de l'Islam

De quelle façon l’islam diffère-t-il des autres religions? (partie 1 de 2) - La religion de l'Islam

 (Toutes les parties) - La religion de l'Islam

Qui sont les musulmans? (partie 1 de 2) - La religion de l'Islam

The Creation of The Sky (Quran and Science series) - The Religion of Islam

Prophet Muhammad's Dealings With Non-Muslims - The Religion of Islam

Chapter 89 Al-Fajr (The Dawn) - The Religion of Islam

The Sea & the Quran - The Religion of Islam

The Mother of Jesus Christ - The Religion of Islam

Prophet Muhammad's Love & Care Toward His Companions - The Religion of Islam

jesus and god

‏‏‎Lets know our GOD.‎‏ مع ‏‎A Samad Khan‎‏ و‏‏5‏ آخرين‏‏.
► "Jesus said that no one had ever seen God at anytime or ever heard his voice. And yet people did see Jesus, which proves that Jesus cannot be God."
(John 5:37)
► he asked. "About Jesus of Nazareth," they replied. "He was a PROPHET, powerful in word and deed in the sight of God and all the people." - Luke 24:19
► Allel- u-ya! ..... Allel- u-ya! ..... Allel- u-ya !
(In Hebrew the exclamations are used in the end as against to that of arabic)
Alla lu ya ..... Alla lu ya ...., Alla lu ya !
Making the exclamations in the beginning as in Arabic language:
Ya Alla lu ..... Ya Alla lu ..... Ya Alla lu !
(Or) Ya Alla hu ..... Ya Alla hu ..... Ya Alla hu !
So we see Allel- u-ya, sounds and is closer more to Ya-Alla-hu more, than Jehova Jehova !
► Melchizedek the Priest:
This Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Most High.
First, the name Melchizedek means “king of righteousness”; then also, “king of Salem” means “king of peace.”
Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.
(Hebrews 7: 1 and 3 NIV Bible)
According the above 'definition of Melchizedek' , Adam (p.b.u.h.) happens to be a greater son of God! And bible has sons in TONS!!
Therefore it is very obvious, son term is used metaphorically only! Jesus is not son of God.
► “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
(Matthew 5:17 NIV Bible)
► What was the greatest law of prophets?
Greatest Commandment and Greatest Law taught by ALL the Prophets:
"The Lord our God, the Lord is one.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
(Deuteronomy 6:4-9 NIV Bible)
► Jesus did not let/allow people to call his-self even 'good', leave alone calling his-self as 'God Almighty' !
" "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good–except God alone."
(Mark 10:18 NIV Bible)"
► "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? "
(Numbers 23:19 NIV Bible, )
► "He that is sent is no greater than HE that sent him."
(John 13:16)
► Also summing-up Jesus says:
1. GOD Almighty is Greater than Jesus.
2. No one is "Good", including Jesus. Only GOD Almighty is Good.
3. Jesus said he doesn't know when the Hour will come. Only GOD Almighty Knows.
4. Jesus said that OUR God is One GOD.
5. Jesus also said "My GOD and your GOD".
6. Jesus bowed his face down to the ground to GOD Almighty.
7. Jesus was tempted by satan for 40 days and 40 nights, while GOD Almighty "can not be tempted!".
8. Jesus is only the heir of GOD Almighty on planet earth; not on the entire Universe.
9. And on and on and on from quotes of Jesus that prove that he is only a Creation and a Servant of GOD Almighty.
► Jesus says the way to SALVATION is not TRNITIYY but the following:
"For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven."
(Mathew 5:20 KJV Bible)
And this is what, that has been taught by all the prophets till the last Prophet Muhammed (pbuh); Believe in ONE GOD with all your heart with instructed do and donts, with righteousness and fear of God Almighty, as the way to enter the Eternal Gardens.
► Come back to the mentioned and real way of Salvation as taught by all the prophets and the last Prophet Muhammed (pbut all) as well and embrace the religion of Salam, Peace, Islam to enter the Eternal Kingdom of Heavens!!


Question about Islam?

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god cant seen

Campaign to Raise the Legal Age of Consent, 1885-1914, Lesson Plan

Selling and Buying

Selling and Buying
Hadith - Al-Tirmidhi #2776, Narrated Anas ibn Malik
Allah's Messenger cursed ten people in connection with wine: the wine-presser, the one who has it pressed, the one who drinks it, the one who conveys it, the one to whom it is conveyed, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who benefits from the price paid for it, the one who buys it, and the one for whom it is bought.
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it.
(nida kyani)

Moses foretells of Muhammad's (PBUH) coming

Lets know our GOD.
Moses foretells of Muhammad's (PBUH) coming
-Originally composed and Authored by Late Ahmed Deedat.
(May Allah reward him Jannath Al Firdause, Ameen.)
"I (God) will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee (moses), and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."
Bible, Deuteronomy 18:18
There are many verses in the Old Testament that predict the coming of Jesus (pbuh). This one, however, is not one of them. This can be clearly seen from the following points:
a) Like unto moses
Muslims believe in all of the previous prophets. They make no distinction between them, nor do they place one above the others in piety. However, they are all human, and as humans they differ from one another in their characteristics. Let us compare these characteristics:
1) Both Christians and Muslims agree that both Moses and Muhammad (pbut) had fathers and mothers. They both also believe that Jesus (pbuh) had only a mother and no father. Therefore, Muhammad is like Moses, but Jesus is unlike Moses.
2) Both Moses and Muhammad (pbut) married and begat children. Jesus (pbuh) never married nor had any offspring. Therefore, Muhammad is like Moses, but Jesus is unlike Moses.
3) Moses (pbuh) was accepted by the Jews and to this day, as a nation, they accept him as their prophet. Muhammad (pbuh) was accepted by his people, and as a nation, over one billion Muslims around the world accept him as the prophet of Allah. Jesus (pbuh), however, was rejected by his people (the Jews) as stated in the Christian's own Bible: "He (Jesus) came unto his own, but his own received him not" (John 1:11) Therefore, Muhammad is like Moses, but Jesus is unlike Moses.
4) Both Moses and Muhammad (pbut) were kings on Earth in the sense that they had the ultimate power of government, the power to inflict capital punishment. When the Jews brought before Moses (pbuh) the Israelite who had been caught collecting firewood on the Sabbath, Moses had him stoned to death (Numbers 15:36). Muhammad (pbuh) had similar authority. When a woman came before him confessing (with no witnesses) to having committed adultery, he gave her a chance to consider the severity of her claim and the punishment she would receive. When she insisted, he ordered her stoned to death and ordered his companions to respect her for her sincere repentance. Jesus (pbuh), however, explicitly refuted the claim that he had a kingdom on earth. When he was dragged before the Roman Governor Pontious Pilate with a charge of sedition he said: (John 18:36) "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence." Jesus (pbuh) would not resort to lying to save his skin. Thus, he had no earthly kingdom. Further, in John 8:1-7 we read the story of the woman who was taken in adultery by the Jews and brought before Jesus (pbuh). They were hoping to trap him by either having him contradict the laws of Moses (pbuh) by not stoning her, or by placing him in a bad position with the Roman empire by taking the law into his own hands and ordering her stoned. Jesus cleverly extracted himself from this predicament by commanding them: "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." So the woman was set free. Therefore, Muhammad is like Moses, but Jesus is unlike Moses.
5) Both Moses and Muhammad (pbut) came with a new and comprehensive set of laws for their people. The law brought by prophet Moses was named the Judaic Law, and the law brought by prophet Muhammad was named the Shari'ah. Jesus (pbuh) however, as witnessed by Matthew, claimed to have not introduced any new laws, but to have come to renew the law of Moses (pbuh) and to have neither added nor subtracted from it. In Matthew 5:17-18 we read: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Therefore, Muhammad is like Moses, but Jesus is unlike Moses.
6) Moses lead his people in a secret mass exodus from their hometown to Median in an attempt to flee the persecution of their enemies. Muhammad (pbut) too emigrated with his followers from their home town to Madinah in secret in order to flee the torture of their enemies. Jesus, however, never led his followers in a any sort of mass exodus from their hometowns . Therefore, Muhammad is like Moses, but Jesus is unlike Moses.
7) Moses was victorious over his enemies both morally as well as physically. Pharaoh was defeated by Moses and all of his army were drowned in the sea. Muhammad (pbuh) too met his enemies in battle and defeated them all. This too was a moral as well as a physical victory. Jesus (pbuh) on the other hand is claimed in the Bible to have been crucified by his enemies. Thus, his victory was only a moral one. Therefore, Muhammad is like Moses, but Jesus is unlike Moses.
8) Both Moses and Muhammad (pbut) died natural deaths. Jesus (pbuh), is claimed by the Christians to have died violently on the cross. Therefore, Muhammad is like Moses, but Jesus is unlike Moses.
9) Both Moses and Muhammad (pbut) lie buried in the ground. Jesus (pbuh), however, is claimed by the Christians to abide in heaven. Therefore, Muhammad is like Moses, but Jesus is unlike Moses.
10) Most Christians claim that Jesus (pbuh) is God. No Christian or Muslim, however, claims that Moses or Muhammad (pbut) was God. Therefore, Muhammad is like Moses, but Jesus is unlike Moses.
11) Both Moses and Muhammad (pbuh) began their prophetic missions at the age of forty. The Bible tells us that Jesus (pbuh) began at thirty. Therefore, Muhammad is like Moses, but Jesus is unlike Moses.
12) Christians claim that Jesus (pbuh) was resurrected after his death. Neither Muslims nor Christians claim that Moses or Muhammad was resurrected. Therefore, Muhammad is like Moses, but Jesus is unlike Moses.
There are many additional points that could be mentioned but we will suffice with these for now.
b) Cannot be a Jew
Well, is Muhammad (pbuh) the only prophet who is "Like unto Moses"? For example, what about Jesus (pbuh)? Well, we should then notice that Jesus (pbuh) was a Jew,
"Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou (Jesus), being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria?"
John 4:9
and the Bible specifically denies that this awaited prophet will be a Jew. We are told that in Deuteronomy:
"And there arose NOT a prophet since in Israel LIKE unto Moses."
Deuteronomy 34:10
This awaited prophet, however, must be "LIKE unto thee (Moses)." So he will come from OUTSIDE of Israel.
c) Is from the BRETHREN of the Jews
If this prophet can not be a Jew, then what is left? In this verse, God speaks to Moses (pbuh) about the Jews as a racial entity. The awaited prophet is claimed to not be "from the Jews" or "from among themselves" but rather "from among their (the Jew's) brethren." Who are the brethren of the Jewish nation? The Jews are the sons Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham. Isaac's older brother was Ishmael, the father of the Arabs. Thus, the brethren of the Jewish nation is the nation of the Arabs. This statement is further reinforced by the following definition of "Brethren" in the Hebrew Dictionary of the Bible:
"personification of a group of tribes who were regarded as near kinsmen of the Israelites."
Muhammad in the Bible, Jamal Badawi, p. 16
Please compare this expression with that of the Qur'an:
"Indeed Allah has conferred a great favor upon the believers (Muslims) when He sent among them a messenger from among themselves, reciting unto them His verses, purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom; although before that they were in manifest error."
The noble Qur'an, Aal-Umran(3):164
There has come unto you (O Muslims) a messenger from among yourselves (Muhammad, pbuh). It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty, full of concern for you, for the believers [he is] full of pity, kind and merciful.
The noble Qur'an, Al-Tawba(9):128

You can't reject the Last Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) & still be a believer and enter the Eternal Gardens... The Paradise !!

Lets know our GOD.
Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is one of the several prophets (pbut all) sent by God Almighty.
Prophets can't teach anything, but full of peace, wisdom, contentment and beneficial every time, every moment, when we are in this world and when we will be in the other world.
Evidences from almost all the corners, to start with the Theological evidences, Scientific Evidences, Prophesies foretold and the Miracles exhibited!!
The signs are established, and hence you can't reject a Prophet. If you accept Muhammed (pbuh), you automatically believe in Jesus (pbuh) as well !!
As Islam is the only religion on the face of the earth, that makes an article of faith to believe in Jesus as one of the mighty Prophets of God Almighty.
You could have been more closer to the teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him), had you accepted:
1. God Almighty is One, alone worthy of worship.
2. All the prophets sent were truthful in their message and that Muhammed (pbuh) is the Last Messenger to abide (with his teachings/message) with us till the hour is established !!