الاثنين، 11 نوفمبر 2019

The Right Belief Series (Part 06) by Karim AbuZaid


It would be better for them to read the whole of Qur'an, as some verses of the Qur'an explain one another, also some hadith explain one another, rather than reading one verse and then trying to prove their point and also learn the Qur'an based on how prophet Muhammad (PBUH) explained before everyone else.
Often they take random statement, random numbers and random Muslims names and link it to Qur'an, hadith or seera...
We Muslims notice this kind of false information about Islam.
We Muslims rely on Islamic teaching before Arabic language as sometimes what it means in Islam, may have different meaning in Arabic language, e.g. "HAJJ" means "PURPOSE" INTENTION" BUT IN ISLAM IT MEANS "HAJJ PILGRIMAGE" VISTING THE THE KAABA/MAKKAH PERFORMING HAJJ, THE DEEDS OF HAJJ.
Sometimes if you translate Arabic into another language, the translation may not be accurate, in this case we may rely on Arabic language rather than translation.
16:44. With clear signs and Books (We sent the Messengers). And We have also sent down unto you (O Muhammad ) the reminder and the advice (the Qur'an), that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought.
62:2. He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger (Muhammad ) from among themselves, reciting to them His Verses, purifying them (from the filth of disbelief and polytheism), and teaching them the Book (this Qur'an, Islamic laws and Islamic jurisprudence) and Al-Hikmah(As-Sunnah hadith: legal ways, orders, acts of worship, etc. of Prophet Muhammad ). And verily, they had been before in a clear error.
After him (prophet Muhammad PBUH) is how prophet's companions explained and understood about Islam, specifically the four leaders, as prophet told us to follow their path after him.
Chapter: Adherence To The Sunnah
Narrated Irbad ibn Sariyah:
AbdurRahman ibn Amr as-Sulami and Hujr ibn Hujr said: We came to Irbad ibn Sariyah who was among those about whom the following verse was revealed: "Nor (is there blame) on those who come to thee to be provided with mounts, and when thou saidst: "I can find no mounts for you."
We greeted him and said: We have come to see you to give healing and obtain benefit from you.
Al-Irbad said: One day the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) led us in prayer, then faced us and gave us a lengthy exhortation at which the eyes shed tears and the hearts were afraid.
A man said: Messenger of Allah! It seems as if it were a farewell exhortation, so what injunction do you give us?
He then said: I enjoin you to fear Allah, and to hear and obey even if it be an Abyssinian slave, for those of you who live after me will see great disagreement. You must then follow my sunnah and that of the rightly-guided caliphs. Hold to it and stick fast to it. Avoid novelties, for every novelty is an innovation, and every innovation is an error.
Reference : Sunan Abi Dawud 4607 In-book reference : Book 42, Hadith 12 English translation : Book 41, Hadith 4590.
Then general agreement (consensus) as Muslims agree, specifically Muslims scholars
4:115. And whoever contradicts and opposes the Messenger (Muhammad ) after the right path has been shown clearly to him, and follows other than the believers' way. We shall keep him in the path he has chosen, and burn him in Hell - what an evil destination.
According to all those evidence I have mentioned recent, it's enough proof for everyone of us, that there is no need of any explanation from non Muslims about Islam based on their opinion as ALLAH had clearly refuted them (non Muslims) to explain about Islam generally!
NOTE: some non Muslims may rely on a Muslim scholar and that scholar may try his best but he might not be on the right way, he can make mistakes as we all humans make mistakes, this does not indicate it would support non Muslims claim, as many other scholars might be against of his claim. The scholar that they trying to claim that would support their claim might tell us what others say, but he has no any proof of his claim.
ALLAH clearly directed us to go back to him and his prophet
4:59. O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad ), and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority. (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination.
Some non Muslims might claim ALLAH and his prophet are equal because ALLAH always say if you obey him (prophet Muhammad (PBUH) indeed you have obeyed ALLAH. But they are not equal, as prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is his his messenger
Here is the reason why ALLAH said; "if we obey prophet Muhammad (PBUH) indeed obey ALLAH
Qur'an 53:2. Your companion (Muhammad ) has neither gone astray nor has erred.
3. Nor does he speak of (his own) desire.
4. It is only an Inspiration that is inspired.
Conclusion: There is no chance for anyone of us to explain about Islam as long we are against Allah's teaching and his prophet and then how his companions understood about Islam and also Muslims scholars if they agree on something (general agreement/ consensus)
The truth has come and falsehood has vanished, indeed falsehood is a vanish (thing).
Narrated `Aisha:
that during his fatal ailment, Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), used to ask his wives, "Where shall I stay tomorrow? Where shall I stay tomorrow?" He was looking forward to Aisha's turn. So all his wives allowed him to stay where he wished, and he stayed at `Aisha's house till he died there. `Aisha added: He died on the day of my usual turn at my house. Allah took him unto Him while his head was between my chest and my neck and his saliva was mixed with my saliva.
Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 5217 In-book reference : Book 67, Hadith: web (English) reference : Vol. 7, Book 62, Hadith 144
Prophet asked his other wives to let them stay at Aisha's house until he died and they accepted their days prophet to say in Aisha's house.
Aisha said he died on the day that was my turn prophet to stay with her as prophet used to go each night to one of his wives house.
In Islam if you have more than a wife, you have to treat them equal. Some non Muslims only think about sex. The hadith never mentioned about sex, it is the wife's right the husband to stay with her if he has more than a wife.
Prophet died when it was Aisha's day to stay with her, he died while his head was between Aisha's chest and neck
Narrated Aisha:
It was one of the favors of Allah towards me that Allah's Apostle expired in my house on the day of my turn while he was leaning against my chest and Allah made my saliva mix with his saliva at his death. `Abdur-Rahman entered upon me with a Siwak in his hand and I was supporting (the back of) Allah's Apostle (against my chest ). I saw the Prophet looking at it (i.e. Siwak) and I knew that he loved the Siwak, so I said ( to him ), "Shall I take it for you ? " He nodded in agreement. So I took it and it was too stiff for him to use, so I said, "Shall I soften it for you ?" He nodded his approval. So I softened it and he cleaned his teeth with it. In front of him there was a jug or a tin, (The sub-narrator, `Umar is in doubt as to which was right) containing water. He started dipping his hand in the water and rubbing his face with it, he said, "None has the right to be worshipped except Allah. Death has its agonies." He then lifted his hands (towards the sky) and started saying, "With the highest companion," till he expired and his hand dropped down.
Book: Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (PBUH) (Al-Maghaazi) - كتاب المغازى
Global Id: 4290 (0)
English reference: Vol. 5, Book 59, Hadith 730
Arabic reference: Book 64, Hadith 4492.
They interpreted the hadith about kissing each other when she said his saliva was mixed with my saliva!
22:15. Whoever thinks that Allah will not help him (Muhammad ) in this world and in the Hereafter, let him stretch out a rope to the ceiling and let him strangle himself. Then let him see whether his plan will remove that whereat he rages!
The truth has come (arrived) and falsehood has vanished, indeed falsehood is a vanish (thing).
💓Glory be to ALLAH💓

Skype Qur'an Classes - Reserve Your Spot TODAY

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Não tenho medo da sua rejeição ou da sua raiva. A única coisa que eu temo é te machucar, fazendo você sentir como se eu tivesse traído você e virado as costas para tudo que você me ensinou, porque isso não poderia estar mais longe da verdade.
Então, em vez de dizer a você que reverti para a religião com a qual nasci, falei sobre o Islam. Isso não é surpresa para você; você sabe que eu escrevo muito sobre os países do Oriente Médio e estou sempre ansioso para compartilhar meu conhecimento.
Alhamdulillah, você esteve aberto para ouvir; Pouco a pouco, observei as nuvens da ilusão que passavam lentamente de seus olhos, todo o mal causado pela propaganda lentamente se dissolvendo à medida que você vê como o Islam está intimamente ligado ao cristianismo e quão bons e justos são os verdadeiros muçulmanos.
Eu ouvi você conversando com outras pessoas sobre a beleza do verdadeiro Islam e o bom exemplo que é definido pelos piedosos. O Islam está se tornando bonito para você, sem dúvida porque você sempre foi um buscador da verdade.
Isso pode não ser uma boa notícia, mas eu nunca teria me tornado um muçulmano se não tivesse me ensinado a buscar a verdade. Minha mente inquiridora muitas vezes perturbou e até mesmo constrangeu você, mas você nunca me condenou por explorar um novo território intelectual.
Sua principal preocupação era andar com Deus e viver em obediência a ele. Por isso estou profundamente grato a você; é a única coisa que me leva à liberdade real.
Graças à sua influência, li a Bíblia de capa a capa pelo menos vinte vezes durante a minha vida e memorizei muitos versículos. Ainda amo essas escrituras e as leio com frequência. Eu não estou agora entre aqueles muçulmanos desinformados que rejeitam a Bíblia e a montam em oposição ao Alcorão; Eu sei melhor.
Obviamente, existem diferenças de opinião sobre como essas escrituras foram traduzidas e o que elas ensinam, mas esses conflitos de interpretação vêm dos leitores, não do Mestre que os enviou. O próprio Alcorão diz que Allah inspirou os escritos bíblicos:
“Ele te revelou (ó Muhammad) o Livro (paulatinamente) com a verdade corroborante dos anteriores, assim como havia revelado a Tora e Evangelho.” (Alcorão 3:3)
A pepita central da verdade que descobri, o centro da roda bíblica, foi esta: Deus é amor e aqueles que vivem no amor vivem em Deus. Esse mesmo ensinamento brilha mais ouro do que ouro nas páginas do Alcorão e nos rostos da Ummah, a comunidade mundial do Islam.
Minha conversão não surgiu porque eu pensava que o Islam como uma prática religiosa era superior ao cristianismo, ou porque eu achava que os muçulmanos eram de alguma forma mais puros do que os cristãos. De onde estou, aqueles que jogam a carta "minha religião é melhor que a sua religião" perderam o sentido de sua própria religião.
Começou assim: Um amigo muçulmano, depois de me ouvir explicar meu relacionamento com Deus, insistiu que eu já era muçulmana. Fiquei curioso e comecei a estudar.
Quando aprendi sobre a teologia muçulmana, percebi que era nisso que eu sempre acreditei. Por mais que eu tenha vivido pelas palavras de Jesus (que a paz esteja com ele) e tenha amado seu caráter, eu nunca fui capaz de orar a ele sem me sentir desconfortável. Eu sempre orei a Deus.
Mas eu me recusei a converter. Por que eu deveria escandalizar minha família só porque eu não acreditava que Jesus (que a paz esteja com ele) era Deus? Existem muitas denominações cristãs que não acreditam nisso. Eu simplesmente me tornaria um cristão liberal.
Então veio o momento. Eu estava de pé diante de uma janela sob um raio de sol. De repente, esta luz do sol me envolveu e encheu meu coração, e eu sabia que era muçulmana. O Deus que eu sempre amei emergiu da névoa escura e revelou-se como Allah o mais glorificado, o Altíssimo.
O Islam próximo passo lógico após o judaísmo. Meu Islam não é uma rejeição do cristianismo; nem vive em oposição a isso.
Não me arrependo nem por um momento que sou descendente de uma linha de protestantes, pregadores, diáconos, proibicionistas, abolicionistas, coristas e fanáticos. Estes lançaram as bases para minha nova vida. Havia lobos entre nós, mas a intenção da maioria dos nossos corações era pura: nós nos esforçamos para aprofundar nosso contato com nosso Criador.
Veja o que o Alcorão diz sobre nós:
“Eles não são todos iguais. Dentre os seguidores do Livro, há uma comunidade reta, que recita os versículos de Allah, nas horas da noite, enquanto se prosterna.” (Alcorão 3:113)
Papai, somos todos muçulmanos. Os muçulmanos são simplesmente aqueles que vivem em obediência a Allah Todo-Poderoso. O Profeta Muhammad recebeu uma revelação composta de uma severa advertência ao impenitente, bem como um conjunto de práticas religiosas que têm o poder de transformar almas, de trazer esclarecimento e de reunir a humanidade em paz.
Como você deve ter adivinhado, o desejo do meu coração é que você também reverta. Tenho plena consciência de quão importante seria uma mudança para você, mas espero e rezo por ela. Seja o que for que você escolher, vou respeitar, honrar e cuidar de você até o seu último suspiro.

O Islam, além do Cristianismo, é a única grande religião mundial que reconhece Jesus.

O Islam, além do Cristianismo, é a única grande religião mundial que reconhece Jesus.
A crença de um muçulmano é incompleta sem Jesus. O profeta Muhammad (Que a paz e bênçãos estejam com ele) disse:
‘Se alguém testificar que ninguém tem o direito de ser adorado, exceto Allah, que Ele não tem parceiros, e que Muhammad é Seu servo e Seu Mensageiro, e que Jesus é o servo de Deus e Seu Mensageiro, e Sua Palavra que Ele concedeu a Maria, e que o Paraíso é verdadeiro, e o Inferno é verdadeiro. Deus o admitirá no Paraíso com as ações que ele fez, mesmo que essas ações sejam poucas.’ [Al-Bukhari]
Em outras palavras, sem crer em Jesus, nunca se pode ganhar o Paraíso de Deus. Tal como acontece com outros profetas de Deus, os muçulmanos adicionam ao seu nome, alaihis-salam, que significa: "A paz esteja com ele."
Embora Jesus tenha dito: “Deixo a paz convosco; a minha paz eu te dou”, no Evangelho, os cristãos raramente usam qualquer termo honorífico, mas "Cristo", e isso como parte de seu nome.
O Alcorão é a escritura sagrada do Islam e, nele, mais de noventa versículos distribuídos por quinze capítulos discutem Jesus.
Três capítulos são nomeados após sua referência a Jesus: o terceiro capítulo do Alcorão, "Al Imran", é nomeado após o pai de Maria; o quinto capítulo, "A mesa", provavelmente tem o nome da última ceia. Por fim, o décimo nono capítulo tem o nome de Maria.
Em árabe, Jesus é conhecido como Eesa. E em dezesseis dos 25 lugares do Alcorão, onde Eesa é usada, ele é chamado de “o filho de Maria” (Ibn Maryam). Desde que ele não tinha pai, ele foi assim chamado depois de sua mãe.
Por outro lado, o Alcorão concorda com os cristãos que identificam Jesus como o Messias, mas considera sua insistência em que o Messias é o filho de Deus como blasfêmia:
“De fato, eles são incrédulos, os que dizem: ‘Deus é o Messias, o filho de Maria’." (Alcorão 5:72)
O Alcorão descreve Jesus como um "Sinal", uma ayah no Alcorão. E na terminologia do Alcorão, um milagre é um "sinal" de Deus para mostrar poder divino e capacidade irrestrita de realizar atos fora da cadeia de causa e efeito.
Além disso, o Alcorão declara a segunda vinda de Jesus como um "sinal", um anúncio de que o Dia do Julgamento está chegando perto:
“E (Jesus) será um sinal (do advento) da Hora. Não duvideis, pois, dela, e segui-me, porque esta é a senda reta." (Alcorão 43:61)

١٣ دقيقة من أجمل تلاوات الشيخ أحمد النفيس بمقطع واحد

Vision2020: Help Revolutionize Access to Islamic Education Using Visual Learning by Free Quran Education

Vision2020: Help Revolutionize Access to Islamic Education Using Visual Learning by Free Quran Education: A Child in America opens his laptop, with a single click he is able to watch his Favourite Cartoons teaching him all about Islam, Quran and Sunnah for Free. An Artist in Africa opens his mobile device, with a single click he is able to Learn Quran ...

Vision 2020 In sha Allah


‏‎Science & Faith‎‏ هنا مع ‏‎Osman El Hussain‎‏ و‏‏٣٣‏ آخرين‏.
We learn from the Quran that:
“By the sky full of paths and orbits.”
(The Quran, 51:7)
The entire universe is full of paths and orbits. The Quran also tells us that:
“(Allah is the) One who created the night , and the day, and the sun and the moon, swim along, each in its (own) orbit.” (21:33)
“It is not permitted to the sun to overtake the moon, nor can the night outsrip the day, each swims along in its (own) orbit.” (36:40)
While referring to the Sun and the Moon in the Quran, it is emphasized that each moves in a certain orbit. There are about 200 billion galaxies in the universe, consisting of nearly 200 billion stars in each. All celestial bodies including planets, satellites of these planets, stars and even galaxies swim along their own orbits.
It is mentioned in another verse, too, that the Sun is not static but moves in a definite orbit.
“The sun runs on its fixed course for a term (appointed); that is the decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.” (Yaseen 36:38)
According to the calculations of experts on astronomy, the Sun is travelling at an enormous speed of 150 miles per second. It means that the sun travels roughly 12,960,000 miles a day!
The fact that this information was present in the Quran long before it was discovered by the mankind is yet another testimony that Allah, the All-Knowing, and the All-Wise is the source of this knowledge.


‏‎Science & Faith‎‏ مع ‏‎Ilm Ikhlaas Yaqeen‎‏.
Every time when scientists discover a scientific fact or invent any apparatus, we find that Qur’an has already precisely spoken about it. How wouldn’t it be so, and it is the Book of miracles and facts…
Scientists are trying to invent apparatus to discover lie when speaking since more than hundred years. Nevertheless, all these attempts failed because they did not know lie mechanism. They tried all kinds of tests on man to find out the apparatus that can detect lie, thus, they use it when enquiring with criminals.
Many experiences have been done in this context. At last, they could discover the best three manners to detect lie, visual, auditory and magnetic methods.
You may be astonished dear reader, if you know that Qur’an has already obviously spoken about these three methods!
Some researchers have noticed some facial changes when speaking. Thus, they experienced it by photographing a man telling truth, and just in the lying moment, specific features appear on his face, which are different from those appearing in the truth state. But, these features are very rapid that human being eye cannot see. They used rapid photography to conceive these changes, and then, they showed it slowly and noticed the face features obviously changing when lying.
Scientists confirm that the body movements change when lying, too. This has been confirmed when they studied the called ‘’body language’’. Hence, everyone expresses himself through hands, body and face movements. They say that the body language differs from a person to another and changes when lying. Because, no one can control his body movements when speaking.
However, some scientists bent over human sound! They recorded the sound of a person saying truth, and just at the moment of lying the sound vibrations change, i.e. the recorded sound waves have two forms: (i) truth state, (ii) lying state, with an evident difference.
They confirm that everyone has his own voice print and eye print, and Glorified be Allah, when lying, the eye, the voice and the body express the person. However, and due to these changes speed, we cannot clearly observe them, and often cannot see at all. Whereas, the invented apparatus can clearly show these changes.
A team of scientists tried to enter in the human brain to know what happens when a person lies. To do so, they used the Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) apparatus, an apparatus that works by magnetic waves and can detect the brain activation.
Scientists have done many experiences and found out then, that the frontal region of the brain is more strongly activated when the person lies. So, they detected lie by this apparatus and imaging the cerebral activity in this region.
Scientists tried since tens of years to invent lying detectors, but they remained less effective, so they are constantly looking for new means to detect lying.
The polygraph is an instrument to measure heart rate(pulse), perspiration (sweating), breathing rate and blood pressure. Scientists noticed that these rates change while lying. But this instrument is not accurate, because a professional liar can beat these changes.
Polygraph traditional experience to detect lie. This apparatus has enormously progressed; however, its effectiveness hasn’t reached the wanted level of accuracy yet. Because, man can be trained to lie and beat these changes. Hence, this instrument is no longer accurate. But, scientists say it is more effective detecting fear than lie.
Lie detectors instruments detect many changes in a person body while lying. These changes can be reflected on the face, the voice and the eyes. These results are to be recorded by the traditional lie detector. Lie detectors are instruments that monitor a person's physiological reactions; heart rate, blood pressure, activity, etc., and shows it in the computer screen. These instruments are so available for their cheap price and easy use.
Vocal lie detector. This instrument records the voice when the person is telling truth, and then when lying. With a particular program these recorded voices will be compared to determine whether the person is lying or telling truth, by taking in consideration voice graphs recorded by the instrument.
A new voice analysis lie detector. Scientists passed more than hundred years experiencing to discover this new method. A slit voice change has been confirmed at the moment of lying, this is to say that Allah the Almighty put in each person liar indicator. Glorified be Allah, despite of all these wonderful facts, some say that man has been created and done all this system thanks to the nature!
These instruments record the voice and then, analyze it and look for the parts where the person made en effort, i.e. there is s lit change of voice that appears in this program just at the moment of lying. The Qur’an has already told us about this, saying : ‘’ and indeed you would definitely know them by the distortion in their saying’’
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) apparatus has shown some fundamental regions in the brain that become activated at the moment of lying. These regions are the prefrontal, the frontal and the under cervical zone, that Qur’an called forelock, and told us that this forelock is the centre of lie and sin, a fact that scientists have recently discovered.
Let’s consider now the holy Qur’an to discover that the basis of the invention of these apparatus has been mentioned in. This is one from this Book miracles, because the west scientists confirm that no one knew about all what they are discovering today, so where did this come from in the holy Qur’an ? This proves that the Revealer of this Qur’an knows the secret and what is hidden, He said ‘’Surely for Allah nothing (whatever) in the earth or in the heaven is concealed.’’ ‍(5 :Surat Al Imran (The House of Imran))
Allah (Glorified be Allah) says in a great verse speaking to His Messenger the Prophet Mohamed (All Prayers and Peace of Allah be upon him): ‘’ And if We had (so) decided, We would indeed have shown them to you. Then you would indeed recognize them by their marks, and indeed you would definitely know them by the distortion in their saying, and Allah knows your deeds. ‘’(30 :Surat Muhammad)
This verse speaks about those hypocrites, those liars. It tells the Prophet they are liars and Allah is able to unveil their lie and their hate to the Prophet and the believers. Let’s see together how did the verse express lie detection among those liars in two ways:
1. Allah the Almighty Says : ‘’ And if We had (so) decided, We would indeed have shown them to you. Then you would indeed recognize them by their marks’’, that is to say that Allah the Almighty, if he decides, capable to show His Messenger those liars through their facial marks. This obviously indicates lie detecting way through the face. This verse confirms that it is possible to detect lie trough facial marks, a method that scientists are today using by their instruments.
2. Regarding the second part of the noble verse: ‘’and indeed you would definitely know them by the distortion in their saying’’, it clearly indicates lie detecting through the voice ‘’ the distortion in their saying’’. The word distortion ‘’lahn’’ in Arabic language means the slit change in the voice when speaking. Hence, the verse indicated the auditory method to detect lie through the voice.
3. As far as the third method is concerned, scientists confirmed that the frontal region of the brain becomes activated while lying. This fact has been indicated in the Holy Qur’an, when Allah described the forelock saying: ‘’A lying, sinful forelock’’(16: Surat Al-Alaq (the Clot)).
Therefore, Allah described the human forelock, or the frontal part of the head, by lie, a fact that scientists confirm today through their instruments.
4. There is another method to detect lie by imaging the temperature aura around the eyes. US-researchers confirm at Mayo Clinic, that when a person is lying, the blood flow rate increases in his face, especially around the eyes, causing then, a slit temperature increase around the eyes. This change can be recorded by the lie detector.
Therefore, the eyes can betray the others, hence, Allah (Glorified be Him) told us that He knows the treacherous of the eyes. The eye can hide rapid actions that cannot be visible, but not from Allah. He decided the invention of these instruments by man to be a proof that His word is true. Allah’s knowledge is bigger than the man one! Allah said about Himself :‘’He knows the treacherous (look) of the eyes and whatever the breasts conceal.’’ (19:Ghafir).
Some doubtful persons pretend that the forelock region or the frontal part of the brain has no relation with lying. Whereas others are pretending that the sin region is different from the lie one. So, I considered worthy to expose the experience results done by researchers at the Pennsylvania university on 18 students. The results are as follow:
When the students lied, the areas of the brain that play a role in paying attention and controlling error were much more active than when the students told the truth. The brain sections include the anterior cingulate gyrus, located deep in the brain towards the top of the head, and parts of the prefrontal and premotor cortexes, both located in the very front of the brain.
Let’s see, dear readers, how do they interpret their experience that the sin responsible region is the same region activated when lying, which is at the top, the frontal part in the brain nearest point to the front. This very part is called forelock in the Qur’an, and described by two words: lie and sin : ‘’A lying, sinful forelock’’. Are there more expressive words than Allah’s words describing this region mission?
Through west scientists’ words, I can see an explanation to what has been mentioned in the Qur’an. There, the forelock is described by sin and lie. After précised experiences, scientists say that the frontal top region in the brain near the head or the front, is the region responsible for sin operation, and is the same one controlling lie. This is to say that man forelock (non believer person of course) is lying and sinful forelock!!
Whereas the forelock of a believer is clean and becomes activated only towards Allah, as the prophets used to do. The Prophet says imploring Allah: ‘’my forelock is between Your hands’’, and the prophet Hûd says: ‘’ Surely I have put my trust in Allah, (Literally: I entrust “my self” to Allah) my Lord and your Lord; in no way is there any beast whatever except that He is taking it by the forelock. Surely my Lord is on a straight Path.’’ (56:Hûd)
So dears, you have to maintain this region and avoid lying. Man can betray a man, but can never do so with the Creator of man, Glorified be Allah.
Also, I say if with unconscious machines man could detect lie, what about the Lord of the seven heavens, doesn’t He know what is in the breasts and what is hidden? He said: ‘’He knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth, and He knows whatever you keep secret and whatever you make public; and Allah is Ever-Knowing of the inmost (thoughts within) the breasts (Literally: what the breasts own).’’ (4:At-Taghabun).
Finally, it is clear that the Qur’an enumerated all small and great things, as everyday we witness new reality proving what did the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) say about this Book: ((this Book) with unlimited miracles) (reported by At-Tarmidhi). Allah’s words secrets remain unlimited according to what Allah says:’’ And if whatever tree (s) in the earth were pens, and the sea (and) seven more seas even after it (were) to replenish it, (yet) in no way would the Words of Allah be depleted. Surely Allah is Ever-Mighty, Ever-Wise.’’ (27: Luqman).
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
Website: www.kaheel7.com/eng