الجمعة، 19 أكتوبر 2018

Conversas no paraíso e inferno (parte 1 de 3): Conversando com anjos - A religião do Islã

LA ORACION (03) LA ABLUCIÓN - Español - Nasser bin Muhammad Al-Muqbil

LA ORACION (03) LA ABLUCIÓN - Español - Nasser bin Muhammad Al-Muqbil: La presentación visual para enseñar la ablución y la oración para el nuevo musulmán en una nueva forma, es una forma práctica con una explicación en español.

Who was the first khaleefah and what is the story of Ghadeer Khum? | ASSIM AL-HAKEEM

La conspiración de Constantino contra los monoteístas - Español

La conspiración de Constantino contra los monoteístas - Español: La conspiración de Constantino contra los monoteístas

Cold water challenge??? His Quest for truth led to Islam - RIver on top of mountain in Bosnia - YouTube


ALL MY DUAS WERE ANSWERED - TRUE STORY - ISLAMIC PREACHER: www.islamicpreacher.org has been launched with a noble intention to aware the people across the World about the teachings of Islam.

Cure for cancer - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem - YouTube

تطبيق FLYcards | FLYcards

تطبيق FLYcards | FLYcards: FLYcards وتطبيق FLYcards وموقع FLYcards هو موقع لتطبيق FLYcards الخيري حيث نقوم بنشر الادعية والاذكار في حسابك على تويتر ضع صدقة جارية لك في حسابك على تويتر مع تطبيق FLYcards ودع التطبيق يغرد لك

Egypt confiscates historic manuscript in Cairo International Airport - Egypt Independent

Egypt confiscates historic manuscript in Cairo International Airport - Egypt Independent: Egypt’s Antiquity Unit, in cooperation with the Egyptian Customs Authority at Cairo International Airport, has succeeded in retrieving a historic manuscript dating back to the 10th Hijri century (Islamic Calendar), according to an announcement on the Ministry of Antiquities official Facebook page. The announcement was made following the manuscript’s confiscation and examination, according to Hamdy Hamam, … Continued

: "3 Muslim Men Fight Domestic Violence in Australia | About Islam https://t.co/l5LIZWmMWv"

Dear Future Generations: Sorry - YouTube

How to make Dawah to atheist - English - Bilal Philips

How to make Dawah to atheist - English - Bilal Philips: These are some of the tips on how to make Dawah to atheist, what are the main concepts you should concentrate on? These are only some points but they have deep meanings. One should know that he must face different minds while he is calling others to Islam. Nevertheless one should be very interested in calling others to Islam.

Mjetet e qëndrueshmërisë në fenë e Allahut - Shqip - Muhamed Salih El Munexhid

Mjetet e qëndrueshmërisë në fenë e Allahut - Shqip - Muhamed Salih El Munexhid: Qëndrueshmëria në fenë e Allahut është qëllimi themelor i çdo muslimani të sinqertë që dëshiron ta ndjekë rrugën e drejtë me vendosmëri e udhëzim. Në ditët e sotme nevoja e muslimanit për mjetet e qëndrueshmërisë është më e madhe sesa në kohën e gjeneratave të para të muslimanëve. Rrjedhimisht, përpjekja që kërkohet për ta jetësuar këtë është më e madhe, për shkak të prishjeve në kohën që po jetojmë, vëllezërve të paktë dhe dobësisë e numrit të vogël të përkrahësve. Në këtë libër pëmenden disa mjete të rëndësishme për të qenë i qëndrueshëm në fe.

Abetarja kuranore - Mësimi 11 - YouTube

Kpengba Tênè Na Ndo Ti Nziä Ti Nzě Ti Ramadan - Yanga ti Sango

Kpengba Tênè Na Ndo Ti Nziä Ti Nzě Ti Ramadan - Yanga ti Sango: Fadê moyke wara a kota a mam nzaiä ti nzě ti Ramadan na a molongô ti a cours so si ayeke fa nzoni kodê ti moungou carême wa la Ramadan.

Gender Equity in Islam - English - Jamal Badawi

Gender Equity in Islam - English - Jamal Badawi: To be treated equally, or justice, does not always mean that each is the same. This article sheds some light on the differences between men and women found by modern science, and how these results reflect the way justice is met to each of the two sexes in various realms of modern day life. Spiritual equality of men and women as mentioned in the Quran, and a glance at the differences between the genders in other aspects of life.