السبت، 21 أغسطس 2021

(നാഥനെ അറിയുക (17) നാമ ഗുണ വിശേഷണങ്ങളിലെ ഏകത്വം (1 - മലയാളം - മിദ് ലാജ് സ്വലാഹി

(നാഥനെ അറിയുക (17) നാമ ഗുണ വിശേഷണങ്ങളിലെ ഏകത്വം (1 - മലയാളം - മിദ് ലാജ് സ്വലാഹി: അല്ലാഹുവിനുള്ള തൗഹീദിന്റെ ഒരു ഇനമായ നാമ ഗുണ വിശേഷണങ്ങളിലെ ഏകത്വം എന്നതിനെ കുറിച്ച് വിവരിക്കുന്നു

പ്രവാചകൻ (സ) യുടെ യുദ്ധങ്ങൾ - മലയാളം - മിദ് ലാജ് സ്വലാഹി

പ്രവാചകൻ (സ) യുടെ യുദ്ധങ്ങൾ - മലയാളം - മിദ് ലാജ് സ്വലാഹി: പ്രവാചകൻ (സ) യുടെ ചരിത്രത്തിൽ നിന്നും ചെറിയൊരു ഭാഗം, നബി(സ) പങ്കെടുത്ത യുദ്ധങ്ങളെ കുറിച്ചുള്ള ലഘു വിവരണം

islamic books in Nepali नेपाली Myanmar Burma كتب اسلامية باللغة النيبالية

islamic books in Nepali नेपाली Myanmar Burma كتب اسلامية باللغة النيبالية: islamic books in Nepali नेपाली Myanmar Burma كتب اسلامية باللغة النيبالية

L’aceto di Vino - Italiano - Ahmad Ibn AbdelHalim Ibn Taimiya*

L’aceto di Vino - Italiano - Ahmad Ibn AbdelHalim Ibn Taimiya*: Fu chiesto a šeyẖ al-Islām Aḥmed Ibn Taymiyyah (che Allâh abbia misericordia di lui) a proposito del vino che si trasforma in aceto, se è lecito ad una persona che è all’oscuro di questa mutazione consumare o vendere quest’aceto; gli fu chiesto anche del caso in cui la persona sia invece al corrente del processo di mutazione.

La Sincerità - Italiano - Abu Zakariya Yahya Bin Sharaf Al Nawawi

La Sincerità - Italiano - Abu Zakariya Yahya Bin Sharaf Al Nawawi: Spiegazione del detto del Profeta (che Allâh lo elogi e lo preservi) : “In verità le azioni non dipendono che dalle intenzioni, e ogni essere umano sarà ricompensato solo per ciò che intende avere...”

Books are source inexhaustible inspiration - Thoughts - Thoughts and Knowledge - Alukah.net

Books are source inexhaustible inspiration - Thoughts - Thoughts and Knowledge - Alukah.net: Books are source inexhaustible inspiration    "The greats and nobles are not dead, they are mummified in their books, but their souls go outside, the book is a living voice and a mind that one still listens to" Smiles say.  Reading a valuable book and finding a connection between you and him means that you meet the author through his agent. Valuable books are endless, and they will all increase the fertility of the mind, ignite the fire of greed,...

شبكة الألوكة

شبكة الألوكة:

شاب يرغب في الزواج بشدة، لكنه في حيرة من أمره؛ إذ يريد للفتاة أن تتوفر بها شروط الدين والجمال والنسب والمال، ويخشى أن يتقدم لأي فتاة ولا تعجبه، فيقع في الحرج، ويسـأل: كيف يختار فتاته؟

شبكة الألوكة

شبكة الألوكة:

فتاة عشرينية مصابة باضطراب الآنية؛ ما يجعلها في ذهول عن الواقع وخوف شديد، ولا تستطيع استكمال دراستها، وقد أدمنتِ العادة، وتسأل: ما الحل؟

Den Ädla Koranens fem första delar tillsammans med en översättning av deras innebörd på svenska - سويدي

Den Ädla Koranens fem första delar tillsammans med en översättning av deras innebörd på svenska - سويدي



በቀላል የተዘጋጁ የፊቅህ ትምህርት - የሬሳ አዘገጃጀት 1 - አማርኛ

በቀላል የተዘጋጁ የፊቅህ ትምህርት - የሬሳ አዘገጃጀት 1 - አማርኛ: በዚህ ፕሮግራም የሚከሉት ትምህቶች ይቀርባሉ። የሶላቱል ጀማዐህ፤ የመንገደኛ ሶላት፤ የጁምዐህ ሶላት፤ የአደጋ ግዜ ሶላት፤ የዒድ ሶላት የኹሱፍ ሶላት የዝናብ ፍለጋ ሶላት የጀናዛ ሶላት እና የመሳሰሉት ትምህርቶች ቀርቧል። -24

የጅብሪል ሀዲስ ማብራሪያ - አማርኛ - ሳልህ ቢን ፎውዛን አል ፎውዛን

የጅብሪል ሀዲስ ማብራሪያ - አማርኛ - ሳልህ ቢን ፎውዛን አል ፎውዛን: ይህ ኪታብ ከነቢዩ (ሰለላሁ ዐለይህ ወሰለም)ተላላቅ ሀዲሶች አንዱ የሆነውን የጅብሪል ሀዲስ ጠቅለል አድርጐ ይዟል። ተጨማሪ ማብራርያም ያክልበታል።

NEW: Sh. Khalid Yasin: Reminder on social justice in Islam Aug 4, 2018

Are You Ready To Correct Yourself ᴴᴰ by Sheikh Khalid Yasin

Аҳли сунна ва жамоат эътиқоди шарҳи ( 04 ) Фаришталарга иймон келтириш - Ўзбек тили - Абу Абдуллоҳ Шоший

Аҳли сунна ва жамоат эътиқоди шарҳи ( 04 ) Фаришталарга иймон келтириш - Ўзбек тили - Абу Абдуллоҳ Шоший

Фотиҳа сурасининг тафсири - Ўзбек тили - Бир гуруҳ олимлар

Фотиҳа сурасининг тафсири - Ўзбек тили - Бир гуруҳ олимлар

Vernünftige Antworten auf ideologische Verbindlichkeiten - Deutsch - Ja’far Sheikh Idris

Vernünftige Antworten auf ideologische Verbindlichkeiten - Deutsch - Ja’far Sheikh Idris: Wie man die Existenz Gottes voll versteht.

Prinzipien der Selbstentwicklung im Islam - Deutsch

Prinzipien der Selbstentwicklung im Islam - Deutsch: Die Perspektive des Islam zur Selbstentwicklung. Teil 1: Inspiration von göttlicher Rechtleitung nährt die menschliche Entwicklung. Teil 2: Das Konzept der Rechenschaft und der Selbstreinigung.

اختر اللغة | القرآن الكريم للجميع

اختر اللغة | القرآن الكريم للجميع: العربية | Arabic | العربية, English | English - Sahih International | إنجليزي - صحيح انترناشيونال, English - Yusuf Ali | English - Yusuf Ali | إنجليزي - يوسف علي, English - Transliteration | English - Transliteration | إنجليزي معرّب, Français | French | فرنسي, Nederlands | Dutch | هولندي, Türkçe | Turkish | تركي, Melayu | Malay | ماليزي, Indonesia | Indonesian | اندونيسي, 中文 | Chinese | صيني, 日本語 | Japanese | ياباني, Italiano | Italian | ايطالي, 한국어 | Korean | كوري, മലയാളം | Malayalam | مالايالام, Português | Portuguese | برتغالي, Español | Spanish | إسباني, اردو | Urdu | أردو, বাংলা | Bangali | بنغالي, தமிழ் | Tamil | تاميلي, České | Czech | تشيكي, Deutsch | German | الماني, فارسى | Persian | فارسي, Română | Romanian | روماني, Русский | Russian | روسي, Svenska | Swedish | سويدي, Shqip | Albanian | الباني, Azəri | Azerbaijani | أذري, Bosanski | Bosnian | بوسني, Български | Bulgarian | بلغاري, Hausa | Hausa | الهاوسا, كوردی | Kurdish | كردي, Norwegian | Norwegian | نرويجي, Polski | Polish | بولندا, soomaali | Somali | صومالي, Swahili | Swahili | كيني, Тоҷикӣ | Tajik | طاجيكي, Татарча | Tatar | تتاري, ไทย | Thailand | تايلندي, ئۇيغۇرچە | Uyghur | أيغوري, Ўзбек | Uzbek | أوزبكي, ދިވެހ

Hadith: Par ce livre, Allah élève des gens et en rabaisse d’autres. - Encyclopédie des paroles prophétiques traduites

Hadith: Par ce livre, Allah élève des gens et en rabaisse d’autres. - Encyclopédie des paroles prophétiques traduites

Criando filhos em um ambiente iníquo - Islam Pergunta e Resposta

Criando filhos em um ambiente iníquo - Islam Pergunta e Resposta

Wie ist das Urteil über die Arbeit im Bereich der Geschichtsschreibung für Jugendliche? - Der Islam - Frage und Antwort

Wie ist das Urteil über die Arbeit im Bereich der Geschichtsschreibung für Jugendliche? - Der Islam - Frage und Antwort

Hadith: Le Messager d’Allah (sur lui la paix et le salut) a jeûné le jour de ‘Âshûrâ’ - Encyclopédie des paroles prophétiques traduites

Hadith: Le Messager d’Allah (sur lui la paix et le salut) a jeûné le jour de ‘Âshûrâ’ - Encyclopédie des paroles prophétiques traduites

Русский | القرآن الكريم للجميع

Русский | القرآن الكريم للجميع: Русский | القرآن الكريم للجميع

ویژگی‌ها همسر نیک - اسلام سوال و جواب

ویژگی‌ها همسر نیک - اسلام سوال و جواب

তাওহীদের বাণীর শর্তগুলো জানা কি ফরয? - ইসলাম জিজ্ঞাসা ও জবাব

তাওহীদের বাণীর শর্তগুলো জানা কি ফরয? - ইসলাম জিজ্ঞাসা ও জবাব

بعض ملازمین کو تنخواہ میں اضافے اور ترقی سے محروم رکھتا تھا، اب توبہ کیسے کرے؟ - اسلام سوال و جواب

بعض ملازمین کو تنخواہ میں اضافے اور ترقی سے محروم رکھتا تھا، اب توبہ کیسے کرے؟ - اسلام سوال و جواب

Le jugement de l’emploi du portable fourni par l’employeur à des fins personnelles quand le crédit n’est pas épuisé à la fin du mois - Islam en questions et réponses

Le jugement de l’emploi du portable fourni par l’employeur à des fins personnelles quand le crédit n’est pas épuisé à la fin du mois - Islam en questions et réponses: A propos des communications extra professionnelles couvertes par un crédit gratuit à annuler ultérieurement même quand le crédit n’est pas utilisé dans l’intérêt du travail, il nous semble que l’usage du crédit par un agent est préférable à sa perte définitive sans auparavant apporter aucun avantage au travail. Le Prophète (Bénédiction et salut soient sur lui) a interdit le gaspillage. Or, le crédit qui dépasse les nécessités du travail et n’est pas utilisé ailleurs se perd. S’il est possible de demander l’autorisation de l’employeur ou celle du supérieur hiérarchique , ce serait mieux et plus à même de donner acquis de conscience.

العربية | القرآن الكريم للجميع

العربية | القرآن الكريم للجميع: العربية | القرآن الكريم للجميع

Bazı salihlerin sözü: “Görevim ibadet etmek, Allah’ın görevi de söz verdiği gibi rızık vermektir” - İslam Soru-Cevap

Bazı salihlerin sözü: “Görevim ibadet etmek, Allah’ın görevi de söz verdiği gibi rızık vermektir” - İslam Soru-Cevap

Bagaimana Cara Melakukan Pendidikan Islami Yang Hakiki? - Soal Jawab Tentang Islam

Bagaimana Cara Melakukan Pendidikan Islami Yang Hakiki? - Soal Jawab Tentang Islam

Do not let the Media deceive you - Islamway

Do not let the Media deceive you - Islamway: Do not let the Media deceive you (Video). Category: Modern Technology

North Shore bear snuggles in sheet laundry - Squamish Chief

North Shore bear snuggles in sheet laundry - Squamish Chief

Dear Christians.. Ask yourself, "Who and What would Jesus support?"


قد تكون صورة لـ ‏‏‏٣‏ أشخاص‏ و‏نص مفاده '‏‎WAKE UP CHRISTIANS!!! ..IF JESUS CAME TO ISRAEL TODAY‎‏'‏‏
Dear Christians..
Ask yourself, "Who and What would Jesus support?"
There are hundreds of Jewish website, promoting the cause of the Christians United For Israel (CUFI) activist group. These are unbiblical or ungodly website. They advertise, “Make A Difference For Israel Every Day.” It makes me want to vomit...its about time that Christians realize that they are being manipulated by the Zionists Agenda...its a pity that people no longer question,they just blindly follow like sheep!
I wish some God Fearing Christian feels compelled to start a group or page possibly called“Christians United Against Israel,” or "WakeUpchristians" etc because Israel today is nothing but a shameful nation that has abandoned the God of the Bible...it's a fact that Christian tourists are being spat upon by Jews in Israel today. I dare you to find the Gospel anywhere on the CUFI website!!!
All they care about is inspiring people to idolize Israel and the "almighty Jews". Is your church stupid??..well guess what??It is if you support Zionist Israel. You are IGNORANT of the Scriptures my friend if you think God blesses Christians who support a wicked, Christ-rejecting people. The idolizing and worshipping of Jerusalem, Israel and the Jews is evil in the sight of God. John Hagee(founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church, a megachurch in the US and CEO of his non-profit corporation, Global Evangelism Television),is so corrupt that he says Jews don't even need to be born-again, they have a different agreement with God. How insane can all this Zionism B/S get? Pretty insane if you believe this blasphemous Zionist supporter!I'm pretty sure that at sometime or the other you have come across pro-Zionist advertisements which says that Jesus walked in the Holy Land so You could live. What arrogance!—as if the Jews had something to do with Christ's work of redemption! The land has nothing to do with your "salvation"! Ypu believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose up three days later for your justification. I suppose these Zionists Jews will claim it was their cross too, and the nails belonged to them. Ladies and gentleman, the only thing that these ppl can claim is that they cried out... “CRUCIFY HIM!!! CRUCIFY HIM!!! GIVE US BARABBAS!!!”
I'm No Christian however as a Muslim I LOVE & ACKNOWLEDGE Jesus (PBUH) known as "Isa" in Arabic was a Prophet of God, was born to a virgin (Mary), and will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment to restore justice and to defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjal ("the false messiah"), also known as the Antichrist. All of which may sound pretty familiar to many Christians.Mary ,called "Maryam" in Arabic has an entire chapter in the Quran named after her — the only chapter in the Quran named for a female figure. In fact, Mary is the only woman to be mentioned by name in the entire Qur'an.
With that said I can't help but question Christians who stand with Zionist ISRAEL while endorsing mass murder all in the name of religion..!!!!!

¿Sabes qué es el Corán? Pide el tuyo totalmente gratis #nuevosmusulmanes #foryoupage #islamamericalatina @ieraorg

¿Sabes qué es el Corán? Pide el tuyo totalmente gratis #nuevosmusulmanes #foryoupage #islamamericalatina @ieraorg: ieralatin (@ieralatin) ha creado un video corto en TikTok con la música sonido original. | ¿Sabes qué es el Corán? Pide el tuyo totalmente gratis #nuevosmusulmanes #foryoupage #islamamericalatina @ieraorg

The True Gospel of Jesus - The Religion of Islam

The True Gospel of Jesus - The Religion of Islam

The Pleasures of Paradise (part 1 of 2) - The Religion of Islam

The Pleasures of Paradise (part 1 of 2) - The Religion of Islam