الثلاثاء، 15 يناير 2019

Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close

Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close: What percentage of terror attacks in the United States and Europe are committed by Muslims? Guess. Nope. Guess again. And again...

Surah Luqman,ch-31,Ayat no-34

‏‎Lets know our GOD.‎‏ مع ‏‎Sanusi Muhammed‎‏.
..No soul knows what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die. Surely, Allah is all knowing, all-aware.
Surah Luqman,ch-31,Ayat no-34

Darkness in the Depths of the Ocean | Science & Faith

Darkness in the Depths of the Ocean | Science & Faith: Prof. Durga Rao is an expert in the field of Marine Geology and was a professor at King ‘Abdul-‘Aziz University

Does Islam Reject Ten Commandments of Life, Hope & Truth? - YouTube

رجل ميت ظهرت عليه 7 كرامات - الجزء الاول - YouTube


STRESS MAKES HAIR GO GRAY | Science & Faith: The most recent studies confirm that the huge psychological pressure affect the hair and makes it gray, Allah almighty tells

Jangan Khawatir Ketika Orang Menghinamu – Mufti Menk – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia

Jangan Khawatir Ketika Orang Menghinamu – Mufti Menk – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia: Aku harus sabar ketika orang mencoba menyakiti, ketika orang mengatakan hal-hal… Jangan khawatir tentang apa yang dunia katakan tentangmu. Mereka akan mengatakan hal buruk, itu ujiannya. Oran…

Muslim Geographer You Should Have Learnt About at School | Science & Faith

Muslim Geographer You Should Have Learnt About at School | Science & Faith: We all know names of western explorers like Marco Polo, Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco da Gama, Columbus and others who have

Every Living Thing is Made from Water | Science & Faith

Every Living Thing is Made from Water | Science & Faith: Consider the following Qur’anic verse: “Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as

كنز من كنوز الجنه

mercy to all mankind."

‏‎WhyIslam‎‏ مع ‏‎Fatima Bin't Abdullah‎‏ و‏‏٣‏ آخرين‏.
The Prophet Muhammad said, "I have not been sent to curse people but as a mercy to all mankind."#iLoveProphetMuhammad 30 DAY CAMPAIGN
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