الثلاثاء، 3 يناير 2017

10 Islamic Facts in the Bible

10 Islamic Facts in the Bible

İhram Babı - 1. Bölüm

İhram Babı - 1. Bölüm

Crucifixion in the Ancient World

تمت إضافة ‏‏17‏ صورة جديدة‏ بواسطة ‏‎Esa/Jesus a Prophet of Allah/God‎‏ إلى الألبوم: ‏‎Crucifixion - Types - Prescribed to whom?‎‏
Crucifixion in the Ancient World
By Dr. Richard P. Bucher
The Romans did not invent crucifixion as a method of execution, though it seems that they perfected it. On the basis of the writings of the Greek author Herodotus, it seems that the Persians were the first to use crucifixion (Herodotus 1:128.2; 3:125.3; 3:132.2; 3:159.1). For example, Herodotus tells us that King Darius (mentioned in the Bible) had 3000 Babylonians crucified in about 519 B.C. (4:43.2,7; 6:30.1; 7:194.1). The sources reveal that, two centuries later, Alexander the Great also used crucifixion in his conquests. For example in his History of Alexander, Curtius Rufus tells us that Alexander had 2000 citizens of Tyre crucified after he had conquered that city (4:4.17). The Romans eventually conquered the Greeks (Carthaginians) and it was from them that the Romans probably learned crucifixion. However, as the Romans themselves were fond of noting, crucifixion was also used by many "barbarian" peoples, such as Indians, the Assyrians, the Scythians, and the Celts. It was also later used by the Germans and the Britains (For the exact sources, see Martin Hengel, Crucifixion, trans. John Bowden (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1977), 22-23).
What did the ancients think of crucifixion? They considered it to be the most shameful, the most painful, and the most abhorrent of all executions. The Roman statesman Cicero called it "the most cruel and disgusting penalty" (Verrem 2:5.165) and "the most extreme penalty" (Verrem 2:5.168). The Jewish historian Josephus, who certainly witnessed enough crucifixions himself, called it "the most wretched of deaths." The Roman jurist Julius Paulus listed crucifixion in first place as the worst of all capital punishments, listing it ahead of death by burning, death by beheading, or death by the wild beasts. And from Seneca we have this quotation, which is one of the most unique descriptions of a crucifixion in non-Biblical literature:
• Can anyone be found who would prefer wasting away in pain dying limb by limb, or letting out his life drop by drop, rather than expiring once for all? Can any man by found willing to be fastened to the accursed tree, long sickly, already deformed, swelling with ugly wounds on shoulders and chest, and drawing the breath of life amid long drawn-out agony? He would have many excuses for dying even before mounting the cross (Dialogue 3:2.2).
The ancients considered death by crucifixion to be not just any execution, but the most obscene, the most disgraceful, the most horrific execution known to man.
How common was crucifixion in the ancient world? Quite common, at least among the Romans. Though Roman law usually spared Roman citizens from being crucified, they used crucifixion especially against rebellious foreigners, military enemies, violent criminals, robbers, and slaves. In fact slaves were so routinely crucified that crucifixion become known as the "slaves' punishment" (servile supplicium; see Valerius Maximus 2:7.12). Appian tells us that when the slave rebellion of Spartacus was crushed, the Roman general Crassus had six thousand of the slave prisoners crucified along a stretch of the Appian Way, the main road leading into Rome (Bella Civilia 1:120). As an example of crucifying rebellious foreigners, Josephus tells us that when the Romans were besieging Jerusalem in 70 A.D. the Roman general Titus, at one point, crucified five hundred or more Jews a day. In fact, so many Jews were crucified outside of the walls that "there was not enough room for the crosses and not enough crosses for the bodies" (Wars of the Jews 5:11.1).
How was crucifixion actually carried out? The first thing we learn from the sources is that there was great variety in the way crucifixions were done. The main thing was to expose the victim to the utmost indignity. The Romans appear to have followed the same procedure in most cases, but even they departed from this at times. Seneca points to this reality when he writes in one place, "I see crosses there, not just of one kind but made in many different ways: some have their victims with head down to the ground; some impale their private parts; others stretch out their arms on the gibbet" (Dialogue 6:20.3).
So what form did a more normal crucifixion take? First came the flogging or scourging. The flogging usually was done by two soldiers using a short whip (flagrum, flagellum) that had several leather thongs of different lengths. Tied to these leather thongs were small iron balls or sharp pieces of sheep bones. The victim was stripped of his clothing and his hands were tied above him to a post. The back, legs and buttocks would then be flogged until the person collapsed. With the back and legs thus torn open there would be extensive blood loss. This blood loss from the flogging often determined how long it took the crucified person to die on the cross. The ancient sources tell us that many some people died just from the flogging.
Next the condemned man was made to carry his own cross to the place of crucifixion outside the city walls. This was not the whole cross, however, which probably would have weighed well over 300 pounds. The condemned man typically carried the crossbeam (patibulum) across his shoulders, shoulders that had just been ripped open by the flogging. This crossbeam would have weighed from 75-125 pounds. This procession to the site of crucifixion was ordinarily led by a complete military guard, headed by a centurion. A sign (titulus) which told what the condemned man was guilty of, was sometimes carried by a soldier and sometimes put around the condemned man's neck. Later this sign would be attached to the top of the cross.
There is some evidence in the sources that certain cities in the Roman Empire had places of execution set up outside the walls of the city. The Roman historian Tacitus records that there was such a place in Rome on the Campus Esqulinus (Annals 2:32.2; 15:60.1). Golgotha, outside the walls of Jerusalem, also appears to have been such a set place of execution. At these places of execution would have been permanently located the upright beam of the cross (stipes) onto which the crossbeam piece which the condemned man carried would be attached. When the victim reached the place of execution, by law, he was given a drink of wine mixed with myrrh (gall). This was intended to be mild narcotic that would deaden the pain. The criminal was then stripped naked, thrown to the ground on his back with his arms outstretched along the crossbeam. The hands then would either be tied or nailed to the crossbeam, but the sources clearly indicate that nailing was the Romans' preferred method. Then the victim, now nailed to the crossbeam, would be hoisted up so that the crossbeam was attached to the upright beam. Finally the feet were nailed, one on top of the other, to the upright beam with another iron spike. Jutting out from the upright beam was a small block or plank (sedile) which the crucified would straddle, thus absorbing some of the weight of the body. From the sources we know that there was a high cross and a short cross. The short cross was the more common and was no more than seven feet high.
An archeological breakthrough occurred in June, 1968. For the first time ever, the remains of a crucified man were found in an ancient burial chamber in the northern portion of Jerusalem. The remains were from the time of Jesus, the first century A.D. The name of the crucified man was scratched onto the ossuary. His name was Jehohanan ben Hagqol. The nail driven through his feet was still in place in the feet. It was about 7 inches long and made of iron. Chemical examination of this nail revealed that the cross which the nail had been driven into had been made out of olive wood. Further evidence revealed that the nails had been driven, not through his palms, but through his wrists, between the radius and cubitus. The ancients considered the wrist to be part of the hand. This great archeological find clearly demonstrated once and for all that nails were used in crucifixion.
The pain of crucifixion is not difficult to imagine. In addition to the excruciating pain from the nails, the position of the crucified on the cross led to marked interference with normal respiration, especially exhalation. Earlier I had quoted from Seneca who had described the crucified victim as "drawing the breath of life amid long drawn-out agony." The crucified person could not exhale properly and this eventually would lead to painful muscle cramps. Furthermore, adequate exhaling required the crucified to lift his body by pushing up on the feet and rotating his elbows. This, of course, resulted in searing pain in both feet and hands. Lifting of the body to properly exhale would also painfully scrape the scourged back against the rough wooden cross, probably reopening wounds and causing more bleeding. On the cross every breath would be an agonizing affair and finally in combination with exhaustion would lead to asphyxia.
Death by crucifixion sometimes didn't come to the crucified for several days. There the crucified would hang, naked, the object of jeering and ridicule, insects landing in their mouth, eyes, and open wounds, and unable to remove them, exposed to the elements, unable to eat or drink. Crucifixion in the ancient world, as the ancients themselves tell us, was the most disgraceful and agonizing execution known to man.
*An illustration of an example (from many) what is called crucifixion.

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Esa/Jesus a Prophet of Allah/God
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When The One God (The Creator) - The Most Merciful - The Most Compassionate -The Most Kind - saved the son of Mary (pbuh)...
*An illustration of an example (from many) what is called crucifixion.
>> Crucifixion - Types - Prescribed to whom?
Crucifixion in the Ancient World (before Eshoa [Jesus ]was born)
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>> Why they wanted to crucify Jesus? - Yusha Evans

Everything Stop !

Everything Stop !
''O you who believe! When the call is heard for the prayer of the day of congregation (Jumu'ah), haste unto remembrance of
The One God (The Creator) and leave your trading. That is better for you, if you only knew.'' _Qur'an 62:9

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Proper Scholarly Muslim Quran interpretation vs Islamophobe extremist interpretation

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>> Every Christian Priest Study 'Islam' – Y.ESTES

‏‏‎Sheikh Yusuf Estes‎‏ مع ‏‎Phen JjLacno‎‏ و‏‏3‏ آخرين‏‏.and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, "We are Christians." That is because among them are priests (devoted to learning) and monks and because they are not arrogant. And when they hear what has been revealed to the Messenger (Muhammad), you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of what they have recognized of the truth. They say, "Our Lord, we have believed, so register us among the witnesses. "What cause can we have not to believe in The One God (The Creator) and the truth which has come to us, seeing that we long for our Lord to admit us to the company of the righteous?"_Qur’an 5:82-85
' Say, "We have believed in The One God (The Creator) and in what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Descendants, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus and to the prophets from their Lord: we make no distinction between one and another among them, and (only) to The One God (The Creator) do we submit our will " ' _Qur'an 3:84
'' Yes, Whoever submits himself absolutely to The One God (The Creator) alone (without associating any partners to Him), while leading a righteous life, will receive his recompense from his Lord. And they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.''_ Qur'an 2:112
‘Those that turn [to The One God (The Creator)] in repentance; that serve Him, and praise Him; that fast; that bow down and prostrate themselves in worship (prayer); that enjoin good and forbid evil; and observe the limits (commandments) set by The One God (The Creator);- (These do rejoice). So proclaim the glad tidings to the Believers.’_ Qur'an 9 :112
''Indeed, you cannot guide whom you love but The One God (The Creator) guides those whom He wills and He knows best those who seek guidance.''_Qur'an 28:56

>> Every Christian Priest Study 'Islam' – Y.ESTES
'Islam' = The Submission Only To The Creator in Peace.

**Venha conhecer o Islam **

**Venha conhecer o Islam **
Acesse o link e fale conosco :
👉 www.chatislamonline.org/pt



أهمية الوقت - سعد بن تركي الخثلان

أهمية الوقت - سعد بن تركي الخثلان

The Student who made his Teacher cry.

I Love Islam Fear to Allah
The Student who made his Teacher cry.... Allahu Akbar!!!
A teacher told one of his lazy student:
“if you bring me a handful of the dust of Paradise, you’ll be a successful student.
The next day, the little boy came with a handful of dust and gave it to his teacher.
The teacher became angry and said :"Are you kidding me! where did you get this from?”
The student answered with tears in his eyes “This dust was under the feet of my mother, didn’t you teach us that Paradise lies under the feet of mothers.” ()


¡En el nombre de Alá, el Compasivo, el Misericordioso!
¡En el nombre de Alá, el Compasivo, el Misericordioso!
Alabado sea Alá, Señor del universo,
el Compasivo, el Misericordioso,
Dueño del día del Juicio,
A Ti solo servimos y a Ti solo imploramos ayuda.
Dirígenos por la vía recta,
la vía de los que Tú has agraciado, no de los que han incurrido en la ira, ni de los extraviados.

سبق المفردون

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : سبق المفردون قالوا : و ما المفردون يا رسول الله ؟ قال : الذاكرون الله كثيرا و الذاكرات [رواه مسلم]

The fire before the last hour

‏‏‎ISLAM and Science‎‏ و‏‎Dats Fd‎‏‏.
The fire before the last hour
We have it under our foot in Adan in Yemen !... it is fire….the fire that, according to the Islamic literature, will drive people to their assembly place on the Last Day.
Hudhaifa b. Usaid Ghifari reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) came to us all of a sudden as we were (busy in a discussion). He said: What do you discuss about? They (the Companions) said. We are discussing about the Last Hour. Thereupon he said: It will not cone until you see ten signs before and (in this connection) he made a mention of the smoke, Dajjal, the beast, the rising of the sun from the west, the descent of Jesus son of Mary (Allah be pleased with him), the Gog and Magog, and land-sliding in three places, one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia at the end of which fire would burn forth from the Yemen, and would drive people to the place of their assembly "Book 041, Number 6931"
The spread of the fire, when this volcano erupts, won't be prevented by the existence of the seas as these, in addition to the other seas in the world will turn into fire,. The Holy Quran says what means : "..And when the seas turn into fire."
But Why Adan in Ymen?
Most of the lands of Adan is located in the surrounding sea of the sea, Adan, according to consensus of studies, has been formed as a result of a huge unprecAdanted volcano that broke out and remained erupting for a long time leaving after its extinction a huge crater just like any other volcano, but this one is incomparable,this volcano left behind a huge mountain that contain the crater of that volcano on which the city of Adan in Yemen rests.
It was only when the English conquered Yemen and following the outset of the aviation that the world has discovered that Adan is located on the mouth of this volcano.
Moreover, With the advent of aviation by planes, it has been found that the city is really concave and just as the prophet told us , the English named the city "kraytar",and this was the common name that kraytar, later named Adan, was given.
It is noteworthy that none among the contemporaries of the prophet could ever dare to think that Adan was built on the mouth or the crater of a volcano, moreover; the prophet is talking about the concave shape of Adan.
In 1946, the British Royal Mission headed by professor I.G Gass, after finishing its study on the Adan's volcano , initiated its study saying " ….the present volcanoes are nothing but fireworks, if compared with Adan volcano.
Professor L.G Gass, in his study, goes on to compare the most famous Indonesian volcano that still takes up a large area in the human memory because when it erupted, in 1883, it aftermath is really beyond description; the toll of its victims exceeded 36.000 persons, its detonation went as far as 5.000km, its smoke and dust was so huge and rose high and the sun rays were debarred for more than a week , the island where the volcano happened went into pieces. Scientists estimate the power of this volcano as much as the explosion of one hundred hydrogen bombs. With all of these fearful description, the author compared Adan volcano with that of Indonesia saying:" It is just a kind of fire work if compared with Adan volcano."
In his study" Adan, the History and Civilization in depth" , Marouf Aqouba says:" Adan volcano is one of the six major volcanoes located on one line that extends from Bab Al Mandeb strait and ends at Adan. Some slight eruption, he adds, took place in one of these volcanic centers in the Bird Mountain" Gabel Al-Taheir" that faces Adan.
This volcano goes deep to where the rocks and metals such as iron and Nickel are in molten state. It is now believed that, when this volcano erupted, magma and lava gushed out forming a huge mountain in which the crater of the volcano resides under the city of Adan. This volcano will once again erupt but, at this time, it will be even much more stronger driving people northward to the place where people will assembly on the Doomsday .
The scientific facet:
The prophetic hadith says that the city of Adanis concave-shaped and this was supported by satellite pictures.
The prophet hadith talked about an extinct volcano that will re-erupt before the last hour.
It is known that most of major volcanoes are preceded by earthquakes. Scientists say:"Such earthquakescan be an early warning of volcanic eruptions."
So, in another scientific miracle, the hadith correlates between land sliding and volcanoes .So, where on the earth that culture that knew that there was such relation between earthquakes and volcanoes?
No doubt, It is God, Who informed him of these facts.
Al-Madinah Al-Manoura newspaper, Dr Mohummed Aly Al-Bar, number"16613"
This site is connected to the Satellite

She swore a false oath; how can she expiate that? - islamqa.info

She swore a false oath; how can she expiate that? - islamqa.info

(The Real Faith Team)

The Real Faith
May Allah (SWT) shower you with His Blessings ... Jummah Mubarak to ALL. (The Real Faith Team)

without unity

لا يتوفر نص بديل تلقائي.

Qur'an 22:77

O you who believe! Bow down, and prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord and do good that you may be successful.
Qur'an 22:77