الاثنين، 26 نوفمبر 2018

ھوقۇق ۋە مەجبۇرىيەت- ئەر ۋە ئايال ئوتتۇرىسىدىكى ھەقلەر (01-قىسىم) نەپەقە ھەققى - ئۇيغۇرچە - نىزامىددىن تەمكىنى

ھوقۇق ۋە مەسئۇلىيەت- ئەر ۋە ئايال ئوتتۇرىسىدىكى ھەقلەر (2-قىسىم) ياخشى مۇئامىلە - ئۇيغۇرچە - نىزامىددىن تەمكىنى

Sa Kur’anom sam spoznao istinu 2 - Arnaud Van Dorn iz Holandije - Bosanski

Sa Kur’anom sam spoznao istinu 2 - Muhammed iz Armenije - Bosanski

Sa Kur’anom sam spoznao istinu 2 - Muhammed iz Armenije - Bosanski: Njegovo ime je Muhammed, ima 29 godina. Primio je islam 2006. godine u Rusiji. Radi u proizvodnji ulja od ćurekota , i svemu što ima veze sa Poslanikovom medicinom, zdravom i prirodnom ishranom. Božijom voljom njegov pogled se zadržao na jednom kur’anskom odlomku. Dugo je zastao kod poglavlja El-’Asr. Spoznao je da su svi ljudi na gubitku, osim oni koji veruju u Boga i rade dobra djela...

محمد از دیدگاه خاورشناسان - فارسی

محمد از دیدگاه خاورشناسان - فارسی: دیدگاه خاورشناسان و اسلام پژوهان غربی را در مورد شخصیت حضرت محمد صلی الله علیه وسلم بیان می‌نماید. نویسنده در این اثر خواندنی، با استفاده از مقالات و کتاب‌های دانشمندان غربی، سخنان آنان را در مورد شخصیت بی‌نظیر پیامبر اسلام نقل کرده و دیدگاه‌شان را در مورد نقش و تأثیرگذاری آن پیامبر ارجمند در فرهنگ و تاریخ بشری بیان می‌کند.

قرآن كريم وترجمة معانى آن بزبان فارسى - فارسی

قرآن كريم وترجمة معانى آن بزبان فارسى - فارسی: قرآن كريم وترجمة معانى آن بزبان فارسى

پاراستنی زمان - كوردی سۆرانی - مامۆستا موحه‌مه‌د مه‌لا فایق

پاراستنی زمان - كوردی سۆرانی - مامۆستا موحه‌مه‌د مه‌لا فایق: ئه‌م بابه‌ته‌ بریته‌ له‌ وتاری هه‌ینی، مامۆستا موحه‌مه‌د مه‌لا فایق - خوا بیپارێزێت - باسی پاراستنی زمان ده‌كات له‌ ڕوانگه‌ی ئایه‌ته‌كانی قورئانی پیرۆز وفه‌رموده‌كانی پێغه‌مبه‌ری خوا صلی الله علیه وسلم.

زیانه‌كانی توڕه‌بوون - كوردی سۆرانی - مامۆستا موحه‌مه‌د مه‌لا فایق

زیانه‌كانی توڕه‌بوون - كوردی سۆرانی - مامۆستا موحه‌مه‌د مه‌لا فایق: ئه‌م بابه‌ته‌ بریته‌ له‌ وتاری هه‌ینی، مامۆستا موحه‌مه‌د مه‌لا فایق - خوا بیپارێزێت - باسی زیانه‌كانی توڕه‌بوون ده‌كات له‌ ڕوانگه‌ی ئایه‌ته‌كانی قورئانی پیرۆز وفه‌رموده‌كانی پێغه‌مبه‌ری خوا صلی الله علیه وسلم.

Женщина в исламе - Русский

Женщина в исламе - Русский: О положении женщин в Исламе

Этика в Исламе - Русский

Этика в Исламе - Русский: Книга об исламской этике

Schwäche im Glaube und Sünden - Was tun ? - 04 - Deutsch - Muhammad S. Al-Almany

Schwäche im Glaube und Sünden - Was tun ? - 05 - Deutsch - Muhammad S. Al-Almany

Al Ghusl (A Bath) - English

Al Ghusl (A Bath) - English: This episode shows the Rulings concerning How one must have Al-Ghusl (A Bath), its conditions, manners and etiquettes in Islam according to Quran and Sunnah.

At-Tayammum - English

At-Tayammum - English: This episode shows the Rulings concerning How one must perform At-Tayammum, its conditions, manners and etiquettes in Islam according to Quran and Sunnah.

Wiping of full leather foot wears, socks, splints, bandages - English

Wiping of full leather foot wears, socks, splints, bandages - English: This episode shows the Rulings concerning the Wiping over Leather socks, splints, bandages and its conditions in Islam according to Quran and Sunnah.

Αμαρτία και Συγχώρεση στον Χριστιανισμό και το Ισλάμ - Ελληνικά - Έζια Άλι Τάχα

Αμαρτία και Συγχώρεση στον Χριστιανισμό και το Ισλάμ - Ελληνικά - Έζια Άλι Τάχα: Αυτό το ενημερωτικό βιβλίο αντιμετωπίζει το βασικό θέμα της αμαρτίας και της συγχώρεσης στο σημερινό Χριστιανισμό και στο Ισλάμ από μια αναλυτική άποψη .

Ο Ιησους Στο Ισλαμ - Ελληνικά - Άχμαντ Ντιντάτ

Ο Ιησους Στο Ισλαμ - Ελληνικά - Άχμαντ Ντιντάτ: Αυτό το βιβλίο μιλά για τον Ιησού, ειρήνη σε αυτόν, και για την απόλυτη αλήθεια του στο Ισλάμ. Ξεκινάει από την θαυμαστή γέννησή του, και μετά για τα θαύματα που έκανε κατά την διάρκεια της ζωής του με την άδεια του Αλλάχ. Δείχνει την αληθινή θέση του και πως διαφέρει από την υπερβολική εξύμνηση των χριστιανών προς αυτόν.

Khatma - Wird Al Qu’rân - Français

Provision Du Jeûneur - Français

Provision Du Jeûneur - Français: Provision Du Jeûneur

ሕቶን መልስን - 07 - ትግረኛ - ሳልሕ ስዕድ

ሕቶን መልስን - 07 - ትግረኛ - ሳልሕ ስዕድ: እዚኣ ሙሐዳራ ሲለ ናይ ሸክ ሙሐመድ ሳልሕ አል ዑሰይምንፋታዋ ቱርጉም ዝትገልጽ ሙሐዳራ ኢያ

ታላቅ ምክር ለአድሱ ትውልድ - አማርኛ

ታላቅ ምክር ለአድሱ ትውልድ - አማርኛ: ይህ መጽሃፍ በጥበብና በመረጃ ክርስትያኖችን ወደ እስልምና የሚጠራ ብርቅዬ መጽሃፍ ነው

Trīs principi


The Top Five#HUDATV

The Only One Sent To All Mankind#HUDATV

Explanation of the Last Tenth of the Quran Followed By Rulings that Concern Every Muslim - ދިވެހި - ޢިލްމުވެރިންތަކެއް

Explanation of the Last Tenth of the Quran Followed By Rulings that Concern Every Muslim - ދިވެހި - ޢިލްމުވެރިންތަކެއް: އިސްލާމް ހައުސް ވެބްސައިޓަކީ އިސްލާމީ ދަޢުވަތު ދުނިޔޭގެ ގިނަ ބަސްތަކުން ހުށަހަޅައިދޭ އެންމެ ބޮޑު ވެބްސައިޓެވެ. މިސައިޓްގައި 100 އަށްވުރެ ގިނަ ބަސްތަކުން، ހިލޭ ލިބޭ މާއްދާތައް އެކުލެވިގެން ވެއެވެ. އޭގެތެރޭގައި ފޮތްތަކާއި، އޯޑިއޯ، ވީޑިއޯ، ޕޯސްޓަރުތައް، އިސް

قران كريم وترجمه معنى غاتاانا براهوئى زبان تي

Hver er tilgangur lífs þíns?

Positivity in Islam - The Religion of Islam

Positivity in Islam - The Religion of Islam: In this video Dr. Waleed Basyouni discusses the positive nature of the Islamic call. He highlights the fact that one of the core reasons behind the existence of the Shariah is to bring happiness to the lives of people. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.

Islam is a Faith of Peace - The Religion of Islam

Islam is a Faith of Peace - The Religion of Islam: In this video, Dr. Sabeel clarifies some of the allegations against Islam. He also explains why it is unfair to consider Islam a radical ideology. He then shares some thoughts about the holy month of Ramadan. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.

I'm a middle-aged, white Scottish man who converted to Islam without ever meeting a Muslim. This is how | The Independent

Mission Dawah Africa - YouTube

Mission Dawah Africa - YouTube: Abdurraheem Green, Yusuf Chamber, Adnan Rashid and their team are in Africa to continue the mission of our Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. Follow then LIVE: http://www.m...

Search Results - …افضل الاعمال (page 1) - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

المولد النبوى

in Toraja population in Indonesia

‏‎ISLAM and Science‎‏ مع ‏‎Dats Fd‎‏ و‏‎Ummi Ahmad‎‏.
That is what is happening in Toraja population in Indonesia , Indonesia is the biggest muslim country , but since our Indonesian brothers and sisters stopped making dawah (dawah=presenting Islam and expalining it to non muslims) , lets have a look at what is happening in their country :
The Toraja are an ethnic group indigenous to a mountainous region of South Sulawesi, Indonesia,
In Toraja society, the funeral ritual is the most elaborate and expensive event. The richer and more powerful the individual, the more expensive is the funeral.
The ceremony is often held weeks, months, or years after the death so that the deceased's family can raise the significant funds needed to cover funeral expenses. Torajans traditionally believe that death is not a sudden, abrupt event, but a gradual process toward Puya (the land of souls, or afterlife). During the waiting period, the body of the deceased is wrapped in several layers of cloth and kept under the tongkonan. The soul of the deceased is thought to linger around the village until the funeral ceremony is completed, after which it begins its journey to Puya
Another component of the ritual is the slaughter of water buffalo. The more powerful the person who died, the more buffalo are slaughtered at the death feast
There are three methods of burial: the coffin may be laid in a cave or in a carved stone grave, or hung on a cliff. It contains any possessions that the deceased will need in the afterlife. The wealthy are often buried in a stone grave carved out of a rocky cliff. The grave is usually expensive and takes a few months to complete. In some areas, a stone cave may be found that is large enough to accommodate a whole family. A wood-carved effigy, called Tau tau, is usually placed in the cave looking out over the land. The coffin of a baby or child may be hung from ropes on a cliff face or from a tree. This hanging grave usually lasts for years, until the ropes rot and the coffin falls to the ground.
In the ritual called Ma'Nene, that takes place each year in August, the bodies of the deceased are exhumed to be washed, groomed and dressed in new clothes. The mummies are then walked around the village
Finallay i want to say to muslims : Stop being spineless ! enjoining the good and forbidding the evil is the duty of every muslim !
Go and try to convince them to stop those bad habits , and try to be a gentle polite person when talking to them ...stop fearing other than Allah , do your duty 

The Galaxy

‏‎ISLAM and Science‎‏ مع ‏‎Inten Ya Inten‎‏.
The Galaxy
The galaxy is a group of stars. When God created the universe, he distributed the stars in the sky in a wonderful order, as each group of stars gathers with each other to form a galaxy. Do you know how many stars does the galaxy contain?
Each galaxy contains more than hundred billion stars, it forms a great and marvelous structure, so glory to God! How is this universe wide and big and God be he exalted bigger and greater as he is the creator of the universe.
The Quran told us about this wonderful structure, God be he exalted says:
(Allâh, it is He Who has made for you the earth as a dwelling place and the sky as a canopy, and has given you shape and made your shapes good (looking) and has provided you with good things. That is Allâh, your Lord: so Blessed be Allâh, the Lord of the ‘Âlamîn (mankind, jinn and all that exists)
[Sûrat Ghâfir, verse: 64]

Эҳсоси масъулият дар муҷтамаъ - Тоҷикӣ

Эҳсоси масъулият дар муҷтамаъ - Тоҷикӣ: Ин навор дар мавриди масъулиятшиноси ва эҳсос кардани он дар муҷтамаъ, суҳбат мекунад.

การฮิจญ์เราะฮฺของท่านเราะสูล ศ็อลลัลลอฮุอะลัยฮิวะสัลลัม เกิดขึ้นในเดือนเราะบีอุลเอาวัล - ไทย - มุหัมมัด สะอฺด์ อับดุลดายิม

การฮิจญ์เราะฮฺของท่านเราะสูล ศ็อลลัลลอฮุอะลัยฮิวะสัลลัม เกิดขึ้นในเดือนเราะบีอุลเอาวัล - ไทย - มุหัมมัด สะอฺด์ อับดุลดายิม: บทความที่กล่าวถึงข้อเท็จจริงทางประวัติศาสตร์เกี่ยวกับวันเวลาในการฮิจญ์เราะฮฺของท่านนบี ศ็อลลัลลอฮุอะลัยฮิวะสัลลัม ซึ่งเกิดขึ้นในเดือนเราะบีอุลเอาวัล ไม่ใช่ในเดือนมุหัรร็อมตามที่อาจจะเกิดความเข้าใจผิดของหลายๆ คน พร้อมฟัตวาเกี่ยวกับการเฉลิมฉลองปีใหม่อิสลาม

Müslümanların bayramlarını birleştirmenin doğru yolu - Türkçe - İlmi Araştırmalar, Fetva, Davet ve İrşad Daimi Komitesi

Müslümanların bayramlarını birleştirmenin doğru yolu - Türkçe - İlmi Araştırmalar, Fetva, Davet ve İrşad Daimi Komitesi: Müslümanların farklı günlerde dînî bayram yapmalarının, Ramazan ve Kurban bayramının, orucun haram olduğu bayram gününde oruç tutulmasına veya oruç tutmanın farz olduğu günde orucun bozulmasına yol açtığı bilindiğine göre, İslâm’ın bu farklılık konusundaki görüşü nedir? Bu önemli meselede Allah katında bize mazeret olabilecek yeterli cevabı vermenizi rica ediyoruz. Bu farklılık bazen iki güne, bazen üç güne çıktığı zamanlar bile olmaktadır. İslâm, bu ihtilafı reddettiğine göre, müslümanların bayramlarını birleştirmenin doğru yolu nedir?

4 Bức Thông Điệp Cảnh Báo Về Những Điều Bidah - Việt Nam - Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz

4 Bức Thông Điệp Cảnh Báo Về Những Điều Bidah - Việt Nam - Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz: 4 Bức Thông Điệp Cảnh Báo Về Những Điều Bidꞌah: Quyển sách gồm bốn bức thông điệp phân tích và giải thích về sự sai lêch của những việc làm Bid’ah đang hiện hành trong các cộng đồng Muslim ngày nay như: Mawlid Nabi, lễ kỷ niệm đêm Isra và Mi’ra-j, lễ đón mừng đêm giữa tháng Sha’ban, và lưu ý về lời di huấn bịa đặt được gán cho Sheikh Ahmad, người phục vụ cho Al-Haram Al-Nabawi.

Why Am I So Unintelligent? | About Islam

Why Am I So Unintelligent? | About Islam: I feel so unintelligent as I always lose focus when I try to study. I fail to even understand the subject, even with the simplest of concepts.

EL TAWHID El derecho de Allah sobre sus siervos - Español - Muhammad Al-Tamimi

EL TAWHID El derecho de Allah sobre sus siervos - Español - Muhammad Al-Tamimi: Este libro trata sobre diferentes aspectos del monoteísmo y la idolatría, identificando cada uno de ellos. El objetivo del autor es evidenciar a los musulmanes las enseñanzas del Profeta Muhammad sobre distintos aspectos de la doctrina Islámica, destruyendo mitos construidos en torno a diferentes supersticiones y malentendidos, que tienen base en la ignorancia e introducción de conceptos ajenos al Islam y su monoteísmo.

Guide to Islam, A Brief Guide to Understand Islam & Muslims

Guide to Islam, A Brief Guide to Understand Islam & Muslims: This guide is for new Muslims & non-Muslims who would like to learn more about Islam, Allah, Prophet Mohammed and the Quran.

  “Imposible para sa sinumang sumusuri

“Imposible para sa sinumang sumusuri sa buhay at asal ng dakilang Propeta ng Arabia, na may alam kung paano siya nangaral at namuhay, na makaramdam ng anuman maliban sa paggalang sa dakilang Propetang ito na isa sa mga magiting na mensahero ng Poong Maykapal.
At bagaman sa aking mga sasabihin sa inyo maraming mga bagay ang aking babanggitin na marahil alam na alam ng karamihan, subalit ako mismo ay nakakadama, tuwing binabasa ang mga ito, ng isang panibagong paghanga at galang sa magiting na Arabeng gurong ito.”
[The Life and Teachings of Muhammad, Madras, 1932, p. 4]
Annie Besant
(1847-1933) Pinunong nasyonalistang Britanyo sa India. Pangulo ng Batasang Pambansa ng India sa taong 1917.

dua befoore sleeping

When Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. went to sleep at night, he would say: "with Your Name Allah I live or die." Moreover, he would gather his hands and blew in them and recited Al Mu`awwidhatayn (Surahs Al-Falaq and Al-Nas) and Surat Al Ikhlas then wipe as much as he can of his body, starting with his head and face then the front of his body (thrice), sleeping on the right sidelying. 💚