السبت، 11 يونيو 2016

Saudi Airlines staff

تمت إضافة ‏‏6‏ من الصور الجديدة‏ من قبل ‏‎Mohsin Hasan Mumtaz‎‏.
15 ساعة
Saudi Airlines staff and crew members spending their time with Salah and Qur'an, Subhan Allaah

The World of the Jinn (part 1 of 2) - The Religion of Islam

A Time To Please Allah Jun 11th 2015 #HUDATV Copy Copy

Prophet Muhammad the last Messenger in the Bible - English - Kais Al-Kalby

disliked to disturb him''

قناة الهدى
Abullah ibn Shadad narreted that the Prophet SAW made a long prostration in a prayer until they thought that he was died,after the prayer the Prophet said that ;''my grandson mounted my back so I disliked to disturb him''


Small Boy Runs Giant Machinery (What About Muslim Kids?)

La fede in Dio (Tutte le parti) - La religione dell'Islam

La fede in Dio (Tutte le parti) - La religione dell'Islam


Eyesight of Owl:

Darussalam Publishers & Distributors
Eyesight of Owl:
The owl can see the small, warm-bodied mouse as it runs across the cold grass, no matter how dark the night.
Shellfish Eyes:
Shellfish have compound eyes. These eyes shine because each eye has numerous small reflectors that are not present in human eyes.
[from “Scientific Miracles in the Oceans & Animals” by “Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad”, published by Darussalam, 2010]

An amazing new revert:

‏‏‎Revert To Islam‎‏ و‏‎MeLoco Akier Daez‎‏‏.
An amazing new revert:
Assalamu Alaikom!! I will keep this brief.pictured here is my self ( on the left) and my friend and fellow brother on the right (Zak) . If it were not for my friend helping me along , I would not known if I would have been given the resources to convert . Alhamdulillah, this man's wealth of knowledge is amazing, we both work in the social service and mental health fields and try to show that Muslims come in all shapes, sizes and colors ( quite literally many colors).
Joey , Los Angeles, California

According to bible is it to call someone fool ?

تمت مشاركة ‏منشور‏ ‏‎Answering Christanity‎‏ من قبل ‏‎Koki Noor‎‏.
Answering Christanity
According to bible is it to call someone fool ?
NO :
Whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. Matthew 5:22
by Jesus :
Ye fools and blind. Matthew 23:17, 19
Ye fools. Luke 11:40
O fools, and slow of heart to believe. Luke 24:25
by Paul :
Their foolish heart was darkened. Romans 1:21-22
Thou fool. 1 Corinthians 15:36
O foolish Galatians. Galatians 3:1

This is what non-Muslim historic personalities said about ‪#‎WhoIsMuhammad‬

{Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 131, Book 7, Hadith 3}

‏‏‎Mohsin Hasan Mumtaz‎‏ و‏‎Maryam Zamora‎‏‏.
Abu Hurayra RA reported that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, "The person who cares for widows and poor is like those who fight in the way of Allaah and like those who fast in the day and pray at night."
{Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 131, Book 7, Hadith 3}

IslamReligion.com - Chat With Us

هل يجوز الإفطار وإطعام مسكين | د. محمد العريفي

Women's Curse? Or Women's Rights? (Islam: No Original Sin)

Ramadan Hadith (special collection)

School Bans Girl for Skit Too LONG

طريقة إبداعية لحفظ القرآن - عربي - عبد الدائم الكحيل

Islam is the trut

John Fontain
Islam is the truth. Throughout the world many non-Muslims are rightly impressed with the legacy of Muhammad Ali, but just imagine if they did some research intothe Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him and his companions. Subhanallah the sahaba were so beloved to Allah that Allah even mentioned them in the Original Tawrat and Injeel sent to Moses and Jesus peace be upon them. How can anyone deny the legacy of Prophet Muhammad and his companions?‪#‎LearnIslam‬ ‪#‎WhoWasProphetMuhammadPeaceBeUponHim‬

La Creencia en las Escrituras - La religión del Islam

Са Кур'аном је спознао истину. Метју из Белгије

Докази да Кур’ан није дело Посланика Мухаммеда - Српски

Croire aux Écritures - La religion de l'Islam

Respect for Hashim Amla, Ma sha Allaah

This old man

تمت إضافة ‏‏2‏ من الصور الجديدة‏ من قبل ‏‎Mohsin Hasan Mumtaz‎‏.
This old man gives more importance to Qur'an while earning a halal living by selling some Siwaak. Subhan Allaah

Jazaki Allaahu khairan sisters and mothers!

Mohsin Hasan Mumtaz
Jazaki Allaahu khairan sisters and mothers!
May Allaah reward you all with best in dunya wal akhirah. Aameen

Muslim- Heavy Metal Punk Musician Extreme Tattoos Piercings Converts

Babies Born IN SIN? What?

مشاري راشد العفاسي سورة مريم ١٤٣٥هـ - 2014م


Idiot Christian couple pledges to divorce if gay marriage is legalized

Was Jesus the "Father" too?

the Weekly Quran Gem Series

we Continue With the Weekly Quran Gem Series with “Miracle of Ayat ul Kursi” to be released on Thursday (12-06), Around 2pm GMT time, In sha Allah!
New Quran Gem Will be released Every thursday, henceforth, In sha Allah!
Donate so that they can completely focus on this series Alone:http://www.gofundme.com/qurangems
Request for Volunteers:
Also we would like you to send us 3-6mins Audios from Brother Nouman Ali Khan Lectures that you think can be converted into Quran Gems! simply send the audio file as an attachment by emailing to nakcollection@gmail.com
[Pic is of a Quran Gem Video Under Production]
Help Reconnect the World to Qur'an - A project of Green Bird Media Productions , Darul Arqam Studios & Nouman Ali Khan Collection

The first thing

‏‏‎Dr. Bilal Philips‎‏ مع ‏‎Achmad Rizal Purnama‎‏ و‏‏41‏ آخرين‏‏.
ed." (Bukhari & Muslim) And before going to sleep, "Bismi kallaahumma (In your name O Allah) I die and come back to life." (Abu Dawood & Tirmithi)