السبت، 28 ديسمبر 2019

الحفاظ الصغار - التطبيقات على Google Play

الحفاظ الصغار - التطبيقات على Google Play: تطبيق تفاعلي يأخذ بأيدي أطفالنا الأحباب إلى التعلق بالسنة النبوية المطهرة، والتزام آدابها، والسلوك على دربها، عن طريق برنامج لحفظ أحاديث نبينا المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم، ومعرفة معانيها وإرشاداتها التربوية، ومطالعة أسماء الصحابة الأعلام رواة الأحاديث الأجلاء رضي الله عنهم أجمعين، كل ذلك بطريقة سهلة وممتعة، وشاشات تصميمية شيقة
ويحتوي التطبيق على نص مشكَّل للأحاديث وقراءة صوتية رائقة بصوت طفل متقن، مقسمة على خمس مستويات تصاعدية منوعة، تشمل موضوعات العقيدة والآداب والأخلاق
كما يتضمن تدريبيات مساعدة بعد حفظ كل حديث، بالإضافة إلى اختبارات تدريبية لاجتياز كل مستوى، ويمكن استخدام هذا التطبيق من إنتاج وتنفيذ مجموعة زاد ، وبرعاية كريمة من أوقاف الشيخ محمد بن عبد العزيز الراجحي

المسيحيون غاضبون لأنني نشرت هذه الفقرة من الإنجيل بمناسبة الكريسماس

Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Christ Wasn't Born on Dec. 25 | United Church of God

Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Christ Wasn't Born on Dec. 25 | United Church of God: Is it even possible that December 25 could be the day of Christ's birth?

25th December is Copied from Pagan god birthday !

تمت إضافة ‏‏١١‏ صورة جديدة‏ بواسطة ‏‎Answering Christanity‎‏ إلى الألبوم: ‏‎25th December Birthday of Jesus Christ ?‎‏ — مع ‏‎Roflo Ibrahim Proceso‎‏.
25th December is Copied from Pagan god birthday !
#Christianity derived many of its essential elements from the ancient religion of Mithraism.
many of the traditions, rites and symbols of modern day "Christian" holidays have their roots in paganism. Have you ever wondered why December 25th was chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus? Could it only be a consequence that ancient paganism and the story of Mithras' birth coincides with the Yule/#Christmas season? If the accounts in the #Bible are correct, the time of #Jesus birth would have been closer to mid-summer, for this is when shepherds would have been "tending their flocks in the field " and the new lambs were born. Strange enough, the ancient pagan religion, Mithraism, which dates back over 4,000 years, also celebrated the birth of their "saviour" on December 25th. Franz Cumont, who is consider by many to be the leading research authority on #Roman #Paganism, explained the ancient religion called #Mithraism.
Then #Mithras returned to the earth to teach humanity His commandments and begin Mysteries and Rites which would help humans remember His acts on our behalf. Because of His actions, we can choose good without the overwhelming power of evil, even though evil's influence can still seem powerful because our minds believe it is. Because of His teachings, we know that the purpose of our lives is to serve others in the name of Mithras. The followers refer to Him as the "Light of the World" a phrase often used also in Christian faith when referring to Jesus.
This son of a #god born of a #virgin, was so commonly spread in those days that Philo of Alexandria (30 BCE - 45 CE), warned against this widespread superstitious belief in unions between male gods and human females. The offspring’s are known as demigods.
In this Album I Listed rest all PAGAN DIETIES....
thanks to Roman Emperor Constantine...For Adding all pagan acts in Christianity.
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#islam #allah #muslim #ummah #christian #muhammad #quran #jesuschrist #sonofGod #son #Christianity #pagan #birthday #25thdecember #christmas

What's your excuse for not perfoming 5x salah?

1 Mina Samir
What's your excuse for not perfoming 5x salah?
“On the Day of Judgment, a slave will be questioned about his prayers first. If his prayers are good, his other deeds will be good, too. If his prayers are bad, his other deeds will be bad, too.”
Astagfirullah. SubhanaAllah. Allaho akbar

What Should Be Avoided during Menstruation? | About Islam

What Should Be Avoided during Menstruation? | About Islam: What should be avoided during menstruation? We should be aware of what can and can't be done when women have their periods.

Response to "Yajuj Majuj don't exist as is traditionally believed"