الثلاثاء، 6 نوفمبر 2018

Jesus: The Father is the only true God.

Jesus: The Father is the only true God.
Paul: ...God and the Father.
Trinitarianism: There is only one God, but three persons.
These two passages present a problem to Trinitarianism, if there is only one true God, then Paul is saying that there are two Gods.
Give thanks to "God and the God", how many Gods is that? More than one!

Muhammads Biographie (teil 4 von 12): Verfolgung in Mekka - Die Religion des Islam

Жизнь Мухаммада. Первые откровения (часть 3 из 12) - Религия Ислам

Deus: al-Awwal, al-Akhir (O Primeiro & Último) - A religião do Islã

How Did the Prophet Muhammad Deal with His Enemies? (With French Translation) - The Religion of Islam

Capítulo 36 , Ya Sin (Ya Sin) - A religião do Islã

Capítulo 36 , Ya Sin (Ya Sin) - A religião do Islã: Um breve comentário do capítulo 36 do
Alcorão Sagrado.  Esse capítulo nos compele a pensar além de nossa vida desse
mundo e nos lembra da Outra Vida, do poder de Deus e das consequências de
nossos atos.  Este site é para pessoas de várias crenças que buscam entender o Islã e os muçulmanos.  Contém muitos artigos breves mas informativos sobre aspectos diferentes do Islã.  Novos artigos são acrescentados toda semana.  Também apresenta um chat de Ajuda Online.

Kpengba Tênè Na Ndo Ti Nziä Ti Nzě Ti Ramadan KAPA - 01 - YouTube

The Beauty Of Islam, Why Bad Things Happen - Sh Yusuf Estes - IslamYou Tube - ShareIslam Video Site


5 TIMES WHEN ALLAH ACCEPTS YOUR DUA - ISLAMIC PREACHER: www.islamicpreacher.org has been launched with a noble intention to aware the people across the World about the teachings of Islam.

Fake eye-lashes, adding hair and doing tattoos - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem - YouTube

SCDawah Channel - YouTube

SCDawah Channel - YouTube: Dawah & Debates straight from Speakers Corner! Learn and teach! Subscribe and share! Donate to support us here: Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/ScdawahChannel ...

Biografia de Muhammad (parte 2 de 12): Do Nascimento à Idade Adulta - A religião do Islã

狩猟 - 日本語 - ムハンマド・ブン・イブラーヒーム・アッ=トゥワイジリー

狩猟 - 日本語 - ムハンマド・ブン・イブラーヒーム・アッ=トゥワイジリー: 狩猟とは相応の道具を用いて、誰の所有物でもなく、また誰にも捕まえられていない合法な野生動物を意図しつつ仕留めることです。

Addiction to Drugs & Alcohol | Yusha Evans - YouTube

Mensaje para un Ateo - Español

Mensaje para un Ateo - Español: IslamHouse es el mayor sitio web para Dawah en los idiomas del mundo. Contiene material gratuito en más de 100 idiomas. Tiene: libros, audios, videos, posters, aplicaciones Islámicas y otros.

Man who killed three in Colorado Walmart was 'angry' loner with no furniture but stacks of Bibles

Man who killed three in Colorado Walmart was 'angry' loner with no furniture but stacks of Bibles: A Colorado man who shot three people dead at a Walmart store in Thornton was a hostile loner who lived by himself with barely any furniture save a stack of Christian Bibles, the Daily Beast reported on Friday. To his neighbors, wrote Carol McKinley, Scott Ostrem was a “bizarre, angry man who lived alone in an apartment with a stack of Bibles and virtually no furniture.” On Wednesday, Ostrem walked into a Walmart store, pulled …

Siguiendo al Profeta - Español - Julio César Cárdenas Arenas (Abdullah ben Sadiq)

Siguiendo al Profeta - Español - Julio César Cárdenas Arenas (Abdullah ben Sadiq): IslamHouse es el mayor sitio web para Dawah en los idiomas del mundo. Contiene material gratuito en más de 100 idiomas. Tiene: libros, audios, videos, posters, aplicaciones Islámicas y otros.

¿COMO REZABAN LOS PROFETAS Abraham, Moisés, Jesús y Muhammad, la paz sea sobre ellos.?

اقوال تخالف العقيده

Islam & The New World Order - The Religion of Islam

Concept of God in Islam - YouTube

Quran Visualization – Let men of understanding take heed