الأحد، 21 فبراير 2016

s the ‪#‎opportunity‬ of ‪#‎fasting‬ 3 days from tomorrow!

1⃣أذكركم بصيام غدا الإثنين أول الأيام البيض . 2⃣وسوره الملك 3⃣ وأذكار النوم تصبحون ع خير بإْذن لله 4 لا تنس عمل شير فى الخير بارك الله فيك ‏‎smile‎‏ رمز تعبيري
Don't miss the ‪#‎opportunity‬ of ‪#‎fasting‬ 3 days from tomorrow!
Jareer Ibn ‘Abdullaah RA narrated that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Fasting 3 days of each month is fasting for a lifetime, and Ayyaam Al-beed (the white days) are the 13th, 14th and 15th.” (Al-Nasa’i, 2420)
"Whoever fasts one day for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will keep his face 70 years’ distance away from the Fire because of it.” (Muslim, 2/808)
‪#‎Note‬: Fast according to your local lunar calender!

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