السبت، 25 مارس 2017

You are an Islamic scholar

You are an Islamic scholar, your interlocutor is an ordinary believing christian.if the basis for his denying Jesus Christ is because he cannot find a scripture to support his belief in the bible as the truth of God, then you have a very na ive reason for chest thumping. perhaps the 1st. verse of the Gospel of St. John chapter one, may be of interest to you.I am 100% sure you have the Bible is only to look for loopholes.
Praise be to Allah.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
[John Ch 1 Verse 1]
The Greek word for ‘God’ used in the phrase “and the Word was with God,” is the definite form hotheos, meaning ‘The God’. However, in the second phrase “and the Word was God”, the Greek word used for ‘God’ is the indefinite form tontheos, which means ‘a god’.
" The Word use as god tontheos means "a god" small "g" and in the first one is "God" hotheos with capital "G" "God".
But you read the english translation they use the capital "G" for the both times nothing but deceving , clearly. Small "g" for used for Messenger if you read the bible it mentions
Moses is also referred to as “god” in Exodus 7:1, “And the Lord said unto Moses, ‘See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh; and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.” [32] .
If you read the Bible with proper understanding and in Context Jesus(pbuh) never claim divinity.
Hope that answer the Question .
Allah knows the best
Answered/ Compiled by #MohammedAsifAli #AdvAsifAli

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