الأربعاء، 13 فبراير 2013

◔ Prophet Muhammad in Parsi Scriptures

◔ Prophet Muhammad in Parsi Scriptures

● The Epistle of Sasan I in Dasatir contains the prophecy about Prophet Muhammad. Sasan I was a reformer of the Zoroastrian religion. It is believed that this Epistle is a part of the teachings of Prophet Zoroaster, to which Sasan I added his explanatory notes. Some scholars have suggested that the word ‘Dasatir’ means ten (das) parts (tir) while others contend that this word is derived from Dasatur, meaning religious law.

● The Epistle of Sasan I describes future events at a time when Zoroastrians will have forsaken their religious practices.

⇛ “When the Persians will do such deeds, a man from among ⇛ the Arabs will be born whose followers shall overthrow and dissolve the kingdom and religion of the Persians. And the arrogant people (Persians) will be subjugated.
Instead of the temple of fire and the house of idols they will see
⇛ the House of Abraham without any idols as their Qibla (Direction of worship).

“And they (Muslims) will be a mercy to the worlds. And they will capture the places of temples of fire, Madain (Ctesiphon), nearby lands, Tus and Balkh, and other eminent and sacred places (of Zoroastrians). And ⇛ their leader will be an eloquent man whose words and message will be clear and far-reaching.”

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