الأربعاء، 16 أكتوبر 2024

حديث: „Аллаху, ко преузме одговорност над неким питањима мога уммета, па му отежа, отежај и Ти њему! А онај ко преузме одговорност над неким питањима мога уммета, па им олакша, олакшај и Ти њему!“ - Encyclopedia of Translated Prophetic Hadiths

حديث: „Аллаху, ко преузме одговорност над неким питањима мога уммета, па му отежа, отежај и Ти њему! А онај ко преузме одговорност над неким питањима мога уммета, па им олакша, олакшај и Ти њему!“ - Encyclopedia of Translated Prophetic Hadiths

Abdul Basit Abd us-Samad Quran complete (Part 3/3) I الشيخ عبدالباسط عبدالصمد القرآن الكريم كامل - YouTube

Abdul Basit Abd us-Samad Quran complete (Part 3/3) I الشيخ عبدالباسط عبدالصمد القرآن الكريم كامل - YouTube

التوحيد أولًا - YouTube

التوحيد أولًا - YouTube

التوحيد أولًا - YouTube

التوحيد أولًا - YouTube

Word "ALLAH" in the Bible (Evidence From The Bible)

 Word "ALLAH" in the Bible (Evidence From The Bible)

Word Allah in the Bible 




1.0 First Example


English Bible - King James Version

Genesis 1:1

"In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth . . . "


Genesis 1:1 - Arabic transliteration

"Fee al-badi' khalaqa Allahu as-Samaawaat wa al-Ard . . . "


Genesis 1:1 - Arabic Bible




2.0 Second Example

English Bible - King James Version


John 3:16

"For God so loved the world,that . . . "


John 3:16 - Arabic transliteration

"Li-annhu haakadha ahabba Allahu al-'Aalama hataa badhala . . . "


[John 3:16 - Arabic Bible]




3.0 Third Example


English Bible - New King James Version


Luke 3:38

"The son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God."


Luke 3:38 - Arabic transliteration

"bini Anoosha, bini Sheeti, bini Aaadama, abni Allahi."


Luke 3:38 - Arabic Bible







Even Word "Allah " is the most powerful word in the world !
Word "Allah" in Quran ............ Most Miraculous word in the world in any language.
Word "God" is more manipulative ...... according to English Language.
God+s= Gods
God+ess = Goddess
God+Mother=God Mother
God+Father= God Father
God+less= Godless
When it comes to Word " Allah"
No Letter or
No word ............ Can add into it,
its meaning wont change in any language or dialect in the world.
No language exist in the world what can change its meaning .... Word "Allah אללה * الله "represent the CREATOR OR LORD OF THE UNIVERSE most special way.
Isn't it a MIRACLE ?
Accept "Allah אללה * الله" as Your Lord,My Lord ...... and All of us Lord.
By Final Testament.
كل التفاعلات:

Allah, The Lord Of The Universe !


Allah * אללה * الله
Allah - No Trinity
Allah - No Father
Allah - No Son
Allah - No Holy Spirit and
Allah - No like any creation.
Allah = Means "The Only One to be Worshipped"
Allah, The Lord Of The Universe !

Word Allah (* אללה * الله) in the Bible


Word Allah (* אללה * الله) in the Bible
The Arabic Bible beginning with the Book of Genesis uses the word "Allah" to represent "The God" of Creation; Adam and Eve; Noah; Abraham; Ishmael and Isaac and Israel.
In the Bible Its first Book "Genesis" In Page one itself word "Allah" in 17 times.
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