الأربعاء، 4 سبتمبر 2024

Surah Qiyaamah - Fahd al-Kanderi - YouTube

Surah Qiyaamah - Fahd al-Kanderi - YouTube

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إيمانك2 | ሰለምቴ ለአዲስ መመሪያ

This Will Make You Fall In Love With Allah! - YouTube

This Will Make You Fall In Love With Allah! - YouTube

Get To Know Surat Al-Fatihah - YouTube

Get To Know Surat Al-Fatihah - YouTube





Thy locks & Legs


"Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover thy locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man."[Isaiah 47:2-3]

(If you read the text in Isaiah chapter forty-seven, you will see why.) so He commanded her to walk across the river, then, to lift up her skirt so her thigh would show. And God said that when her thigh was exposed, she would be naked and her shame would be revealed. We read that she was told to uncover the locks, to make bare the leg, uncover the thigh and "thy nakedness shall be uncovered."

And this should make it obvious that bathing suits are not modest, that they expose nakedness. You could buy a mini-skirt that only uncovers three or four inches of nakedness. A swimsuit will expose a full eighteen inches of nakedness. We think that if we get on a swimsuit, our genitals are covered and we are clothed. God says no, you don't just cover your genitals. You cover the thigh. Plus the swimsuit shows off the form and the figure, and is not shamefulness. It doesn't flow. It is not long. It is not modest.


Isaiah 57:9, Jeremiah 4:30, II Kings 9:30, Ezekiel 23:40, Revelation 18:12-13, where wicked women wore perfume or wore makeup. They point out where Jezebel wore makeup, and the whore of Revelation wore makeup, therefore it is a sin to wear makeup.




1 Corinthians 11:4; “Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head."




First Timothy 2:9, we read that women should adorn themselves in "modest apparel." In the Greek, the word for modest is the word katastolh (katastole), and it means a long flowing garment.


Remember I said that in the Bible days, men wore a short tight skirt and women wore a long and flowing robe. That was a katastole. The Bible in First Timothy 2:9 tells women to adorn themselves in a long flowing garment, not a short, tight garment. That is what modest is, long and flowing. Pants do not flow. I have never yet seen a pair of pants that flow. Therefore, even if "long," they do not qualify as a long flowing garment. And since they are not a long flowing garment, they are not a katastole. Katastole is translated modest. Therefore, if a modest garment is a long flowing garment, and pants do not flow, pants are not modest.

 Well, once again that word modest or katastole, long flowing garment. Neither shorts or mini-skirts are long and shorts do not flow, therefore shorts or mini-skirts would not be modest,

Because they do not meet the length requirement. A katastole is a long and flowing garment. The second reason why shorts and mini-skirts would be inappropriate for a woman is because the Bible specifically says that when a woman's thighs show, she is naked





"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man." [Deuteronomy 22:5]


How to Become a Muslim ?


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How to Become a Muslim ?
Muslim mean "One who submits to One & Only God"
Muslim is an Arabic word that means one who submits to Allah (God in English and same God worshiped by Jews and Christians) and worship Allah as the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence. The Arabic root of the word is 'Salem' that means being in peace. So, Muslim lives in peace within him/her self and also within the society he/she lives in.
Islam is the Way of Natural Disposition. Islam is not a new religion, instead it is the recovery and preservation of the original system of belief revealed to Abraham, Moses, David, Soloman, Jesus (peace be on them all!). Islam is all about believing that Allah is the one God, and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final messenger of God.
Have a good mindset of Islam. Rest assured that the path to Islam is indeed very simple. Understand that in Islam one doesn't convert rather one reverts back to an "original" natural belief.
In Islamic understanding every child is born innocent and stays so until puberty, thus all children that die young are taken directly to heaven. So when one "converts" to Islam he/she is actually reverting to their own original nature: Are you willing to commit yourself to Islam? You need to know that there is only one Allah and also that all prophets including Muhammad (peace be upon him) were directed by that one God - Allah.
Read the words of Allah, Al Quran and Hadith of his messenger and follow them with best of your ability.
Testify your faith by reciting:
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمد رسول الله
Ash-hadu anna la ilaha illallah-wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulu allah
"I bear witness that there is no God except Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is His messenger".
By reciting this statement (and believing in it), you become a Muslim.
Purify yourself. Immediately upon becoming a Muslim, you should take a shower, to purify yourself. This is both a symbolic act of washing away the past and being purified, of emerging from darkness to light, created afresh and also signifies the importance of purity in Islam.
Once you have entered into Islam and made sincere repentance to Allah, you should consider your past minor sins forgiven and strive to improve your spiritual state by doing good deeds.
Repentance can be considered accepted if you have sincerely prayed to Allah, turned away from the sin and never return to it. In some cases where 3rd parties are affected, you should also restore their rights or get their forgiveness to be absolved.
Know the truth of Islam. You can learn a lot from translations of the Qur'an. Some of these translations may be harder to understand than others, however Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Pickthall are the two most common. However, it's much better to seek guidance from learned people if you can rather than simply relying on reading the Qur'an yourself. Your local mosque will likely have people who will be more than willing to guide and assist you in learning more about Islam and many have "New Muslim" study circles which are often a good place to start. Be careful, but relaxed, about finding someone who you feel comfortable with and who you are convinced has enough knowledge in order to teach well.
Offer your first prayer to God. If you're not sure how the prayer is performed, again it's best to learn from somebody you trust rather than go it alone. The easiest way to learn is to attend a Mosque for the 5 daily prayers. Just follow along initially but also seek knowledge as to the requirements of the prayer. Prayer should be a relaxing, enjoyable activity and is best when taken time over. Rushing the prayer should be avoided in order to gain maximum benefit. Remember, prayer is a direct spiritual connection between you and the one who keeps your heart beating right now and who created the universe. It should bring serenity, happiness and peace. This will come with and improve with time. Avoid being excessive with the prayer and simply do your best. The goal initially is to establish a habit and make it an enjoyable experience.
Pray to Allah for success in every affairs of your life. Minimum two things should be kept in mind before doing that. First of all, do your duty what Allah has made obligatory on you. And finally have faith on him in every matter of yours. However, do not pray for forbidden things.
Understand the five pillars of Islam. They are the Testimony of Faith (as mentioned in Step 3) and the method of belief (emaan), the five daily Prayers (Salat) (as mentioned in Step 5), Fasting (in the month of Ramadan), Compulsory Poor Due (Zakat), and Pilgrimage (Hajj) (once in your lifetime for those who have the means).
Believe in the six articles of Faith: Believe in God, his angels, his revealed books, his messengers (from Adam to Mohammad), the Last Day,and the fate (good and bad).
Be the best person you can be: No matter what may anger, sadden or upset you, you must be the best person you can be. Allah created us to have a good life, and to be happy. Being respectful towards others is a big part of being a good Muslim, so make sure to remember that often.
لا يتوفر وصف للصورة.



1. Buddha prophesied the advent of a Maitreya:
A) Almost all Buddhist books contain this prophecy. It is in Chakkavatti Sinhnad Suttanta D. III, 76: "There will arise in the world a Buddha named Maitreya (the benevolent one) a holy one, a supreme one, an enlightened one, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, knowing the universe:
"What he has realized by his own supernatural knowledge he will publish to this universe. He will preach his religion, glorious in its origin, glorious at its climax, glorious at the goal, in the spirit and the letter. He will proclaim a religious life, wholly perfect and thoroughly pure; even as I now preach my religion and a like life do proclaim. He will keep up the society of monks numbering many thousands, even as now I keep up a society of monks numbering many hundreds".
According to Sacred Books of the East volume 35 pg. 225: "It is said that I am not an only Buddha upon whom the leadership and order is dependent. After me another Buddha maitreya of such and such virtues will come. I am now the leader of hundreds, he will be the leader of thousands."
C) According to the Gospel of Buddha by Carus pg. 217 and 218 (From Ceylon sources): "Ananda said to the Blessed One, ‘Who shall teach us when thou art gone?' And the Blessed one replied, 'I am not the first Buddha who came upon the earth nor shall I be the last. In due time another Buddha will arise in the world, a holy one, a supremely enlightened one, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, knowing the universe, an incomparable leader of men, a master of angels and mortals. He will reveal to you the same eternal truths, which I have taught you. He will preach his religion, glorious in its origin, glorious at the climax and glorious at the goal. He will proclaim a religious life, wholly perfect and pure such as I now proclaim. His disciples will number many thousands while mine number many hundreds.'
Ananda said, 'How shall we know him?'
The Blessed one replied, 'He will be known as Maitreya'."
(i) The Sanskrit word ‘Maitreya’ or its equivalent in Pali ‘Metteyya’ means loving, compassionate, merciful and benevolent. It also means kindness and friendliness, sympathy, etc. One Arabic word which is equivalent to all these words is ‘Rahmat’. In Surah Al-Anbiya: "We sent thee not, but as a mercy for all creatures." [Al-Qur’an 21:107]
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was called the merciful, which is ‘Maitri’.
(ii) The words Mercy and Merciful are mentioned in the Holy Qur'ân no less than 409 times.
(iii) Every chapter of the Glorious Qur'ân, except Chapter 9, i.e. Surah Taubah begins with the beautiful formula, 'Bismillah Hir-Rahman Nir-Rahim', which means 'In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful'.
(iv) The Word Muhammad is also spelt as ‘Mahamet’ or ‘Mahomet’ and in various other ways in different languages. The word ‘Maho’ or ‘Maha’ in Pali and Sanskrit mean Great and Illustrious and ‘Metta’ means mercy. Therefore ‘Mahomet’ means ‘Great Mercy’.
2. Buddha’s doctrine was Esoteric and Exoteric:
According to Sacred Books of the East, volume 11, pg. 36 Maha-Parinibbana Sutta chapter 2 verse 32:
"I have preached the truth without making any distinction between exoteric and esoteric doctrine, for in respect of truths, Ananda, the Tathagata has no such thing as the closed fist of a teacher, who keeps something back".
Muhammad (pbuh) on the commandment of Almighty God delivered the message and doctrine without making any distinction between esoteric and exoteric. The Qur'ân was recited in public in the days of the Prophet and is being done so till date. The Prophet had strictly forbidden the Muslims from hiding the doctrine
3. Devoted Servitors of the Buddhas:
According to Sacred Books of the East volume 11 pg. 97 Maha-Parinibbana Sutta Chapter 5 verse 36: "Then the Blessed one addressed the brethren, and said, ‘Whosoever, brethren have been Arahat-Buddhas through the long ages of the past, they were servitors just as devoted to those Blessed ones as Ananda has been to me. And whosoever brethren shall be the Arahat-Buddhas of the future, there shall be servitors as devoted to those Blessed ones as Ananda has been to me’."
The Servitor of Buddha was Ananda. Muhammad (pbuh) also had a servitor by the name Anas (r.a.) who was the son of Malik. Anas (r.a...) was presented to the Prophet by his parents. Anas (r.a...) relates: "My mother said to him, 'Oh Messenger of God, here is your little servant'." Further Anas relates, "I served him from the time I was 8 years old and the Prophet called me his son and his little beloved". Anas (r.a...) stayed by the Prophet in peace and in war, in safety as well as in danger till the end of his life.
i) Anas (r.a.), even though he was only 11 years old stayed beside the Prophet during the battle of Uhud where the Prophet’s life was in great danger.
ii) Even during the battle of Hunain when the Prophet was surrounded by the enemies who were archers, Anas (r.a...) who was only 16 years old stood by the Prophet.
Anas (R) can surely be compared with Ananda who stood by Gautam Buddha when the mad elephant approached him.
4. Six Criteria for Identifying Buddha:
According to the Gospel of Buddha by Carus pg. 214:
"The Blessed one said, ‘There are two occasions on which a Tathagata’s appearance becomes clear and exceedingly bright. In the night Ananda, in which a Tathagata attains to the supreme and perfect insight, and in the night in which he passes finally away in that ultra passing which leaves nothing whatever of his earthly existence to remain.’ "
According to Gautam Buddha, following are the six criteria for identifying a Buddha.
i) A Buddha attains supreme and perfect insight at night-time.
ii) On the occasion of his complete enlightenment he looks exceedingly bright
iii) A Buddha dies a natural death.
iv) He dies at night-time.
v) He looks exceedingly bright before his death.
vi) After his death a Buddha ceases to exist on earth.
i) Muhammad (pbuh) attained supreme insight and Prophethood at night-time.
According to Surah Dukhan: "By the books that makes thing clear – We sent it down during a blessed night." [Al-Qur'ân 44:2-3]
According to Surah Al-Qadar: "We have indeed revealed this (message) in the night of power." [Al-Qur'ân 97:1]
ii) Muhammad (pbuh) instantly felt his understanding illumined with celestial light.
iii) Muhammad (pbuh) died a natural death.
iv) According to Ayesha (r.a.), Muhammad (pbuh) expired at night-time. When he was dying there was no oil in the lamp and his wife Ayesha (r.a.) had to borrow oil for the lamp.
v) According to Anas (r.a.), Muhammad (pbuh) looked exceedingly bright in the night of his death.
vi) After the burial of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) he was never seen again in his bodily form on this earth.
5. Buddhas are only Preachers:
According to Dhammapada, Sacred Books of East volume 10 pg., 67:
"The Jathagatas (Buddhas) are only Preachers."
The Qur'ân says in Surah Ghashiya: "Therefore do thou give admonition, for thou art one to admonish. Thou art not one to manage (men's) affairs." [Al-Qur'ân 88:21-22]
6. Identification of Maitreya by Buddha:
According to Dhammapada, Mattaya Sutta, 151:
"The promised one will be:
i) Compassionate for the whole creation
ii) A messenger of peace, a peace-maker
iii) The most successful in the world.
The Maitreya as a Preacher of morals will be:
i) Truthful
ii) Self-respecting
iii) Gentle and noble
iv) Not proud
v) As a king to creatures
vi) An example to others in deeds and in words".
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